19:03:17 <wilcal> #startmeeting 19:03:17 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Aug 13 19:03:17 2015 UTC. The chair is wilcal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:03:17 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:03:29 <DavidWHodgins> HiYa everyone 19:03:34 <wilcal> mmm it really started :-) 19:03:36 <lewyssmith> Hello Dave. 19:03:39 <wilcal> Hello David 19:04:04 <Brian_> Hi David 19:04:34 <wilcal> #chair DavidWHodgins 19:04:34 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins wilcal 19:04:45 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Who's new? 19:05:11 <wilcal> Anybody new here?? 19:05:11 <DavidWHodgins> Anyone here who hasn't been to a qa irc meeting before? 19:05:51 <wilcal> does not look like it 19:05:57 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Testing updates 19:06:15 <lewyssmith> They are arriving faster than we can clear them. 19:06:24 <wilcal> long list some easy some frustrating 19:06:31 <rindolf> Ah, meeting. 19:06:44 <wilcal> hello rindolf 19:06:45 <rindolf> I'll try to work on them. 19:06:53 <rindolf> Hi all. 19:06:55 <rindolf> wilcal: hi. 19:07:01 <DavidWHodgins> We have to find someone with an hp printer for testing hplip 19:07:15 <Brian_> I have one - USB connected 19:07:19 <wilcal> thank you david that gets me to this: 19:07:34 <wilcal> hplip new security issue CVE-2015-0839 19:07:35 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16498 19:07:36 <[mbot> Bug 16498: major, Normal, qa-bugs, ASSIGNED , hplip new security issue CVE-2015-0839, hplip-3.14.6-8.mga5.src.rpm 19:07:37 <wilcal> I've put a lot of time into this one both in Vbox and on real hardware. 19:07:38 <wilcal> For some reason after the update M5 w/Xsane no longer sees the scanner. 19:07:40 <wilcal> I thought I had success this morning but a simple reboot of the system 19:07:41 <wilcal> and the scanner was gone. 19:07:53 <wilcal> pulling my hair out 19:08:10 <Brian_> so this is more about scanner 19:08:10 <wilcal> i thought it was working for me this morning then not 19:08:20 <lewyssmith> Brian_: Yes. 19:08:25 <wilcal> ya I think the printer is fine 19:08:33 <DavidWHodgins> Any chance you'd modified the udev rule manually, and the update overwrote it? 19:08:58 <lewyssmith> [Unlikely] 19:09:11 <wilcal> i don't think you. Put that question in the bug and I'll look at it. 19:09:26 <wilcal> I also see other people having problems with printers not being recognized 19:09:44 <lewyssmith> Any, or jsut HP? 19:09:50 <lewyssmith> just 19:10:22 <wilcal> so far only HP so I'd like to see others test with non-hp printers and scanner 19:11:26 <wilcal> my hp 4502 is probably one of the most popular today. Bought it new a few weeks back 19:13:42 <wilcal> I still try to touch a bug every day ( except Sunday ). May or may not make any progress 19:14:03 <wilcal> I also start at the top of the list with the most critical security bug 19:14:45 <lewyssmith> I try similarly, but get stuck on simple issues like configuring common major applications. 19:14:48 <DavidWHodgins> That's generally the best way. 19:15:51 <wilcal> Same here lewys 19:16:03 <wilcal> took awhile for me to understand owncloud 19:16:27 <lewyssmith> Did you put in the bug how to get it working? 19:16:33 <Brian_> interesting animal owncloud. Had it working when testing iso's. 19:18:00 <wilcal> My think is to (over)document so that others can follow me later when the app comes back. 19:18:30 <Brian_> owncloud will be monthly at least methinks 19:19:05 <DavidWHodgins> Include it in the bug report and then add has_procedure to the whiteboard. 19:19:50 <lewyssmith> Seconded. I m stuck on Drupal (to test PHP) and can find nothing about configuring it. It does not show up on Bugzilla, but I am sure we have had updates for it in the past. 19:21:26 <wilcal> I think I've put enough proceedure in owncloud so others can easily duplicate what I did 19:22:06 <lewyssmith> Good & thanks. 19:22:16 <lewyssmith> There are some WiFi bugs; I shall send out a plea for people with relevant hardware to try them. 19:22:54 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16147 19:22:56 <[mbot> Bug 16147: critical, Normal, qa-bugs, RESOLVED FIXED, drupal new security issues CVE-2015-323[1-4], drupal-7.35-1.mga4.src.rpm 19:23:23 <wilcal> I put a lot of notes in there. Soo maybe that will help lewys 19:24:15 <lewyssmith> How did you find that? My bugzilla searches on Drupal yield nothing. 19:24:21 <wilcal> Ya the wifi things are tough cuz the're hardware specific 19:24:56 <Luigi12_work> you have to Ctrl-click on RESOLVED in your bugzilla search, otherwise it only gives open bugs 19:25:19 <DavidWHodgins> In bugzilla a search on "ALL drupal" shows 39 bug reports. 19:26:14 <lewyssmith> luigi12_w 19:26:18 <DavidWHodgins> The keyword ALL in the search is the same as selecting the resolved. 19:26:25 <lewyssmith> Luigi12_work: Thnaks for that. 19:27:09 <DavidWHodgins> Since he's here, shall we move on? 19:27:15 <wilcal> yes please 19:27:20 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Luigi's Roundup 19:27:49 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_work: ping 19:27:57 <Luigi12_work> oy 19:28:07 <wilcal> hello luigi 19:28:25 <Luigi12_work> there's a gnutls issue waiting for a CVE 19:28:41 <Luigi12_work> oh we need to get that gdk-pixbuf2.0 one out quick, that should have gone out with the Firefox update 19:29:21 <lewyssmith> I have just installed it. But to try? 19:29:44 <Luigi12_work> just use Firefox, it should use it for loading some images 19:29:47 <wilcal> Is it just for M5? 19:29:50 <Luigi12_work> yeah 19:30:05 <Luigi12_work> the bug doesn't affect older gdk-pixbuf2.0 versions like we have in Mageia 4 19:30:17 <DavidWHodgins> I'll get the advisory into svn right after the meeting. 19:30:19 <Luigi12_work> so should be a quick and easy one 19:30:29 <lewyssmith> Will do. 19:30:36 <Luigi12_work> tmb is working on an update for xfsprogs 19:30:39 <wilcal> how to test 19:31:14 <Luigi12_work> new bugs filed this past week for lighttpd and pure-ftpd, so hopefully we'll get those out soon 19:31:33 <wilcal> how to best test gdk-pixbuf2.0? 19:31:40 <Luigi12_work> new security issues fixed in the latest openssh release are pending CVE requests and waiting to get backported 19:31:56 <Luigi12_work> that's all I have 19:32:02 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Create a partition with a filesystem type xfs then test some of the commands under /sbin/xfs* 19:32:10 <wilcal> ok 19:32:36 <wilcal> two super critical Firefox and flash bugs in the press the last few days 19:32:49 <wilcal> are those the ones that just went through our system 19:32:55 <DavidWHodgins> Yes 19:33:04 <wilcal> Flash - again 19:33:54 <wilcal> Note: TOR just went to 5.0 and that's working on my system 19:34:54 <wilcal> Hello Stormi 19:35:25 <DavidWHodgins> We don't do version updates in stable system, unless there's a fix needed, that can't be backported to the version we have. 19:35:43 <wilcal> TOR is not part of our system but is widely used 19:36:04 <wilcal> lest I don't think it is 19:36:17 <DavidWHodgins> We do have tor packaged 19:36:24 <DavidWHodgins> :v tor 19:36:24 <Sophie> DavidWHodgins: // core-updates (Mga, 4, i586) 19:36:24 <Sophie> DavidWHodgins: // core-updates (Mga, 4, i586) 19:36:24 <Sophie> DavidWHodgins: // core-updates (Mga, 4, i586) 19:36:24 <Sophie> DavidWHodgins: All results available here: http://sophie.zarb.org/chat/EAnYPodX 19:36:27 <wilcal> Ahhh 19:36:56 <DavidWHodgins> There have been several updates for it that we've tested before. 19:38:24 <wilcal> is anyone any good at roundcubemail 19:38:33 <wilcal> i haven't a clue how that works 19:39:01 <lewyssmith> Somebody promised to have a look at it; I forget who. Debate about what it actually does. 19:40:00 <DavidWHodgins> Prior bugzilla entries plus the readme should help 19:40:14 <Stormi> hi wilcal 19:40:18 <Stormi> and rest of the team 19:40:21 <DavidWHodgins> That was probably me, be then I forget about it. 19:40:23 <DavidWHodgins> HiYa 19:42:11 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_work: Thanks for the roundup 19:42:21 <wilcal> if you can deal with roundcubemail David maybe this should be an install then update without errors test 19:42:27 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Anything else? 19:42:30 <wilcal> can't deal with it 19:42:49 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Yes. 19:42:55 <wilcal> not from me except I've gotta push away from hplip fpr a few days 19:44:24 <DavidWHodgins> Countdown time? 19:44:35 <wilcal> Thanks David 19:45:15 <wilcal> -5 19:45:23 <wilcal> -4 19:45:29 <wilcal> -3 19:45:38 <lewyssmith> Wait! 19:45:39 <wilcal> -2 19:45:52 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: go ahead 19:46:03 <wilcal> What's up lewys? 19:46:06 <lewyssmith> Updates Testing is giving me hell. 19:46:21 <DavidWHodgins> In what way? 19:46:49 <lewyssmith> Let me decribe; it is not short, so patience. 19:47:42 <lewyssmith> It works OK for normal updates, but with Testing enabled: It starts by popping up the following dialogues demanding a choice: 19:48:31 <DavidWHodgins> Normally, just press enter when it asks for a choice. 19:48:59 <lewyssmith> parallel somethings; hunspell; libreoffice language * 3; prallel, libreoffice * 3; then threatens to remove loads of things. 19:49:53 <lewyssmith> Clickong NO then shows the updates list, with nothing ticked. Selecting almost anything repeates the endless dialogues. You may win in the end, but not alwyas. 19:51:00 <DavidWHodgins> Can you give a specific example? 19:51:14 <lewyssmith> Trying just the rpm update produces the endless choice dialogues, the remove threat list, NO does not leave rpm selected. Sometimes the rpm one yields "it cannot be selected". 19:51:42 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: Do you want me to go through it now? 19:52:11 <DavidWHodgins> might be better to do it on the mailing list. irc is not good for long messages. 19:52:51 <Luigi12_work> ahh, put rpm in your skip.list 19:53:01 <Luigi12_work> (plus the other packages from that SRPM) 19:53:02 <lewyssmith> I will do that. I did it on IRC with Claire who admitted she had some trouble - just after you loggod out because of thunderstorms. 19:53:04 <Luigi12_work> that should avoid that problme 19:53:24 <lewyssmith> What *is* this skip list? And how? 19:53:49 <Luigi12_work> it's /etc/urpmi/skip.list 19:54:25 <DavidWHodgins> It's a text file. Just add the name of the package to be blocked to it. 19:54:48 <lewyssmith> And how to update rpm eventually? 19:55:07 <Luigi12_work> so adding /^rpm/ and /^librpm/ and /^python-rpm/ and /^python3-rpm/ should do it (lib64rpm instead of librpm on x86_64) 19:55:08 <DavidWHodgins> Remove it from the skip list. 19:55:48 <lewyssmith> I'll try tomorrow. If no joy, mailList. 19:55:49 <tmb> or install it so it gets tested on every urpmi/rpm usage 19:56:06 <Luigi12_work> sounds like it's broken 19:56:22 <DavidWHodgins> I don't see a bug report for it assigned to qa, so it may not be ready yet. 19:56:23 <Luigi12_work> that's three people that have reported it causing this problem 19:56:35 <DavidWHodgins> :maint rpm 19:56:36 <Sophie> DavidWHodgins: For Mageia (rpm): tv 19:56:36 <Luigi12_work> bug 16547 is assigned to QA 19:56:38 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16547 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , Update candidate : rpm, rpm- 19:56:46 <Luigi12_work> so someone needs to report these problems on that bug and put feedback on it 19:57:23 <lewyssmith> It could be down to a corrupt local system. Why just three people? 19:57:26 <tmb> it might simply be all libs not getting added by simply selecting rpm... 19:57:26 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_work: Thanks. I'm going blind. :-) 19:57:42 <Luigi12_work> lewyssmith: what do you mean why just three people? Probably because only three have tried it. 19:58:19 <lewyssmith> Bill access updates testing daily. 19:58:22 <Luigi12_work> your system isn't the issue if other people are having the same problem 19:58:39 <Luigi12_work> well Claire and someone in #mageia earlier this week said they saw the same thing 19:59:05 <Luigi12_work> I don't think Bill uses the normal method for installing the updates, so he doesn't see it 19:59:07 <lewyssmith> OK: mailList or Bug? 19:59:15 <Luigi12_work> say something on Bug 16547 19:59:26 <wilcal> I first try the MCC and if that does not work then the urpmi 19:59:43 <lewyssmith> urpmi for an update? 20:00:02 <Luigi12_work> yeah, not the best way to test but that's what he does 20:00:23 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: After the testing repos are enabled run 20:00:53 <wilcal> i can see the individual packages to be updated and manually select them 20:00:54 <tmb> ah, seems some interesting deps is shown with urpmi including some wxgtk ... 20:01:31 <lewyssmith> Why all the hunspell & libre-office massive selection dialogues - repeated? 20:01:43 <Luigi12_work> I thought all the needed apps were rebuilt for the updated wxgtk, so that shouldn't cause a problem 20:01:54 <Luigi12_work> lewyssmith: who knows, something's going haywire 20:02:21 <lewyssmith> Worse, these language choice dialogues do NOT include any language on my system. 20:02:29 <Luigi12_work> there's not even a libreoffice update in updates_testing 20:02:53 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: Were all updates installed before enabling the testing repos? 20:03:17 <Luigi12_work> I think we have some magic in rpm or urpmi to select the right languages for packages that require a language pack based on your locale, maybe the rpm update breaks that or something 20:03:45 <lewyssmith> I'll try excluding rpm & see what happens. 20:03:45 <tmb> lewyssmith, it comes from urpmi trying to solve deps / updates by removing some conflicting packages and some of them deps hits a basesystem package so it gets in a dep loop 20:04:08 <lewyssmith> It wants to remove loads of unrelated stuff. 20:04:46 <lewyssmith> Lets say "Goodbye"! 20:04:56 <wilcal> time for count down again 20:04:59 <wilcal> -5 20:05:05 <tmb> lewyssmith, yep, thats what happens when a basesystem package ends up on conflicting list 20:05:12 <wilcal> -4 20:05:25 <DavidWHodgins> for debugging urpmi use "urpmi package names --debug 2>&1 | tee /tmp/log 20:05:32 <wilcal> -3 20:05:39 <Luigi12_work> not sure how to get a debug log from MageiaUpdate 20:05:53 <wilcal> -2 20:05:57 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_work: I don't think there is a way. Just from urpmi. 20:06:02 <Luigi12_work> :o( 20:06:04 <wilcal> are we really done 20:06:08 <Luigi12_work> yep 20:06:09 <wilcal> -1 20:06:12 <DavidWHodgins> I think that's it. 20:06:14 <lewyssmith> Yes. 20:06:28 <wilcal> #endmeeting