19:04:09 <MrsB> #startmeeting 19:04:09 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Oct 8 19:04:09 2015 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:04:09 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:04:28 <MrsB> Morning everybody, welcome to another one :) 19:04:38 <rindolf> Morning QA. 19:04:43 <rindolf> I forgot about it. 19:04:46 <MrsB> #chair lewyssmith wilcal 19:04:46 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: MrsB lewyssmith wilcal 19:04:56 <MrsB> I was late sending the email rindolf, sorry 19:04:58 <rindolf> s/it/the meeting/ 19:05:02 <rindolf> MrsB: ah. 19:05:23 <MrsB> Who's Dave today? 19:05:25 <lewyssmith> #topic Who's new? 19:05:30 <MrsB> thanks :) 19:05:43 <MrsB> Is there anybody new here today? 19:06:00 * MrsB thinks not 19:06:06 <lewyssmith> I would be surprised. 19:06:27 <MrsB> I've not been doing much recruiting, or anything else recently :\ 19:06:42 <MrsB> let's move on then 19:06:45 <lewyssmith> #topic Dave's Day 19:06:50 <MrsB> tah muchly 19:06:57 <MrsB> Dude :) 19:07:07 <MrsB> How are you feeling Dave? 19:07:21 <DavidWHodgins> I'm back. I've unresigned from the groups I had resigned from. Feeling much better. 19:07:27 <MrsB> \o/ 19:07:35 <wilcal> good for you 19:07:37 <lewyssmith> That was bit soon. 19:07:54 <MrsB> he's under instructions to take things easy and not overdo it 19:08:01 <wilcal> the ability to change one's mind is usuallly reserved for the females of the species 19:08:09 <DavidWHodgins> lol 19:08:10 * MrsB slaps wilcal 19:08:12 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: Anyhow, it is good that you are doing better. 19:08:14 * MrsB takes it back 19:08:20 <DavidWHodgins> Thanks. 19:08:43 <lewyssmith> Nobody seems to heed 'take it easy'. 19:08:44 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: Good meds help. :-) 19:08:51 <brian__> #idea - Dave not do bunjee jumping 19:08:57 <MrsB> lol 19:09:14 <MrsB> Take it one day at a time 19:09:36 <DavidWHodgins> Never have. I did try skydiving. Made 3 jumps before I broke a bunch of bones in a car accident on my way for my 4th jump. 19:09:57 <brian__> ouch 19:10:27 <MrsB> that's as good a reason as any not to jump out of a perfectly good plane 19:10:51 <DavidWHodgins> There's no such thing as a perfectly good plane. Every plane has a list of defects. 19:11:04 <DavidWHodgins> Even brand new ones. 19:11:04 <MrsB> reasuring to know 19:11:13 * MrsB cancels holidays 19:11:16 <brian__> but if it isn't crashing at the moment ;0) 19:11:23 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 19:11:36 <brian__> I grew up with small airplanes (that we flew in). 19:11:55 <tmb> meh... they just need to be able to get airborn... you will always get back down... 19:12:15 <brian__> meant as <no rc airplane> 19:12:27 <MrsB> the furthest we go is the wet bits of Wales so not really any need for them 19:12:59 <lewyssmith> Midlanders' favourate playground. 19:13:20 <MrsB> we drink the water, go to see where it was made 19:13:49 <MrsB> #info Dave's doing ok :) 19:14:02 <lewyssmith> MrsB: And you get it for free - at present! 19:14:19 <MrsB> I know, it hardly rains here ever 19:14:43 <MrsB> let's move on then and see how much work we have to do 19:14:50 <lewyssmith> #topic Testing updates 19:15:03 <MrsB> thanks dave 19:15:06 <MrsB> http://mageia.madb.org/tools/updates 19:15:08 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ] 19:15:13 <rindolf> I haven't tested a lot of updates recently. 19:15:21 <rindolf> Should I? 19:15:25 <MrsB> the list is loooong again 19:15:30 <MrsB> yes please rindolf 19:15:39 <rindolf> MrsB: OK , I'll try. 19:15:44 <MrsB> #info We're validating with one test again to bring the list down 19:15:50 <wilcal> ran into a sigfault with openjpeg2 had to push away from the table 19:15:55 <DavidWHodgins> 24. including 4 ready to validate once I get the advisories uploaded. 19:15:59 <wilcal> dabled in the others 19:16:07 <lewyssmith> You did a good job there, Bill. 19:16:09 <rindolf> MrsB: ah. 19:16:31 <wilcal> a couple three of those to top security bugs are kinda complex 19:16:46 <MrsB> I need to apologise for not being able to do much lately 19:17:00 <DavidWHodgins> Same here 19:17:12 <wilcal> your tracks are historically all over some of those top bugs MrsB 19:17:39 <wilcal> the spice thing needs a server set up? 19:18:03 <MrsB> spice is easy to test with virt-manager 19:18:14 <MrsB> or even a clever qemu one liner 19:18:17 <wilcal> but you gotta set up virt-manager 19:18:26 <lewyssmith> Exactly! 19:18:38 <MrsB> set up a machine to use spice yes, there's a link 19:19:04 <MrsB> it's only setting it to use qxl video, then spice rather than vnc 19:19:29 <wilcal> anyway i was a tinker'n with'm and got discourage when I ran into the sigfault 19:19:40 <MrsB> virt-manager just needs libvirtd service to be started 19:19:41 <wilcal> back at it tomorrow 19:19:51 <DavidWHodgins> See bug 10987 and the link in comment 6 of that bug for spice testing. 19:19:52 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10987 major, Normal, qa-bugs, RESOLVED FIXED, spice new security issue CVE-2013-4130, spice-0.12.2-5.mga3.src.rpm 19:20:26 <MrsB> was the segfault a regression wilcal? 19:20:48 <lewyssmith> It looks like it. 19:21:00 <wilcal> the initial install worked just fine. after the update_testing was installed sigfault 19:21:25 <wilcal> anyway turned the computer off to return later 19:22:00 <MrsB> the bug shows you used bell before and blackbuck after, worth checking 19:22:21 <wilcal> ya or it's a Vbox thing?? 19:22:28 <wilcal> shouldn't be 19:22:44 <DavidWHodgins> I've added the feedback tag to bug 16880 19:22:45 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16880 critical, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , openjpeg2 new use-after-free and double-free (CVE-2015-6581) security issues, openjpeg2-2.1.0-3.mga5.src.rpm 19:22:51 <MrsB> wouldn't think it was a vbox thing 19:23:09 <brian__> I wouldn either 19:23:15 <wilcal> I'll rerun it all again tomorrow 19:23:20 <lewyssmith> I shall try it tomorrow. 19:23:22 <brian__> I think Wilcal stumbled on a bug for that ppm type 19:23:31 <MrsB> We need a bit of a push to reduce the list don't we :\ 19:23:36 <wilcal> that would be bad brian 19:23:47 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: The dev will probably need a backtrace to debug it. 19:23:58 <wilcal> no prob 19:24:13 <brian__> add the command to bug wilcal - learning from your notes here 19:24:51 <lewyssmith> wilcal: Why did you choose ppm images? 19:25:03 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: See https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Debugging_software_crashes 19:25:12 <wilcal> that's what was used in previous bugs 19:25:25 <lewyssmith> Ah. 19:26:19 <wilcal> i've successfully tested this package before 19:28:04 <brian__> thanks - grabbed the debugging link 19:28:16 <MrsB> i'll have a look too tmrw if i get a chance 19:28:26 <DavidWHodgins> I'll try and get the rest of the advisories uploaded to svn after the meeting. 19:28:57 <MrsB> let's validate the kernel too Dave 19:29:03 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Note that you'll need to enable the debug repos, and install the appropriate debug packages. 19:29:09 <wilcal> ok 19:29:41 <DavidWHodgins> I'll test the kernel-linus after the meeting, both on real hardware and under vb. Then validate if ok. 19:29:55 <MrsB> ok, it needs i586 then in that case 19:30:03 <wilcal> sounds like a plan David 19:30:10 <DavidWHodgins> Yeah. The system I'm typing on is an i586 system. 19:31:21 <MrsB> cool, the others we'll press on and validate on one OK 19:31:36 <lewyssmith> I agree. 19:31:37 <MrsB> apart from nvidia I suppose 19:32:12 <DavidWHodgins> Agreed. kernel modules, like the kernel itself should be tested on both arches. 19:32:25 <lewyssmith> Agree also. 19:32:30 <wilcal> lets have a discussion about the polkit thing 19:32:39 <MrsB> I have an nvidia340 i586 system, nvidia-current and nvidia340 64bit too so if I can find some time this weekend I'll have a go with that one 19:33:21 <MrsB> go on bill 19:33:45 <wilcal> There is at least 2 bugs seemingly for the same thing 19:34:03 <DavidWHodgins> Same package, different problems. 19:34:10 <wilcal> I'm not see'n a way to demonstrate the bug reliably 19:34:33 <wilcal> fwiw I have a system here that's on all the time and suffers from this all the time 19:34:54 <DavidWHodgins> If you can't recreate the problem, just test that it seems to be working, and include the comment that you couldn't recreate it. 19:35:04 <wilcal> i constantly have to log out of user or reboot the system. None of the command line things have worked 19:35:10 <MrsB> yeah, so more like same issue, two different packages 19:35:33 <wilcal> to run drakconf I always run from a root terminal 19:35:40 <MrsB> updating either should still allow you to do things like start MCC and it ask for your password 19:35:57 <wilcal> it effects other apps like isodumper 19:36:05 <DavidWHodgins> There's bug 16316 19:36:07 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16316 normal, Normal, thierry.vignaud, NEW , Since firefox 38, can't get sound when streaming from radiostation. Get errorcod 3, firefox 38.1.0 1mga5 19:36:15 <DavidWHodgins> and bug 16396 19:36:17 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16396 normal, High, qa-bugs, ASSIGNED , MCC won't start after logging out/in to KDE session - session recognised by polkit as "online" vs. "active", systemd-217-11.mga5 19:36:44 <MrsB> bug 16319 you mean i think 19:36:44 <wilcal> is this universally effecting everyone? 19:36:45 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16319 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, ASSIGNED , Polkit does not restart automatically after being updated, polkit-0.113-1.mga5 19:36:52 <MrsB> one is polkit, the other systemd 19:37:18 <wilcal> anyway just say'n this/these are a problem 19:37:18 <DavidWHodgins> Yep. Typo time. :-) 19:37:55 <MrsB> It's after the package is updated, polkit should restart itself so you can still access things as root like mcc 19:38:09 <MrsB> you can check it does that by looking in the journal 19:38:28 <lewyssmith> How? 19:38:47 <MrsB> journalctl -f in a terminal as you update it 19:39:02 <lewyssmith> Thanks. 19:39:12 <MrsB> as root btw 19:39:36 <MrsB> journalctl -e or -n<number of lines> are useful too 19:40:29 <MrsB> systemctl status polkit.service may hold enough info to show it restarted too 19:41:36 <MrsB> most DE's other than kde/gnome use mate-polkit so it might be a good diea to check mcc in those 19:41:44 <MrsB> idea* 19:42:59 <MrsB> autokey bug 16854 can be checked with urpmq --requires as it's just an added require 19:43:00 <DavidWHodgins> lol. My brain translated what you wrote into what you meant. Had to look back to see what you were correcting. :-) 19:43:01 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16854 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, REOPENED , autokey-qt - autokey-gtk missing a requires package on python-dbus to work properly, autokey-0.90.4-5.mga5.src.rpm 19:43:33 <MrsB> you're just used to my typos :D not sure if that's a good or bad thing 19:44:24 <MrsB> mga-advisories anybody can check, in theory but best left to people who upload advisories really 19:44:49 <DavidWHodgins> I'll check that when I'm uploading the advisories after the meeting. 19:45:09 <MrsB> pluma is just an added require too so that can be simply checked with urpmq too 19:45:32 <lewyssmith> Otherwise it needs that you do NOT have mate installed. 19:45:36 <MrsB> oh Len has tested that one anyway 19:46:34 <lewyssmith> It is not OK'd. 19:47:22 <MrsB> yeah i'll add it 19:48:03 <MrsB> hmm maybe worth another look, he notes some issues 19:48:17 <DavidWHodgins> He already had pluma installed, so that is not a valid test. 19:48:46 <lewyssmith> Probably mate too. 19:48:47 <MrsB> git we have updates a number of times before and there's an easy to follow testcase for it somewhere 19:48:58 <DavidWHodgins> 'urpmq --requires pluma' does show it, so that's good enough for the test. 19:49:44 <MrsB> remember you can use --media Testing with that too to check the one in updates testing 19:50:33 <DavidWHodgins> I still have the testing media enabled. Keep forgetting to disable it. :-) 19:50:37 <MrsB> broadcom wifi bug 16908 really needs the appropriate hardware to test properly 19:50:38 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16908 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , broadcom-wifi: binary driver now supports channels 12 & 13 - please provide update/backport of, broadcom-wl- 19:51:02 <MrsB> anybody using broadcom-wl? 19:51:06 <DavidWHodgins> Worst case, we just check that installs cleanly. 19:51:21 <brian__> I checked the two machines readily available - no 19:51:31 <lewyssmith> Broadcom always causes problems for the real HW. 19:51:34 <MrsB> yeah, we can maybe get the reporter to test that one, if not already done 19:51:37 <brian__> I guess I could steal my daughter machine and see ;-) 19:51:55 <MrsB> if she has wl brian it'd be nice, thanks 19:52:10 <lewyssmith> I think Herman has Broadcom somewhere. 19:52:57 <MrsB> #info Herman (or anybody with broadcom-wl) please check the update here https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16908 19:52:58 <[mbot> Bug 16908: normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , broadcom-wifi: binary driver now supports channels 12 & 13 - please provide update/backport of, broadcom-wl- 19:53:34 <MrsB> if we can get through that lot we'll be well on our way to bringing the list back under control 19:53:42 <MrsB> what dya reckon? 19:53:53 <lewyssmith> IF is huge. 19:54:17 <MrsB> oh jakarta at the top is a java package, we usually just ensure those update cleanly 19:54:43 <lewyssmith> I am battling with Bacula; again. 19:54:43 <brian__> I did install - seemed fine, Apache was happy afterwards. Owncloud worked. 19:54:51 <MrsB> I saw lewis, well done 19:55:01 <wilcal> time to validate it 19:55:37 <MrsB> it's not actually related to apache afaik, in name only, but as long as it's ok let's push it 19:55:57 <MrsB> remember to add the OK's brian please 19:56:06 <brian__> I'm very junior in MGA testing. So, I appreciate someone confirming my work. Concerned I'm missing the real QA part 19:56:31 <lewyssmith> For many things we are all novices. 19:57:00 <brian__> so hesitant to dive in OK without one of the folks on this chat's blessing 19:57:38 <MrsB> yes, you can add the OK anyway though. There are other steps the bug goes through before it's actually pushed. We usually read what was done when we add the advisory and tmb usually checks when he pushes them too 19:57:45 <DavidWHodgins> For bacula, see attachment 5346 in bugzilla 19:57:48 <[mbot> Attachment https://bugs.mageia.org/attachment.cgi?id=5346&action=edit text/plain, installation How-To for testing, Bacula-Tesing 19:58:45 <lewyssmith> Out of date for M5. 19:59:32 <lewyssmith> See my introductroy comment on the new bug. 19:59:56 <MrsB> didn't we just update php-ZendFramework? 20:00:13 <lewyssmith> Recently, I think. 20:00:32 <brian__> yes 20:00:43 <MrsB> should be able to follow how that was done last time 20:00:45 <brian__> that was the one where I tried Gallette 20:00:51 <MrsB> ahh yes 20:01:01 <MrsB> that one is yours then brian :) 20:01:07 <brian__> lol - sure 20:01:20 <brian__> I'll work on it again 20:01:25 <MrsB> cool, thanks 20:01:53 <MrsB> I think we're in good shape really, just with a long list 20:02:19 <MrsB> Any other testing queries? 20:02:59 <MrsB> let's move on then 20:03:03 <lewyssmith> #topic Luigi's Roundup 20:03:07 <MrsB> thanks 20:03:12 <MrsB> Luigi12_work: ping? 20:03:45 <MrsB> i can't remember if he said he would be busy today 20:04:21 <DavidWHodgins> I think he said this was his last week teaching for a while. 20:04:33 <MrsB> he must be busy 20:04:54 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_lappy: ping 20:05:42 <MrsB> #info Luigi12 is busy today could you send the roundup to the ML please David instead, thanks! 20:05:56 <MrsB> ok then, that only leaves.. 20:06:02 <lewyssmith> #topic Anything else? 20:06:05 <MrsB> ahhaa 20:06:10 <MrsB> thankyou 20:06:15 <lewyssmith> Yes, here. 20:06:17 <MrsB> Is there anythign else? 20:06:19 <MrsB> ohh ok 20:06:35 <DavidWHodgins> I'm back, but will limit myself to no more than a couple of hours at a time, with long breaks in between. 20:07:09 <wilcal> not from me 20:07:11 <brian__> nothing here 20:07:17 <DavidWHodgins> Nothing else here. 20:07:30 <lewyssmith> I have discovered by chance that I seem to have postgresql9.3-server-9.3.9-1.mga5 with postgresql9.4-9.4.4-1.mga5 client. How can I sort this without removing postgres? 20:08:36 <lewyssmith> Both versions are available. 20:08:37 <rindolf> Nothin here. 20:08:40 <MrsB> if it prevents you from removing the client due to dependincies, you *can* use rpm -e --nodeps to remove it without the dependencies, then replace with the correct version 20:09:09 <MrsB> be careful to ensure you have the right libpq* too 20:09:20 <MrsB> IIRC 20:09:44 <lewyssmith> Thanks. 20:09:44 <DavidWHodgins> Hmm 'urpmq -y postgresql' is not showing the client for some reason. 20:10:07 <Luigi12_work> OMG QA meeting 20:10:16 <lewyssmith> Welcome! 20:10:26 <MrsB> like duh :) 20:10:31 <DavidWHodgins> lol 20:10:49 <Luigi12_work> yeah actually teaching next week and the week after 20:10:49 <MrsB> do you want to roundup now Luigi12_work or send to ML 20:11:10 <Luigi12_work> let's knock it out real quick 20:11:16 <MrsB> k'dokes 20:11:29 <MrsB> #topic Luigi12's Real Roundup 20:11:54 <Luigi12_work> ok, I mentioned perl-Email-Address last week, the upstream fix is very incomplete, so we're waiting for a better fix there 20:12:28 <Luigi12_work> reported a bug for fuseiso last week, not sure if I mentioned it last week. No maintainer, so that helps... 20:12:44 <MrsB> #info perl-Email-Address waiting on a better upstream fix 20:12:47 <Luigi12_work> libaudiofile has an issue, but the proposed patch isn't quite right according to upstream, so waiting for a better fix there 20:13:01 <Luigi12_work> postgresql announced new versions today which fix two security issues 20:13:12 <Luigi12_work> that's it 20:13:23 <lewyssmith> Short & sweet. 20:13:30 <DavidWHodgins> Nice and short. Thanks Luigi12_work! 20:13:37 <MrsB> #info Updates coming for fuseiso and postgresql - libaudiofile waiting on a better fix too 20:13:45 <MrsB> that was painless :) 20:13:51 <MrsB> thanks David 20:14:09 <MrsB> #topic The Countdown 20:14:15 <MrsB> T - 5 20:14:21 <wilcal> bye all 20:14:21 <MrsB> thanks everybody 20:14:23 <DavidWHodgins> Thanks everyone 20:14:27 <MrsB> same time next week! 20:14:31 <MrsB> 4 20:14:32 <brian__> 4 3 2 1 <boom> 20:14:32 <lewyssmith> Goodbye everyone. 20:14:33 <MrsB> 3 20:14:34 <MrsB> 2 20:14:36 <MrsB> 1 20:14:39 <MrsB> #endmeeting