20:04:37 <MrsB> #startmeeting 20:04:37 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Nov 19 20:04:37 2015 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:04:37 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:04:44 <MrsB> Welcome everybody to another one 20:04:59 <MrsB> #chair wilcal DavidWHodgins 20:04:59 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins MrsB wilcal 20:05:03 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Who's new? - If you are, then come and say Hi! 20:05:08 <MrsB> Thanks dave dude 20:05:17 <DavidWHodgins> Anyone here who hasn't been to a qa team irc meeting before? 20:05:17 <MrsB> Is there anybody new here today? 20:05:43 * MrsB sees new names 20:06:13 <MrsB> Milencho: are you joining today or just lurking? 20:06:24 <MrsB> either is fine :) 20:07:09 <MrsB> looks like just lurking 20:07:25 <MrsB> let's move on, say Hi if you come back 20:07:50 <MrsB> #topic Mageia 6 20:07:59 <MrsB> Sooooo... 20:08:14 <MrsB> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_6_Development 20:08:33 <MrsB> We can expct to see the first builds of ISOs very soon 20:08:39 <wilcal> Last week I was able to use boot.iso and install M6 on real hardware. Lots of things don't work and lots of scripting errors 20:08:55 <MrsB> yeah it's early days 20:09:02 <DavidWHodgins> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_ISO_testers 20:09:07 <wilcal> drakconf wants to start but dies 20:09:18 <MrsB> We're aiming for an installable system at this stage and lots of bug reports 20:09:26 <DavidWHodgins> At this stage, it's mostly does it install, boot, and work to a point. 20:09:29 <wilcal> plasma is running kinda :-)) 20:09:55 <MrsB> It's actually good to see it in this shape, usually alpha1 (or snapshot1) is quite stable as not much has changed 20:10:06 <MrsB> good to see we're well on the way 20:10:09 <DavidWHodgins> tmb: Do we have an eta for the first iso images? 20:10:34 <wilcal> urpmi --auto-update don't work 20:10:42 <wilcal> script errors 20:10:52 <tmb> no idea... 20:11:02 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: script errors in the packages, or in urpmi itself? 20:11:07 <MrsB> #info The ISO tester list has been cleaned. If you intend to take part in testing pre-release ISOs as part of the team then please add your details there again. Thankyou :) 20:11:53 <wilcal> i don't know David. During the install script errors and also when I try the update 20:12:06 <brian__> oh ok 20:12:06 <wilcal> to early I think to complain 20:12:26 <DavidWHodgins> Everyone keep an eye on the qa-discuss mailing list. More info will be posted there when it becomes available. 20:12:53 <Benmc> wilcal: havent had urpmi issues hee 20:12:58 <Benmc> here 20:13:10 <MrsB> These are the things we're here to find wilcal. We can't expect a stable system at this point, as long as we can install it and log in then that's fine 20:13:34 <wilcal> i don't put much in anything at this point i can install and log it and play with plasma. Nirvana 20:13:49 <MrsB> yeah, cool, that's a win 20:13:50 <dvg_i> I assume we get an rsync password once there are isos? 20:13:57 <MrsB> yes 20:13:57 <DavidWHodgins> dvg_i: Yes 20:14:07 <dvg_i> good 20:14:19 <MrsB> Me, Dave or Bill will email everyone privately 20:14:50 <MrsB> Could you be pad monitor again please dvg_i? 20:15:11 <DavidWHodgins> Forgot about the pad. :-) 20:15:17 <dvg_i> i will do my best 20:15:30 <MrsB> thanks, thats always been more than enough 20:15:40 <dvg_i> but i cannot guarantee 100% availability 20:15:50 <MrsB> None of us can this year 20:15:50 <DavidWHodgins> dvg_i: No one can. 20:16:04 <dvg_i> awright 20:16:09 <MrsB> tyvm 20:16:20 <MrsB> Does anybody have any questions about testing ISOs? 20:17:06 <wilcal> i'm ready 20:17:12 <MrsB> There is alot of information on the wiki regarding ISO testing, you can find it : 20:17:13 <DavidWHodgins> Think there's any point in renaming the Mageia 5 iso images, or are they just too different? 20:17:13 <MrsB> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Pre-release_ISO_testing 20:17:15 <dvg_i> MrsB: havent done stg yet 20:18:04 <MrsB> Not sure Dave. installer will be similar I guess but they're bound to be more different than not 20:18:27 <dvg_i> any bites similar will reduce rsync time 20:18:29 <MrsB> it might save bandwidth for some who are limited 20:19:15 <MrsB> If there are no questions and everyone is OK with it, let's move on 20:19:30 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Testing updates - Any problems, difficulties, issues? 20:19:35 <MrsB> tah muchly 20:19:44 <MrsB> So first of all.. 20:20:01 <brian__> uh oh - what'd I do? 20:20:07 <MrsB> #info I'd like to say a huge well done for some great teamwork testing updates recently! 20:20:10 <wilcal> list has been knocked down considerably 20:20:31 <MrsB> yeah, we're literally down to a handful, back where it should be 20:20:45 <MrsB> This is exactly where we need to be before we start testing ISOs 20:21:10 <wilcal> special kudos to MrsB on documenting how to test dovecot. Made it easy to test 20:21:23 <MrsB> the list has a habit of growing while we are busy elsewhere but if we can do we can try and keep on top of it at the same time 20:21:39 <DavidWHodgins> Waiting for python-ipaddress to reach my local mirror for the python-cryptography test 20:22:15 <MrsB> we should test those individually Dave I htink. Try and find a way to test each of them I mean 20:22:29 <DavidWHodgins> Anyone else here familiar with xen? I'd like to make sure it's not something dumb I'm doing wrong, as it's very rare that I've used xen 20:22:48 <MrsB> strace may be enough with python-cryptography to show them all working though 20:23:21 <MrsB> I've not played with xen before, was following oyur lead on that one 20:23:48 <DavidWHodgins> I've usually been able to get it working in the past, but not having much luck this time. 20:24:38 <DavidWHodgins> When I do get it working, I'll have to make better notes, and get them into the wiki. 20:24:44 <MrsB> AL13N might be able to help, if you can catch him 20:24:50 <MrsB> or a sysadmin type person 20:25:36 <DavidWHodgins> I'll ask on the dev and sysadmin mailing lists 20:26:20 <MrsB> yeah, we don't need to get in too deep with it. Is it a regression you found? 20:26:31 <DavidWHodgins> Yes 20:26:34 <MrsB> k 20:27:35 <DavidWHodgins> First the guest crashed when scanning usb devices. Next update caused the host to hard reboot. Next update back to guest crashing when scanning for usb devices. 20:28:21 <MrsB> in the installer? 20:28:43 <DavidWHodgins> When starting the guest with the installer iso 20:28:49 <MrsB> i saw tmb asked which kernel on the host, did you notice? 20:29:04 <DavidWHodgins> Yes. Added to bug report 20:29:08 <MrsB> kdokes 20:30:26 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Luigi's roundup 20:30:40 <DavidWHodgins> ping Luigi12_work 20:30:43 <DavidWHodgins> ping Luigi12_lappy 20:30:46 <MrsB> yeah sorry, was just looking 20:32:27 <MrsB> I guess he's teaching 20:32:45 <DavidWHodgins> Yeah. Hopefully he doesn't have anything to add. :-) 20:32:55 <MrsB> don't they realise we've got a meeting on Thursdays, so inconsiderate 20:33:11 <DavidWHodgins> lol 20:33:23 <DavidWHodgins> We'll come back to that if he shows up 20:33:26 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Anything else? 20:33:30 <MrsB> Yep, that only leaves.. 20:33:33 <MrsB> oh quick 20:33:37 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 20:33:45 <MrsB> Is there anything else? 20:33:54 <DavidWHodgins> Nothing else here 20:34:06 <brian__> neither 20:34:26 <MrsB> T - 5 then 20:34:32 <wilcal> one thing please 20:34:39 <MrsB> thanks for coming everyone, keep up the great work :) 20:34:42 <MrsB> oh 20:34:47 <MrsB> go on wilcal 20:34:52 <wilcal> lets talk about the status of Vbox + Kernel 20:35:04 <wilcal> updates 20:35:10 <MrsB> what do you want to say? 20:35:15 <DavidWHodgins> vbox is blocked by the kernel update 20:35:34 <wilcal> yes. So are we waiting for that kernel update and start test all over again 20:35:49 <wilcal> fwiw it takes me about a day to do what I do 20:36:18 <MrsB> Not necessarily, depends on the issue with the kernel. It's built for that kernel though so can't go separately 20:36:20 <DavidWHodgins> It may be a grub2 only problem. I haven't seen any problems with grub legacy. 20:36:40 <wilcal> is tmb here what he say 20:36:52 <MrsB> he'll respond on the bug when he can do 20:37:06 <wilcal> so both are essentially on hold 20:37:11 <tmb> push the kernel... Lewis has some other issues too 20:37:22 <MrsB> you're sure? 20:37:45 <tmb> like the 10m delay on installing kernels, something no-one else afaik have 20:38:08 <MrsB> Ok then, that solves that problem :) 20:38:12 <wilcal> ok 20:38:23 <DavidWHodgins> I'll validate the kernel and vb updates after the meeting. Hope it doesn't come back to haunt us. :-) 20:38:26 <MrsB> Could you help lewis revive his laptop when he's back online please 20:38:27 <tmb> it might be the 10m+ delay that kills drakx updating configs 20:38:33 <tmb> I'll try 20:38:36 <MrsB> thanks 20:38:46 <DavidWHodgins> Ah. Perhaps the divider=10 issue 20:38:50 <MrsB> yeah, not sure how many grub2 testers it had 20:39:00 <DavidWHodgins> bug 44 20:39:02 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44 critical, High, erwanaliasr1, NEW , slow OS under VirtualBox, due to HZ=1000 (was mkinitrd fails in VB), syslinux, mageia-gfxboot-theme, drakx-installer-images 20:39:05 <MrsB> could be that Dave 20:39:20 <MrsB> the original BWNWDNM 20:39:23 <DavidWHodgins> That can affect real (old) hardware too 20:39:43 <MrsB> Ok, let's do it then 20:39:54 <wilcal> i have nothing else 20:39:59 <MrsB> #info tmb says kernel can be pushed, so kernel & vbox will be validated 20:40:02 <MrsB> thanks wilcal 20:40:10 <wilcal> got that behind us 20:40:11 <MrsB> Is there anythign else else? 20:40:18 <tmb> me... 20:40:24 <MrsB> oh :) 20:40:38 * MrsB halts the countdown 20:41:15 <tmb> sorry for being mostly MIA nowdays, but I have some weird health issues to fight again... no diagnose yet... 20:41:29 <MrsB> oh shit, sorry to hear that :( 20:41:39 <DavidWHodgins> Ouch 20:42:00 <DavidWHodgins> kernel and virtualbox updates now validated 20:42:03 <MrsB> take whatever time you need, of course 20:42:07 <wilcal> thks David 20:42:17 <MrsB> let us know what's happening would you please? 20:42:38 <marja> tmb: best wishes for your health 20:42:56 <tmb> yeah... I've been thinking of stepping down... but then again that's not something I want ... so ... :/ 20:42:57 <DavidWHodgins> From me too 20:43:16 <dvg_i> all of us 20:43:37 <DavidWHodgins> tmb: Just take it easy. If things get delayed, so be it. You're health is more important than Mageia deadlines 20:43:51 <MrsB> Well take a back seat. Recover. Do what you need to do and don't feel badly about it 20:43:55 <marja> ,+1 20:43:58 <DavidWHodgins> And pass of anything you can to other people 20:44:25 <MrsB> Have you made others aware yet or is this the first you've spoken of it? 20:44:37 <DavidWHodgins> I know that can be hard, as other people will make mistakes, but that's the only way they'll learn. 20:45:04 <MrsB> exactly Dave 20:45:22 <tmb> this is the first of it I speak of it... I had hoped to get some answers from tests I got this week, but nothing yet... 20:45:56 <MrsB> We'll all be thinking of you, and likely worrying. Please take it easy. 20:45:56 <tmb> On Monday/Tuesday I hopefully will get more info... maybe... 20:46:19 <MrsB> Do you want to tell people or rather someone else did it? 20:46:20 <tmb> that's all for now 20:46:45 <marja> let's hope it is something that can be treated well 20:46:59 <MrsB> yes very much so! 20:47:37 <MrsB> finght it Thomas, whatever it is. Your energy is needed more there than it is here. 20:47:40 <MrsB> fight* 20:48:01 <tmb> MrsB, yeah, I'm still way to stubborn to just give up :) 20:48:19 <MrsB> i know :) we love you for it 20:48:21 <marja> ,:-) 20:48:36 <DavidWHodgins> Learned the hard way, eventually you have to. 20:48:43 <MrsB> Let's round off the meeting and chat after 20:49:02 <DavidWHodgins> Nothing else here 20:49:04 <MrsB> Thanks for coming everybody, keep up the great work you've been doing! 20:49:11 <MrsB> #endmeeting