19:01:13 <wilcal> #startmeeting 19:01:13 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Aug 6 19:01:13 2015 UTC. The chair is wilcal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:13 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:25 <wilcal> get it started and just hang for a few 19:02:09 <wilcal> #chair lewyssmith 19:02:09 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: lewyssmith wilcal 19:02:19 <wilcal> put you on the hot seat :-)) 19:02:30 <lewyssmith> OK. 19:02:46 <wilcal> hello tmb good to see you here 19:03:05 <lewyssmith> #Topic Who's new? 19:03:19 <wilcal> Anyone here that's new? 19:03:33 <lewyssmith> Hardly anyone at all! 19:03:43 <Brian___> I'm used - very used 19:03:56 <wilcal> lots of people are used up 19:04:08 <wilcal> but by Sept this'll be back in full swing 19:04:13 <Brian___> lol - just lots of mileage 19:04:24 <wilcal> welcome dvg 19:04:37 <lewyssmith> #topic Testing updates 19:04:54 <wilcal> I continue to touch at least 1x per day 19:05:01 <wilcal> sink or swim 19:05:23 <Brian___> life has gotten busy and funny to me, but testing bugs seems harder in some ways than releases 19:05:30 <wilcal> Found a couple clunkers 19:05:48 <lewyssmith> I pick away, but so many are long to get the hang of. As you said - career applications. 19:05:57 <Brian___> yup 19:06:16 <lewyssmith> Brian___, Updates *are* harder. 19:06:50 <Brian___> so makes for interesting testing. 19:07:59 <lewyssmith> Herman deserves a big pat on the back for his testing. He does difficult things. 19:08:17 <Brian___> Steam 32 - still needs testing, I installed and logged in. VM is too slow, so will need ot go to physical AMD hardware 19:08:28 <wilcal_> back I think my laptop overheated and froze 19:08:28 <Brian___> yeah 19:08:49 <Brian___> @wilcal - sitting up on the roof again ;-) 19:08:56 <wilcal_> any perminate change we can make to a Vbox client to speed things up tmb? 19:09:33 <wilcal_> There's that command I've been using that really speed things up 19:09:33 <Brian___> uh oh 19:09:44 <wilcal_> seems to be still hee 19:09:46 <wilcal_> here 19:10:00 <lewyssmith> What command? 19:10:41 <wilcal_> ethtool -K enp0s3 gro off 19:10:46 <wilcal_> in a terminal 19:10:50 <Brian___> I'll drop it on my old AMD box and see what happens, nothing lost if it kills it 19:11:11 <Brian___> hold on doing a copy/paste 19:11:18 <wilcal_> enp0s3 is the network connection, can be eth0 19:11:30 <wilcal_> in a root terminal 19:11:36 <Brian___> got it 19:11:39 <wilcal_> makes things really really fast for that session 19:11:47 <Brian___> thank you 19:12:06 <wilcal_> I don't know how to put that in the start up configs 19:13:25 <lewyssmith> It is really obscure. where did you find it? 19:13:26 <Brian___> I will give it a try 19:14:27 <wilcal_> tmb posted it in the Vbox bug we're working on 19:15:17 <Brian___> does anybody keep a list of who knows how to test xxxx 19:15:20 <Brian___> ? 19:15:56 <Brian___> some of those packages are obscure to say the least 19:16:15 <wilcal_> in the listing of bugs to be worked on the right side you can open past bugs for the same app 19:16:23 <wilcal_> yes, some of them are very obscure 19:16:27 <lewyssmith> I have had this idea before. It seems something we could address. 19:16:48 <lewyssmith> Even solicit users of special software to test updates. 19:17:16 <Brian___> that might be interesting idea - kind of a side blog 19:17:24 <lewyssmith> Or a Wiki. 19:17:26 <wilcal_> some are hardware specific 19:17:37 <Luigi12_work> the headless mode in virtualbox 5 is really cool 19:17:50 <wilcal_> take it's head off 19:17:51 <Luigi12_work> (drop down selection next to Start) 19:17:55 <lewyssmith> Yes, we need a register of special HW. Some bugs are stuck because of that. 19:17:59 <Brian___> I have remote support set up, gotta try it sometime 19:18:08 <Brian___> yeah 19:18:22 <wilcal_> David ( luigi ) and I sometimes agree to just make sure it installs and upgrades without error 19:18:57 <wilcal_> I've got a couple I've got to have discussed here today 19:18:57 <lewyssmith> Better to find someone who *can* test it, though. 19:19:09 <lewyssmith> wilcal_, Go ahead. 19:19:32 <Brian___> otherwise having fun - in my spare bandwidth with some of them 19:19:53 <wilcal_> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16491 19:19:54 <[mbot> Bug 16491: normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , owncloud new security issues fixed upstream in 8.0.5, owncloud-8.0.3-1.mga5.src.rpm 19:20:03 <lewyssmith> Luigi12_work: Welcome. 19:20:18 <wilcal_> Seems to not work at all in M5. I need someone else to confirm this 19:20:41 <wilcal_> probably never tested on the M5 platform during M5 development 19:20:44 <lewyssmith> I can try that - but need to install it from scratch. *That* takes time. 19:20:53 <Luigi12_work> blino is using it, so it should work 19:20:59 <Brian___> I've done owncloud a bit - could do that on physical hardware though. I'm wondering if VBOOX 19:21:07 <wilcal_> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16437 19:21:08 <[mbot> Bug 16437: normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , update request: virtualbox 5, virtualbox 19:21:08 <Brian___> a bit means - twice 19:21:41 <wilcal_> This is a major uptick of Vbox Vbox4 -> Vbvox5 Lots of problems with M4 clients ( no sound ) 19:21:43 <Brian___> oh that one 19:22:16 <wilcal_> Maybe we should wait for M4 to go obsolete and only suppport Vbox in M5 and Cauldron 19:22:19 <wilcal_> M6 19:22:45 <Luigi12_work> yeah I think tmb said in here last week that that was a possibility 19:23:00 <Luigi12_work> bummer though, I'd like to use it for our next class here (I guess I could still) 19:23:00 <tmb> wilcal_, I couldn't reproduce the sound issue with mga4 client... it worked after install from live KDE i586 for me 19:23:31 <wilcal_> FWIW I was successful to Install a Linux Mint 17 64-bit in my M5 + Vbox 5 box 19:23:32 <Luigi12_work> actually maybe it's good since I don't want it to get upgraded until my current class is over (i.e. for another month) 19:23:37 <Brian___> could hardware used be part of it? 19:23:41 <wilcal_> I think this is a hardware issue 19:23:47 <wilcal_> some work some don't 19:24:05 <Brian___> yeah - when I switched per tmb - sound worked 19:24:06 <wilcal_> M5 + Vbox 5 seem to work well 19:24:23 <wilcal_> When does M4 go obsolete? 19:24:28 <Brian___> is Vbox 4 still supported? 19:24:43 <wilcal_> Yes M4 is still supported 19:24:54 <wilcal_> I think until Sept or Oct 19:25:26 <Brian___> so keep m4 and Vbox 4 together until ... 19:25:41 <wilcal_> Yes that probably would be a good idea 19:25:55 <tmb> vbox 4 is still supported yes, it even got a security update I'd need to push 19:26:26 <wilcal_> Gratious that's a lot off testing for me 19:27:28 <Brian___> it is one more piece to keep folks motivated to move up to M5. 19:27:29 <tmb> so either we push vbox5 to mga4 too for tests (as that also fixes the security issue) or I nuke vbox5 from testing for now 19:28:04 <wilcal_> I say wait till after M4 goes obsolete. That's what I say 19:28:07 <Brian___> I have lots of opinions but no authority -- you're call tmb 19:28:53 <Brian___> would that mean pulling vbox5 from mga5? 19:29:04 <Brian___> until Oct? 19:29:08 <tmb> point is as discussed last meeting. mga4 and mga5 should stay in sync to make easier on QA 19:29:17 <Brian___> got it 19:29:40 <wilcal_> When does M4 go obsolete 19:29:45 <tmb> otherwise you get guest additions mismatches between mga4 and mga5 19:30:19 <tmb> M4 will be EOL ~ Sep 21st 19:30:28 <Brian___> that's soon 19:30:49 <lewyssmith> Too soon after the lateness of M5. 19:30:57 <wilcal_> Ya, not very long to wait 19:31:03 <wilcal_> Then this issue goes away 19:31:56 <tmb> lewyssmith, well, we extended the support ~3 months to give people time to prepare for upgrades... 19:32:01 <wilcal_> I can test and verify then we can push Vbox 5 to M5 19:32:09 <wilcal_> on 21 sept 19:33:00 <lewyssmith> Advisories: Dave is doing a sterling job, just coping (with help). He has asked me to jump in, but there are too many updates at present so we agree I should concentrate there. 19:33:01 <tmb> wilcal_, no need to test more vbox5 for now if we nuke it as there will be som 5.0.x update by then 19:33:16 <wilcal_> sounds like a plan 19:33:31 <wilcal_> I don't want this to chew up your time tmb 19:33:56 <tmb> yeah, well it works for me, so I use it :) 19:34:06 <wilcal_> thanks man 19:34:22 <wilcal_> executive decision :-)) 19:34:29 <wilcal_> lets move on 19:34:47 <wilcal_> any other discussions on bugs other then there's lots of them 19:35:20 <lewyssmith> Yes! Bug 16249 19:35:21 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16249 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, ASSIGNED , roundcubemail new security issues CVE-2015-218[01] and CVE-2015-5382, roundcubemail-1.0.5-4.mga5.src.rpm 19:35:41 <wilcal_> I've dabbled poorly with that 19:35:52 <wilcal_> you becoming an expert lewys? 19:36:14 <lewyssmith> It is a webmail application. It seems to require that you have POP3 & IMAP server. Is this correct? 19:36:30 <wilcal_> You've already lost me 19:36:43 <wilcal_> If it does then it's more a career then a test 19:36:55 <Brian___> intersting - I was confused whether it was a client base software or mail server 19:37:27 <lewyssmith> Claire said once: "Edited /etc/roundcubemail/main.inc.php and configured imap/smtp server and enabled the installer." 19:37:31 <Brian___> seems to be a web-based mail client, but looked complicated 19:38:08 <lewyssmith> Maybe it is a server in itself. 19:38:25 <Brian___> don't know for sure - it looks like 10 hrs to get running to me 19:38:40 <wilcal_> Then it becomes a career 19:38:43 <lewyssmith> I was hoping David might know... 19:39:22 <tmb> https://roundcube.net/ 19:39:48 <lewyssmith> I looked! 19:39:54 <lewyssmith> One big problem starting with raw Mageia5 is having to re-install & configure major applications again. 19:40:26 <Luigi12_work> tmb: if we nuke vbox5, can you just move it to backports testing for now? 19:40:32 <Brian___> <yes> 19:41:03 <Brian___> sorry you jumped in toquick @lewyssmith <yes> 19:41:14 <wilcal_> sounds like a plan 19:41:24 <lewyssmith> Brian___, : I understood. 19:42:33 <lewyssmith> I cannot do 16515 because I have no network. 19:42:39 <lewyssmith> bug 16515 19:42:40 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16515 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , openafs new security issues CVE-2015-328[2-5] and CVE-2015-3287, openafs-1.6.11-1.mga5.src.rpm 19:43:29 <wilcal_> Do you use a router lewys? 19:43:55 <wilcal_> and just on computer 19:43:56 <lewyssmith> I don't think so. 19:43:59 <wilcal_> one 19:44:09 <lewyssmith> Just one stand-alone box. 19:44:38 <wilcal_> last count here was 8 active computers :-0 19:44:49 <tmb> well, you can use vms to get more computers 19:44:49 <wilcal_> 4 of them with modular hard drive systems 19:44:57 <lewyssmith> And not enough memory or horse-power for VBox. 19:44:59 <wilcal_> Vbox works well for that 19:45:20 <wilcal_> bridged network connection and router gives you many computers 19:45:42 <Brian___> I'm not familiar with openafs - I guess I could delve 19:45:52 <lewyssmith> Actually, I ma not sure now that the bug *is* network, but it is completely incomprehensible. 19:46:09 <wilcal_> Go for it brian 19:46:20 <Brian___> ok - I'll try to figure out where or how it is used 19:46:43 <Brian___> then see what nukes 19:47:13 <lewyssmith> Claire has already commented, and it looks very specialised. 19:47:46 <wilcal_> if you can figure it out Brian make sure it installs and updates ook 19:48:05 <wilcal_> it's a security update i think 19:48:07 <Brian___> ok - yes seems very "cloud" like 19:48:12 <wilcal_> not a functional thing 19:48:59 <wilcal_> ya it's a security thing 19:49:38 <wilcal_> lots in there to tinker with 19:49:39 <lewyssmith> Bug 16081 I understand not. Both Vlad & Herman have tried it, but whether it is deemed OK is debateable. David, can you look/judge? 19:49:40 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16081 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , [Update Candidate] drakx-net-2.22-1.mga4, drakx-net-2.22-1.mga4.src.rpm 19:50:42 <lewyssmith> Dave said it had Feedback [required], but that is not shown. 19:51:22 <lewyssmith> Shall I add that now? 19:51:33 <wilcal_> OOooOoo i have no Microsoft stuff here at all 19:52:14 <lewyssmith> Answer myself: No, Thierry has said "It should go as it is". 19:52:49 <wilcal_> sounds like a plan. Install and update ok then push it 19:53:11 <wilcal_> Anything else 19:53:52 <tmb> bug 16438, bug 16439, bug 16390 would ve nice to get out so I can start pushing kernel updates for mga5 19:53:56 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16438 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , Update request: nvidia-current-346.82-1.mga5, nvidia-current 19:53:57 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16439 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , Update request: fglrx-15.200.1046-1.1.mga5, fglrx 19:53:58 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16390 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , broadcom wifi: kernel panic with static IP & with suspend/resume, kmod-broadcom-wl- 19:54:20 <wilcal_> the invidia thing needs lots of people to try 19:54:50 <wilcal_> I'll look at those over the next day or so tmb 19:56:20 <lewyssmith> tmb, I have just OK'd 16439 for x64. 19:57:21 <wilcal_> anything else else 19:57:43 <Brian___> nvidia needs newer hardware I think 19:57:53 <Brian___> nothing else from me 19:58:01 <wilcal_> needs nvidia hardware 19:58:10 <wilcal_> I have one system with that 19:58:17 <Brian___> got that, but older hardware in my stable 19:58:22 <wilcal_> note about that 19:58:25 <Brian___> for nvidia 19:59:03 <wilcal_> I just put together two i5 systems with the intel HD 4600 video and they do not need an nvidia board for whatever I do 19:59:54 <wilcal_> can we move on to luigi? 20:00:40 <wilcal_> #topic Luigi's Roundup 20:01:13 <wilcal_> did it go there 20:01:17 <lewyssmith> Sorry, I was clearing out a bug. 20:01:48 <wilcal_> try again 20:01:52 <wilcal_> #topic Luigi's Roundup 20:02:15 <lewyssmith> #topic Luigi's Roundup 20:02:27 <wilcal_> aaaa there we go 20:02:32 <wilcal_> it don't like me 20:02:34 <lewyssmith> wilcal_, Lost your touch! 20:02:39 <wilcal_> Are you here luigi? 20:02:47 <wilcal_> old laptop 20:03:21 <DavidWHodgins> Back 20:03:28 <wilcal_> you made it 20:03:28 <lewyssmith> Hello Dave. 20:03:38 <Brian___> Dave 20:03:42 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_work: Are you here for the roundup? 20:03:57 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_lappy: Here? 20:04:26 <wilcal_> silence 20:04:27 <lewyssmith> Ping Luigi12_work 20:04:50 <lewyssmith> Remember he was here earlier. 20:05:08 <wilcal_> ya that was probably his window 20:05:36 <wilcal_> give him another minute or so 20:05:55 <Luigi12_work> here 20:06:28 <wilcal_> he made it 20:06:35 <wilcal_> your on for the wrap up 20:06:41 <Luigi12_work> joequant is helping with the qemu update, it might be ready soon 20:07:37 <Luigi12_work> filed a bug on xmltooling last Friday, that's waiting on the maintainer 20:07:44 <Luigi12_work> otherwise, a bunch of older ones also waiting for packager help 20:07:49 <Luigi12_work> xmltooling is the only new one from the past week 20:08:30 <Luigi12_work> that's all I have 20:08:37 <wilcal_> thks 20:08:57 <wilcal_> you saw the decision to delay the Vbox4 -> Vbox5 upgrade 20:09:11 <Luigi12_work> oh is it a firm decision? 20:09:33 <wilcal_> i think so. Wait till M4 goes obsolete then work it 20:09:47 <wilcal_> relieve some of tmb's time 20:09:50 <Luigi12_work> ok 20:10:06 <Luigi12_work> I guess he's probably got more kernel updates he wants to do too 20:10:16 <wilcal_> yes 20:10:35 <wilcal_> so we move on 20:10:39 <tmb> well, actually I'm currently reading svn commits for vbox, and found some interesting stuff there... :) 20:10:41 <lewyssmith> Do any of us use QEMU? 20:10:41 <wilcal_> you got the honors lewys 20:10:42 <lewyssmith> Are we done here? 20:10:43 <DavidWHodgins> That's fine with me, though I won't upgrade till bug 16173 is fixed. 20:10:44 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16173 normal, Normal, thierry.vignaud, NEW , Upgrade option is not being shown, mgaonline-3.10.1-1.mga4.src.rpm 20:11:37 <lewyssmith> #Topic Anything else? 20:11:43 <lewyssmith> #topic Anything else? 20:11:50 <Brian___> wouldn't that take a one file push to fix that one? 20:11:51 <wilcal_> I don't have anything else 20:12:09 <DavidWHodgins> For Virtualbox speedup, as well as putting 'ethtool -K enp0s3 gro off' in /etc/rc.d/rc.local, either switch to the server kernel, or add the kernel option divider=10. See bug 44 for details. 20:12:10 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44 critical, High, erwanaliasr1, NEW , slow OS under VirtualBox, due to HZ=1000 (was mkinitrd fails in VB), syslinux, mageia-gfxboot-theme, drakx-installer-images 20:12:14 <lewyssmith> wilcal_, :Your turn Bill... 20:12:48 <DavidWHodgins> Also, on low memory systems, boot to run level 3, then use "startx virtualbox". 20:13:10 <wilcal_> i'm done 20:13:18 <Brian___> <David> would 16173 take a one file push? 20:13:21 <wilcal_> thanks for that tip David 20:13:23 <tmb> DavidWHodgins, vbox5 should hopefully work better regarding bug44 20:13:35 <DavidWHodgins> For roundcubemail, postfix and something like dovecot is needed too. 20:13:54 <Brian___> :-) went to server kernel already 20:13:56 <DavidWHodgins> tmb: Glad to hear it. 20:14:29 <Brian___> on that test instance 20:14:38 <wilcal_> anything anything else 20:14:55 <DavidWHodgins> As per bug 44 I was running Magia alpha 1 under vb on an old i586 system with only 2GB of ram. 20:15:09 <wilcal_> ooooo that must be painful David 20:15:27 <DavidWHodgins> It was. :-) Very slow, but it worked. 20:15:35 <wilcal_> wear out the hd cache sector 20:15:43 <lewyssmith> [Hexchat just stopped responding, had to quit it & re-start]. 20:16:01 <Brian___> lol - I have sempron running 512 MB - no hope for anything other than libreoffice ont hat one 20:16:18 <DavidWHodgins> Using "startx virtualbox", it didn't use the swap at all. 20:16:45 <wilcal_> I've rejouvinaed some friends old laptops with Puppy LInux 20:17:59 <Brian___> amazingly Mate runs quite well on it, but browsers are memory intense. as far as VBox - only one to do that on 20:18:22 <Brian___> I dont' have anything else. Will try to tuning and look at openafs 20:18:29 <Brian___> looks interesting and time consuming 20:18:33 <wilcal_> my vbox box is my Video editing box. Really big 20:18:36 <wilcal_> and fast 20:18:57 <DavidWHodgins> I'll go over the logs of the meeting later, and will add anything I can in posts to the qa-discuss mailing list. 20:19:04 <wilcal_> I think we've run the course for today 20:19:14 <wilcal_> Thanks David 20:19:16 <DavidWHodgins> That's it for me. 20:19:17 <Brian___> good to chat with you everyone 20:19:29 <wilcal_> thanks all for being here 20:19:32 <lewyssmith> Goodbye all. 20:19:34 <wilcal_> Count down starts 20:19:36 <lewyssmith> -5 20:19:42 <lewyssmith> -4 20:19:45 <lewyssmith> -3 20:19:47 <lewyssmith> -2 20:19:50 <lewyssmith> -1 20:19:52 <lewyssmith> 0 20:20:31 <wilcal_> #endmeeting 20:20:46 <lewyssmith> I had it ready! 20:20:52 <wilcal_> go for it 20:20:58 <lewyssmith> #endmeeting