19:06:10 <DavidWHodgins> #startmeeting 19:06:10 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Jul 2 19:06:10 2015 UTC. The chair is DavidWHodgins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:06:10 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:06:19 <DavidWHodgins> #chair wilcal 19:06:19 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins wilcal 19:06:27 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Who's new? If you're just joining QA come and introduce yourself 19:06:43 <DavidWHodgins> Anyone here who has not been to a qa team irc meeting before? 19:07:52 <DavidWHodgins> Doesn't look like it. 19:07:55 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Mageia 5 - How we/you do'n? 19:08:16 <lewyssmith> Sorry I'm late. 19:08:22 <wilcal> I'm finding a couple little wrinkles but nothing show stopping 19:09:18 <DavidWHodgins> Hi lewyssmith. We're really just getting started. 19:09:25 <wilcal> I've swapped out a lot of hardware and everything seems ok 19:09:26 <lewyssmith> I noticed. 19:09:41 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: What type of wrinkles? 19:10:35 <wilcal> I have one system ( server ) that's on all the time when in the sleep more to goes from blank black screen to one that shows kernel posting 19:10:45 <wilcal> kinda does it in the middle of the night 19:11:06 <lewyssmith> kernel posting? 19:11:06 <wilcal> what's a good log file to look at 19:11:32 <DavidWHodgins> Sounds like the x server is crashing. Check /var/log/syslog/Xorg.0.log 19:11:57 <wilcal> ya I think it's something with x 19:12:19 <wilcal> OK I'll check that log file next time it does it and take a pic of the screen 19:12:24 <wilcal> thanks 19:12:25 <DavidWHodgins> Also check dmesg output to see if there are any hardware related problems. 19:12:46 <wilcal> it's done it on two different platforms 19:13:35 <DavidWHodgins> Doesn't mean it can't be hardware related. Heat generated when running cron.daily could affect them. 19:13:43 <wilcal> k 19:14:07 <wilcal> simply press the space bar and the desktop comes back just fine 19:15:21 <wilcal> anyone else see things 19:15:34 <DavidWHodgins> That's strange. 19:16:28 <lewyssmith> I am afraid I have yet to migrate to Mageia 5; other things have been pressing. So cannot comment on it yet. 19:16:35 <wilcal> I've moved all my systems over to M5 and for me they're all working just fine 19:16:53 <lewyssmith> I shall migrate SAP. 19:16:57 <lewyssmith> ASAP. 19:17:07 <wilcal> even a very old system running as a print server 19:17:45 <DavidWHodgins> I'm waiting for bug 16173 to get fixed before I upgrade my main installs. 19:17:47 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16173 normal, Normal, bugsquad, NEW , Upgrade option is not being shown, mgaonline-3.10.1-1.mga4.src.rpm 19:21:49 <DavidWHodgins> Anyone else have anything about Mageia 5? 19:22:03 <wilcal> Anything from the support forums 19:22:32 <wilcal> Seems pretty quiet 19:22:57 <lewyssmith> What is the public reaction? 19:23:12 <DavidWHodgins> So far, excellent. 19:23:18 <brian__> missed the conversation. 19:23:29 <brian__> fyi - one issue on an install with a two drive system 19:24:43 <lewyssmith> Spill the beans... 19:24:56 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 19:25:31 <brian__> sda and sdb. installing on sdb. install went fine, then rebooted to grub repair> 19:25:52 <brian__> removed second drive and ran mageia update - cleaned it up 19:26:02 <brian__> tried hacking it, but to be honest too lazy 19:26:09 <brian__> so did hte other 19:26:21 <DavidWHodgins> grub should have been installed to the mbr of sda. 19:26:44 <brian__> well - sda comes and goes as it is removable (star-tech) 19:26:57 <brian__> even in - didn't work so well 19:27:00 <DavidWHodgins> Ouch. That makes it hard. 19:27:26 <lewyssmith> Should you not make sdb the boot device in BIOS, & put Grub there? 19:27:57 <lewyssmith> Sorry, I meant with fdisk. 19:28:27 <stef74> dear all, 19:28:29 <brian__> I like flipping between drives 19:28:53 <stef74> it's possible problem with menu.lst hd1 => hd0.... 19:28:56 <brian__> so like grub on drive booting to 19:29:25 <DavidWHodgins> The grub install expects to be on hd0. The fix is to edit /boot/grub/device.map and label sdb as hd0, and sda as hd1. Also, edit menu.lst and change hd1 to hd0 for all stanzas related to the sdb install. 19:30:06 <brian__> ahhhhhh 19:30:46 <DavidWHodgins> Note that will also have to be done on every kernel upgrade, before rebooting. 19:31:21 <stef74> DavidWHodgins: why modify device.map? personnaly i modify only the menu.lst and after it's work. 19:31:29 <DavidWHodgins> I have the same problem, on my main system where I've set the bios to default to booting from sdb. 19:32:26 <DavidWHodgins> I haven't tried just editing the device map. I looked at what had been changed in /boot/grub, and assumed it would need to be fixed too. 19:32:31 <brian__> that seems like the issue - David - looking int he wrong places 19:32:49 <brian__> only issue I really came across 19:34:05 <wilcal> My Vbox test drive is now M5 and I've started testing updates on that. Seems pretty solid 19:34:14 <DavidWHodgins> Also, it's not a regression. It's described somewhere in one of the erratas, or the wiki. 19:34:15 <brian__> This of course happened on my main SSD drive as I was retiring Mint Debian 19:34:36 <stef74> monitor-edid don't detect monitor.... in the installer 19:34:40 <wilcal> This laptop got fitted with a ssd and installed M5 and it seems pretty solid 19:35:26 <DavidWHodgins> I tried an ssd drive in a laptop. The system overheated to the point of shutdown within a minute of power up. 19:35:43 <wilcal> wow that's strange 19:35:44 <brian__> hmm - bad device? 19:35:46 <DavidWHodgins> Hence I now have a second ssd card in my main system. 19:36:17 <DavidWHodgins> The laptop wasn't designed to use an ssd drive. They generate a lot more heat than a spinning hard drive. 19:36:20 <wilcal> My video editing ssd drive is now M5 19:36:51 <brian__> little faster wilcal? 19:37:08 <wilcal> Ya pretty dramatic 19:37:11 <DavidWHodgins> I have a uefi install of Mageia 5 on my second ssd card. 19:37:24 <wilcal> IMO M5 is somewhat quicker then M4 19:38:14 <wilcal> just feels quicker 19:38:24 <brian__> it does for me also 19:38:25 <DavidWHodgins> I have a 1TB spinning hard drive, that I only use for bulk storage, and some test installs. For day to day use, I won't go back to a spinning hard drive, as the ssd drive really spoils you. 19:39:20 <brian__> I keep the spinners as they are about $40 for a 1tb now. That and a friend gave me three healthy ones for shipping 19:39:49 <DavidWHodgins> Looks like we should move on :-) 19:39:51 <DavidWHodgins> Testing updates - Anyone need help? 19:40:39 <brian__> filezilla - I never could get my sftp right on proftpd. I count it up to my inexperience. 19:40:47 <DavidWHodgins> The list is getting pretty big. http://mageia.madb.org/tools/updates 19:40:48 <wilcal> I'm get'n back to look'n at one-a-day anyway 19:40:50 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ] 19:41:13 <wilcal> It was really really big but is kinda come'n down 19:41:24 <brian__> I'm learning a lot that's for sure 19:42:35 <lewyssmith> I have to apologise: I have been out of action for over 2 weeks (flu among other things), and will be again this coming week - in Merrie England. 19:42:39 <Luigi12_work> sftp doesn't use proftpd, it uses openssh-server 19:42:49 <wilcal> 16141 wasn't there something we did with wireshark 19:43:05 <brian__> correct but to get sftp set up on proftpd is an adventure 19:43:20 <Luigi12_work> proftpd doesn't do sftp, openssh-server does 19:43:23 <brian__> was trying to test downcasting the security between filezilla and sftp 19:43:35 <brian__> I'll try that 19:43:38 <Luigi12_work> proftpd just does ftp 19:43:51 <brian__> there are modules 19:44:18 <brian__> and instructions out there for setting up - my bad 19:44:33 <DavidWHodgins> "urpmq -y proftp" will show all of the available modules. 19:44:49 <Luigi12_work> maybe it can do an SSL-encrypted ftp, but that wouldn't be the same as sftp 19:44:53 <brian__> sounds like openssh-server is the best approach 19:44:55 <brian__> will note that 19:45:22 <brian__> fyi sftp module for proftp is in our repositories 19:45:39 <Luigi12_work> oic, so it takes the place of openssh 19:45:59 <Luigi12_work> weird, wonder what the point of that is 19:46:02 <brian__> <shrug> beats me 19:46:19 <brian__> I guess if you like the tool - a way to keep it and for sftp? 19:46:43 <Luigi12_work> then you wouldn't have regular SSH access. strange use case :o) 19:46:48 <brian__> <still wet behind the ears> charged blindly ahead 19:46:52 <Luigi12_work> well you could run SSH on another port 19:47:08 <Luigi12_work> heh, proftpd also has a mod_tls for doing SSL/TLS-encrypted FTP like I was saying 19:47:27 <Luigi12_work> it should have a mod_pizza that you can use to order pizzas for delivery 19:47:28 <brian__> bingo 19:47:33 <DavidWHodgins> sftp is supposed to be on port 115 19:47:41 <Luigi12_work> just choose which pizza you want from the list and drag and drop it to your system 19:47:59 <brian__> I saw that for windows - 19:48:13 <brian__> it became a zombie ;0) 19:48:21 <lewyssmith> Is this to make testing updates more appetizing? 19:48:40 <DavidWHodgins> lol 19:48:42 <brian__> sorry got lost in cyberspace lewyssmith 19:49:03 <brian__> there are a whole lot of these tools in the list I have no knowledge of 19:49:18 <wilcal> free pizza with a bug push 19:49:28 <lewyssmith> brian__: A common problem for all of us. 19:49:38 <brian__> lol - wireshark - read some white papers on it, never used it 19:49:52 <brian__> maybe I could test it by hacking my kids packets 19:51:21 <DavidWHodgins> brian__: Being part of qa means learning about packages you otherwise never would have looked at. Testing an update for redshift-gtk is how I found out about the package, and use it all of the time now. 19:52:02 <brian__> :-) 19:52:25 <brian__> I was serious about hacking the packets 19:53:00 <brian__> but this is challenging 19:53:24 <DavidWHodgins> Any other specific updates people are having trouble with? 19:54:06 <wilcal> Ask that same question next week 19:54:28 <wilcal> we should be well into it by this time next week 19:54:35 <DavidWHodgins> That reminds me. The problem reported for thunderbird is a serious enough regression, I consider it a blocker for that update. As firefox is so intertwined with thunderbird, it's blocked too. 19:54:55 <DavidWHodgins> That's bug 16232 19:54:56 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16232 critical, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , Firefox and Thunderbird 38, firefox, thunderbird, nss 19:57:06 <DavidWHodgins> Any other questions about updates? 19:57:14 <wilcal> Not from me 19:57:33 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi's Roundup - Weekly security news from our David Walser 19:57:43 <Luigi12_work> well the bug 16232 isn't meant for release 19:57:49 <Luigi12_work> it will be once we update again to 38.1 19:58:08 <Luigi12_work> and that bug is unfortunate, and hopefully they'll fix it in 38.1, but it won't be a blocker, since it was confirmed to be an upstream bug 19:58:14 <DavidWHodgins> Hopefully that will fix the Starttls problem. 19:59:13 <Luigi12_work> yeah if they can identify the fix quickly 19:59:23 <Luigi12_work> I had heard 38.1 was supposed to come out this week, but maybe it'll be next week 20:00:23 <DavidWHodgins> Given how popular starttls has become, having it not working would be a blocker, in my opinion. 20:00:50 <DavidWHodgins> We'll have to wait and see if it is confirmed though. 20:00:52 <Luigi12_work> we can't hold up the whole esr38 update another 6 weeks for it 20:02:05 <DavidWHodgins> If the bug is confirmed, I consider it serious enough to warrant waiting. We don't want people losing access to there email. 20:02:23 <Luigi12_work> no they'll just be vulnerable to publicly disclosed critical security issues for 6 weeks instead 20:02:23 <Luigi12_work> no way 20:02:43 <Luigi12_work> if it's a packaging problem, we'll hold it until we fix it, if it's an upstream bug, there's nothing we can do 20:02:52 <Luigi12_work> we could put a warning in the advisory, that's about it 20:03:26 <DavidWHodgins> I don't think most people read the advisories. 20:03:35 <Luigi12_work> there's nothing I can do about that either 20:03:50 <Luigi12_work> that certainly isn't going to sway anything, I don't spend all this time writing them for my own health 20:04:31 <lewyssmith> Luigi12_work: And your other bad news, David? 20:04:43 <DavidWHodgins> If the bug is not fixed, I'd like to wait a bit and see what other distros are doing. If most seem to be going with 38.1, then ok. 20:05:13 <Luigi12_work> yeah, that's fine, but I'm sure RHEL will have 38.1 out immediately as usual 20:05:32 <Luigi12_work> topic still needs to be changed for the roundup :o) 20:05:49 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Luigi's Roundup - Weekly security news from our David Walser 20:05:53 <Luigi12_work> bam 20:05:59 <DavidWHodgins> Oops. Sorry, forgot the #topic 20:06:04 <Luigi12_work> :o) 20:06:30 <DavidWHodgins> I seem to be forgetting lots of things lately. :-) 20:06:57 <lewyssmith> But not feeding Malone. 20:07:09 <Luigi12_work> ok, so we'll eventually have an update for Qt 5.4.2 (which has some security fixes), KDE Frameworks 5 (whatever the current version is) and Plasma 5 (current version) also with a security fix, but it looks like that's going to take a while. 20:07:13 <DavidWHodgins> He has claws! :-) 20:07:27 <Luigi12_work> Cauldron still isn't done, it's maybe halfway done there 20:07:44 <Luigi12_work> not sure if the KDE team will take care of virtuoso-opensource or if I'll have to do that one 20:08:06 <wilcal> seems mostly file name changing M5 -> M6 20:08:08 <DavidWHodgins> #info Updates expected eventually for Qt 5.4.2, KDE Frameworks 5, and Plasma 5. 20:08:09 <Luigi12_work> still need a packager to update stunnel for mga5 20:08:20 <Luigi12_work> still need a packager to backport some qemu patches 20:08:43 <Luigi12_work> still need a sysadmin to clear qtbase5 out of mga5 core/updates_testing so that I can build the owncloud-client update 20:08:57 <Luigi12_work> polkit 0.113 just came out today, so working on that update right now 20:09:11 <DavidWHodgins> #info still waiting for packager help for stunnel and qemu 20:09:17 <Luigi12_work> webmin needs an update for an XSS issue, but not high on my list of priorities right now 20:09:29 <Luigi12_work> still waiting on freeradius upstream to release their next version with the fix 20:09:34 <DavidWHodgins> #info polkit update soon 20:09:57 <Luigi12_work> x11-server issue that only affects XWayland, so not high on my list of priorities either 20:10:12 <Luigi12_work> issues in ruby-RubyGems, ruby-rack, and ruby-redcarpet, so need packager help there 20:10:14 <DavidWHodgins> #info owncloud-client coming soon. 20:11:00 <DavidWHodgins> #info waiting for upstream release of freeradius 20:11:03 <Luigi12_work> new issues in cups-filters and openssh as well. I'll take care of cups-filters eventually. Hoping the openssh maintainer will take care of that one, but we'll see. CVE for that just got assigned yesterday I think, so it's early yet, nobody's issued an update for it yet. 20:11:27 <DavidWHodgins> #info packager help needed for various ruby packages 20:11:39 <Luigi12_work> that's mostly it 20:11:48 <DavidWHodgins> Thanks Luigi12_work 20:11:56 <lewyssmith> Seconded. 20:11:56 <wilcal> ooo one more thing 20:12:09 <wilcal> I'm hearing horror stories about a recent Flash issue. Seems only Windows. 20:12:22 <DavidWHodgins> #info updates also expected for cups-filters, and openssh 20:12:38 <wilcal> You hear anything luigi 20:13:25 <wilcal> the bi-weekly flash disaster 20:14:12 <Luigi12_work> http://occupyflash.org/ 20:14:13 <[mbot> [ Occupy Flash - The movement to rid the world of the Flash Player plugin ] 20:14:27 <Luigi12_work> that's about all I can say about that 20:15:10 <Luigi12_work> well I did hear the recent emergency Flash update was for something being exploited in the wild 20:15:19 <Luigi12_work> so luckily DavidWHodgins tested that one and we got it pushed quickly 20:15:23 <Luigi12_work> it was the first update for mga5 20:15:30 <DavidWHodgins> According to http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about we have the latest one. 20:15:31 <[mbot> [ Adobe - Flash Player ] 20:17:12 <DavidWHodgins> Thanks David Walser 20:17:17 <DavidWHodgins> #topic 20:17:28 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Anything else? 20:17:34 <lewyssmith> I shall be away next week, but will try to make the meeting. Small chance, so apologies for absence in advance. 20:17:48 <brian__> not me - I'll be bugging wilcal as needed 20:17:53 <DavidWHodgins> Ok lewyssmith. Thanks for letting us know. 20:17:54 <wilcal> Not from me. I've got an M5 system cook'n in the back room 20:18:01 <wilcal> anytime brian 20:19:11 <DavidWHodgins> Looks like count down time. 20:19:16 <DavidWHodgins> 5 20:19:18 <wilcal> i'm for that 20:19:21 <DavidWHodgins> 4 20:19:24 <wilcal> next week folks 20:19:27 <DavidWHodgins> 3 20:19:31 <DavidWHodgins> 2 20:19:34 <DavidWHodgins> 1 20:19:35 <lewyssmith> Goodbye everyone, the chosen few. 20:19:43 <DavidWHodgins> #endmeeting