20:03:46 <wilcal> #startmeeting 20:03:46 <Inigo_Montoya`> Meeting started Thu Mar 18 20:03:46 2021 UTC. The chair is wilcal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:03:46 <Inigo_Montoya`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:03:58 <wilcal> Welcome to this weeks QA meeting 20:04:10 <wilcal> #topic Who's new? 20:04:25 <auroud85[m]> Hi all. 20:04:26 <wilcal> Anyone new here today? 20:04:46 <wilcal> Nope 20:04:49 <wilcal> #topic Mageia 8 - How's it going? 20:05:10 <wilcal> So far so good here. Latest updates went through just fine 20:05:40 <MageiaTJ> I'm not running into any trouble, but then I don't do anything complicated. 20:05:48 <auroud85[m]> Same. 20:06:00 <auroud85[m]> We have work to be done ;) 20:06:08 <wilcal> I thought I had a couple wrinkles but they worked themselves out 20:06:29 <wilcal> A mountain of updates 20:06:37 <MageiaTJ> I'm about to do a lot of work with Gimp. We'll see how that goes. 20:07:11 <Guygoye_> I didn't see trouble too on my installations 20:07:16 <wilcal> I've transfered over 2 of my three platforms 20:07:32 <wilcal> the third probably end of next month 20:07:47 <neoclust> btw i am around, so if needed ping me 20:08:00 <wilcal> Does it feel any quicker, slower 20:08:08 <MageiaTJ> I still have to switch my brother over, but M7 works so well I'm not in a hurry. 20:08:36 <wilcal> The one I'm using now is my last M7.1 and it works really really well 20:08:57 <wilcal> We've got what 90-days before M7 EOL? 20:09:29 <auroud85[m]> <wilcal "We've got what 90-days before M7"> Yeo 20:09:35 <MageiaTJ> More like 75 now. 20:09:35 <Luigi12> end of May 20:09:51 <Luigi12> it'll be here before we know it :D 20:10:18 <wilcal> My last platform is most complex and everything runs off of it 20:10:36 <wilcal> It also has the local Mageia repo 20:10:37 <wintpe> The only minor issue ive had since moving to M8 as that downloading nzb's keeps opening konquoer browser on save, and i cant find the reason, and thats new to M8, under kde 20:11:46 <wintpe> other that that i would say overall M8 feels slicker 20:12:28 <wilcal> I noted the automount comment on the ML as automounting LAN shares has always been an issue. 20:12:39 <wilcal> That's why we have the mount -a command 20:12:49 <ZekeMX> I plan to move a lot of people to MG8 soon. 20:13:16 <ZekeMX> pleople complain about slow windows computers and they love MG8 20:13:55 <wilcal> I have two identical M8 platforms. Both intel and Ver 5 processors so they are about 5-years old 20:14:11 <wintpe> if millions of people can get by using macosx, then they can also get by without windows and using linux 20:14:56 <wilcal> Right now about 70% of people who access the Internet are using Linux. Most/many don't know that 20:15:37 <wilcal> Android is Linux 20:15:42 <bri_an> <phone> 20:15:42 <ZekeMX> Most people complaining just need their kids to access google classroom, google meet and zoom 20:15:42 <bri_an> yes 20:16:55 <wilcal> If you have kids that need Internet access buy a Raspberry Pi 400 and plug it into your HDTV 20:17:13 <ZekeMX> Yup! 20:17:20 <ZekeMX> noce one 20:17:22 <ZekeMX> nice! 20:17:23 <bri_an> my son in HS was issued a Chromebook. Wonderful device for the purpose 20:17:38 <bri_an> I have a PI 3 I stream stuff with at times. 20:18:28 <bri_an> MGA8 - started a fresh drive with that as my main machine and have migrated things over. That has done well so far 20:19:13 <wilcal> So no real complaints and show stoppers on M8 today 20:19:14 <ZekeMX> Does someone have tried MG8 for BananaPi on a RB Pi 3? 20:19:30 <bri_an> I haven't yet 20:19:52 <wilcal> Does Mageia ARM run on the Pi? 20:20:26 <ZekeMX> I do not know.. I just downloaded the image to test it out 20:20:42 <wilcal> I should try that 20:21:35 <MageiaTJ> our housecat just jumped onto my lap. she must wat to join the meeting. 20:21:38 <Guygoye_> Yes I have downloaded too and I have tried yet 20:21:50 <jeeebz> (Just a small interruption : yes, that's what I wanted to ask last time, if QA is willing to try Rpi's images, but wilcal didn't get my question IIRC) 20:21:56 <ZekeMX> I need to report a "bug" on Plasma.. Should I do it upstream or on MGA bugs? 20:22:12 <MageiaTJ> or maybe she just wants her head scratched. 20:22:53 <MageiaTJ> yep, it's the head-scratch. 20:23:12 <wintpe> I have a RPI 3, so yes im willing to try it 20:23:43 <wintpe> but would prefer it if we can download machine specific images rather than build our own 20:23:48 <wilcal> "Rpi's" images. Explain 20:24:28 <wintpe> well ive not looked so maybe im talking rubbish but some distributions make you build the image and bootloader together yourself 20:24:45 <wintpe> rather than a specific rpi3 image 20:25:11 <filip_k> jeeebz: I intent to test the image on my production RPI4 4M 20:25:25 <filip_k> will report any bugs I find 20:25:56 <wilcal> I'd like to try that on my Rpi 400 20:26:30 <ZekeMX> Is it possible to play Steam games on RPI400 or not just yet? LOL 20:27:07 <ZekeMX> I guess not yet untill Steam releases ARM Version and Proton. 20:27:30 <wintpe> re images: See UBOOT.md for flashing Uboot to the SD-Card (this step is not necessary for Raspberry PI's) 20:27:32 <ZekeMX> i guess I continue to play all my Amiga games on my RPI 20:27:33 <wilcal> Still no hardware acceleration on the pi so things at times are a lttle slow 20:27:35 <filip_k> ZekeMX: I'm unsure of 3D performnce 20:28:06 <wilcal> Lets move on 20:28:08 <wilcal> #topic Testing Megaia 7 - Mega updates, Any questions or problems 20:28:14 <wilcal> big pile of updates 20:28:16 <jeeebz> wintpe: the images are already made and is landed in your favorite mirror. 20:28:26 <wintpe> thank you 20:28:26 <wilcal> Thomas gifted us with a kernel update today 20:28:28 <filip_k> filip_k: OTOH 2D it runs nice on 4k TV 20:28:31 <neoclust> wilcal: btw i stopped adding updates for the moment 20:29:03 <wilcal> That kenel update applies to both the 7 & 8 20:29:17 <wilcal> so my weekend is cut out for me 20:30:12 <bri_an> initial tests with Kernel are positive for me. 20:31:25 <wilcal> It's not tagged ultra critical so we can test at leasure 20:31:43 <Guygoye_> Ok i'll try this week-end on hard and vm 20:32:41 <wilcal> I always test with an hardware install that's running Vbox so that complicates it all for me 20:32:54 <MageiaTJ> Isee a systemd update for m8. should that be done before the kernel? 20:33:11 <wilcal> And we not have gothM7 and M8 to test 20:33:17 <wilcal> we now have 20:34:41 <bri_an> yes and a lot of volume. Many of those to test aren't simple ... lin xen. 20:34:43 <wilcal> It's a big list but this always happens after a release 20:35:06 <wilcal> Lots of stuff in there I don't understand 20:35:29 <Luigi12> ZekeMX: re: plasma bug, you can report it to KDE, and then report it to Mageia with a link to the KDE bug 20:35:34 <MageiaTJ> Me, too. Always. 20:36:02 <Luigi12> systemd and kernel updates can be tested independently in any order 20:36:12 <Guygoye_> me too. 20:36:22 <bri_an> is anyone going to code a script for htmlunit? If not I'll see if I can get some time over the weekend. 20:36:26 <MageiaTJ> OK. Thanks. 20:36:48 <Luigi12> htmlunit a clean install/upgrade should be sufficient 20:36:50 <wilcal> Do the best you can when ou can 20:37:39 <wilcal> Anything else on updates? 20:37:48 <Guygoye_> I hope that can be easier as I test 20:37:49 <wilcal> Keep this short today 20:38:04 <wilcal> Everything you test you learn a little 20:38:37 <wilcal> Note after all the development of M8 I can still connect with AWS using M8 20:38:58 <MageiaTJ> Looking up old updates for the tests used is a very valuable tool. 20:39:13 <wilcal> It's a whole lotta follow the bounching ball I don't know what I'm doing 20:39:38 <wilcal> #topic Anything else? 20:39:46 <wilcal> Lets talk about the time 20:39:53 <MageiaTJ> Cat's gone. I quit scratching. 20:39:53 <wilcal> Europe changes this weekend? 20:40:20 <jeeebz> wilcal: normaly not, 20:40:29 <jeeebz> third sunday of march IIRC 20:40:35 <wilcal> When does Europe change 20:40:40 <jeeebz> Oh 20:40:45 <tarazed> march 28 20:41:08 <jeeebz> It will be the third sunday this weekend... So maybe the fourth sunday :D 20:41:16 <wilcal> So next weeks meeting is also at 20:00UTC 20:41:29 <bri_an> ok 20:42:29 <tarazed> penultimate sunday I thought 20:42:42 <wilcal> then we go to 19:00GMT UTC for the meeting on the 1st 20:42:52 <tarazed> yep 20:42:55 <Guygoye_> ok 20:42:59 <wilcal> OK noted 20:43:04 <wilcal> Anything else? 20:43:10 <bri_an> none here 20:43:16 <wilcal> I'm done 20:43:21 <wilcal> Have fun with the Kernel 20:43:34 <wilcal> :-)) 20:43:42 <bri_an> you too wilcal 20:44:00 <bri_an> have a good week all 20:44:00 <wilcal> Ok count down time 20:44:03 <wilcal> T-5 20:44:09 <wilcal> Thanks all for being here 20:44:22 <wilcal> T-4 20:44:30 <wilcal> T-3 20:44:35 <wilcal> T-2 20:44:37 <wilcal> Bye all 20:44:41 <wilcal> T-1 20:44:42 <Guygoye_> bye bye everybody 20:44:47 <wilcal> #endmeeting