20:04:22 <MrsB> #startmeeting 20:04:22 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Nov 5 20:04:22 2015 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:04:22 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:04:32 <MrsB> #chair lewyssmith wilcal DavidWHodgins 20:04:32 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins MrsB lewyssmith wilcal 20:04:35 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Who's new? - If you are, then come and say Hi.. 20:04:47 <MrsB> Hi everyone, welcome to another one 20:05:03 <MrsB> Is there anyody new here today? 20:05:19 <MrsB> or anybody 20:05:31 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 20:05:44 <DavidWHodgins> Doesn't look like it 20:05:50 <MrsB> doesn't look like it, hit it Dave 20:05:51 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Testing updates - Any issues, problems or difficulties? 20:05:55 <MrsB> thanks! 20:06:15 <MrsB> It's been a busy week all round and the list is just as long as when we started :\ 20:06:35 <wilcal> I got through the hardware testing of 20:06:37 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17067 20:06:38 <[mbot> Bug 17067: normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , Update request: kernel-4.1.12-1.mga5, kernel 20:06:39 <MrsB> alot are ready for validating though 20:06:46 <wilcal> this morning and it looks good 20:06:48 <MrsB> http://madb.mageia.org/tools/updates 20:06:50 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ] 20:07:07 <MrsB> Are there any there that look scary? 20:07:09 <DavidWHodgins> xen has gone from crashing the guest to crashing the host. :-( 20:07:23 <MrsB> oh nice. not played with xen yet 20:07:33 <wilcal> Your in charge of xen David 20:08:02 <tmb> I pushed xen-4.5.2 for now, but there will be another cve fix going public beginning of next week 20:08:21 <MrsB> if it's crashing then we can afford to hang on 20:08:36 <MrsB> any fixes on the way for that tmb? 20:09:27 <tmb> MrsB, tbh, I havent had time to verify that yet... 20:09:43 <lewyssmith> Bug 16795, torrent: I cannot make deluge work to test this. Can someone say how to get a working torrent URL? 20:09:44 <MrsB> that's ok, we're all a bit that way atm 20:09:44 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16795 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , libtorrent-rasterbar new security issue CVE-2015-5685, libtorrent-rasterbar-0.16.18-1.mga5.src.rpm 20:10:08 <MrsB> you can use a mageia torrent lewis 20:10:30 <hviaene> I did hit the same problem 20:10:37 <lewyssmith> But how direftly from deluge? 20:11:04 <lewyssmith> hviaene: I saw that Herman. 20:11:14 <MrsB> if it needs to fetch the url itself, just give it the torrent url on a mirror 20:11:46 <MrsB> as long as deluge etc are working ok though let's get it shifted on 20:11:46 <lewyssmith> I just want to give it a URL to get started onN. 20:11:49 <hviaene> I tried that, deluge did not accept it 20:12:19 <MrsB> http://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/linux/Mageia/iso/5/torrents/Mageia-5-i586-DVD.torrent 20:13:22 <MrsB> any others causing problems? 20:13:42 <wilcal> the sddm thingy is gone right? 20:14:13 <MrsB> it can be yes as soon as the advisory is added 20:14:25 <MrsB> it's just a dm like kdm, gdm 20:14:29 <DavidWHodgins> The advisory is there. Just needs to be validated. 20:14:30 <MrsB> lightdm etc 20:14:32 <wilcal> That was confusing to me 20:14:53 <MrsB> i saw you had trouble getting your head around it 20:15:05 <lewyssmith> MrsB: Thanks for that. It is going at last. Do I need to leave the *incoming* torrent port open in the firewall? 20:15:09 <MrsB> probably over thinkign it 20:15:47 <MrsB> they can usually use upnp to do it themselves lewis but you can specify a port probably and forward it 20:16:32 <lewyssmith> I don't like having anything open on the firewall, but opened this one in case it matteres. 20:16:39 <DavidWHodgins> I always disable upnp on my router, as it's a security nightmare. 20:17:07 <MrsB> as long as it is working ok you can add the OK. You could check with strace too if you like. 20:17:29 <MrsB> theres an easier one to use than strace but i can't remember it off the top of my head 20:17:55 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: The strace check is just to ensure it's actually opening the lib being updated. 20:17:57 <MrsB> think theres something on the Tips page about it 20:18:23 <DavidWHodgins> lsof -n|grep torrent 20:18:27 <MrsB> lsof yeah 20:18:28 <MrsB> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_Tips_and_Tricks#Libraries_used 20:18:29 <DavidWHodgins> Should show if it's open 20:18:58 <DavidWHodgins> Though strace is better, as it may open/read/close the lib right at the start. 20:19:12 <MrsB> yeah, more thorough 20:19:14 <lewyssmith> I am happy that it is going (before update). I can now test it. 20:19:27 <MrsB> I thought I'd put something on the tips page about that, guess not 20:20:20 <MrsB> That's one down then :) 20:20:22 <MrsB> any others? 20:20:55 <DavidWHodgins> The kernel updates must be tested on i586, x86_64, and in virtualbox 20:20:59 <MrsB> roundcubemail is still borked i think, with installer removed. If so we'll just OK it if it updates cleanly 20:21:14 <hviaene> bugzilla 20:21:29 <MrsB> yes, it has feedback marker set. neoclust is workign on it 20:21:46 <hviaene> I cann't get it why it works OK with postgres, but fails on me with mariadb 20:22:16 <hviaene> feedback marker set, meaning?? 20:22:52 <MrsB> On the madb page it's shown with a grey background. It has 'feedback' added to the whiteboard of the bug 20:22:57 <DavidWHodgins> hviaene: We add feedback to the whiteboard for a bug where a problem has been found, and a response from the packager is needed. 20:23:10 <MrsB> we add that when we encounter problems and need feedback fromt he packager 20:23:13 <hviaene> OK tx 20:23:34 <MrsB> see the top 3 and cakephp on madb 20:23:44 <MrsB> and mageia-release 20:23:51 <MrsB> any thoughts on that one tmb? 20:24:02 <MrsB> bug 17019 20:24:03 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17019 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , Request testing of update to mageia-release, mageia-release-5-2.1.mga5.src.rpm 20:24:42 * tmb looks at it... 20:25:24 <MrsB> he did send email to dev ML but nobody gave any opinion there 20:25:53 <MrsB> morning Ages 20:26:08 <tmb> yeah, well I have over 2000 mails currenlty queued :) 20:26:18 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 20:26:34 <Ages> MrsB: good morning, how are you? 20:26:42 <MrsB> re-morning lewis 20:26:49 <MrsB> good thanks 20:26:55 <lewyssmith> Cut myself off. 20:26:58 <MrsB> oopsie 20:27:07 <DavidWHodgins> That must have hurt. :-) 20:27:25 <MrsB> Are there any others causing problems? 20:27:50 <MrsB> I use owncloud, I'll check that one tmrw 20:27:56 <Ages> MrsB: I'll be around for a little, but have a meeting here in an hour which I'll have to leave early for 20:28:08 <MrsB> oh we'll be done way before then 20:28:39 <MrsB> Lots of advisories to do 20:28:54 <MrsB> morning tjandrews 20:29:01 <lewyssmith> Hello TJ. 20:29:06 <DavidWHodgins> I just got up about an hour ago. I'll work on the advisories after the meeting. 20:29:16 <MrsB> thanks Dave. Validate whatever can be 20:29:31 <tjandrews> Sorry I'm late, and I can't stay long. Lots of exceptional Indian Summer weather today. 20:29:32 <MrsB> we'll stick with one arch for validation for the foreseeable 20:30:11 <tjandrews> But, I brought some virtual pumpkin pie for afterward. ;) 20:30:21 <MrsB> Ohh nice, we need the recipe 20:30:40 <hviaene> My wife makes nice soup 20:30:51 <treegazer> ditto 20:30:56 <MrsB> soup and pie for tonights treat then 20:30:58 <tjandrews> My mother's. Got a good one for pumpkin bread, too. 20:31:16 <MrsB> Let's movve on 20:31:18 <MrsB> -v 20:31:22 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Luigi's roundup - Expected security updates from Luigi12 20:31:29 <MrsB> thanks dave dude 20:31:40 <MrsB> Luigi12_work: ping-a-ling 20:31:51 <Luigi12_work> pong-a-gong 20:31:57 <MrsB> :D 20:32:43 <Luigi12_work> cool, looks like not a lot pending 20:32:51 <MrsB> phew! 20:32:58 <DavidWHodgins> Nice! 20:33:02 * MrsB has info at the ready 20:33:04 <Luigi12_work> still waiting on some that I've mentioned previously 20:33:23 <Luigi12_work> mariadb 10.0.22 is a needed update, hopefully that'll come soon 20:33:43 <MrsB> is that upstream delay? 20:33:43 <Luigi12_work> apache-mod_nss is assigned to spuhler, so he's got a few updates he's been working on as you've seen 20:33:54 <Luigi12_work> no, packager delay. Our maintainer isn't very responsive. 20:33:59 <Luigi12_work> I might have to do that one again. 20:34:18 <MrsB> #info mariadb sec update still waiting on packager 20:34:31 <Luigi12_work> python-curl is a *maybe* right now. There's a use-after-free but MITRE isn't sure yet if it's a real security issue. 20:34:44 <Luigi12_work> perl-HTML-Scrubber needs to be updated 20:34:58 <Luigi12_work> that's it 20:35:24 <MrsB> #info updates coming for python-curl & perl-HTML-Scrubber and that's about it (so far!) 20:35:33 <MrsB> that's unusually short 20:35:57 <DavidWHodgins> Thanks Luigi12_work! 20:36:02 <MrsB> did the sec world take a holiday? 20:36:30 <Luigi12_work> well we've had a few assigned to QA this week, the packagers have actually packaged them fairly quickly 20:36:34 <wilcal> that was quick 20:36:38 <treegazer> calm b4 the storm? :-) 20:36:40 <DavidWHodgins> Or they're going to slam us next week. :-) 20:36:50 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Anything else? 20:36:54 <tjandrews> Somebody on Usenet got caught by the Intel graphics bug in kernel 4.1.8. 20:36:56 <MrsB> that's usually how it works isn't it 20:37:03 <MrsB> Thanks Luigi12_work 20:37:06 <lewyssmith> We have too much to clear as it is. Let sleeping dogs... 20:37:11 <MrsB> Is there anything else? 20:37:28 <tjandrews> The changein xorg.conf fixed it for him. 20:37:47 <hviaene> Yes, has anyone problems with KDE autostarting applications 20:37:51 <hviaene> ??? 20:37:56 <MrsB> ohh the sna thing tj 20:38:02 <tjandrews> Yes. 20:38:29 <MrsB> in what way herman? 20:38:39 <tjandrews> I haven't had any, Herman. 20:39:01 <DavidWHodgins> No problems with kde autostart here either. 20:39:07 <MrsB> you sometimes find it works better when set to start a new session each time instead of resuming the last one 20:39:13 <hviaene> I have a KDE bug 347206, but the proposed solution gives drakconf headaches 20:39:13 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=347206 normal, NOR, unassigned-bugs, RESOLVED DUPLICATE, Autostart does not completely run all items defined in System-settings 20:39:57 <MrsB> look in kde system settings, startup & shut down 20:40:08 <MrsB> the session management 20:40:09 <hviaene> That's what I use 20:40:23 <MrsB> set it to end the current session on shutdown and start with an empty session 20:41:00 <MrsB> in that case no, not noticed anything odd 20:41:53 <hviaene> I changed the startup, let's see what it does 20:42:04 <MrsB> try adding a couple of secconds sleep in there 20:42:08 <MrsB> -c 20:42:48 <MrsB> Is there anything else else? 20:42:59 <wilcal> not from me 20:43:06 <lewyssmith> Nor here. 20:43:12 <MrsB> It's bonfire night here tonight - aka guy fwakes night or fireworks night 20:43:21 <MrsB> guy fawkes 20:43:34 <hviaene> wearing the mask??? 20:43:39 <wilcal> Burn down that Parlement 20:43:44 <MrsB> the man who tried to blow up parliament 20:43:46 <lewyssmith> Have you ever seen the sussex bonfire societies? They are *creepy*. 20:43:57 <DavidWHodgins> Nothing else here. 20:44:03 <MrsB> yes what V for vendetta loosely follows 20:44:08 <MrsB> with the mask 20:44:08 <lewyssmith> Burn effigies of the pope. 20:44:09 <treegazer> rains washing it out tonight, tomorrow may be drier 20:44:10 <wilcal> Ever hear of Burning Man here in the States 20:44:22 <MrsB> burn a scarecrow on the bonfire 20:44:27 <MrsB> heard of it yeah 20:44:28 <tjandrews> We had local elections on Tuesday. Much calmer method of government. 20:44:30 <DavidWHodgins> Heard of it, but don't remember much about it. 20:45:06 <wilcal> http://burningman.org/ 20:45:07 <[mbot> [ Burning Man ] 20:45:13 <MrsB> if there's nothign else it's about that time.. 20:45:18 <wilcal> i'm done 20:45:32 <MrsB> everybody please try the new kernels 20:45:43 <MrsB> thanks for coming :) 20:45:47 <MrsB> T - 5 20:45:50 <MrsB> 4 20:45:51 <lewyssmith> Goodbye everyone. 20:45:51 <MrsB> 3 20:45:53 <MrsB> 2 20:45:54 <MrsB> 1 20:45:57 <MrsB> #endmeeting