20:05:51 <MrsB> #startmeeting 20:05:51 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Nov 26 20:05:51 2015 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:05:51 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:06:01 <MrsB> Morning everyone, welcome to another one 20:06:10 <MrsB> we're a bit thin on the ground today 20:06:20 <MrsB> who wants to be Dave? 20:06:26 <tarazed> Any idea when Lewis will be connected? 20:06:50 <MrsB> No, he sent an email yesterday (IIRC) to say he's still down 20:07:21 <MrsB> no Dave's today either then? 20:07:37 <MrsB> #topic Who's new? 20:07:47 <MrsB> Is anybody new here today? 20:08:14 <MrsB> can't see any new nicks 20:08:47 <MrsB> #topic Mageia 6 dev1 20:09:29 <MrsB> Soooo 20:09:34 <MrsB> it's broken :) 20:09:38 <tarazed> nvidia and Xorg1.8 seem to be OK 20:10:09 <MrsB> We do have some bug reports, I'll list them for the minutes 20:10:12 <MrsB> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17216 20:10:13 <[mbot> Bug 17216: critical, Normal, pkg-bugs, NEW , segfault in libgtk-3.so.0.1800.5, gtk+3.0-3.18.5-1.mga6.src.rpm 20:10:21 <MrsB> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17221 20:10:22 <[mbot> Bug 17221: normal, Normal, tmb, NEW , Live mode: cannot boot into visible X 20:10:31 <MrsB> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17222 20:10:32 <[mbot> Bug 17222: normal, Normal, tmb, NEW , boot screen doesn't show F1-F6 before the options at the bottom 20:10:40 <MrsB> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17231 20:10:41 <[mbot> Bug 17231: normal, Normal, bugsquad, NEW , No desktop manager with Live PLASMA install from 6dev1 live iso 20:10:42 <rindolf> MrsB: the X env won't start in x86-64 GNOME LiveDVD on KVM. 20:11:13 <MrsB> Seems to be all of them rindolf 20:11:24 <rindolf> MrsB: ah. 20:11:43 <hviaene> I just added two today 20:11:58 <MrsB> Ahh, feel free to list them herman 20:12:03 <tarazed> the plasma desktop can be started manually 20:12:15 <MrsB> i saw your work with that Len, well done 20:12:58 <hviaene> bug 17232 and bug 17233 20:13:00 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17232 normal, Normal, bugsquad, NEW , File system on USB stick (Live M6 Plasma) not recognized when plugged in a Logilink USB hub 20:13:01 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17233 normal, Normal, bugsquad, NEW , No go with Plasma for older Radeon graphics 20:14:23 <MrsB> So another driver/Xorg related problem 20:14:41 <hviaene> Seems so 20:15:17 <MrsB> there's probably a simple workaround, maybe disable proprietary drivers or something. We'll need to wait for Thomas or perhaps somebody could step in for him. 20:15:32 <MrsB> morning tj 20:16:10 <tjandrews> Hi. Just got back home from Thanksgiving dinner at my brother's house. 20:16:31 <MrsB> You haven't missed alot, we were just listing bug reports for the isos 20:16:48 <MrsB> happy thanksgiving, thanks for making it here :) 20:17:14 <tjandrews> I didn't get far with my trials. Results listed on the pad. 20:17:35 <tjandrews> Glad to make it. Beats trying to go shopping. 20:18:13 <MrsB> Best add the pad link in the minutes too 20:18:23 <MrsB> https://pad.riseup.net/p/mga6-dev1 20:18:24 <[mbot> [ Riseup Pad ] 20:19:08 <tarazed> Seems to be loading again. 20:19:14 <MrsB> There isn't much we can accomplish here tonight apart from this really. Is anybody having problems with anything ISo related? 20:19:29 <MrsB> morning alf 20:19:52 <alfred_> Morning Claire 20:19:58 <MrsB> hows things? 20:20:01 <tjandrews> No matter what I tried, both 64 and 32 versions of Plasma 5 started to boot, but failed with some kind of "authorizion" messages. 20:20:05 <alfred_> fine thx 20:20:17 <MrsB> are you joining the iso testing fun this time alf? 20:20:39 <MrsB> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_ISO_testers 20:20:54 <alfred_> hm, not really, am not in the mood for testing atm 20:21:01 <tjandrews> Sigh. Make that "authorization" message. 20:21:24 <MrsB> did you create a bug report for it tj? 20:22:04 <tjandrews> No, not yet. Somebody else reported the same thing, though. 20:22:11 <MrsB> ok 20:22:38 <MrsB> they're a bit broken at the moment then, we'll have to leave it at that until there is news 20:22:56 <MrsB> anyone have any questions or problems? 20:22:57 <tarazed> Yes, I had an authorization problem when trying to launch plasma. Had to go back to root. 20:23:22 <tjandrews> He had a more detailed report on the actual message. I suppose I could try again with VirtualBox and get a screenshot. 20:23:36 <MrsB> everything helps :) 20:23:59 <MrsB> if it's the same issue, just add to that report 20:24:20 <MrsB> rather too many reports than not enough though 20:24:53 <MrsB> #info ISOs are currently broken, unable to boot or install 20:25:06 <MrsB> #topic Testing updates 20:25:10 <MrsB> thanks guys 20:25:23 <MrsB> sooo we've doen quite well with these 20:25:24 <tjandrews> One minor thing I noticed... The first boot menu says "Mageia 5" instead of "Mageia 6." 20:25:47 <MrsB> yes that's gfxboot that needs to be rebuilt, Anne mentioned it on Tuesday 20:26:07 <MrsB> Tuesday - council meeting btw 20:26:22 <MrsB> http://madb.mageia.org/tools/updates 20:26:25 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ] 20:26:46 <MrsB> We have a number of updates waiting for a push at the moment 20:27:15 <MrsB> I've asked on sysadmin channel but nobody is around. I'll try again later and email their ML if it's still quiet 20:27:40 <MrsB> Are there any issues/problems/difficulties with any other the updates? 20:28:35 <rindolf> MrsB: I haven't been testing too many updates as of late - other things kept me busy. 20:29:17 <MrsB> we're doing quite well at keeping the list down at the moment. Still like to see it at 4 or 5 though 20:29:34 <MrsB> there's a Thunderbird update been added today 20:29:53 <MrsB> anyone? 20:30:06 <vladz> I'dd try it 20:30:13 <MrsB> cool :) 20:30:14 <vladz> I'll 20:30:15 <tarazed> Will have a look tonight 20:30:32 <MrsB> keep plugging away at them please while we wait for news with the ISOs 20:31:12 <MrsB> django is easy to test and lightdm (set it to be used in MCC and reboot) 20:31:48 <MrsB> the dovecot update is mainly concerned with the service startign ok on boot 20:32:09 <tarazed> So that's four easy ones. 20:32:19 <MrsB> auto-multiple-choice is one we've not had before 20:32:33 <MrsB> if anybody fancies a challenge 20:32:58 <MrsB> the update is just for an added dependency though which is simple to check with urpmq 20:33:37 <MrsB> python-cryptography we'll need to check what uses it and ensure it still works 20:34:02 <MrsB> or just use the version snippets listed on the bug 20:34:19 <tjandrews> Question: If the Usenet function of Thunderbird works OK, likely as not so will the email, right? 20:34:48 <MrsB> no guarantees but probably, best to check the email too 20:35:13 <MrsB> check spellcheck too with that one 20:35:22 <tjandrews> If so, I can check out T-bird, too. But I'd rather not put my email at risk in some fashion if something goes wrong. 20:36:21 <MrsB> well, you test the usenet function and the rest of us can test the email 20:36:24 <hviaene> I always use my rubbish e-mail address to test TB 20:36:30 <hviaene> hotmail.be 20:36:34 <MrsB> it has irc i believe now too 20:37:00 <MrsB> maybe a made that up though :\ 20:37:09 <tjandrews> I'll work something out. Maybe check my email on my main computer, then send myself one to get on a test computer. 20:38:04 <MrsB> any other questions or problems anybody wants to mention? 20:38:09 <tarazed> And we just need three of the packages? 20:38:45 <MrsB> there's enigmail to it too. I can check that 20:39:20 <MrsB> let's move on then 20:39:26 <tarazed> Saw that. one of the three. 20:39:39 <MrsB> yes, it's for email encryption and signing 20:49:19 <MrsB> wb Inigo_Montoya_ 20:49:22 <MrsB> #endmeeting