19:06:17 <wilcal> #startmeeting
19:06:17 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Sep  7 19:06:17 2017 UTC.  The chair is wilcal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:06:17 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
19:06:24 <wilcal> Officially start the meeting
19:06:38 <wilcal> #topic Who's new?
19:06:46 <wilcal> No one new
19:07:26 <wilcal> # topic M6 Post-Mortem discussion. To be submitted to Board on 19 Sept
19:08:27 <wilcal> #topic M6 Post-Mortem discussion. To be submitted to Board on 19 Sept
19:08:58 <wilcal> We need to submit our Post-Mortem comments to the Board meeting in 19 Sep
19:09:29 <wilcal> #topic Testing Updates & Backports
19:10:53 <wilcal> IMO two bugs are candidates for just testing for clean installs. They are:
19:10:55 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21203
19:10:57 <[mbot> [ 21203 – db new security issue (reads DB_CONFIG from cwd) - CVE-2017-10140 ]
19:11:10 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21505
19:11:12 <[mbot> [ 21505 – pjproject new security issues CVE-2017-9359 and CVE-2017-9372 ]
19:11:36 <wilcal> List has been shortened considerably. Continue the good work
19:11:57 <wilcal> #topic Anything else?
19:12:15 <wilcal> I have nothing else.
19:12:25 <wilcal> I'll leave it open for a few more minutes
19:14:59 <wilcal> Count down time
19:15:04 <wilcal> T-5
19:15:11 <wilcal> T-4
19:15:19 <wilcal> T-3
19:15:38 <wilcal> T-2
19:15:51 <wilcal> T-1
19:16:07 <wilcal> #endmeeting