#mageia-i18n Meeting
Meeting started by Akien at 19:06:16 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Council question: i18n budget (Akien, 19:07:56)
- Council question 2: Team objectives (Akien, 19:10:30)
- http://meetbot.mageia.org/mageia-meeting/2014/mageia-meeting.2014-04-14-19.42.html
- ACTION: yurchor sends
an email to dev+tv regarding the fact that translation catalogs
can't be updated anymore since the Gtk3 conversion (Akien,
- Team objective: Get the translation catalog
fixed and synced with the code (Akien,
- Team objective: Internationalised wiki
- Team objective: refresh the list of translation
catalogs (filip_,
- Team objective: Rewrite and reorganise the i18n
wiki pages (Akien,
- ACTION: filip_ or
Akien (or anyone) starts a topic about the i18n wiki pages on the
ML (Akien,
- Internationalised wiki (Akien, 19:56:22)
- ACTION: Akien and
marja discuss the wiki upgrade with tmb and try to define a precise
upgrade planning (Akien,
Meeting ended at 20:14:18 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- yurchor sends an email to dev+tv regarding the fact that translation catalogs can't be updated anymore since the Gtk3 conversion
- filip_ or Akien (or anyone) starts a topic about the i18n wiki pages on the ML
- Akien and marja discuss the wiki upgrade with tmb and try to define a precise upgrade planning
Action items, by person
- Akien
- filip_ or Akien (or anyone) starts a topic about the i18n wiki pages on the ML
- Akien and marja discuss the wiki upgrade with tmb and try to define a precise upgrade planning
- filip_
- filip_ or Akien (or anyone) starts a topic about the i18n wiki pages on the ML
- yurchor
- yurchor sends an email to dev+tv regarding the fact that translation catalogs can't be updated anymore since the Gtk3 conversion
People present (lines said)
- Akien (91)
- filip_ (49)
- yurchor (24)
- papoteur (18)
- lebarhon (14)
- Inigo_Montoya` (4)
- Latte (3)
- Qilaq (1)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.