19:02:28 <wilcal> #startmeeting 19:02:28 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Oct 22 19:02:28 2015 UTC. The chair is wilcal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:28 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:02:33 <wilcal> see i did it 19:02:37 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 19:03:07 <wilcal> #chair DavidWHodgins 19:03:07 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins wilcal 19:03:13 <wilcal> so here we go 19:03:33 <wilcal> #topic Who's new? 19:04:08 <DavidWHodgins> I don't see any unfamiliar nics in the list. 19:04:28 <lewyssmith> Nor me. 19:04:31 <wilcal> note I'm eat'n lunch attending this meeting and watching Liverpool vs Rubin 19:04:40 <DavidWHodgins> lol 19:04:58 <wilcal> lets move on 19:05:11 <wilcal> #topic Testing Updates 19:05:50 <wilcal> list is mostly under control 19:05:55 <lewyssmith> All those double OKs: do they need validating? 19:06:17 <DavidWHodgins> Yes, though some still need the advisories loaded to svn. 19:06:39 <DavidWHodgins> It's ok to validate them, even if the advisory hasn't been loaded yet. 19:06:51 <wilcal> sounds like a plan 19:07:03 <wilcal> that'll really short'n the list 19:07:54 <DavidWHodgins> The two with single ok's should be ok to validate, as they are not low level hardware packages, like the kernel is. 19:08:15 <wilcal> any serious problems in there? 19:08:20 <lewyssmith> These are the baddies no-one can touch: Bug 16956, bug16277, bug 16916, bug 16965. 19:08:23 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16956 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , xen security issues..., xen 19:08:24 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16916 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , gvfsd-dav crash on files with percent sign in filename, gvfs-1.22.3-2.mga5.src.rpm 19:08:25 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16965 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , update request: mdadm 3.3.4, mdadm 19:08:57 <lewyssmith> bug 16277 19:08:58 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16277 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, ASSIGNED , Cryptmount fails on LUKS devices after mga5 upgrade: 'Cannot find key-manager to match target', cryptmount-5.0-4.mga5.src.rpm 19:09:25 <DavidWHodgins> That one Iand the xen one, I'll test. Just have to find the time. 19:09:46 <wilcal> those are career kinda bugs. If you know how to test them you can make a career out of it 19:10:02 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 19:10:12 <lewyssmith> I gree with your designation 'careers'. 19:11:10 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: If you can do Xen & crytpmount, that would be great. 19:11:23 <wilcal> any in there we can just make sure they install cleanlu 19:11:30 <wilcal> cleanly 19:12:01 <lewyssmith> We will have to do that. I did for gvfs, also David. 19:13:05 <lewyssmith> papoteur: Bonsoir Yves. 19:13:25 <papoteur> lewyssmith: Bonsoir 19:14:00 <lewyssmith> bug 16692 is career level as well. 19:14:01 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16692 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , freeradius logrotate script does not reload running daemon, causing old log file to be written after logrotate, freeradius-2.2.8-1.mga5.src.rpm 19:14:10 <Luigi12_work> no it isn't 19:14:19 <Luigi12_work> it's just a logrotate config fix 19:14:37 <Luigi12_work> anyway the reporter already verified the fix, it can be validated 19:14:45 <lewyssmith> I spent hours just finding out what FreeRadius was about. 19:15:04 <Luigi12_work> good, you can test it next time we update it :o) 19:15:12 <Luigi12_work> this time wasn't an update, just fixing the logrotate config 19:16:16 <DavidWHodgins> Sorry, my 10 year old i586 system, where I run konversation just locked up. 19:16:57 <rindolf> DavidWHodgins: ah, I get lock ups here on a Core i3 x86-64 Cauldron system. 19:17:24 <wilcal> kinda any system can lock up 19:17:34 <DavidWHodgins> One of the fans died a few days ago. Haven't got around to replacing it yet. 19:17:44 <wilcal> that's what the power cord is for 19:17:51 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 19:18:02 <Luigi12_work> yikes, dead case fans leads to things burning up :o( 19:18:42 <DavidWHodgins> I have sensors configured to very conservative values. Right now, it's about 2 degrees below shutdown. 19:19:16 <wilcal> ever work on mil spec hardware? 19:19:43 <DavidWHodgins> Nope 19:20:04 <DavidWHodgins> From sensors ... temp1: +58.0°C (crit = +60.0°C) 19:21:02 <lewyssmith> Don't wish to be rude, but I am not at all well & would like to finish & get to bed. 19:21:38 <wilcal> lets move on and talk some about CUOS 19:21:41 <wilcal> CUPS 19:21:46 <DavidWHodgins> I have worked on systems that had to run in an engine car diesel-electric train. Massive amount of shielding required. 19:22:03 <DavidWHodgins> I don't have a working printer, so can't really test it here. 19:22:16 <lewyssmith> wilcal: One of your bête noirs, Bill. 19:22:32 <wilcal> bottom line latest update causes you to have to reinstall the printer 19:22:41 <wilcal> is that universal? 19:22:52 <wilcal> I think I reported that months ago 19:22:59 <lewyssmith> *You* do, but not everyone. 19:23:13 <wilcal> so it's not everywhere 19:23:22 <wilcal> is it a fault or a feature? 19:23:46 <lewyssmith> Luigi said as much "not everywhere" on the bug, I think. 19:24:18 <wilcal> certainly on my HP USB printer 19:24:41 <DavidWHodgins> Which bug is that? I don't see it in madb. 19:24:51 <lewyssmith> Is there contention between HP software & CUPS? 19:25:13 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: It got pushed. 19:25:24 <DavidWHodgins> Ah 19:25:36 <wilcal> the bug that caused the issue was pushed and is now in the wild 19:25:36 <lewyssmith> It was quite well tested. 19:25:53 <wilcal> but the re-install issue was reported in the bug 19:26:09 <wilcal> I don't see it as a big issue but some likely will 19:26:21 <DavidWHodgins> looks like it's bug 16971 now 19:26:22 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16971 normal, Normal, bugsquad, NEW , After CUPS 2.0.4 update, HP printers had to be re-installed 19:26:42 <lewyssmith> wilcal: Just 1 printer, Bill? Or all of yours. 19:27:21 <wilcal> ya i just have one printer. Even if I had two it would be an HP printer 19:27:26 <DavidWHodgins> There is a new cups in updates testing, but it hasn't been assigned to qa yet. 19:27:28 <wilcal> I don't print much 19:28:08 <DavidWHodgins> When it is, people with printers, please try to get it tested quickly. 19:28:27 <wilcal> so maybe we'll get it fixed on the next CUPS update 19:28:49 <wilcal> is doctor5000_ seeing much on the forums 19:29:53 <DavidWHodgins> ping doktor5000_ Florian, are you here? 19:30:37 <wilcal> he's here but not here 19:30:45 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 19:30:56 <wilcal> so we move on? 19:30:59 <DavidWHodgins> Yep 19:31:10 <wilcal> #topic Luigi's Roundup 19:31:19 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_work: ping 19:31:22 <wilcal> was's up Luigi 19:31:36 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_lappy: ping 19:31:37 <Luigi12_work> please do test the CUPS in updates_testing and report whether it fixes your issue on bug 16971 wilcal 19:31:38 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16971 normal, Normal, bugsquad, NEW , After CUPS 2.0.4 update, HP printers had to be re-installed 19:32:08 <lewyssmith> Is this just for HP printers? 19:32:20 <Luigi12_work> lewyssmith: everyone that's complained AFAICT has had an HP 19:32:24 <Luigi12_work> I didn't check the forum post 19:32:52 <lewyssmith> Which should be a clue. 19:33:00 <wilcal> will do luigi 19:33:20 <Luigi12_work> still waiting for chromium-browser-stable to be updated. I might have to do it myself yet again (argh!). It has been updated in Cauldron, just not Mageia 5. 19:33:31 <Luigi12_work> filed a bug for docker on Monday 19:33:41 <Luigi12_work> filed a bug for bouncycastle (a Java package) today 19:33:58 <Luigi12_work> also, java-1.8.0-openjdk update coming soon. I'll probably push to the BS tomorrow (as long as I don't forget). 19:34:19 <brian__> ok 19:34:20 <Luigi12_work> that's it 19:34:31 <lewyssmith> Cooo 19:34:35 <DavidWHodgins> Nice. Not a big list. 19:34:47 <wilcal> we had another flash crisis this week but it's behiind us right 19:34:54 <DavidWHodgins> Yes 19:34:56 <Luigi12_work> is it? 19:35:06 <Luigi12_work> my browser on my laptop is still complaining 19:35:07 <DavidWHodgins> Till the next one. :-) 19:35:08 <wilcal> ready for next week's crisis 19:35:39 <wilcal> lets move on 19:35:42 <wilcal> #topic Anything Else? 19:36:32 <lewyssmith> Not here. 19:36:39 <wilcal> Glen Ogilvie has indeed created two M5 AWS instances to be played with 19:36:41 <DavidWHodgins> Nothing else here. 19:37:05 <wilcal> I'm over my head on this but I'm tinkering with it. Another if you get good at it it's a career 19:37:12 <lewyssmith> AWS? 19:37:28 <wilcal> Amazon Web Serves very big and powerful 19:37:36 <Luigi12_work> once wilcal double-checks that lxdm does start X with -auth, all the bugs with OK's can be validated (gvfs I think can be too) 19:37:51 <wilcal> ok 19:39:21 <wilcal> I've tried my weekly boot.iso install of M6 and it still does not complete the install 19:39:47 <lewyssmith> Glutton for punishment. 19:40:06 <Luigi12_work> fresh installs or upgrades? 19:40:12 <wilcal> gets all the way to where you get the 2nd expanding blue bar then hangs 19:40:23 <wilcal> fresh install to a blank drive 19:40:37 <Luigi12_work> expanding blue bar? You mean progress bar when it's installing the packages? 19:41:01 <wilcal> ya there are two expanding bars during the install 19:41:09 <Luigi12_work> two progress bars you mean 19:41:09 <wilcal> share with me what they mean 19:41:11 <Luigi12_work> they don't expand 19:41:20 <wilcal> progress bars yes 19:41:26 <Luigi12_work> the top one is for the current package being installed, the bottom one is for the full set of packages being installed 19:41:44 <DavidWHodgins> That can be caused by the cauldron mirror resyncing while the install is in progress. Cauldron has been getting a lot of updates over the last few days, so that would not surprise me. 19:41:50 <Luigi12_work> so the top one should go across over and over, and the bottom one should gradually work its way across 19:42:04 <Luigi12_work> it does visually hang sometimes (or quite often actually) but if you wait it usually proceeds 19:42:20 <Luigi12_work> ahh yes, mirror changing out from underneath you will cause problems 19:42:20 <wilcal> that's what I see except it gets all the way to the end and stops 19:42:32 <wilcal> mirror is local and stativ 19:42:34 <Luigi12_work> the bottom one gets to the end and then it stops? 19:42:37 <wilcal> static 19:42:45 <wilcal> yes 19:42:48 <DavidWHodgins> That's why I wait till shortly before the first alpha, when cauldron settles down a bit. 19:42:50 <Luigi12_work> how long did you wait? sometimes it sits a few minutes 19:43:01 <Luigi12_work> also, if you really think it's hung, check the virtual consoles for error messages 19:43:02 <wilcal> let it wait for an hour today 19:43:08 <Luigi12_work> ok then yeah it got stuck 19:43:28 <Luigi12_work> Ctrl-Alt-F1 (and F2, F3, F4) to check the virtual consoles 19:43:29 <wilcal> all this is in Vbox 19:43:38 <wilcal> ok 19:43:39 <Luigi12_work> ok, Right-Ctrl instead of Ctrl-Alt then 19:43:50 <Luigi12_work> if you're in vbox 19:44:03 <wilcal> takes a long long time 19:44:12 <wilcal> best to have something to watch on TV 19:44:30 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Did you remember to add divider=10 to the kernel options? bug 44 19:44:31 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44 critical, High, erwanaliasr1, NEW , slow OS under VirtualBox, due to HZ=1000 (was mkinitrd fails in VB), syslinux, mageia-gfxboot-theme, drakx-installer-images 19:44:44 <wilcal> did not 19:44:54 <DavidWHodgins> It helps a lot. 19:44:58 <wilcal> but I see the same thing on real hardware 19:45:08 <Luigi12_work> the ethtool thing to turn gro off might help too 19:45:22 <Luigi12_work> bug 15060 19:45:24 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15060 critical, High, tmb, NEW , network in virtualbox is horribly slow (NAT), kernel 19:45:58 <wilcal> anything else else 19:46:00 <lewyssmith> Reminder: next week, 20.00 GMT I think. The heading here will need changing. How? 19:46:25 <Luigi12_work> ahh indeed 19:46:27 <wilcal> that's right we change here on 1 Nov 19:46:34 <Luigi12_work> someone just needs to fix the /topic once the meeting ends 19:46:51 <lewyssmith> This weekend in europe. 19:47:00 <Luigi12_work> lemme check the calender 19:47:02 <DavidWHodgins> Also, check https://pkgsubmit.mageia.org/ When you see builds that take hours, you know the mirrors are not going to be stable for a while. 19:47:04 <[mbot> [ Build system status ] 19:47:08 <Luigi12_work> yeah October 1 19:47:11 <Luigi12_work> so not next week, the week after 19:47:24 <Luigi12_work> oops, Novbember I meant 19:47:46 <lewyssmith> I thought Europe moved *this* weekend. 19:48:17 <Luigi12_work> DST stuff just needs to die 19:48:58 <DavidWHodgins> We change the meeting time when Europe goes on DST, so for others, we have the meetings an hour later IIRC, till we change too. 19:49:02 <Luigi12_work> we move from Daylight Savings Time to Daylight Stupid Time in the winter 19:49:09 <Luigi12_work> it's completely bass-ackwards 19:49:11 <DavidWHodgins> one hour later local time. 19:49:29 <Luigi12_work> yeah later's not gonna work too well for me :P 19:49:43 <brian__> ah so next week it's at 3 PM (CDT) 19:49:57 <lewyssmith> The meeting e-mail should avert people, whether it is for next week or the week after. Does not matter. 19:50:23 <brian__> ah life 19:50:30 <Luigi12_work> can we have a protest and ask the gov't to not change it and just leave it how it is now? 19:50:51 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 19:51:55 <DavidWHodgins> We always seem to mess up the notification msg on qa-discuss. I'll look back at the old ones, and try to get it right this time. :-) 19:52:08 <lewyssmith> I'm off. Goodbye everyone, thanks for coming; and to Bill & Dave for chairing. 19:52:14 <Luigi12_work> but since we always mess it up, looking at the old ones will cause you to mess it up again 19:52:17 <brian__> good day 19:52:17 <Luigi12_work> lewyssmith: good night! 19:52:47 <Luigi12_work> maybe we should just cancel the meeting next week since nobody knows when it should be anyway :P 19:53:27 <wilcal> I think it will be Nov 6 19:53:54 <DavidWHodgins> ☺ 19:54:08 <DavidWHodgins> I'll check, and try to figure it out. 19:54:09 <brian__> DST end in U.S.A on Nov-1 19:54:14 <wilcal> anyway lets wrap this thing down 19:54:26 <brian__> can't speak for any other countries 19:54:30 <brian__> yeah - probably so 19:55:25 <wilcal> count down time 19:55:31 <wilcal> t-5 19:55:40 <wilcal> t-4 19:55:48 <wilcal> t-3 19:55:53 <wilcal> t-2 19:56:07 <wilcal> t-1 19:56:12 <wilcal> #endmeeting