20:01:36 <DavidWHodgins> #startmeeting
20:01:36 <Inigo_Montoya_> Meeting started Thu Oct 29 20:01:36 2020 UTC.  The chair is DavidWHodgins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:01:36 <Inigo_Montoya_> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
20:01:41 <DavidWHodgins> #topic * Who's new? - If you are then come and say hello
20:01:58 <DavidWHodgins> Any one here who hasn't been to a qa team irc meeting before?
20:02:40 <DavidWHodgins> #topic # Mageia 8 Beta 2 - On hold
20:02:58 <Benmc> ?
20:03:08 <bri_an> yes we doth want to know
20:03:18 <DavidWHodgins> Cauldron still has about 400 packages waiting to be fixed or dropped before we can move on to building beta 2
20:03:31 <Luigi12> I'm a couple weeks behind on the dev ml, so I don't know 100% the current status
20:03:42 <Luigi12> not all 400 packages necessarily need to be fixed before beta 2, just before the final release
20:03:46 <wilcal> Are we really in Beta 2?
20:03:54 <DavidWHodgins> http://pkgsubmit.mageia.org/autobuild/results.php?run=2020-10-26
20:03:56 <[mbot> [ Autobuild results for 2020-10-26 ]
20:03:57 <MageiaTJ> I'm in the middle of a netinstall at the moment, just to see what it looks like now.
20:04:00 <Luigi12> however the kernel mess should get straightened out, and unfortunately the next LTS got pushed back to 5.10
20:04:25 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Not yet. Beta 2 will not be built until the autobuild stats improve
20:04:47 <Luigi12> I do have good news though, apparently the nvidia crap actually does with with 5.9 as far as graphics drivers, it only breaks OpenCL/CUDA stuff which isn't critical
20:04:49 <wilcal> I am still using it big time
20:05:00 <wilcal> The Vbox thing is still not working for me
20:05:14 <Luigi12> in Cauldron?
20:05:17 <Luigi12> It should
20:05:17 <wilcal> Yes
20:05:20 <Luigi12> ouch
20:05:32 <wilcal> Vbox works very very well in M7.1
20:05:33 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12: While it would be preferable to release with an LTS kernel, it's ok to release with a normal one and then update to the LTS version after release
20:05:47 <Luigi12> we don't get mga8 quick enough for that matter
20:06:03 <Luigi12> but yes for the beta we could do it with 5.9
20:06:19 <DavidWHodgins> If the nvidia problem is sorted
20:06:28 <Luigi12> it should be OK enough now
20:06:31 <ZekeMX> Does the package SK1 and PlayonLinux in those 400 packages to be fixed?.
20:06:36 <bri_an> ;-)  sorted or sordid David?
20:06:49 <Luigi12> one possible current issue is that I think someone modified the kernel to cheat and allow non-GPL stuff to work, which we shouldn't be doing
20:06:52 <DavidWHodgins> Fixed. :-)
20:06:57 <Luigi12> but that should be easy enough to revert
20:07:13 <Luigi12> haha bri_an
20:07:29 <DavidWHodgins> VirtualBox with an m7 guest is working on Mageia 8 ok for me
20:07:43 <Luigi12> oh that's good
20:08:04 <wilcal> FOr me it's only at 1280x720 resolution
20:08:08 <Luigi12> so maybe if we fix the stupid icons-only taskbar default in Plasma we could do another beta sooner than later
20:08:36 <Luigi12> I think martinw said vbox 6.1.x dropped one of the types of VGA so resolutions aren't as good as they used to be
20:09:03 <wilcal> That is correct for me Luigi12
20:09:35 <Luigi12> I think my VMs have been 1280x1024, I'll be disappointed if that no longer works
20:09:55 <Luigi12> haven't played with them in a while
20:10:07 <wilcal> The new Vbox in M8 I tried everyting including total new reinstall but still 1280x720
20:10:12 <Luigi12> but we need to do VirtualBox 6.1.16 even on mga7 now, it's also a security update :o(
20:10:18 <DavidWHodgins> I'm using VMSVGA in the guest
20:11:19 <DavidWHodgins> Any other problems on m8?
20:11:46 <bri_an> surprisingly no.  But I assume DE coming toPlasma or has it already landed?
20:11:53 <bri_an> new DE = new version
20:11:56 <Luigi12> I believe teh Plasma update just landed
20:12:10 <ZekeMX> Working great.. just unable to install SK1 and Playonlinux yet. LOL
20:12:21 <DavidWHodgins> :-)
20:12:22 <wilcal> Luv those Plasma updates. 100's of packages
20:12:37 <DavidWHodgins> Rather do it now than after release
20:12:48 <bri_an> with that massive update, it would be nice to get new iso's
20:12:54 <bri_an> for the QA team at least
20:13:08 <ZekeMX> I have a problem with audio on a Lenovo Thinkpad T400
20:13:19 <DavidWHodgins> I'm only testing with netinstall until there are new iso images
20:13:21 <ZekeMX> working on it right now.. I already used echo "options snd-intel-dspcfg dsp_driver=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/alsa.conf
20:13:35 <bri_an> ZekeMX sounds interesting
20:13:36 <ZekeMX> will try with =2 an see
20:14:39 <DavidWHodgins> Ok. Let's move on
20:14:41 <Luigi12> you might want to see if you need to install alsa-sof-firmware from nonfree too
20:14:46 <DavidWHodgins> #topic * Testing updates - Any questions or problems
20:14:49 <ZekeMX> alsamixer -c0 does detect a conexant CX20561 (hermosa)
20:15:11 <Luigi12> http://madb.mageia.org/tools/updates
20:15:14 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ]
20:15:26 <bri_an> check pulse volumn control as well.  Check output devices
20:15:26 <Luigi12> I think we should validate libreswan
20:15:45 <Luigi12> libuv can be tested by testing nodejs
20:15:51 <DavidWHodgins> Anyone had any problems with the firmware updates? If not, I'll go ahead and validate.
20:16:00 <Luigi12> libproxy we had a very recent update so you can check that for testing procedure
20:16:15 <Luigi12> I installed the firmware updates on my machines too, all good
20:16:29 <DavidWHodgins> firmware good on my systems too
20:16:36 <Luigi12> looks like firmware was already validated
20:16:38 <wilcal> Is that the electronic Circuit simulation spice
20:16:47 <bri_an> no issues here
20:16:47 <Luigi12> no I think it's the other spice
20:17:03 <Luigi12> the open-source protocol for console access to VMs
20:17:09 <bri_an> I'm working on Nextcloud
20:17:11 <wilcal> :-((
20:17:13 <DavidWHodgins> Oops. I forgot to refresh the madb page
20:17:37 <wilcal> Note that I can get to AWS on M8
20:17:38 <Luigi12> so spice stuff should be testable if you run qemu-kvm/libvirt VMs
20:18:31 <MageiaTJ> The rtl8192eu update seems to be stalled.
20:18:43 <Luigi12> I think it can just be pushed
20:19:17 <Luigi12> shouldn't be worse than the last one and should fix the newer kernel support some more
20:19:36 <DavidWHodgins> Building it now. As long as it builds ok, I'll validate it.
20:20:36 <Bequimao> I will test spice with virt-manager.
20:21:44 <MageiaTJ> What about bug 26716
20:21:46 <[mbot> Bug: ['ipsec.service would not start due to security error with libreswan 3.32 which is upset by nss 3.52', 'NEW', 'QA Team'] https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26716
20:21:57 <Luigi12> validate it, should have been done with the one good test we already had
20:22:03 <DavidWHodgins> It installs and compiles ok. That's all the testing I can do on that one.
20:22:17 <Luigi12> fixes a known issue (libreswan), current package doesn't work at all
20:22:17 <MageiaTJ> I was going to validate a while back, but someoe said he'd do more testing.
20:22:25 <Luigi12> yeah and then he never did
20:22:37 <Luigi12> can't wait forever, don't need to wait until every bit of functionality is tested
20:23:37 <MageiaTJ> Herman had a clean install. Good enough?
20:23:37 <bri_an> hopefuly it wasn't me TJ
20:23:42 <Luigi12> good enough
20:24:05 <MageiaTJ> Nope, wasn't you, bri_an.
20:24:44 <DavidWHodgins> bug 26716 and bug 27418 validated
20:24:46 <[mbot> Bug: ['ipsec.service would not start due to security error with libreswan 3.32 which is upset by nss 3.52', 'NEW', 'QA Team'] https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26716
20:24:47 <Luigi12> thanks
20:24:48 <[mbot> Bug: ['dkms-rtl8192eu update for kernel 5.9', 'NEW', 'QA Team'] https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27418
20:27:20 <DavidWHodgins> #topic * Anything else?
20:27:36 <DavidWHodgins> Anyone have anything else they would like to discuss?
20:27:48 <bri_an> nothing here
20:28:00 <bri_an> I'll try and finish up Nextcloud by the weekend
20:28:04 <DavidWHodgins> Looks like countdown time then.
20:28:07 <DavidWHodgins> T - 5
20:28:08 <wilcal> hold a sec
20:28:14 <DavidWHodgins> Holding
20:28:14 <MageiaTJ> Hoping everybody remains safe from COVID.
20:28:24 <Luigi12> seconded TJ
20:28:26 <wilcal> I connected my Canon EOS camera, mini HDMI output, HDMI input to an HDMI to USB converter to my new Dell laptop running M8 ( on USB drive ) and into OBS Studio. It worked.
20:28:34 <Luigi12> cool
20:28:34 <DavidWHodgins> Staying home and wearing a mask when I rarely to go out.
20:28:48 <bri_an> good move David
20:28:50 <Luigi12> I got a new computer and AMDGPU doesn't work on my video card in mga7 so I can't use my second monitor :~(
20:28:50 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Wow
20:29:11 <bri_an> :-( Luigi12
20:29:12 <wilcal> Capture at 1920x1080 3000
20:29:17 <wilcal> very high rez
20:29:32 <bri_an> I was hoping to go to APU on next box
20:29:57 <DavidWHodgins> The asus I bought has nvidia, that I have to blacklist. The second option it has uses amdgpu which works well. I only have m8 installed on it so far.
20:30:24 <Luigi12> I think mine is a 5700 XT
20:31:15 <bri_an> I am having the internal debate of going AMD APU (Integrated graphics) or Intel.  AMD offers a bit of dollar savings.
20:31:38 <Luigi12> When Intel starts doing discrete GPUs, I'll probably start going that route
20:31:39 <bri_an> I have an A6 laptop, but that is old school
20:31:54 <Luigi12> either should work fine for a laptop
20:33:07 <MageiaTJ> In advance of dental work today, I was tested for COVID last week. Negative.
20:33:23 <DavidWHodgins> Back to countdown
20:33:26 <DavidWHodgins> T - 5
20:33:31 <DavidWHodgins> 4
20:33:33 <DavidWHodgins> 3
20:33:36 <wilcal> see everyne next week
20:33:36 <DavidWHodgins> 2
20:33:38 <DavidWHodgins> 1
20:33:39 <wilcal> bye
20:33:42 <DavidWHodgins> #endmeeting