19:01:55 <DavidWHodgins> #startmeeting 19:01:55 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Aug 20 19:01:55 2015 UTC. The chair is DavidWHodgins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:55 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:02:02 <DavidWHodgins> #chair wilcal 19:02:02 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins wilcal 19:02:09 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Who's new? 19:02:28 <rindolf> Hi all. 19:02:30 <DavidWHodgins> Anyone here who hasn't been to a qa team irc meeting before? 19:02:38 <rindolf> ysoft: hi. 19:02:49 <rindolf> ysoft: have you been to a QA team IRC meeting before? 19:02:58 <lewyssmith> Who *is* ysoft? 19:03:02 <rindolf> ysoft is my apprentice. 19:03:18 <rindolf> For packaging. 19:03:28 <ysoft> rindolf: no. Just watching this one. 19:03:58 <DavidWHodgins> ysoft: Introduce yourself. I'm Dave Hodgins, from London, Ontario, Canada. 19:04:13 <wilcal> Lots of bleacher seats available 19:04:19 <lewyssmith> ? 19:04:41 <wilcal> "bleacher" seats an American term for seats way out in left field 19:05:08 <lewyssmith> Still doubl dutch; never mind. 19:05:41 <Brian_> ysoft - where are you located? How did you first meet Mageia? 19:06:02 <ysoft> I'm Yann Cantin, from Cherves (near Poitiers), France. 19:06:23 <lewyssmith> Not far from me: Limousin. 19:06:39 <DavidWHodgins> Everyone else here, introduce yourselves too. 19:06:40 <ysoft> lewyssmith: _o/ 19:06:55 <rindolf> I am Shlomi Fish from Tel Aviv, Israel. 19:07:00 <Brian_> Brian from St. Jacob, IL, USA 19:07:35 <lewyssmith> I am a recalcitrant expatriate Celt lving in France. 19:07:36 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: ? 19:07:50 <wilcal> "wilcal" for (Wil)liam in (Cal)ifornia, live near San Diego ( Surf City USA ) 19:08:44 <DavidWHodgins> Doesn't look like many people are actually participating today, so I guess we should move on. 19:08:51 <lewyssmith> Yes. 19:08:55 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Testing updates - Anyone need help? 19:09:21 <Brian_> kind of - not sure on ettiquette 19:09:32 <DavidWHodgins> For hplip, we need people with hp hardware, to test it. 19:09:38 <Brian_> ysoft - I'm still a beginner QA person 19:09:59 <wilcal> update request: hplip new security issue CVE-2015-0839 19:09:59 <Brian_> I have hp printer, but not scanner 19:10:00 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16498 19:10:01 <[mbot> Bug 16498: major, Normal, qa-bugs, ASSIGNED , hplip new security issue CVE-2015-0839, hplip-3.14.6-8.mga5.src.rpm 19:10:02 <wilcal> I've put a lot of time into this one both in Vbox and on real hardware. 19:10:03 <wilcal> This continues to be a major problem. For some folks it works, for others not. 19:10:05 <wilcal> For me it does not see my very popular HP 4502 Printer/Scanner at all. 19:10:06 <wilcal> My present set up with the HP 4502 and M5 works just fine. 19:10:08 <wilcal> I suggest we "gray" this one out or take it off the table until more info is found. 19:10:18 <lewyssmith> Brian_: Do you want a tutor? 19:10:26 <Brian_> I have one 19:10:33 <lewyssmith> Good. 19:10:34 <wilcal> I've worked with Brian 19:10:45 <lewyssmith> We need more people generally, rather than help with specific updates - that too for some. 19:10:50 <wilcal> He's come'n along ok 19:10:58 <wilcal> He did a lot off good iso testing 19:11:09 <wilcal> next is get'n into bug testing 19:11:50 <Brian_> which is way more challenging to me. If I need to ask a question. I've posted to bugzilla - is that the wrong place? 19:11:50 <DavidWHodgins> We really need more people testing updates. Due to health problems, I haven't been able to do much. 19:12:04 <wilcal> We have a lot of bugs to test and some contentious ones 19:12:20 <wilcal> the hplip is one 19:12:22 <DavidWHodgins> Brian_: That's the correct place, or the qa-discuss mailing list, if in doubt. 19:12:44 <Brian_> ok - was just concerned I was doing that wrong 19:12:49 <Brian_> thx 19:13:23 <wilcal> nothings wrong 19:13:24 <lewyssmith> Brian_: The bug itself for things related just to that, the ML for more general matters - help included; 19:13:32 <wilcal> just keep tinkering 19:13:48 <Brian_> will do 19:14:05 <DavidWHodgins> Anyone have any questions about specific updates? 19:14:18 <wilcal> I've got one more to talk about 19:14:21 <Brian_> php 5.6.12 - we all good there or need mroe testing? 19:14:31 <lewyssmith> 16249 is proving resistant: no-one knows how to tackle it. 19:14:44 <lewyssmith> bug 249 19:14:46 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=249 normal, Normal, bugsquad, RESOLVED FIXED, Error while updating texlive, texlive20100722-21.mga1 19:14:55 <lewyssmith> bug 16249 19:14:56 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16249 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, ASSIGNED , roundcubemail new security issues CVE-2015-218[01] and CVE-2015-5382, roundcubemail-1.0.5-4.mga5.src.rpm 19:15:02 <DavidWHodgins> php just needs me to upload the advisory to svn. 19:15:07 <Akien> Brian_: You can also ask questions here btw :) 19:15:18 <DavidWHodgins> Then it's ready to get pushed. 19:15:37 <wilcal> it's ready to go 19:16:14 <lewyssmith> bug 16072 is in limbo 19:16:15 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16072 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , Upstream fix (?) at resume screen black while .xsession-error fills w msg about bluedevil, bluedevil, libbluedevil 19:16:26 <Luigi12_work> yeah the PHPs are ready. No CVEs, so just go with the general advisories I posted. 19:16:48 <Luigi12_work> the 5.6.12 still needs to be validated (it can be now) 19:17:03 <lewyssmith> Bug 16228 is also in limbo. 19:17:04 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16228 major, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , outdated beid-middleware, beid-middleware-4.0.6-4.mga5.src.rpm 19:17:13 <Luigi12_work> what do you mean by limbo? 19:17:26 <Luigi12_work> there is something wrong with the update, or nobody has tested it or commented in a long time? 19:17:29 <DavidWHodgins> No action for 24 days. 19:17:36 <lewyssmith> Thanks! 19:17:36 <Luigi12_work> several others are like that too 19:17:46 <Luigi12_work> it'd be nice to have a plan for those that have sat for too long 19:17:53 <Luigi12_work> even if it means testing that they install and validating 19:18:06 <lewyssmith> Noted above; plus 16192 but I have not looked at that yet. 19:18:34 <DavidWHodgins> Agreed. If we can't actually test the update properly, just confirm that the update installs cleanly. 19:18:46 <wilcal> I'll look see if beid installs and updates properly 19:19:33 <lewyssmith> David, I am glad you are here. We need to make a quick & serious decsision about pushing updates tested on just 1 architecture - exept the more general ones like kernels, video, rpm 19:19:45 <DavidWHodgins> We still need a proper advisory for beid-middleware 19:20:39 <DavidWHodgins> Until we get the list of updates down to a more reasonable level, we'll stick with validating after testing on one arch for each release. 19:21:03 <lewyssmith> Thanks; that is clear enough. 19:21:28 <wilcal> one issue from me 19:21:42 <wilcal> update request: virtualbox 5.0.2 19:21:43 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16437 19:21:45 <[mbot> Bug 16437: normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , update request: virtualbox 5.0.2, virtualbox 19:21:45 <wilcal> Again a lot of time on my part on this one. Also I think different folks 19:21:46 <wilcal> are gonna have different results ( no sound in M4 clients ). doktor5000 19:21:48 <wilcal> has confirmed the issue. We've made the decision to wait on pushing this 19:21:49 <wilcal> one till after M4 EOL scheduled for 19 Sept. I think we should hold to 19:21:51 <wilcal> that and let whatever issues Vbox5 has with M4 go obsolete. The issue 19:21:53 <wilcal> I noted that Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.x does not seem to 19:21:54 <wilcal> work for me has to be resolved one way or another. 19:22:05 <wilcal> I say we just leave this alone till M4 goes EOL 19:22:07 <Luigi12_work> actually there's an update candidate for mga4 now 19:22:22 <wilcal> yesterday or today 19:22:29 <Luigi12_work> is the sound issue only in mga4 clients? 19:22:34 <wilcal> yes 19:22:47 <Luigi12_work> I tried a Windows 7 VM today and sound worked fine as long as you set the audio to Intel HD Audio 19:23:20 <wilcal> I tried a Linux Mint vm and the sound was fine on there 19:23:30 <Luigi12_work> so a Mageia 5 VM works fine too? 19:23:30 <wilcal> just seems to be M4 19:23:33 <DavidWHodgins> The extension pack is working for me, after renaming the download from .gz to .vbox-extpack 19:24:38 <Luigi12_work> I need to try the mga4 update candidate on my Mageia 4 workstation at home, I have Mageia 4 and Mageia 5 VMs there 19:24:57 <wilcal> Thanks David. I'll try that. 19:25:08 <lewyssmith> VirtualBox worries me: it is supposed to be a means to an end, but seems to be more an end in itself. It certainly keeps Bill's brain churning. 19:25:48 <Luigi12_work> I'm really looking forward to 5.0.x getting pushed. Having the headless feature available through the GUI is awesome. My students will love that. 19:26:10 <Brian_> I've asked a couple of times - what directory does the extension pack extension land in? 19:26:11 <DavidWHodgins> Sound is working here with a Mageia 4 vb guest on a Mageia 4 host. 19:26:19 <wilcal> It's a very challenging app 19:26:46 <wilcal> was the M4 vb client created with the older version of Vbox 19:26:46 <Brian_> yup - but important to folks all over 19:27:00 <wilcal> if it was it will work just fine 19:27:23 <lewyssmith> Does it matter if Mageia 4 has no sound as a VBox client? It is more important how it behaves run *natively*. 19:27:45 <doktor5000> wilcal: FWIW, I don't see the virtualbox mga4 issue as a blocker for pushing the updates, only the QA team members would need to use their pre-virtualbox 5 VMs to test mga4 in virtualbox _with_ sound :) 19:28:05 <wilcal> I agree with doktor5000 19:28:06 <Luigi12_work> and it sounds like those VMs will work fine anyway according to what he just said 19:28:26 <Luigi12_work> is it doing something wrong in the settings when it creates VMs now? 19:28:33 <DavidWHodgins> I'm ok with validating the update. 19:28:45 <wilcal> I just need to get a handle on the Extension issue 19:29:11 <Luigi12_work> wilcal: is there some difference in the VM settings between a VM made with vbox 4 and vbox 5? 19:29:31 <doktor5000> that is, using virtualbox4 VM definitions (the virtual harddisks don't matter, only the VM definition) achieves sound running mga4 vms with virtualbox5, so it's not a general issue 19:29:58 <Luigi12_work> that's what it sounds like 19:30:04 <Luigi12_work> (no pun intended) 19:30:05 <wilcal> In order to get sound from a M4 client created with Vbox5 you have to set the sound to intel hd sound 19:30:18 <Luigi12_work> OK so the same settings issue I had with Windows 7 19:30:19 <Brian_> in my testing it was interest. built under VBox 4.3 (sound worked). Built under Vbox 5.0 (didn't until I switched to Intel) 19:30:27 <Luigi12_work> can't tmb patch it to default to Intel HD Audio? 19:30:36 <lewyssmith> doktor5000: [BTW thanks for chipping in] 19:30:45 <wilcal> I don't want him too. Too much work for too little return 19:30:53 <Luigi12_work> that shouldn't be much work 19:30:55 <wilcal> M4 is obsolete in just a few weeks 19:31:15 <Luigi12_work> yeah but we don't want new VMs created with it to be broken 19:31:30 <Luigi12_work> the Intel AC97 (the current default in 5.0.2) seems kind of broken 19:31:55 <wilcal> "kind of broke" is an understatement 19:32:01 <DavidWHodgins> Brian_: The extension pack ends up in /usr/lib64/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks 19:32:17 <Brian_> David - thx 19:32:27 <DavidWHodgins> Or /usr/lib/ on a 32 bit system. 19:33:03 <tmb> Luigi12_work, yeah, I already meant to, but forgot when pushing 5.0.2 :/ 19:33:14 <doktor5000> Luigi12_work: nope the .vbox files are basically the same, apart from MAC adresses and uuid's, which is even stranger - audio settings are the same :/ 19:33:27 <Luigi12_work> tmb: OK, thanks 19:33:47 <Luigi12_work> doktor5000: oh that's strange indeed 19:34:01 <Luigi12_work> yeah I haven't looked more closely at the audio settings in vbox 4 yet 19:34:34 <DavidWHodgins> We're testing vbox 5. 19:34:41 <Luigi12_work> I know :P 19:34:47 <wilcal> Note: I use the KDE "bong" sound when opening the desktop as the test 19:34:59 <Luigi12_work> I did look at the audio settings in vbox 5 today, I haven't looked to see what they were in vbox 4 19:35:02 <wilcal> no codecs or drivers needed 19:35:11 <tmb> for vbox it's a fallout of upstream "Audio: provide Linux guests a different AC97 audio codec type so Linux ALSA does not mis-detect the link speed (default for new VMs) " 19:35:14 <Luigi12_work> wilcal: you mean the login music? 19:35:19 <lewyssmith> wilcal: I can send you a couple of nice songs. 19:35:19 <wilcal> yes 19:35:26 <Luigi12_work> ok, please don't call it a bong :o) 19:35:52 <tmb> so I guess mga4 kernel/alsa misdetects it 19:35:54 <wilcal> American terminology :-) 19:36:24 <Luigi12_work> tmb: well Windows 7 completely crashes when it tries to use the AC97 19:36:32 <wilcal> o my 19:37:02 <tmb> yeah, I guesss they have made more changes to the AC97 :) 19:37:20 <DavidWHodgins> tmb: Should we wait till the default sound device is changed? 19:37:38 <tmb> but Intel HD Audio is better default anyway imho :) 19:37:47 <Luigi12_work> yeah I would think so 19:38:04 <tmb> DavidWHodgins, yeah, I will submit new sets and update the bugreport 19:38:05 <lewyssmith> Except it looks proprietary. 19:38:32 <Brian_> but works on my AMD stuff 19:38:36 <DavidWHodgins> Also, there's the kernel panic running a i586 guest on an x86_64 host. 19:38:53 <tmb> DavidWHodgins, what kernel ? 19:39:07 <Luigi12_work> I just found out today you actually can run x86_64 guests on a i586 host, mind-blowing :D 19:39:28 <DavidWHodgins> tmb: Mageia 5, fully updated. 19:39:33 <wilcal> Vbox is pretty good 19:39:41 <Luigi12_work> yeah it's amazing 19:39:58 <tmb> DavidWHodgins, yeah, but the client kernel... is it 3.19 or 4.1 from testing ? 19:40:33 <DavidWHodgins> I can't boot it to confirm, but I'm pretty sure it's the one from testing. 19:41:10 <Luigi12_work> I heard that Debian's testing branch has made the jump to kernel 4.1 19:41:16 <tmb> ok, that might actually be the kernel at fault iirc 19:41:51 <DavidWHodgins> tmb: It's desktop 4.1.5-1.mga5 19:42:09 <DavidWHodgins> According to the grub menu. 19:42:27 <tmb> hm,... iirc some critical fixes landed in 4.1.6 and some more are queued... 19:42:49 <tmb> otherwise the 4.1 kernel seems to shape up nicely now :) 19:42:50 <Brian_> I guess 4.1.x is coming to MGA5 pretty soon then 19:43:30 <DavidWHodgins> 3.19.8-desktop-3.mga5 does boot 19:43:34 <tmb> Brian_, I alrady have 4.1.6 in testing, but haven't assigned to QA yet as I'm waiting for some upstream fixes to get validated 19:44:24 <tmb> hopefully in a day or two I'll get the fixes confirmed... 19:44:25 <Brian_> tmb, thx 19:44:49 <DavidWHodgins> Yep. Thanks tmb. Shall we move on? 19:44:56 <wilcal> lets move on 19:45:02 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Luigi's Roundup 19:45:13 <DavidWHodgins> ping Luigi12_work 19:45:35 <Luigi12_work> oops I still have to push the gnutls update 19:46:15 <DavidWHodgins> Is that for 4, 5, or both? 19:46:21 <Luigi12_work> yes 19:46:31 <lewyssmith> Benmc: Hello Ben. 19:46:49 <DavidWHodgins> #info gnutls security update expected soon. 19:46:57 <Benmc> good morning Lewis, QA 19:47:01 <DavidWHodgins> HiYa Ben. 19:47:44 <wilcal> that openssh security bug critical luigi? 19:48:04 <Benmc> hi David, I'm late yet again 19:48:08 <Luigi12_work> new bugs filed for lighttpd, pure-ftpd, conntrack-tools, struts, qemu, nagios-plugins, python-django/python-django14, vlc, php-ZendFramework and php-ZendFramework2 19:48:12 <Luigi12_work> wilcal: I have no idea 19:48:50 <Luigi12_work> wilcal: I think RH had them rated as medium, so not critical 19:49:01 <wilcal> i can get through that by tomorrow evening 19:49:09 <DavidWHodgins> #info updates expected (when packagers get around to it) for lighttpd, pure-ftpd, conntrack-tools, struts, qemu, nagios-plugins, python-django/python-django14, vlc, php-ZendFramework and php-ZendFramework2 19:49:39 <Brian_> whew - a lot of work there 19:49:47 <DavidWHodgins> As always. 19:49:58 <Luigi12_work> yeah, definitely need packagers to come back from vacation 19:50:16 <Luigi12_work> I've been too busy at work to do much packaging myself 19:50:23 <DavidWHodgins> Yep. Most likely won't be back till September. 19:51:07 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_work: Anything else? 19:51:11 <Luigi12_work> oh glusterfs has a security fix too in the updates spuhler built, he needs to update the bug already assigned to QA (was just a bugfix) 19:51:21 <Luigi12_work> that'll be for mga4 and mga5 (currently just says mga5) 19:51:56 <lewyssmith> It is down for 4. 19:52:17 <Luigi12_work> ? 19:52:34 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: What's down for 4? 19:52:42 <Luigi12_work> oh I see he made another bug report for it 19:52:53 <lewyssmith> Bug 16619 19:52:54 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16619 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, ASSIGNED , Security issue in glusterfs, glusterfs 19:53:15 <DavidWHodgins> Ah. Ok. 19:53:16 <Luigi12_work> mga5 update is in Bug 16469 19:53:17 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16469 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, ASSIGNED , Glusterd does not start after upgrade from Mageia 4 to Mageia 5, glusterfs 19:53:44 <lewyssmith> I have been doing that one; it is confusing. 19:53:53 <Brian_> so build MGA4 - with Glusterfs then upgrade with patch? 19:53:54 <Luigi12_work> the virtualbox update should fix CVE-2015-2594 as well I believe 19:54:31 <tmb> yep 19:54:41 <lewyssmith> Brian_: Install it from normal repos, try it, upgrade it from Updates testing, try it again. 19:54:50 <wilcal> when will all that be in updates_testing? 19:54:57 <DavidWHodgins> I don't remember ever testing glusterfs before. 19:55:13 <Luigi12_work> the glusterfs updates are already built 19:55:16 <lewyssmith> I have only installed & started it; not *used* it. 19:55:58 <DavidWHodgins> Thanks Luigi12_work. Shall we move on? 19:56:04 <Luigi12_work> sure 19:56:09 <Brian_> that's the one that makes the harddrive spin backwards correct? ;-) 19:56:19 <DavidWHodgins> lol 19:56:23 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Anything else? 19:56:50 <lewyssmith> A quickie please. 19:56:50 <lewyssmith> quickie please. 19:56:58 <DavidWHodgins> Go ahead 19:57:31 <DavidWHodgins> Just be quick about it. :-) 19:58:07 <lewyssmith> We should post something somewhere about Opera12 under Mageia5; where is better: Blog post, or a Forum post (in which case, which forum?)? 19:58:34 <Luigi12_work> a special post just for some piece of proprietary software? 19:58:43 <Luigi12_work> well, I guess that'd be appropriate in the Forum 19:58:58 <Luigi12_work> whichever Forum has the MAQeia for Google Chrome would be the right one I would think 19:58:58 <lewyssmith> If you use it, it is damned important. 19:59:31 <DavidWHodgins> I'm still using opera 12.16, on Mageia 4. Haven't tested to see if it works in Mageia 5. I have around 160,000, messages stored in it. 19:59:59 <lewyssmith> Luigi12_work: See? 20:01:23 <DavidWHodgins> They go back to 2003, a couple of years before I switched to linux. 20:01:23 <Luigi12_work> proprietary software will always bite you where it hurts eventually 20:01:23 <DavidWHodgins> As I'm used to how it works, I won't switch until I have to. 20:01:23 <DavidWHodgins> Not sure what I'll switch to. 20:01:32 <lewyssmith> I will do a forum post, then. Dave: Vivaldi. 20:01:43 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: Thanks 20:01:52 <Luigi12_work> Vivaldi sounds like the right option for Opera browser users, but does it have Mail? 20:02:06 <lewyssmith> Not yet - but it is in the pipeline. 20:02:20 <Brian_> Vivaldi - that's the new one from the opera founders correct? 20:02:27 <Luigi12_work> yeah 20:02:36 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_work: My understanding is that there is now a separate opera-mail package, though I haven't tried it. 20:02:53 <lewyssmith> It is Win only. 20:03:05 <DavidWHodgins> Ah. Ok 20:03:37 <DavidWHodgins> I use opera for usenet, rss feeds, email, and browsing, typically with 30 tabs open. 20:03:57 <lewyssmith> It is good for IRC too! 20:04:23 <DavidWHodgins> I've tried it for irc, but find konversation more intuitive. 20:04:36 <Luigi12_work> Thunderbird should be able to do all of that except browsing 20:04:44 <Luigi12_work> I guess Iceape can do it all 20:05:00 <Luigi12_work> I use KNode for nntp, but I don't know if it's going to survive the transition to Plasma 5 20:05:02 <Brian_> I switched to Kmail - kind of kludgy to me 20:05:07 <DavidWHodgins> Hopefully it can import the messages from opera that I already have. 20:05:17 <lewyssmith> No.... 20:05:21 <Luigi12_work> yeah I had to switch my dad from KMail back to Thunderbird once they made KMail2, which was totally broken 20:05:56 <lewyssmith> Kmail worked fine in the 90s. 20:06:02 <Luigi12_work> yeah and 2000s 20:06:10 <Luigi12_work> it used to be really nice 20:06:18 <DavidWHodgins> opera is probably the program I use the most. 20:06:23 <Brian_> at one time I heard Thunderbird was getting deprecated - is that still true? 20:06:30 <Luigi12_work> not true at all 20:06:43 <Brian_> ok - so my next destination then 20:06:47 <Luigi12_work> Mozilla is devoting less resources to it, but some other companies are contributing to it more now 20:06:52 <marja> it is only hard to find at the mozilla website 20:07:13 <lewyssmith> My opening question was answered! What has followed is not my fault. 20:07:19 <marja> lol 20:07:27 <marja> lewyssmith: we don't blame you ;-) 20:07:28 <Luigi12_work> oh I guess we're done then 20:07:31 <lewyssmith> Hello Marja. 20:07:44 <marja> lewyssmith: hi and hi all 20:07:55 <Brian_> good morning, afternoon, night everyone 20:07:57 <Luigi12_work> T - 8? 20:08:06 <DavidWHodgins> marja: HiYa. About to start the countdown to end the meeting. 20:08:10 <DavidWHodgins> t -5 20:08:16 <DavidWHodgins> 4 20:08:18 <wilcal> i'm done 20:08:19 <lewyssmith> Goodnight/Goodbye everyone. Thanks to Bill & Dave & David. 20:08:19 <marja> DavidWHodgins: I followed most of the meeting 20:08:21 <wilcal> bye all 20:08:23 <DavidWHodgins> 3 20:08:26 <marja> wilcal: bye 20:08:29 <DavidWHodgins> 2 20:08:33 <DavidWHodgins> 1 20:08:38 <Luigi12_work> Bill & Dave's Excellent Adventure 20:08:45 <DavidWHodgins> lol 20:08:51 <DavidWHodgins> #endmeeting