20:07:10 <MrsB> #startmeeting 20:07:10 <Inigo_Montoya`> Meeting started Thu Dec 10 20:07:10 2015 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:07:10 <Inigo_Montoya`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:07:22 <MrsB> Morning everyone, welcome to another one 20:07:55 <MrsB> Before we get going, let's please welcome Lewis back to the internet 20:07:59 <rindolf> Hi all. 20:08:16 <wilcal> hello 20:08:21 <rindolf> Welcome , Lewis. 20:08:46 <MrsB> Who's going to be Dave? 20:09:06 <lewyssmith> Cannot, don't have the agenda. 20:09:09 <MrsB> #chair wilcal lewyssmith 20:09:09 <Inigo_Montoya`> Current chairs: MrsB lewyssmith wilcal 20:09:23 <MrsB> I was Christmas shopping yesterday and saw this.. 20:09:27 <MrsB> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17186 20:09:28 <[mbot> Bug 17186: enhancement, Low, qa-bugs, RESOLVED FIXED, The availlable Hplip package is outdated, hplip-3.15.11 supports many more printers, hplip-3.14.6-8.1mga5, hplip-3.15.7-1.mga6 20:09:32 <MrsB> oops wrong one 20:09:40 <MrsB> http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00V6OSVHI 20:10:04 <MrsB> #topic Who's new? 20:10:15 <MrsB> Is there anybody new here today? 20:10:22 <MrsB> morning tj 20:10:40 <tjandrews> Afternoon, MrsB. 20:11:00 <tjandrews> It's 3pm here. 20:11:05 <MrsB> Doesn't look like there is anybody new 20:11:13 <MrsB> always morning :) 20:11:23 <MrsB> #topic Mageia 6 20:11:37 <wilcal> OOooooooOOo 20:11:42 <MrsB> Ahhhh 20:11:47 <MrsB> soooo 20:12:00 <hviaene> disaster for me up to now 20:12:05 <MrsB> I've prodded a bit to try and get things moving again 20:12:19 <wilcal> imo push this until after the holidays 20:12:50 <wilcal> i do get a working install with boot.iso but lots of things don't work or I don't understand 20:12:59 <MrsB> I'm not sure at this point if we'll be persisting with it in it's current state or postponing the release until after Christmas, when cauldron should be more stable 20:13:01 <tjandrews> Mom always told me, "If you can't say anything nice, keep quiet." This is me, keeping quiet. 20:13:08 <hviaene> Am I the only one with just AMD processors????? 20:13:21 <lewyssmith> No. 20:13:23 <MrsB> I've one amd, oldish one 20:13:31 <tmb> Yeah, looking at all borked stuff so far, the only sane thing to do is to scrap -dev1... 20:13:45 <lewyssmith> Refrshing talk. 20:13:52 <MrsB> well not scrap it, just put it back a bit 20:13:55 <tjandrews> I have both AMD and Intel. I like AMD better. 20:14:04 <tmb> not fun, but at the rate we are going we will release -dev1 at -dev2 time,... 20:14:25 <MrsB> yeah, people are in Crhistmas mode already 20:14:57 <MrsB> We either need to rev up and get going or forget it for now and allow the holiday time for cauldron to stabilise a bit 20:15:20 <wilcal> i think that's the best 20:15:29 <tmb> that should also let gnome/gtk getting closer to code freeze mode, so a saner base to work from. 20:15:53 <lewyssmith> Why is Gnome always so preblematic? 20:16:07 <wilcal> any one reason for so many broken things 20:16:08 <MrsB> Just for info for everyone: I asked the question on council ML earlier 20:16:08 <tmb> and plasma is hitting gpu stuff that only gnome used to hit which is also going to be fun 20:16:54 <wilcal> very strange things happening in plasma 20:17:36 <MrsB> We've got some major changes in mga6 so it's unsurprising really, and good in a way. 20:17:53 <tmb> and both gnome and plasma are trying to adapt to wayland code that also seem to create issues with non-wayland stuff 20:18:19 <dvg_i> besides i dont understand choice of gdm as wm 20:18:40 <dvg_i> and i duno how to start kwin because it does not appear in drakedm 20:18:42 <wilcal> install kwrite, open kwrite and the background desktop shifts right 20:18:49 <tmb> well, gdm is supposed to be best match for gnome 20:19:05 <dvg_i> yeshbut plasma is default? 20:19:18 <tjandrews> A bit of a change in gpu for me. I was going to be able to test with older Radeon graphics, but ran into a bug in LO Writer that made me put in an nVidia card. 20:19:22 <tmb> dvg_i, for plasma we use sddm 20:19:37 <MrsB> ahh an upgrade tj? 20:19:52 <dvg_i> tmb yes but sddm does not show plasma for me? 20:19:54 <MrsB> morning billW 20:19:56 <tmb> dvg_i, but there is still missing adaptions for sddm/plasma in drakx code 20:20:02 <wrw105> Hiya, MrsB! 20:20:10 <dvg_i> tmb oh okay> 20:20:22 <MrsB> Was wondering where you were with Chromium's recently :) 20:20:49 <tmb> I'm currently trying to build 2 isos with lightdm as manager to see if it can get anything running 20:20:51 <wrw105> Musical insanity. Things should settle down after concert weekend this weekend. 20:21:31 <MrsB> what needs to change in drakx for sddm/plasma ? 20:21:51 <wilcal> any idea when the drakconf thing will get fixed? 20:23:18 <tmb> MrsB, well, we already started wich changes: http://gitweb.mageia.org/software/drakx/log/ but grepping for "kde" or "kdm" in some code still shows missing adaptions... 20:23:19 <[mbot> [ drakx - Mageia Installer and base platform for many utilities ] 20:23:55 <tmb> there has not really been anyone working on sddm integration at all yet :/ 20:24:33 <MrsB> i thought that would just be a change to the file i can never remember with the CAT_'s in 20:25:34 <tmb> MrsB, well, meta-task is somewhat adapted yes, but drakx and stage2 needs to know what to do when encountering CAT_PLASMA5 20:26:00 <MrsB> I see, I think :) 20:26:57 <MrsB> What is your opinion on GetGoing vs PostPone tmb? 20:27:02 <tmb> And looking on draklive builds a plasma DVD is now ~1G, whereas it used to be ~1.5G as kde so I get a feeling there is still missing stuff 20:27:28 <tjandrews> So far, it looks like Plasma 5 may be so far over my head I'll need a toy drone to use it. ;) 20:27:49 <MrsB> You shouldn't notice any of this stuff tj when it's done 20:28:02 <tjandrews> Good. 20:28:19 <wilcal> using plasma i don't know if something is wrong or i don't know how to use it 20:28:40 <dvg_i> funny but i was never able to get plasma to show in cauldron,so i was curious to see it work with the iso 20:28:48 <tjandrews> Makes me wonder though, if our timetable is too ambitious. 20:28:53 <tmb> MrsB, as earlier stated, I think -dev1 should be postponed to -dev2 release date... hopefully people will have some free time over holidays to sort stuff out 20:29:10 <MrsB> Would you mind sending email to council please 20:29:48 <tmb> yeah, I just need to wire up some ssh tunneling for mailing again :) 20:30:42 <MrsB> #info We (+tmb) feel dev1 should be postponed until after Christmas (dev2 time) which will allow Cauldron to become more stable. 20:30:53 <tmb> (I asked my ISP to remove any smtp proxying, and they ended up breaking any mailing :)) 20:31:11 <MrsB> Oops 20:31:42 <wilcal> does anyone know of a distro with a good working plasma desktop? 20:31:48 <tmb> I dont like transparent proxying as I cant test stuff on remote servers otherwise 20:32:11 <MrsB> Lets move on then, don't disappear, need to ask you how you are later 20:32:24 * MrsB googles transparent proxying 20:32:37 <MrsB> #topic Testing updates 20:32:41 <MrsB> thanks all 20:33:03 <MrsB> http://madb.mageia.org/tools/updates 20:33:08 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ] 20:33:15 <MrsB> Short list \o/ 20:33:24 <wilcal> looks good 20:33:26 <MrsB> let's pause for a collective pat on the back 20:33:32 <MrsB> well done everyone 20:33:47 <dvg_i> asnt much to do... 20:33:53 <dvg_i> wasnt... 20:34:13 <MrsB> it's unpredictable, some weeks there are tons, other weeks hardly any 20:34:19 <dvg_i> oh sorry, topic changed, my bad 20:34:26 <tjandrews> See, this is what happens when I let the farm go and help you guys out. :) 20:34:39 <MrsB> Some easy ones to test at the moment 20:34:55 <MrsB> lol that's been the last 5 years of my life 20:35:29 <wilcal> i should be able to worl the libprn thing in the next day or so 20:35:43 <wilcal> libpng 20:36:03 <MrsB> potrace is a simple one too 20:36:36 <MrsB> qjoypad I don't think we've had before but should be able to test with ps3 controller maybe 20:37:02 <MrsB> lxsession just needs you to log in to lxde 20:37:58 <MrsB> lxc David is stuck with, needs help 20:38:21 <MrsB> #info Packager help needed for LXC https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16855 20:38:23 <[mbot> Bug 16855: major, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , lxc new security issue CVE-2015-1335, lxc-1.0.5-3.1.mga5.src.rpm 20:39:03 <MrsB> anybody want to add anything ? 20:39:13 <wilcal> not from me 20:39:19 <wilcal> short list 20:39:25 <MrsB> yeah :) 20:39:37 <tmb> there will be qemu, xen and new kernels coming... 20:39:38 <MrsB> Well doen again then guys, let's try and keep it this short 20:39:47 <MrsB> we still have xen 20:40:05 <wilcal> good time for kernels with M6 kinda slowed down 20:40:08 <MrsB> Let#s do the roundup and mention those there 20:40:10 <MrsB> ' 20:40:13 <tmb> yep, and more embargoed stuff gets released, so I'll try to sort it all out 20:40:21 <MrsB> #topic Luigi's roundup 20:40:37 <MrsB> #info <tmb> there will be qemu, xen and new kernels coming... 20:40:50 <MrsB> Luigi12_work: Luigi12_lappy ping :) 20:41:03 <Luigi12_work> ooh 20:41:07 <MrsB> ahhh 20:41:13 <MrsB> tiz your bit 20:41:48 <hviaene> I have to go, goodnight 20:41:56 <MrsB> nite herman, thanks for coming 20:42:06 <lewyssmith> Goddbye H. 20:44:02 <Luigi12_work> ok, sorry was reading back 20:44:15 <MrsB> np 20:44:30 <Luigi12_work> been busy teaching the past two weeks, so I haven't had much time to do packaging for security updates unless they were relatively easy 20:44:46 <MrsB> drat, that's why it's a short list 20:45:12 <lewyssmith> What did you expect? 20:45:20 <Luigi12_work> we have cyrus-imapd that needs a couple more patches since they weren't committed upstream until after the 2.4.18 release that we just updated to. Waiting for spuhler to add the patches, not sure why he hasn't done it yet. 20:45:22 <tjandrews> Do we have to give our back pats back? 20:45:26 <MrsB> thought we'd just done brilliantly well of ocurse 20:45:39 <Luigi12_work> I need to ask upstream ffmpeg to roll a new 2.4.x release with the latest security fixes 20:45:57 <Luigi12_work> qemu has collected 4 more security issues since our last update 20:46:05 <Luigi12_work> but I guess tmb might take care of it again 20:46:19 <MrsB> #cyrus-imapd awaiting a couple more patches, ffmpeg expected too 20:46:20 <Luigi12_work> keepassx just got a security fix upstream (that's sander85's package) 20:46:22 <MrsB> oops 20:46:27 <MrsB> #info cyrus-imapd awaiting a couple more patches, ffmpeg expected too 20:46:39 <Luigi12_work> redis has a security issue (coling's package) 20:46:47 <Luigi12_work> nodejs has a security issue (joequant) 20:47:01 <Luigi12_work> php-phpmailer has a security issue (spuhler again) 20:47:26 <Luigi12_work> pax-utils has security fixes in a new release. Our version is really old, so I'm not sure what'll happen there. That will be up to Thierry. 20:47:27 <MrsB> #info keepassx (sander85) redis (coling) nodejs (joequant) phpmailer (spuhler) to come 20:47:42 <MrsB> that's a new one 20:47:47 <Luigi12_work> and of course there are several older ones still stuck 20:48:06 <MrsB> #info pax-utils also to come 20:48:11 <Luigi12_work> also, neoclust is working on the Qt5 5.4.2 update for Mageia 5, which fixes some critical bugs. 20:48:21 <MrsB> yes, saw those 20:48:30 <Luigi12_work> after that, he'll work on the Plasma5 update (which will fix a security issue) 20:48:57 <Luigi12_work> that's all I have for now 20:48:59 <MrsB> #info qt5 update coming (neoclust) and after that likely plasma5 too 20:49:07 <lewyssmith> All? 20:49:11 <Luigi12_work> hope someone can spin the updates bot since we have a few validated 20:49:12 <MrsB> thanks, that's plenty :) 20:49:14 <Luigi12_work> lewyssmith: LOL, I know right? 20:49:28 <Luigi12_work> oh 20:49:39 <Luigi12_work> and libpng12 has another fix coming soon, but libpng can be tested still 20:49:48 <MrsB> tmb free to push updates please? 20:49:57 <tmb> already in progress 20:50:00 <MrsB> thanks 20:50:03 <Luigi12_work> sweet 20:50:17 <Luigi12_work> figured as soon as we pushed the last chromium update another release came out that day 20:50:39 <MrsB> separate bug for libpng12 Luigi12_work or will it land before that one is pushed? 20:50:50 <Luigi12_work> they probably would have held that release until later, but they wanted to get it out for the Flash update (bundled in Chrome itself) 20:51:04 <Luigi12_work> MrsB: it should be available soon, so we can keep it in the same bug. 20:51:12 <MrsB> k dokes 20:51:49 <MrsB> so happy christmas everyone :D 20:51:58 <lewyssmith> Not yet, please. 20:52:06 <Luigi12_work> open lots of packages 20:52:09 <wilcal> flash 78 fixes in that update 20:52:09 <MrsB> all decked up here 20:52:11 <Luigi12_work> or update lots of packagers if you're a dev 20:52:17 <Luigi12_work> s/packagers/packages/ 20:52:43 <Luigi12_work> hopefully in late December I can take a break from work and work on Cauldron 20:53:06 <MrsB> You're doing enough to keep us busy 20:53:26 <MrsB> Thanks Luigi12_work 20:53:34 <MrsB> #topic Anything else? 20:53:41 * MrsB has something 20:53:51 <MrsB> two things actually 20:53:56 <MrsB> tmb how are you? 20:54:38 * tmb dont know, and doctor seems clueless too... 20:55:00 <MrsB> no news is usually good news for things like that 20:55:19 <MrsB> how you feeling though? 20:55:20 <lewyssmith> Touch wood. 20:55:30 <wilcal> i saw my doctor last week, she told me I was 70 and told me she was clueless how to fix that 20:55:38 <MrsB> lol wilcal 20:55:55 <lewyssmith> Good one, Bill. 20:56:11 <wilcal> work'n on Mageia keeps me young 20:56:28 <lewyssmith> Should stave off Alzheimer's. 20:56:35 <MrsB> we do our best to keep you young 20:56:42 <wilcal> A giant puzzle 20:56:42 <tmb> yeah, the result is in... the marker is higher than normal, but atleast not changing rapidly for now... 20:57:03 <tmb> but they still cant explain the rest of the issues... 20:57:25 <MrsB> so not fit just yet but not falling over either 20:57:42 <tmb> so it's somewhat a waiting game at this point... 20:57:53 <MrsB> hope you're getting plenty of rest 20:58:16 <tmb> yeah, it just suckss that I cant gain any real energy despites trying to slow stuff down. 20:58:43 <MrsB> sometimes you just need to stop and switch off completely for a while 20:58:48 <tmb> anyway, I told my boss I'll work another week and then I'll take 3 weeks off 20:59:02 <MrsB> you did now at least ;) 21:00:04 <tmb> that's the good thing about theese holidays... not so hard to get free time from $dayjob 21:00:27 <MrsB> Please take things easy, we can't exactly cope without you, but we can get by if you need downtime 21:00:31 <ennael> hi all back and late 21:00:39 <MrsB> morning ennael 21:01:16 <wilcal> not morn'n yet in Paris 21:01:32 <MrsB> as the gang is all here, shall we officially agree to postpone dev1? 21:02:28 <ennael> yep 21:02:34 <tmb> yep 21:02:39 <ennael> waiting for input from tv 21:02:45 <ennael> neoclust is on it also 21:02:45 <tjandrews> Fine by me. 21:03:00 <MrsB> ok, good. Seems sensible with so much broken right now 21:03:19 <MrsB> #info Officially agreed to postpone dev1 21:04:22 <MrsB> So I have another anything else else 21:04:33 <wilcal> yup 21:04:39 <wilcal> I am awaiting the exhibitor package for SCALE 14x 21:04:41 <wilcal> https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/14x 21:04:41 <tmb> I will keep building isos atleast weekly for those wanting to test / see progress 21:04:42 <[mbot> [ SCALE 14x | 14x ] 21:05:17 <wilcal> I'll be asking for people to help if they are in SoCal 21:05:37 <MrsB> #info Benmc ( assisted by Vlad) has kindly agreed to be avilable as informal leader of QA Team South - for all down under :) 21:06:02 <lewyssmith> That's nice. 21:06:28 <MrsB> Oh nice wilcal, let somebody know if you want to get some goodies for it 21:06:44 <MrsB> we have budget for stuff like that 21:06:48 <wilcal> i'll be announcing on the Forum 21:07:09 <lewyssmith> MrsB: Claire: was that your 2nd point? -5 21:07:13 <MrsB> let council know I mean. You can get some printed whatnots 21:07:20 <MrsB> sorry, yes, the qa team south thing 21:07:25 <wilcal> i think it's the week before FOSDEM 21:07:56 <wilcal> 4-days maybe 10,000 visitors 21:08:17 <MrsB> #info Vlad is working towards getting OpenQA to work for us and we will hopefully be able to deploy it on the build server to do remedial ISO testing for us 21:08:56 <MrsB> thats a big do wilcal 21:09:04 <lewyssmith> He has done a hell of a lot of work on that. 21:09:15 <lewyssmith> Vlad. 21:09:23 <wilcal> biggest linux event in North America 21:09:31 <MrsB> yeah, he's in touch with Opensuse guys but it needs to run in a docker image at the moment 21:09:45 <MrsB> ennael: were you able to contact your contact? 21:09:45 <wilcal> probably both Americas 21:10:24 <MrsB> It would be worth getting a stock of stuff for your side of the pond wilcal, usb sticks, t-shirts etc 21:11:04 <MrsB> email council about it please 21:11:41 <MrsB> We've had lots of else's today 21:11:42 <wilcal> i gotta think about how to present Mageia without breaking the bank 21:11:52 <wilcal> will do 21:11:55 <MrsB> is there anything else else else else? 21:11:59 <lewyssmith> Well, my M5 is still broken. I need to pick Marja's brains to try & save it (she does not know yet). 21:12:13 <MrsB> Mageia will pay for stuff like that wilcal 21:12:45 <MrsB> Ohh thats bad, is that since the last kernel update? 21:12:56 <lewyssmith> Yes. 21:13:11 <MrsB> tmb are you able to assist lewis recover his laptop please 21:13:45 <MrsB> could it be a full /boot partition lewis? 21:14:00 <tmb> lewyssmith, cant you simply select older kernel from advanced menu ? 21:14:33 <lewyssmith> It stop sat a grub prompt. 21:14:38 <MrsB> let's end the meeting first 21:14:52 <MrsB> Anything else else else else else before we do? 21:15:00 <ennael> sorry network going down and up 21:15:06 <ennael> I will give the contact 21:15:10 <MrsB> thanks ennael 21:15:18 <wilcal> not from me 21:15:22 <lewyssmith> Nor me. 21:15:22 <MrsB> T - 5 then 21:15:28 <MrsB> thanks for coming everybody 21:15:28 <wilcal> bye all 21:15:31 <MrsB> 4 21:15:33 <MrsB> 3 21:15:34 <MrsB> 2 21:15:36 <MrsB> 1 21:15:37 <lewyssmith> Goodbye all. 21:15:37 <MrsB> #endmeeting