20:06:14 <wilcal> #startmeeting 20:06:14 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Dec 17 20:06:14 2015 UTC. The chair is wilcal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:06:14 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:06:22 <rindolf> Hi all. 20:06:34 <wilcal> welcome to another. MrsB says she'll be by shortly 20:06:57 <wilcal> #topic Who's new? 20:07:13 <wilcal> Anyone new? 20:08:12 <wilcal> nobody has raised their hand i guess 20:08:13 <Benmc> does not look like it :) 20:08:17 <tjandrews> Doesn't look like it. 20:08:32 <tjandrews> ;) Great minds, eh Ben? 20:08:39 <wilcal> on to an interesting subject from MrsB 20:08:47 <Benmc> something:) 20:09:11 <wilcal> #topic Who's old/weather? 20:09:25 <brian__> me 20:09:28 <rindolf> Well, it was stormy here today. 20:09:30 <rindolf> And rainy. 20:09:39 <wilcal> gotta say where is here 20:09:41 <Benmc> im over 20, does that count? 20:09:48 <wilcal> yup 20:09:49 <wikigazer> we had storms last week not so bad this week 20:09:51 <rindolf> Tel Aviv, Israel. 20:09:57 <hviaene> Belgium, sunny 17°C 20:09:58 <rindolf> Benmc: I'm 38. 20:09:59 <tjandrews> Rainy here, but that's unusual. It's usually snow by now. 20:10:12 <wilcal> I've a prepared statement :-)) 20:10:27 <tjandrews> 66 here. Some think that old, others know better. 20:10:32 <wilcal> Here in SoCal ( Southern California ) the drought continues. We've not had any substantial 20:10:34 <wilcal> rain for at least a couple years now. It rained one day here ( San Diego ) last month. 20:10:34 <Benmc> Sadly, I must report a fine 20*C 20:10:35 <wilcal> And that wasn't much. The temperatures are about normal. In the 10's C at night and can 20:10:37 <wilcal> reach the 30's C during the day. The El Nino pattern: 20:10:38 <wilcal> http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2015/101515-noaa-strong-el-nino-sets-the-stage-for-2015-2016-winter-weather.html 20:10:40 <[mbot> [ NOAA: Strong El Niño sets the stage for 2015-2016 winter weather ] 20:10:40 <wilcal> has set up such that NOAA is predicting a very wet and rainy winter. In fact one of the 20:10:41 <wilcal> strongest if not the strongest on record. A whole lot of rain is predicted. Will it 20:10:43 <wilcal> refill the reservoirs? The experts say no but it will help? According to many 20:10:44 <wilcal> American Politicians Climate Change is a hoax. NASA is not funded to research 20:10:46 <wilcal> Climate Change. 20:10:48 <wikigazer> unusually warm weather here in UK. According to NOAA "2015 avg global sea surface temp highest on record" 20:11:23 <dvg_i> not hoax is unavoida ble 20:11:45 <tjandrews> El Nino usually means warm winter weather in the US Northeast. 20:11:48 <wilcal> ocean temp off San Diego is about 5 degrees higher then normal this year 20:11:53 <wikigazer> wow 20:12:06 <wikigazer> that's a lot for the ocean 20:12:13 <Benmc> this is a lively topic :) 20:12:25 <wikigazer> but it's the acidification that's the real killer 20:12:34 <wilcal> it got to the mid 70's in Jul/Aug and that's really hot for here 20:12:40 <tjandrews> Syracuse, NY has not yet seen a 1" snowfall yet. Latest that's happened is Dec. 22 20:13:28 <tjandrews> Oops forgetting myself. No idea how many know 1"=1 inch. 20:13:38 <wikigazer> we had flooding in NW UK, many people evacuated but nothing comapred to flooding in Chennai, India 20:13:47 <wilcal> Great fun here is to drive into the mountains and pile snow on top of your car then drive to the beach before it all melts 20:14:02 <wilcal> hasn't been any snow in the mountains yet 20:14:42 <tjandrews> I've heard they're very worried about the snow pack in the Sierra Madres. 20:14:48 <hviaene> Sydney people (Aus ) do thatg every 30 years 20:15:12 <wilcal> that's true most of the CA water comes from the snowpack 20:15:30 <wikigazer> the warming oceans brings another issue: http://theterramarproject.org/thedailycatch/ciguatera-fish-poisoning-to-increase-as-oceans-warm/ 20:15:32 <[mbot> [ Ciguatera Fish Poisoning to Increase as Oceans Warm - The Daily Catch | The Daily Catch | TerraMar Project ] 20:15:38 <MrsB> Morning QA 20:15:52 <wilcal> Morn'n MrsB we're talking weather 20:16:06 <tjandrews> Hi! We're complaining abou the weather. 20:16:11 <MrsB> Oh good :) 20:16:14 <rindolf> MrsB: morning. 20:16:19 <wilcal> #chair MrsB 20:16:19 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: MrsB wilcal 20:16:19 <MrsB> morning all 20:16:38 <MrsB> unseasonably warm here, wet and warm 20:16:42 <wilcal> Morn'n MrsB 20:17:02 <tjandrews> I'm holding back. When it comes to weather complaining farmers know no equal. 20:17:06 <MrsB> dafodils are out in Scotland apparently 20:17:37 <MrsB> how about aches and pains, we done that bit yet? 20:18:07 <tjandrews> None of those worth mentioning here. 20:18:25 <rindolf> MrsB: it's NSFW. 20:18:30 <MrsB> oh dear 20:19:07 <MrsB> well I'm about exhausted. Been doing lots of long days since before black friday 20:19:32 <MrsB> knock off this weekend though \o/ 20:20:06 <MrsB> You lot all fighting fit are you? 20:20:19 <wikigazer> indeed we are! :-) 20:20:37 <MrsB> that's great news, brings us on to the next couple of topics ;) 20:20:46 <MrsB> #topic Mageia 6 20:20:56 <tjandrews> I KNEW there was a trap there somewhere. 20:21:19 <MrsB> Gdm should now be fixed 20:21:25 <wilcal> i did a boot.iso install yesterday. Lots of script errors going in but got to a plasma desktop 20:21:27 <MrsB> sddm also I think 20:21:44 <rindolf> MrsB: are there new ISOs? 20:22:00 <MrsB> No not yet, but I'm trying to keep on top of fixes and bring you the news 20:22:25 <MrsB> it'll probably be in the new year now before we see new isos 20:22:53 <wilcal> plasma does some very strange things 20:23:00 <wikigazer> any news on the arm port? 20:23:01 <MrsB> there are some modifications to be made to our tools to accommodate sddm, which are underway 20:23:16 <wilcal> i don't know if they are features, functions or bugs 20:23:28 <MrsB> I think they have a basesystem up and running and are compiling package 20:23:30 <MrsB> s 20:23:34 <wikigazer> kewl 20:23:39 <wilcal> explain what sddm is 20:23:58 <MrsB> sddm will be the default dm for plasma 20:24:05 <MrsB> replacing kdm for kde 20:24:34 <MrsB> that's the bit that asks you for your login details and starts the desktop of your choice 20:24:38 <wilcal> well plasma needs something 20:24:47 <dvg_i> but how come i dont see plasma in cauldron with sddm? 20:25:05 <MrsB> possible still the missing bits of our tools 20:25:21 <dvg_i> ok 20:25:34 <MrsB> is task-plasma installed dvg_i? 20:25:35 <wilcal> plasma kinda randomly goes betwen desktop and folder when it feels like it 20:26:08 <dvg_i> MrsB: not sure machine is not here now 20:26:19 <tjandrews> You know... The more I read about plasma, the more I think we should be glad we aren't fighting the UEFI battle that we had with Mageia 5 at the same time. 20:26:31 <MrsB> I've asked Bit Twister if he would mind doing regular upgrades from mga5 to 6 to pick up issues with plasma. He's been doing a few already and reporting problems 20:26:35 <rindolf> OK, seems like it's raining heavily now. 20:26:44 <wilcal> open kwrite and plasma goes from folder to desktop and never comes back 20:27:18 <MrsB> it's early days yet. Is that reported as a bug wilcal 20:27:30 <dvg_i> but why is task-plasma not pulled by meta-task? 20:27:39 <wilcal> i don't know if that's the way it's supposed to work :-0 20:28:13 <MrsB> That's the bits of the tools that need work dvg_i. task-plasma is there and sddm is there but the installer etc need to know what to do with them 20:28:26 <dvg_i> awright 20:29:07 <wilcal> anyway i'm kinda holding off funky stuff like that till we get a working live iso 20:29:39 <MrsB> So anyway, there is progress. Things aren't standing still. Yes, hold off until we have new ISOs if you like. We do have plenty of updated to test at the moment 20:29:50 <MrsB> updates* 20:30:02 <MrsB> which brings us nicely to.. 20:30:12 <MrsB> #topic Testing updates 20:30:16 <MrsB> :) 20:30:32 <MrsB> Did we not elect a Dave today? 20:30:47 <tjandrews> I think you've been rehearsing those segways... 20:31:12 <MrsB> you can't rehearse talent ;) 20:31:22 <MrsB> http://madb.mageia.org/tools/updates 20:31:24 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ] 20:31:39 <MrsB> So our list has grown 20:32:03 <MrsB> Any there that look scary? 20:32:24 <wilcal> not quite understanding your last statement in 20:32:26 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17336 20:32:28 <[mbot> Bug 17336: major, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , proftpd new security issue in mod_sftp, proftpd-1.3.5-5.mga5.src.rpm 20:32:50 <MrsB> Use filezilla and connect as sftp 20:32:59 <wilcal> how would i do that 20:33:10 <MrsB> when you connetc, tell it to use sftp 20:33:23 <wilcal> i'll give it a try 20:34:42 <MrsB> grub2 let's push if it works. Benmc is your ok now? 20:36:24 <MrsB> perl-HTML-Scrubber is one we've not had before. Will need a google 20:36:52 <MrsB> same with php-phpmailer 20:37:03 <wilcal> the bind thing looks to be a little complex 20:37:20 <MrsB> not really. There is a procedure listed on the bug 20:37:31 <MrsB> start the service and use dig to test 20:38:09 <wilcal> ok will give it a go 20:38:33 <wilcal> pauls explaination seemed pretty complex 20:38:43 <MrsB> yes, he uses it on a server 20:38:57 <MrsB> it CAN be complex, doesn't need to be though 20:39:14 <wilcal> ok 20:39:33 <MrsB> cacti has been updated several times before, procedures in the bugzilla search 20:39:41 <wikigazer> you can start a caching only nameserver just by installing the bind rpm and then query it 20:39:50 <wikigazer> no configuration needed 20:40:07 <MrsB> yep, start named service, then dig @localhost mageia.org 20:40:12 * wikigazer has a local bind server 20:41:14 <MrsB> subversion has a good procedure in previous updates 20:41:45 <MrsB> qjoypad needs a joystick, might work with a ps3 pad too 20:41:50 <Luigi12_work> for the proftpd thing you also have to make sure the server side is using proftpd for the sftp and not sshd 20:42:19 <MrsB> oh, yes. that's true. I had that back to front in my head 20:42:56 <MrsB> filezilla will probably use ssh, you can set th eport though and give it the proftpd port 20:43:38 <MrsB> I'm sure we've updated mod_sftp before 20:43:52 <Luigi12_work> yeah I dunno if we've tested that part 20:44:07 <Luigi12_work> I wouldn't think it would be able to use port 21 for sftp. Dunno if it uses 22 or some other port. 20:44:15 <wilcal> i've never used proftp this way 20:44:33 <MrsB> seems familiar for some reason. I'll search bugzilla when I get a minute 20:45:38 <MrsB> we've about covered them. leocad is a cad system for lego, somebody will have fun with that one 20:45:49 <Benmc> sorry MrsB, was away doing that work stuff. havent got back to Grub2. 20:46:15 <Akien> MrsB: PS2/PS3 pad would work for qjoypad yeah 20:46:36 <Akien> Basically anything that can talk to the computer and is not a keyboard or a mouse :D 20:46:41 <MrsB> ok, if the update works let's push it then Ben please when you get to it 20:47:04 <Benmc> will do 20:47:08 <wilcal> i've got a pretty good joystick 20:47:10 <MrsB> tah muchly 20:47:15 <wilcal> flightgea 20:47:18 <MrsB> ahh that one's yours then wilcal 20:47:29 <wilcal> flightgear addict 20:47:54 <MrsB> limit yourself to an hour testing the joystick 20:48:09 <hviaene> Terrorist tool 20:48:15 <MrsB> lol 20:48:53 <MrsB> Anybosy anything to add? 20:48:56 <MrsB> anybody* 20:49:07 <wilcal> not from me 20:49:21 <MrsB> It's been a week or so since we had a flash update wilcal 20:49:28 <wilcal> Yippeeeee 20:49:37 <wilcal> last one had 78 fixes 20:49:47 <MrsB> #topic Luigi's roundup 20:49:52 <Luigi12_work> whoa 20:49:55 <tjandrews> Another kernel update was mentioned last week. Anything new on that? 20:49:57 <MrsB> we saw ya 20:50:03 <Luigi12_work> yeah 20:50:06 <MrsB> when tmb gets to it tj 20:50:13 <Luigi12_work> tmb said he'd work on kernel this weekend, as well as qemu and xen 20:50:16 <MrsB> not seen anything built yet 20:50:20 <MrsB> ok 20:50:25 <tjandrews> OK. No rush from me. 20:50:29 <MrsB> plenty for us to do then 20:50:36 <wilcal> i'm get'n pretty good at testing kernels 20:50:56 <MrsB> update reboot repeat 20:51:00 <Luigi12_work> bruno built an update for dpkg but didn't assign it to QA, not sure why. I asked if it's ready, it probably is. 20:51:03 <Akien> You mean this kernel? http://pasteboard.co/6MKdCtJ.jpg :) 20:51:18 <wilcal> mix in nvidia and Vbox and it gets fun 20:51:22 <MrsB> hope not Akien 20:51:34 <MrsB> #info dpkg update on it's way 20:51:38 <Akien> Terminator was running Linux 4.1.15 :p 20:52:10 <Luigi12_work> maybe this kernel https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/bf/KFC_logo.svg/1024px-KFC_logo.svg.png 20:52:21 <Luigi12_work> anyway 20:52:26 <MrsB> now that i can cope with 20:52:32 <Luigi12_work> still waiting for cyrus-imapd from spuhler 20:52:41 <Luigi12_work> still need to ask upstream for an ffmpeg update 20:52:48 <Luigi12_work> waiting for joequant on nodejs 20:53:11 <Luigi12_work> libpng12 update should be soon, just waiting for the apng patch 20:53:37 <Luigi12_work> ruby-mail still needs to be updated, and now so does ruby itself 20:53:51 <MrsB> #info waiting for cyrus-imapd from spuhler - need to ask upstream for new ffmpeg release - waiting for joequant to do nodejs - libpng12 should be soon - ruby-mail and ruby itself to come 20:54:01 <Luigi12_work> our ruby will be EOL in February, so we really need to update it to a newer branch, but the one we have now has an update for the current security issue 20:54:21 <Luigi12_work> the samba we have is already EOL and now there are security issues affecting it, so the samba4 update needs to actually get moving now 20:54:23 <MrsB> That'll be fun 20:54:28 <Luigi12_work> yeah :o( 20:54:53 <Luigi12_work> people need to stop finding security issues so close to Christmas :D 20:54:54 <ennael> (hi) 20:55:01 <Luigi12_work> I'm done. Hi ennael 20:55:03 <MrsB> #info ruby is EOL in February so will need a bump 20:55:06 <wilcal> do i need samba if i have no MS stuff on my LAN 20:55:21 <Luigi12_work> wilcal: some things still pull in some of the libraries 20:55:28 <MrsB> #info Samba is EOL now and has sec issues - Samba 4 update needed 20:55:34 <MrsB> morning ennael 20:55:47 <MrsB> back home now? 20:56:39 <MrsB> at least nobody is busy with anything else this time of year and has plenty of time to spend on updates 20:57:09 <brian__> LOL 20:57:32 <MrsB> thanks for the roundup Luigi12_work 20:57:34 <ennael> MrsB: yep 20:57:40 <MrsB> that only leaves.. 20:57:49 <MrsB> #topic Anything else? 20:57:56 <MrsB> Is there anything else? 20:58:08 <wilcal> not from me 20:58:40 <brian__> nope 20:58:46 * wikigazer shakes head 20:58:59 <hviaene> no 20:59:09 <MrsB> Thanks for coming then guys. TJ, how did you get on with your peanuts? 20:59:45 <tjandrews> Fresh awesomely virtual (or is it virtually awesome?) fudge will be on the table by the door... 20:59:58 <MrsB> Great :) 21:00:01 <Akien> <Luigi12_work> people need to stop finding security issues so close to Christmas :D -- They always rush to try to reach 5 digit CVEs :p 21:00:09 <MrsB> T - 5 then 21:00:12 <MrsB> 4 21:00:13 <Luigi12_work> lol 21:00:14 <MrsB> 3 21:00:15 <MrsB> 2 21:00:17 <MrsB> 1 21:00:19 <MrsB> #endmeeting