20:01:56 <DavidWHodgins> #startmeeting
20:01:56 <Inigo_Montoya`> Meeting started Thu Nov 10 20:01:56 2016 UTC.  The chair is DavidWHodgins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:01:56 <Inigo_Montoya`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
20:02:05 <DavidWHodgins> #chair lewyssmith wilcal MrsB
20:02:05 <Inigo_Montoya`> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins MrsB lewyssmith wilcal
20:02:21 <DavidWHodgins> HiYa everyone. Welcome to another qa team irc meeting
20:02:25 <DavidWHodgins> #topic * Who's new? - If you are then come and say hello.
20:02:42 <DavidWHodgins> So, who is at their first qa team irc meeting?
20:03:07 <wintpe> me
20:03:15 <lewyssmith> wintpe: Do you want to introduce yourself?
20:03:25 <DavidWHodgins> Please introduce yourself, and everyone else do the same
20:03:29 <wintpe> same handle as on the forums
20:03:39 <wintpe> my real name is peter winterflood
20:04:00 <DavidWHodgins> I'm Dave Hodgins from London, Ontario, Canada. Deputy leader of the Mageia qa team since the first qa team elections
20:04:04 <wintpe> im a unix engineer, work for a japanese bank in london, in unix engineering
20:04:21 <lewyssmith> Sounds impressive.
20:04:22 <wilcal> kool
20:04:23 <DavidWHodgins> I'm 55, a former software developer on IBM mainframes
20:04:36 <wintpe> im 54 years of age
20:04:51 <wintpe> i live in rayleigh in essex
20:04:52 <DavidWHodgins> Started working in the software field in 1979
20:05:02 <tarazed> Len Lawrence in Scotland, 77, 50 years in IT, 2 in QA.
20:05:02 <wintpe> have my own workshop with about 15 systems
20:05:20 <krisNL> i am Chris from Amsterdam, just a long time M user
20:05:26 <DavidWHodgins> Nice. How many of them can you use for testing. :-)
20:05:35 <lewyssmith> I am a Celtic expatriot living in France, long & varied computer career. With QA about 3y.
20:05:39 <tarazed> wintpe: do you have staff?
20:05:49 <tjandrews> I'm Tom Andrews, better known around here as TJ. I'm a 67-year-old farmer in Central New York State, USA, near Syracuse.
20:05:53 <wintpe> ive have two dedicated to the next versions of mageia just for tessting and rebuilding
20:06:08 <wintpe> plus the current one im typing on whcih iss my main systems
20:06:32 <wintpe> just booted the kde live 64 on one of them
20:06:45 <wintpe> graphics all over the place, nvidia 620
20:06:48 <wilcal> wilcal william in california. Computer Engineer 1968, retired in 2010 been with Mandrake/mandrive/Mageia since 98
20:07:13 <tjandrews> I've been a Mandrake/Mandriva/Mageia user since 2002.
20:07:21 <krisNL> cool, wintpe
20:07:31 <wintpe> do i hsave staff? what do you mean
20:07:52 <tarazed> Joking.  Wondered how you managed them all.
20:07:59 <wintpe> all on my own
20:08:09 <krisNL> seems i,m the only non-technical person here, political science here
20:08:10 <wintpe> :)
20:08:41 <tarazed> krisNL: but you seem to know your onions.
20:08:41 <DavidWHodgins> Anyway, welcome to the qa team
20:08:44 <rindolf> wintpe: I am Shlomi Fish , 39 y.o living in Tel Aviv, Israel
20:08:47 <wintpe> thank you
20:08:58 <DavidWHodgins> Let's move on
20:09:01 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Mageia 5.1 - Special emphasis this meeting on M5.1
20:09:08 <DavidWHodgins> Opinions?
20:09:20 <wintpe> yes ive seen your name often on the discuss list shlomi
20:09:25 <wilcal> got something to post
20:09:29 <rindolf> wintpe: ok/
20:09:36 <lewyssmith> Thinks are suddenly looking really good. I am optimistic at last.
20:09:40 <wilcal> This morning I executed a complete install of M5.1 x86_64 KDE to a completely
20:09:42 <wilcal> blank drive. The install was successful and rebooted back to a working desktop.
20:09:43 <wilcal> An attempt to update the install against a known good repo failed. The process
20:09:45 <wilcal> failed to find updates and hung. I believe that this problem is related to
20:09:46 <wilcal> what is being said about the persistent orphans. To find the reason for the
20:09:48 <wilcal> hang will take some more testing.
20:09:54 <wilcal> real hardware
20:09:59 <tjandrews> Any idea how Anne is coming along with the i586 classical iso?
20:10:21 <rindolf> DavidWHodgins: well, the x86-64 5.1 classic iso does not stretch the screen inside vbox VMs.
20:10:45 <wilcal> always have to use the nomodeset as a kernel option
20:10:48 <DavidWHodgins> Yes, known problem with the guest additions kernel modules not being in the iso images
20:11:03 <tarazed> One problem only here.  kde does not like DisplayPort.
20:11:18 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Shouldn't be needed anymore, though uninstall/reinstall of vb on the host is needed to get rid of the bad version
20:11:49 <lewyssmith> Re those orphans, there were encouraging noises on the mailList about it being sorted for the next round of ISOs.
20:12:20 <wilcal> ya i think there's mismatch between stuff in the isos and the repo
20:12:24 <DavidWHodgins> Just finished cleaning up my system. Full uninstall of all vb related packages, then reinstall. In each guest, double check all settings. Things like remote desktop being enabled, sound disabled had to be fixed for my vb guest settings
20:12:58 <wilcal> how about the filezilla thing
20:13:32 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19399
20:13:33 <[mbot> Bug 19399: major, Normal, isobuild, NEW , Filezilla fails to launch in M5.1 CI install, filezilla
20:13:33 <DavidWHodgins> Missed anything about filezilla (backed up on reading msgs). What's that about?
20:13:43 <krisNL> wilcal: Anne said alreday taht there are still some outdated packages, she will fix it next round
20:13:52 <wilcal> k
20:13:55 <tarazed> tj: there is a Nov 8 i586 classic iso which I managed to install on 64bit hardware.
20:14:07 <DavidWHodgins> So we're pretty much on hold pending new 5.1 iso images
20:14:12 <lewyssmith> We should acknowledge the great work done for 5.1 by the back-room people like Martin, tmb.
20:14:24 <tjandrews> Filezilla was one of the packages that updated for me in my last test on real hardware.
20:14:43 <krisNL> and anne ---- must be a pain to sort all the packages manually
20:14:44 <wilcal> after update filezilla works fine
20:15:01 <lewyssmith> krisNL: That astonished me.
20:15:02 <DavidWHodgins> So either packages missing, or out-dated on the iso images
20:15:25 <krisNL> me too, thought it is a script
20:15:40 <tjandrews> Hmmm. I saw a Nov 8 x86_64 iso, but Mageiasync doesn't see one for i586 newer than Nov 7.
20:16:20 <DavidWHodgins> The isooo images are built from a clone of the repositories. Which packages are in the clone, are updated manually after the initial cloning, as I understand it.
20:16:33 <DavidWHodgins> Arrgh. Key sticking.
20:16:51 <lewyssmith> Quote: I think the problem Bill is seeing is caused by the presence of out-of-date packages on the ISO.
20:17:00 <tarazed> tj: I use rsync --list-only and can see the Nov 8 one.
20:17:08 <wilcal> yes i believe that is true
20:17:11 <lewyssmith> Quote: This should be fixed in the next ISO round. Luc has done a great job in bug 19518 of checking the
20:17:12 <lewyssmith> included packages for conflicts.
20:17:13 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19518 normal, Normal, ennael1, NEW , Mageia 5.1 CI DVDs : several outdated packages
20:17:40 <DavidWHodgins> When reporting or updating bug reports for the iso images, don't forget to specify which iso image is involved, and the contents of the DATE.txt file for that build of the iso image
20:19:05 <DavidWHodgins> I'm having trouble with my keys, making it very hard to read the text. wilcal or lewyssmith, please take over. I have to get away from the screen for a while.
20:19:08 <tarazed> Ah.  Going cross-eyed here - it is Nov 7.
20:19:17 <wilcal> k
20:19:45 <wilcal> any idea when when anne will generate the new isos
20:20:15 <wintpe> as i slipped in above nov kde live 64 problem with nvidia 620 at 1024x768
20:20:31 <wintpe> nov 8th that is
20:21:19 <lewyssmith> Mageia-5.1-i586-DVD is dated 7th Nov.
20:21:31 <wilcal> i think M5.1 is close
20:21:39 <krisNL> wintpe: kde live iso needs a kernel command line for propr nvidia drivers
20:21:53 <wintpe> doh ok
20:22:00 <lewyssmith> wilcal: Me too. Month end.
20:22:25 <krisNL> oh i see, you could not read the announcement on the ml by Martin
20:22:31 <wilcal> i have 6 on the i596 and 7 on the x86_64
20:23:16 <wintpe> i have 7th on 586 and 8th on 64bit full dvd
20:23:38 <lewyssmith> Correct.
20:23:39 <wintpe> synced an hour ago
20:23:40 <tjandrews> I just looked. Mageiasync reports the i586 iso as Nov 6. The x86_64 iso as Nov 7. But, if you sync, DATE.txt for 64-bit is Nov 8.
20:23:52 <tjandrews> Even after a refresh.
20:24:22 <tjandrews> Problem with Mageiasync?
20:24:22 <wintpe> yes filesystem date does disagee with date.txt
20:24:51 <krisNL> wintpe: https://ml.mageia.org/l/arc/qa-discuss/2016-11/msg00035.html
20:24:52 <[mbot> [ qa-discuss - Discussions about QA tasks and requests - arc_protect ]
20:25:55 <jkerr82508> tj: timezone difference - you're 6 hours behind CET
20:26:03 <lewyssmith> DATE.txt contents cannot be more recent than its timestamp.
20:26:19 <wilcal> so for now we've identifed problems with M5.1, they're being worked and new isos are due
20:26:29 <lewyssmith> Move on?
20:26:33 <wilcal> yes
20:26:37 <lewyssmith> #topic Testing updates - Any difficulties, problems, issues?
20:26:44 <tarazed> The KDE problem is unlikely to be sorted for a while.
20:27:41 <wilcal> lol did ya see that flash update zip through lol
20:27:54 <wilcal> it's now bi-weekly
20:28:10 <wilcal> that thing is really garbage
20:28:15 <tjandrews> Another due any second now...
20:28:18 <lewyssmith> The updates list is looking very good. A few 32-bit OKs would almost clear it.
20:28:31 <wilcal> vbox still on hold
20:28:53 <wilcal> who's gonna play the game? :-))
20:29:00 <lewyssmith> Quake2 might stay there forever!
20:29:22 <wilcal> just run the update and see if it still works
20:29:59 <tjandrews> Reminds me. I have to update my brother's kernel tonight.
20:30:13 <wilcal> that all should be good
20:30:26 <wilcal> is the kernel update in the repo yet
20:30:27 <lewyssmith> wilcal: 'Works' is the operative word. Easier said than done. But the bug raiser says it is OK, that might have to do us.
20:31:05 <lewyssmith> Behind: *another* kernel update? We only just pushed one.
20:31:24 <lewyssmith> Or do you mean the one that just went out?
20:31:29 <wilcal> ya i think it was pushed yesterday
20:31:37 <wilcal> yes
20:31:42 <lewyssmith> Phew!
20:31:57 <wilcal> kernels are a lot of work here
20:32:01 <tjandrews> wilcal: I think so. I updated my brother's stuff yesterday, and I saw earlier today that the "flag" was up again.
20:32:36 <lewyssmith> Updates are being pushed as they are cleared, often just one.
20:33:00 <wilcal> i always make sure I have a lot of time to update the kernel on my Vbox host machine in case I run into a problem
20:33:11 <tjandrews> I tend to avoid testing things on his system. He gets so upset when things crash...
20:33:43 <wilcal> that's where the modular hard drive system is nice to have
20:34:01 <wilcal> i gotta about a dozen hd's i can a/b
20:35:03 <wilcal> anything else here?
20:35:10 <wilcal> short list
20:35:22 <lewyssmith> I m ready to move on if you wish.
20:35:27 <wilcal> yup
20:35:31 <lewyssmith> #topic Luigi's roundup - Security news & expected updates
20:35:34 <tjandrews> I have three dual-boot systems that I can test with, most of the time. That's enough to keep track of.
20:35:46 <lewyssmith> ping Luigi12
20:36:08 <tjandrews> He did email that he might not make it.
20:36:23 <wilcal> ya i saw that
20:36:25 <lewyssmith> Did not see that yet.
20:36:39 <wilcal> he struggles with internet connectivity and time
20:36:56 <tjandrews> Been there, done that.
20:37:05 <lewyssmith> At least we shall be spared the bad news...
20:37:10 <tjandrews> Not fun.
20:37:15 <wilcal> :-)
20:37:44 <lewyssmith> OK, no Luigi, so...
20:37:46 <wilcal> on to anything else
20:37:49 <lewyssmith> #topic Anything else?
20:38:21 <wilcal> I'm really transitioning my Vbox host to my M6 Plasma x86_64 machine. Runs very well
20:38:34 <azziam> Luigi said in the ML - "I don't know that I'll be able to do these roundups anymore (I didn't last week either).  You can always have a look at:
20:38:35 <azziam> http://madb.mageia.org/tools/security
20:38:35 <azziam> to see the latest bugs that have been filed (scroll to the bottom) against Mageia 5.  If you have any specific questions for me, feel free to ask."
20:38:37 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Security issues ]
20:39:02 <tjandrews> Still avoiding M6 until 5.1 is out the door.
20:39:18 <wilcal> hopefully out the door in a week or so
20:39:27 <tjandrews> Not enough time to play with both.
20:39:28 <lewyssmith> azziam: Thanks for that reminder.
20:39:39 <lewyssmith> A silly one from me: I know nothing about syslog. Where/how do you read it?
20:40:20 <wintpe> depends on how its configured
20:40:21 <wilcal> i get in by opening a terminal and log in as root "su -"
20:40:34 <wilcal> then run dolphin
20:40:37 <azziam> I have't been doing any 5.1 testing but have 8 M6 installs I keep updating to see if anything fails or what.
20:40:59 <lewyssmith> wilcal: Then what?
20:41:26 <wilcal> then you can get into /root
20:41:46 <lewyssmith> OK. So it lives there.
20:41:48 <krisNL> i thought syslog is no more, its now systemd jorunal in /var/log/soemthingblahblah
20:41:49 <wilcal> i copy files from there to my user Documents and change the permissions
20:42:01 <krisNL> journal
20:42:12 <wilcal> and I us journalctl a lot
20:42:32 <kirmonkey> lewyssmith: /var/log/syslog
20:42:34 <wilcal> journalctl >> journalctl.txt
20:42:42 <azziam> I use su in a terminal and open an editor and rag a file into it to read or edit as root.
20:42:45 <wintpe> i always config journalctl to deliver to syslog
20:42:52 <lewyssmith> dmesg was all I knew before...
20:42:57 <wintpe> then forward it all to one syslog server
20:44:11 <wintpe> you can configure syslog to recieve on different levels and severity
20:44:40 <wintpe> and each can go to a different file if you want
20:44:57 <wintpe> by default just grep /var/log/messages
20:45:12 <tjandrews> Sorry I have to leave a little early, guys. Something's come up.
20:45:20 <tarazed> Cannot see /var/log/syslog here
20:45:22 <wilcal> ok see you later
20:45:25 <krisNL> bye tj
20:45:32 <azziam> seeya tj
20:45:34 <wilcal> we've kinda run to the end of things here
20:45:47 <wilcal> Wait'n for isos and bug list short
20:45:55 <wilcal> good job by all
20:46:05 <wilcal> anything else otherwise countdown
20:46:25 <azziam> wilcal, are you able to logout of M6 Plasma and switch to root?
20:46:44 <wilcal> i kinda do that with a terminal
20:47:02 <wilcal> so open terminal and "su -" to run common apps
20:47:14 <wilcal> also a little trick :-))
20:47:32 <wilcal> build the system under test then boot the system with a Live-DVD
20:47:48 <azziam> I'll check the bug list for M6.  I have 3 Plasma installs, neither will allow switch user to roor=t - No DBus
20:47:54 <wilcal> your in as root on the Live-DVD and you can get into anything on the installed system
20:48:21 <wilcal> it's kinda cheating :-))
20:49:08 <azziam> I casn cheat.  That won't fix what I'm seeing!
20:49:39 <wilcal> getting into a Vbox client is a lot more challaging. Right ctrl f2 can sometimes get you into root
20:50:17 <lewyssmith> Thank you to everybody who came. New faces - nice.
20:50:18 <azziam> I must admit not being at all schooled yet in Vbox
20:50:37 <wilcal> nice clean meeting
20:50:49 <lewyssmith> -5
20:50:54 <wilcal> count it down lewys
20:50:57 <lewyssmith> -4
20:51:01 <lewyssmith> -3
20:51:06 <lewyssmith> -2
20:51:09 <lewyssmith> -1
20:51:15 <lewyssmith> liftoff
20:51:26 <lewyssmith> Goodbye everybody.
20:51:31 <wilcal> bye
20:51:33 <krisNL> bye all
20:51:37 <lewyssmith> #endmeeting