#mageia-qa Meeting

Meeting started by MrsB at 20:07:25 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Who's new? (MrsB, 20:09:31)
  2. Testing Updates (MrsB, 20:10:40)
    1. most of the updates have a procedure now (MrsB, 20:12:21)
    2. So priority, the major one right now is pkcs11 (MrsB, 20:12:45)
    3. https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12696 (wilcal, 20:13:52)
    4. https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12698 (wilcal, 20:16:29)
    5. https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12137 (wilcal, 20:22:03)
    6. https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12759 (wilcal, 20:23:13)
    7. http://mageia.madb.org/tools/updates (MrsB, 20:25:53)
    8. most of the remaining updates have a procedure on the bug now (MrsB, 20:31:02)
    9. after checking the apps which didn't previously start, generally check nothing new seems broken on your system after installing pkcs11 updates. It has potential to affetc alot of things. (MrsB, 20:46:38)

  3. Luigi's Roundup (MrsB, 21:03:31)
    1. mariadb is next after pkcs11 (MrsB, 21:06:15)
    2. help needed with tomcat6 (MrsB, 21:07:32)
    3. imagemagick coming soon and maybe virtualbox (MrsB, 21:08:10)
    4. http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ (MrsB, 21:10:54)
    5. help needed for mediawiki packaging (MrsB, 21:12:08)

  4. Anything Else? (wilcal, 21:18:31)
    1. the videos wilcal shot at FOSDEM are up on youtube (MrsB, 21:19:38)
    2. http://youtu.be/AeQH_eMGjm4 Mageia at FOSDEM (MrsB, 21:19:53)
    3. http://youtu.be/L6MoZ95wfR0 FOSDEM Beearfest (MrsB, 21:20:04)
    4. beerfest, no bears (MrsB, 21:20:19)
    5. Bombshell: <tmb> We will have to do a re-release of Mageia 4 isos due to syslinux bug: https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12549 (MrsB, 21:25:11)
    6. we agree to atrial of allowing packagers to test one arch of their updates only providing they give the procedure used to perform the test (MrsB, 21:52:53)
    7. QA must test at last one arch and will have final say on when the package is properly tested (MrsB, 21:53:31)
    8. nothing stops QA still from testing both arches, just packager is free to test one as long as they give the procedure they used to do the testing. (MrsB, 21:55:49)
    9. Let's allow a month or so to trial this, not forgetting we'll be doing ISOs again soon. If any conflicts or conflicts of interest arise we will review it sooner (MrsB, 21:57:52)

Meeting ended at 22:01:02 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. MrsB (217)
  2. wilcal (87)
  3. Stormi (68)
  4. Luigi12 (67)
  5. lewyssmith (54)
  6. tmb (34)
  7. Kernewes (28)
  8. [mbot (13)
  9. RemyServices (10)
  10. wrw105 (10)
  11. Inigo_Montoya (3)
  12. dvg_l (2)
  13. diogenese (1)

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