19:00:35 <DavidWHodgins> #startmeeting 19:00:35 <Inigo_Montoya`> Meeting started Thu Sep 10 19:00:35 2015 UTC. The chair is DavidWHodgins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:35 <Inigo_Montoya`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:44 <DavidWHodgins> #chair MrsB wilcal 19:00:44 <Inigo_Montoya`> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins MrsB wilcal 19:00:46 <MrsB> sorry was getting some links ready 19:01:08 <MrsB> morning everybody :) 19:01:13 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Who's new? If you're just joining QA come and introduce yourself 19:01:41 <MrsB> Is there anybody new here today? 19:01:56 <DavidWHodgins> Anyone here who has not been to a qa irc meeting before? 19:02:29 <MrsB> looks like no 19:02:36 <DavidWHodgins> #topoic Testing updates - Anyone need help? 19:03:02 <MrsB> Let's do the EOl and mga6 first Dave pls 19:03:07 <wilcal> Ta Ta Brian validated an update!!! 19:03:16 <MrsB> #topic Mageia 4 EOL 19:03:17 <DavidWHodgins> Ok. Go ahead 19:03:32 <MrsB> http://blog.mageia.org/en/2015/09/10/mageia-4-about-to-reach-its-end-of-life/ 19:03:33 <[mbot> [ Mageia 4 about to reach its end-of-life | Mageia Blog (English) ] 19:03:46 <DavidWHodgins> Mageia 4 will be eol in 9 days. 19:03:53 <MrsB> As you might remember, we agreed to add an extra 3 months to the lifespan of Mageia 4 19:04:12 <MrsB> yep, it's about that time! 19:04:17 <lewyssmith> We should do all the updates we can. 19:04:32 <DavidWHodgins> Agreed 19:04:50 <wilcal> I'm tinkering with the php-Zen thingy 19:04:58 <MrsB> After it becomes End Of Life we process no more updates for it so it's important we clear as many as we can do before we let it go 19:05:21 <Luigi12_work> bad timing with tmb being hurt 19:05:29 <Luigi12_work> he was working on one last kernel update 19:05:33 <wilcal> Agreed but don't push out the EOL date 19:05:54 <MrsB> it's time for people to do the upgrade they've maybe been putting off 19:05:55 <wilcal> ya. Kernel's probably not going to happen 19:06:05 <Luigi12_work> yeah I havne't updated any of my systems yet :o( 19:06:12 <DavidWHodgins> I've forwarded the blog post to the usenet newsgroup. Hopefullly most people will upgrade to M5 before M4 goes EOL. 19:06:25 <wilcal> most difficult is i don't think he had worked the nividia driver for that kernel update 19:06:50 <MrsB> A few days before EOL we can restrict updates to priority sec updates only 19:06:51 <Luigi12_work> yeah it wasn't finished 19:07:05 <DavidWHodgins> The usenet group is alt.os.linux.mageia 19:07:08 <Luigi12_work> MrsB: I've already restricted it basically 19:07:27 <DavidWHodgins> MrsB: Agreed. 19:07:27 <Luigi12_work> I flushed out all the old stuff last week, I'm not doing any more unless they're important 19:07:31 <MrsB> cool, we'll need to let others know not to leave things to the last minute or they probably won't get in 19:07:44 <MrsB> noticed there were alot added 19:07:47 <Luigi12_work> yeah it's probably too late already if they didn't get it in 19:07:57 <MrsB> yep getting that way 19:08:06 <MrsB> Eveybody clear what to expect? 19:08:32 <DavidWHodgins> Clear here. 19:08:39 <lewyssmith> No. 19:08:44 <rindolf> MrsB: clear. 19:08:53 <MrsB> #info A few days before EOL we'll only accept high priority sec updates being added for Mageia 4 19:09:15 <lewyssmith> OK 19:09:21 <DavidWHodgins> I think we should start that now. 19:09:33 <MrsB> any questions about this? 19:09:40 <DavidWHodgins> 9 days isn't very long. 19:09:48 <Luigi12_work> yeah I'm already to that point 19:09:52 <MrsB> true, lets do so after the weekend maybe 19:10:20 <Luigi12_work> especially since the original EOL dat has already passed 19:10:33 <MrsB> yeah 19:10:50 <DavidWHodgins> I'd rather we go for it in a couple of days, so there is only one more week of security updates. 19:11:09 <MrsB> Ok so Saturday midnight UTC then 19:11:21 <DavidWHodgins> Sounds ok to me. 19:11:25 <Luigi12_work> I guess someone might want to tell -dev 19:11:28 <MrsB> Any objections? 19:11:33 <wilcal> none here 19:11:36 <MrsB> yeah I'll email after the meeting 19:11:38 <DavidWHodgins> Not here. 19:11:50 <lewyssmith> I shall try to re-do the IsoDumper Blog post tomorrow evening. It is relevant for the transition to M5. 19:12:09 <MrsB> #info We'll restrict updates beginning Saturday midnight UTC/GMT to high priority sec updates for mga4 19:12:23 <MrsB> thanks lewis 19:12:27 <rindolf> MrsB: which saturday? 19:12:36 <MrsB> liaise with RĂ©mi about it? 19:12:38 <rindolf> MrsB: the upcoming one in two days? 19:12:41 <MrsB> yes 19:12:58 <lewyssmith> rindolf: The day after tomorrow. 19:13:00 <MrsB> #info that's Saturday 12th in two days time 19:13:29 * Luigi12_work was already pushing people on IRC to get their last mga4 updates done by the end of last week 19:13:37 <Luigi12_work> of course we slipped phpmyadmin and tor in yesterday 19:14:08 <lewyssmith> I don't see Tor. 19:14:08 <DavidWHodgins> They are minor updates, and don't require a lot of testing. 19:14:12 <rindolf> lewyssmith: ok. 19:14:18 <MrsB> Let's move on then, thnaks all 19:14:31 <MrsB> #topic Mageia 6 Features 19:14:45 <MrsB> Did everybody see the email I forwarded? 19:14:58 <wilcal> yes 19:15:01 <DavidWHodgins> Not that I remember. 19:15:08 <wilcal> i'm good to go on that 19:15:28 <DavidWHodgins> Double checking now. 19:15:40 <MrsB> #info Anybody can propse features for the upcoming Mageia 6 19:15:44 <MrsB> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Features_policy 19:16:02 <MrsB> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Feature_Template template to use 19:16:14 <Luigi12_work> as long as you have people interested in implementing them 19:16:18 <MrsB> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Category:ProposedFeatureMageia6 Current propsals 19:16:21 <Luigi12_work> feature proposals aren't feature requests 19:16:21 <wilcal> Clearly the new KDE "Plasma" feature/function is new 19:16:22 <DavidWHodgins> Ah. Ok. Got it. 19:16:33 <wilcal> new for us anyway 19:16:58 <lewyssmith> What about minor improvements to the installers? Tidying rather than features. 19:16:59 <MrsB> Yes they'll all be traged and devs will agree on what can be realistically achieved, but don't hesitate to put your ideas forward 19:17:13 <MrsB> *triaged 19:17:46 <wilcal> There's at least one ap i'd like to see work that don't in M5 19:18:06 <MrsB> Depends how trivial Lewis. It's probably worth creating a feature request at this stage though 19:18:45 <lewyssmith> Things like the old Classic keyboard problem. 19:19:02 <MrsB> yeah, I'd make a feature page for it 19:19:23 <MrsB> When there's a list of work proposed the devs can then filter it to what's achievable 19:19:38 <hviaene> And MCC- nfs client configuration 19:19:47 <Luigi12_work> that already exists 19:20:00 <lewyssmith> Can one put several related small things on one page? 19:20:25 <Luigi12_work> a feature proposal is a concrete proposal with a plan for implementing it 19:20:28 <MrsB> You'll have to use your common sense with it obviously but within reason, yes 19:20:36 <Luigi12_work> it's not a "I want someone to do this for me" or a wishlist 19:20:45 <Luigi12_work> so it should be specific 19:20:57 <Luigi12_work> you can always file enhancement requests in bugzilla for wishlist-type things 19:21:10 <lewyssmith> That looks better. 19:21:11 <MrsB> no, but at the same time, it's not that we only implement things if the proposer is capable of doing it themselves 19:21:43 <Luigi12_work> I'm not saying the proposer has to do it themselves 19:21:59 <Luigi12_work> the "resources" part of the proposal includes those who will do the implementing, it can be other people 19:22:19 <MrsB> a novice newbie who's taken a quick glance at Mageia might have a fantastic idea we just haven't thought of yet, so don't feel you shouldn't propose things. They will all be filtered through meetings later on 19:22:24 <Luigi12_work> that's part of why Anne's thing said to introduce the ideas on the -dev list too, that's a way to recruit people to help work on something 19:22:29 <wilcal> unfortunately the OpenShot 2.0 project looks DOA so we'll continue on with 1.x 19:22:46 <lewyssmith> DOA? 19:23:07 <wilcal> Ya it kinda came to a grinding hult earlier this year 19:23:18 <wilcal> i think due to personal issues 19:23:31 <DavidWHodgins> DOA=dead on arrival. 19:23:38 <MrsB> "update this package" isn't suitable for a feature proposal though 19:23:53 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: Thanks; I had guessed it! 19:24:06 <wilcal> make package work cuz it's broke in M5 is a feature improvement :-)) 19:24:23 <MrsB> well, it should start with a bug report 19:24:34 <Luigi12_work> MrsB: thankfully. Fedora usually ends up with a bunch of package updates proposed as features /o\ 19:24:40 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15426 19:24:41 <[mbot> Bug 15426: normal, Normal, bruno, NEW , k9copy crashes when initiating a copy, k9copy-3.0.3-1.mga5.i586 19:24:59 <wilcal> been broken in Cauldron since M5 was started 19:25:11 <MrsB> ok so that's a bug, not a feature, as oppose to our normal excuse of being a feature not a bug :) 19:25:32 <Luigi12_work> :o) 19:25:34 <wilcal> just gotta fix it. Maybe a release blocker 19:25:35 <lewyssmith> It looks as if having OpenShot2 is a good candidate for M6. 19:25:49 <wilcal> I completely agree would love to see it in there 19:26:01 <DavidWHodgins> I don't have a working optical drive, so can't test it here. 19:26:05 <Luigi12_work> I thought you said it was a dead project 19:26:12 <MrsB> maintainers will update packages in the natural course of cauldron as we work towards mga6 19:26:39 <wilcal> I'll be checking with OS's situation is after M4 is EOL. 19:26:55 <wilcal> If it's anywhere usable I'll be pushing hard 19:27:12 <MrsB> Ok that's unrelated to this tho 19:27:26 <MrsB> Is everybody happy they know how to propose a feature? 19:27:28 <lewyssmith> BTW I still have a couple more 'we can do better' points to launch. 19:27:30 <wilcal> Where are we at with KDE plasma 19:27:36 <DavidWHodgins> Shall we move on? 19:27:49 <MrsB> Anybody confused by all this? 19:27:53 <wilcal> When will plasma be in there to even look at 19:28:04 <MrsB> when it's ready wilcal 19:28:05 <Luigi12_work> plasma 5.4 is in progress today in Cauldron 19:28:14 <Luigi12_work> not sure when it'll be done 19:28:27 <wilcal> that's a big feature upgrade 19:28:39 <MrsB> Let's move on then Dave dude 19:28:54 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Testing updates 19:28:59 <marja> lewyssmith: did you already try whether it works well for a welsh-only install now with boot.iso? 19:29:18 <MrsB> Updates then! 19:29:25 <lewyssmith> marja: I have a reply to your msg lined up to go! 19:29:32 <MrsB> Are there any which are causing problems? 19:29:42 <wilcal> list is get'n shorter 19:29:46 <MrsB> http://mageia.madb.org/tools/updates 19:29:46 <lewyssmith> SPICE. 19:29:48 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ] 19:29:51 <MrsB> yeah well done everybody 19:30:04 <DavidWHodgins> Yes. Thanks everyone. 19:30:06 <lewyssmith> Bug 16700 19:30:08 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16700 critical, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , spice new security issue CVE-2015-3247, spice-0.12.5-2.mga5.src.rpm 19:30:21 <Luigi12_work> spice spice baby. What's the problem? 19:30:23 <MrsB> #info well done everybody for bringing the list back under control! We're close to being back on top of things. 19:30:34 <wilcal> Better shorter list 19:30:49 <lewyssmith> We had a lot of unusual help, Claire. 19:30:54 <DavidWHodgins> Spice still has to be tested on Mageia 4. 19:31:12 <MrsB> #info we'll adhere to pushing with one test per release for now until then 19:31:13 <Luigi12_work> php, gnupg/gnupg2, and libgcrypt can be validated 19:32:00 <lewyssmith> Bug 16624 looks heavy. 19:32:01 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16624 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , php-ZendFramework, php-ZendFramework2 new security issue ZF2015-06 (CVE-2015-5161), php-ZendFramework-1.12.13-1.mga4.src.rpm, php-ZendFramework2-2.3.9-1.mga5.src.rpm 19:32:05 <MrsB> this is where we pat ourselves on the back and David ruins it for us in the next topic 19:32:16 <Luigi12_work> lol, maybe not this time 19:32:22 <Luigi12_work> since I flushed out the queue last week 19:32:32 <MrsB> cool \o/ 19:32:39 <Luigi12_work> lewyssmith: not heavy at all 19:32:41 <DavidWHodgins> Yes. Keep in mind we are currently only requiring testing on one arch till the list of updates gets a lot smaller. 19:32:43 <MrsB> zend has a procedure 19:32:57 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15426 19:32:59 <[mbot> Bug 15426: normal, Normal, bruno, NEW , k9copy crashes when initiating a copy, k9copy-3.0.3-1.mga5.i586 19:33:07 <Luigi12_work> wilcal had a problem with the zend procedure, he got some sort of webserver error 19:33:08 <wilcal> take a look at my last note in there MrsB 19:33:18 <Luigi12_work> wilcal: did you look at the httpd logs? 19:33:23 <MrsB> is that on our list wilcal? 19:33:33 <Luigi12_work> I don't see k9copy on the qa list 19:33:48 <Luigi12_work> I have a question 19:33:50 <MrsB> ok, let's have a look in a bit then 19:33:54 <wilcal> k9copy probablem is not on our list 19:34:00 <wilcal> for validation 19:34:02 <MrsB> shoot Luigi12_work 19:34:05 <wilcal> it's broken bad 19:34:11 <Luigi12_work> last week we discussed nvidia and broadcom. Does anyone know why they haven't been validated yet or what the status is on those two? 19:34:29 <lewyssmith> Luigi12_work: Spice: "Should be able to test this with virt-manager" is a huge starting point. 19:34:38 <Luigi12_work> those need to go out before kernel 4.1.6 can actually be validated 19:34:54 <Luigi12_work> lewyssmith: yeah for spice it should be about as easy as testing qemu 19:34:56 <MrsB> I'm guessing they're not validated as people were taking the low hanging fruit. Now the list is shorter we can look at those 19:34:58 <wilcal> i'm worried without tmb any kernel/nvidia updates are gonna get held up 19:35:08 <Luigi12_work> (granted, that's not the easiest thing in the world, but qemu was just successfully tested by wilcal) 19:35:13 <wilcal> that also involves OpenShot 19:35:20 <DavidWHodgins> I don't have either pieces of hardware, so can't test them here except to see if they install cleanly. 19:35:50 <Luigi12_work> wilcal: someone else can submit the kmod nvidia and broadcom rebuilds against kernel 4.1.6, shouldn't be that difficult 19:35:51 <wilcal> security things should be easy as just check for functionality 19:36:09 <Luigi12_work> I'd like to update virtualbox to 5.0.4 also once nvidia and brodcom go out 19:36:15 <MrsB> nnvidia-current I have mga5 64, nothing broadcom though. There were some comments on broadcom but I don't think it's a regression 19:36:19 <wilcal> I test kernel/Vbox/nvidia always all together 19:36:21 <Luigi12_work> since it'll have to be rebuilt anyway 19:36:36 <wilcal> if one changes I gotta check to make sure they all work after the update 19:36:41 <Luigi12_work> yep 19:36:44 <lewyssmith> Luigi12_work: Qemu is another huge starting point if you don't have it. 19:36:50 <wilcal> also has to be both in Vbox and real hardware 19:37:01 <wilcal> it burns at least a day if not more 19:37:03 * MrsB mentions "I had a clear out last week" as possible reason they're not done yet :P 19:37:04 <Luigi12_work> lewyssmith: virt-manager makes it easy for the most part, but yeah it's not *quite* as easy as virtualbox 19:37:44 <MrsB> qemu is actually dead easy to test with a one liner 19:37:54 <wilcal> ya went easy 19:38:05 <MrsB> or virt-manager, yeah. Also use virt-manager to test spice 19:38:13 <DavidWHodgins> They are not always easy to test. For example, https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_procedure:Krb5 19:38:34 <Luigi12_work> yeah I couldn't quite get that krb5 procedure to work 19:38:55 <MrsB> needs a fqdn if memory serves 19:39:00 <DavidWHodgins> That took a lot of digging to figure out how to use it. 19:39:19 <MrsB> always leave that one for Dave anyway ;) 19:39:30 <DavidWHodgins> Forward and reverse dns lookups must match. 19:39:49 <MrsB> Any others there causing problems for anybody? 19:40:15 <wilcal> lemme look a sec 19:40:23 <Luigi12_work> you can also test php-ZendFramework by testing owncloud, since it uses it 19:40:33 <brian___> oh 19:40:35 <brian___> ok 19:41:04 <Luigi12_work> or you can use galette to test ZendFramwork on mga4 and ZendFramework2 on mga5 19:41:21 <wilcal> could you put a litte proceedure on how to do that in the bug for Zend Luigi 19:41:27 <MrsB> there's a guestbook script we've used in the past too 19:41:40 <wilcal> that don't seem to work anymore 19:41:40 <Luigi12_work> wilcal: look to see if we have an owncloud procedure 19:41:55 <Luigi12_work> wilcal: you should check your httpd logs for your guestbook problem 19:42:01 <brian___> I've enabled it and used it. 19:42:09 <brian___> owncloud 19:42:20 <Luigi12_work> cool 19:42:21 <wilcal> ya that works pretty good 19:42:26 <MrsB> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13708#c3 for zend 19:42:27 <[mbot> Bug 13708: normal, Normal, qa-bugs, RESOLVED FIXED, php-ZendFramework new security issue ZF2014-04 (CVE-2014-4914), php-ZendFramework-1.12.5-1.mga5.src.rpm 19:42:32 <wilcal> your the owncloud king brian 19:42:37 <brian___> if you want, I'll spin it up on my old box and see how it does hosting 19:42:50 <brian___> LOL - sure I'll spin it up after the updates 19:42:51 <Luigi12_work> brian___: yeah you can OK the php-ZendFramwork update if owncloud works fine 19:43:08 <DavidWHodgins> I've never used owncloud, or any other "cloud" services. 19:43:11 <MrsB> yep 19:43:31 <brian___> just a complicated NAS drive from my perspective 19:43:31 <wilcal> go for it brian. I'll move over to phpmyadmin 19:43:32 <Luigi12_work> owncloud only uses Zend on mga4 apparently 19:43:41 <DavidWHodgins> Shall we move on? 19:43:42 <Luigi12_work> so owncloud for mga4 and galette for mga5 19:43:57 <MrsB> yes pls dude 19:44:07 <lewyssmith> What is galette? 19:44:07 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Luigi's Roundup 19:44:11 <Luigi12_work> ooh 19:44:13 <MrsB> Ahoy Luigi12_work 19:44:16 <Luigi12_work> aloha 19:44:36 <wilcal> any flash disasters this week Luigi? 19:44:47 <Luigi12_work> LOL, probably 19:45:04 <Luigi12_work> I asked for a status update on Qt5/Plasma5 for mga5 and got no response :o( 19:45:27 <MrsB> they want to get it right on cauldron first I think 19:45:27 <Luigi12_work> libtiff released 4.0.5 which still doesn't fix the two problems we have, so that's still on hold 19:46:05 <Luigi12_work> jasper I'm still waiting for usable patches 19:46:16 <Luigi12_work> uglify-js (mga5 only) needs to be updated by joequant 19:46:29 <Luigi12_work> remmy said he was planning a maradns update (mga4 only) but time's about up 19:46:49 <Luigi12_work> I filed a bug for rt, but it's been unmaintained for years and may not be fixed 19:47:11 <Luigi12_work> and I filed a bug with Solbu for ganglia-web (mga4 and mga5 affected) 19:47:21 <Luigi12_work> that's it, I don't have anything in my pipeline 19:47:30 <lewyssmith> Phew! 19:47:30 <MrsB> #info maradns for mga4 is running our of time (remmy) uglify-js needs to be updated (joequant) 19:47:31 <brian___> Luigi12_work> I'll look at galette 19:48:22 <MrsB> So a quiet week? 19:48:31 <Luigi12_work> very much so 19:48:35 <Luigi12_work> thankfully, it was needed 19:48:36 <DavidWHodgins> For a change. :-) 19:48:47 <hviaene|2> Galette is a kind of cookie here 19:48:56 <DavidWHodgins> Thanks David Walser 19:49:09 <rindolf> Luigi12_work: where is the "rt" bug? 19:49:12 <MrsB> Any questions for David? 19:49:15 <Luigi12_work> hviaene|2: web apps sometimes have cookies 19:49:19 <rindolf> Thanks Luigi12_work 19:49:28 <Luigi12_work> rindolf: https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16665 19:49:29 <[mbot> Bug 16665: normal, Normal, bgmilne, NEW , rt new security issue CVE-2015-5475, missing update for several older issues, rt-4.0.8-11.mga5.src.rpm 19:49:56 <MrsB> good stuff 19:50:02 <MrsB> so thankyou David 19:50:06 <MrsB> that only leaves... 19:50:22 <MrsB> #topic Anything else? 19:50:31 <MrsB> Is there anything else? 19:50:46 <brian___> welcome back!!! 19:50:52 <MrsB> oh yeah, thanks :) 19:50:54 <DavidWHodgins> Doesn't look like rt has been assigned to qa yet. 19:51:12 <DavidWHodgins> Nothing else here. 19:51:13 <lewyssmith> I shall be away for the next week, doubt whether I can make the next IRC meeting. 19:51:32 <MrsB> Catch up with the logs if you get a chance Lewis 19:51:42 <MrsB> #info Lewis unavailable next week 19:51:43 <wilcal> I'm good and many thanks for MrsB's return 19:51:45 <Luigi12_work> DavidWHodgins: yeah the package is unmaintained, I don't know if it will be updated 19:52:03 <Luigi12_work> oh yeah I'll be teaching next two weeks 19:52:19 <Luigi12_work> so may or may not be available 19:52:19 <MrsB> #info David Luigi is teaching for next two weeks 19:52:26 <DavidWHodgins> We'll miss you. 19:52:43 <MrsB> yes, we'll check with a ping anyway 19:52:43 <lewyssmith> Man must live... 19:52:44 <Luigi12_work> I don't think you'll miss my updates or Mageia 4 :o) 19:52:55 <DavidWHodgins> lol 19:53:04 <MrsB> we won't miss any updates for mageia 4 19:53:18 <MrsB> may it rest in peace 19:53:26 <Luigi12_work> it'll be nice to be back down to one release for QA 19:53:30 <DavidWHodgins> Be glad to see it finally go away. 19:53:33 <Luigi12_work> and it'll be that way for a looong time 19:53:51 <hviaene|2> Sob 19:53:54 <MrsB> that's a good thing 19:54:14 <MrsB> Right then. I think it's time for the countdown 19:54:21 <wilcal> what's the predicted release date of M6? 19:54:26 <Luigi12_work> ,gg europe the final countdown 19:54:32 <Luigi12_work> ,google europe the final countdown 19:54:33 <[mbot> Europe - The Final Countdown (Official Video) - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw>; Europe - The Final Countdown(with lyrics) - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcJ-wNmazHQ>; The Final Countdown (song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Final_Countdown_(song)>; The Final Countdown Lyrics - Europe: (2 more messages) 19:54:40 <MrsB> We'll have to discuss it at council when we have the proposals 19:54:42 <Luigi12_work> wilcal: April 2016 IIRC 19:55:02 <wilcal> Ooooo that's plenty of time and will give us a nice break 19:55:06 <Luigi12_work> yeah 19:55:17 <MrsB> T - 5 then 19:55:20 <MrsB> 4 19:55:22 <MrsB> 3 19:55:27 <MrsB> thankyou all for coming! 19:55:28 <wilcal> bye all 19:55:28 <lewyssmith> Goodbye all. 19:55:28 <MrsB> 2 19:55:28 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: No fixed date yet. Depends on the features that get approved. 19:55:34 <MrsB> Keep testing! 19:55:35 <MrsB> 1 19:55:40 <MrsB> #endmeeting