20:13:11 <wilcal> #startmeeting 20:13:11 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Nov 12 20:13:11 2015 UTC. The chair is wilcal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:13:11 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:13:41 <wilcal> #chair lewyssmith 20:13:41 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: lewyssmith wilcal 20:14:02 <wilcal> #topic Who's new? 20:14:10 <wilcal> Anybody new??? 20:14:23 <Luigi12_work> I actually have an "anything else" that I'd like to mention up front 20:14:40 <wilcal> go for it Luigi 20:14:46 <lewyssmith> The German who showed up a couple of weekd ago never repsonded to my contact e-mail to him. 20:15:06 <wilcal> :-( 20:15:24 <Luigi12_work> if you could read this e-mail real quick if you haven't yet, please do 20:15:27 <Luigi12_work> https://ml.mageia.org/l/arc/qa-discuss/2015-11/msg00064.html 20:15:28 <[mbot> [ qa-discuss - Discussions about QA tasks and requests - arc_protect ] 20:15:37 <Luigi12_work> (you can read the actual attached document after the meeting) 20:16:03 <Bunk> Hello ! 20:16:12 <Bunk> rindolf: ! 20:16:24 <wilcal> Your first visit here Bunk 20:16:34 <Bunk> No no 20:16:40 <wilcal> Old hand 20:16:51 <lewyssmith> The German I referred to! No, he has been before. 20:17:06 <Bunk> He lewyssmith ! 20:17:12 <lewyssmith> Luigi12_work: David, got your e-mail, will do. 20:17:23 <Luigi12_work> thanks 20:17:34 <tjandrews> That would make me new to Bunk, wouldn't it? 20:17:34 <lewyssmith> Bunk: Hello, welcome again. 20:17:42 <lewyssmith> Yes. 20:17:43 <Luigi12_work> apologies for the length, I tried to be concise yet detailed at the same time 20:17:43 <wilcal> so no one new really 20:17:48 <Bunk> Yes 20:17:50 <wilcal> ok 20:18:02 <lewyssmith> I am mentoring bunk - if he wants. 20:18:03 <Bunk> I use the OS since Version 2 20:18:37 <Bunk> That is right. lewyssmith is the man attributed to me 20:18:44 <tjandrews> Bunk, I'm a farmer in Central New York State. I've been using Mandrake/Mandriva/Mageia since 2002. 20:18:54 <wilcal> V1 was really just Mandriva 20:19:29 <Bunk> tjandrews: New York state is where Rockefeller lives, eh ? 20:19:39 <wilcal> well kinda 20:20:08 <wilcal> Old time American captin of industry Mr. rockefeller was 20:20:32 <Bunk> Farming is cool. I used to "help" the local farmer as well. But that was when Rockefeller invented oil :P 20:20:42 <tjandrews> There hasn't been one of those in the news for a while. But, it's also the state where Donald Trump lives. 20:21:11 <dvg_i> chair can we stay on topic pls? 20:21:14 <wilcal> Manhattan can't really be considered in the State of NY let alone this Universe 20:21:27 <wilcal> ya time to move on 20:21:38 <wilcal> #topic Testing Updates 20:21:54 <wilcal> list has been shortened considerably 20:22:06 <wilcal> kernels got out the door 20:22:10 <lewyssmith> There has been an impressive attack on last weeks's long list; but it just grows again. 20:22:44 <tjandrews> Like the dirty dish pile in my kitchen. 20:22:57 <wilcal> I plowed through kerne + Vbox this morning looks good here 20:23:19 <lewyssmith> Everyone should install bug 17065, bug 17126, bug 17129. 20:23:23 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17065 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , mariadb 10.0.22, mariadb-10.0.21-1.mga5.src.rpm 20:23:24 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17126 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , gcc (libstdc++) new security issue CVE-2015-5276, gcc-4.9.2-4.mga5.src.rpm 20:23:25 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17129 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , Update Request: kernel-4.1.13-2.mga5, kernel 20:24:30 <wilcal> ya the kernel thing is really hardware dependent 20:24:39 <Bunk> "Bunk: Hello, welcome again." Missed out on that. Hi lewyssmith ! 20:24:44 <wilcal> needs lots of testing on different platforms 20:25:10 <lewyssmith> What can we do about bug 16956, xen. It is months old. Dave had a look once. 20:25:11 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16956 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , xen security issues..., xen 20:25:12 <tjandrews> Is there one type of hardware likely to be more problematic? 20:25:40 <tjandrews> With the kernel, I mean. 20:27:55 <lewyssmith> Bug 15413 does not look happy; tester say it does not work. Should we 'feedback' it? 20:27:56 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15413 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, ASSIGNED , Sane plustek backend does not work with USB 3.0 controllers., sane-1.0.24-10.mga5.src.rpm 20:28:36 <wilcal> ya i tried to test 15413 unsuccessfully 20:28:58 <Bunk> How do install bugs ? Hu ? 20:29:39 <wilcal> IMO the reporter has to be very exacting on how to reproduce the bug 20:29:43 <lewyssmith> Bunk: Ask me by e-mail; that it what I am for. I will explain. 20:29:57 <wilcal> assume the tester has no experience with the package 20:30:26 <Luigi12_work> if the reporter can verify that it fixes their issue, you can OK it as long as it installs cleanly 20:30:28 <Bunk> lewyssmith: must send me a mail first so that i have yours ! 20:30:33 <lewyssmith> In this scannr case, both testers said it did not work. That is significant.... 20:31:00 <lewyssmith> Bunk: I already did, a long one. It was not bounced. 20:31:46 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17093 20:31:47 <[mbot> Bug 17093: normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , translate-shell doesn't work any more, translate-shell- 20:31:56 <wilcal> can that one be pushed along? 20:32:30 <lewyssmith> This one is sorted, *just*. It can be pushed, yes. 20:32:57 <Bunk> Ah, shit. It is in my spam - list . Sorry for that, man. I have to read it first 20:34:07 <lewyssmith> Is krb5 easy? 20:35:16 <wilcal> krb5 is one of those packages that your kinda nervious to install on your system 20:35:25 <wilcal> someone already using it would be goood 20:35:32 <hviaene> As far as I remember , yes 20:35:42 <lewyssmith> Hello Herman. 20:35:48 <hviaene> but I do not use it for real 20:36:51 <wilcal> anyway keep slug'n away at these. Lets find out what the future looks like with Luigi 20:37:07 <wilcal> anything else on testing updates? 20:37:39 <wilcal> i try to touch one a day 20:37:54 <lewyssmith> Luigi12_work: Do your worst, David. Mahler's 1st will outweigh anything. 20:38:13 <wilcal> #topic Luigi's Roundup 20:38:23 <wilcal> hello luigi 20:38:42 <Luigi12_work> looks like I just have two new ones at the moment 20:39:00 <Luigi12_work> chromium-browser-stable needs an update 20:39:14 <wilcal> that's an easy one 20:39:17 <Luigi12_work> libpng/libpng12 has an issue that was fixed today, so that will need an update 20:39:34 <wilcal> another simple one 20:39:45 <Luigi12_work> yep 20:40:07 <wilcal> so the list should stabilize or reduce over the next week 20:40:18 <Luigi12_work> hopefully 20:40:24 <wilcal> I see we have the required bi-weekly flash disaster 20:40:37 <Luigi12_work> yeah, luckily Dave took care of it and it was pushed quickly 20:40:58 <wilcal> anything else luigi? 20:41:28 <Luigi12_work> just a reminder to please read my document and give me any feedback if possible within the next day 20:41:30 <Luigi12_work> https://ml.mageia.org/l/arc/qa-discuss/2015-11/msg00064.html 20:41:31 <[mbot> [ qa-discuss - Discussions about QA tasks and requests - arc_protect ] 20:41:36 <Luigi12_work> thanks 20:41:51 <lewyssmith> Feedback: Wiki page(s). 20:42:10 <wilcal> lets move on 20:42:12 <wilcal> #topic Anything Else? 20:42:23 <lewyssmith> Not here. 20:42:25 <wilcal> lots of discussion on M6 schedule 20:42:53 <wilcal> we should see something by end of year 20:43:16 <Luigi12_work> M6 release is schedule for April 20:43:24 <Luigi12_work> I guess you mean QA will see some test ISOs soon 20:43:33 <Luigi12_work> in the next couple weeks I believe 20:43:39 <wilcal> something in dec I think 20:43:41 <lewyssmith> Claire said soon. 20:43:56 <Luigi12_work> I guess we'll see 20:44:04 <wilcal> just to see if it installs or something like installs 20:44:29 <wilcal> I actually got an install on hardware here a couple weeks ago 20:44:37 <wilcal> using the boot.iso 20:44:54 <wilcal> kde plasma is a mystery to me for now 20:46:10 <Bunk> I need to rid it off, too 20:46:43 <wilcal> Anything else else?? 20:47:31 <lewyssmith> Thanks for coming (who did). 20:47:50 <wilcal> Ya kinda short meeting. The calm before the storm ( M6 ) 20:47:57 <wilcal> Counting down 20:48:06 <wilcal> T-5 20:48:10 <Bunk> What is your pick for the game tjandrews ? 20:48:22 <lewyssmith> Goodbye all. 20:48:24 <wilcal> T-4 20:48:28 <wilcal> T-3 20:48:32 <brian____> bye 20:48:46 <wilcal> bye all T-2 20:48:49 <wilcal> T-2 20:48:53 <wilcal> T-1 20:49:02 <wilcal> #endmeeting