19:02:54 <DavidWHodgins> #startmeeting 19:02:54 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Jun 18 19:02:54 2015 UTC. The chair is DavidWHodgins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:54 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:03:57 <DavidWHodgins> Welcome everyone to a joint qa and council team meeting. Bill has said he will not be here, and I don't expect Claire either, so we have a couple of people missing. 19:04:10 <lewyssmith> Important people... 19:04:11 <DavidWHodgins> #chair ennael tmb 19:04:11 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins ennael tmb 19:04:23 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Who's new? If you're just joining QA come and introduce yourself 19:04:23 <lewyssmith> clever! 19:05:03 <DavidWHodgins> As always, first topic is whether or not there is anyone here that has not been to a qa irc meeting before. 19:05:44 <DavidWHodgins> Doesn't look like it, so moving on 19:05:51 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Mageia 5 - Go or NoGO. 19:06:05 <rindolf> I say "Go". 19:06:07 <DavidWHodgins> What does everyone think? I think go. 19:06:08 <Akien> #link https://pad.riseup.net/p/mageia5final 19:06:09 <[mbot> [ Riseup Pad ] 19:06:37 <lewyssmith> Me too; and most people who have already experessed an opinion on the ML say the same. 19:06:39 <brian__> based on my experience with the equipment I have - go 19:06:56 <neoser10> I think about the Oh no thing in Gnome i586 is missing packages, the recently installed MGA5 full desktops is working well 19:07:09 <neoser10> and this is a GO 19:07:39 <lebarhon> I made two new install this evening, everything is Ok - GO 19:07:48 <DavidWHodgins> The only release blocker bugs are bug 16032 and bug 15734, which I think should have their priority lowered. 19:07:50 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16032 critical, release_blocker, bugsquad, NEW , GDM timing race issue on LiveDVDs occasionally ends up with a fail whale 19:07:51 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15734 critical, release_blocker, tmb, NEW , Booting laptop+nVIDIA Optimus from Live DVD (KDE or GNOME) ends with blank screen (X server fails to start) 19:07:57 <lewyssmith> "Oh No" only happens in certain cases, and can often be by-passed. 19:08:04 <ennael> using mga5 since 2 months now it's working perfectly here 19:08:21 <ennael> tested dual and added comment in pad no issue on vbox 19:08:23 <Akien> Using mga5 since 16 months now :-D 19:08:24 <Luigi12_work> reproduced the booting problem on another machine :o( 19:08:30 <Akien> "Go" for me too 19:08:45 <marja> Luigi12_work: which booting problem? 19:08:47 <brian__> Luigi is the only scare I have 19:08:51 <DavidWHodgins> Does anyone object to go? 19:09:00 <ennael> tmb: ? 19:09:02 <Luigi12_work> installed kernel-server-3.19.8-3 update and it won' boot 19:09:16 <Luigi12_work> 3.19.8-2 still boots 19:09:27 <Luigi12_work> GRUB doesn't appear to even load the new one 19:09:30 <Luigi12_work> not sure why 19:09:36 <lewyssmith> What do the ISOs have? 19:10:03 <Luigi12_work> I have the same kernel running on another machine with the same hardware, so don't think it's strictly a kernel issue 19:10:04 <Akien> lewyssmith: The latest I believe 19:10:14 <brian__> mine is Linux localhost 3.19.8-desktop586-3.mga5 19:10:22 <lewyssmith> -2 or -3 ? 19:10:40 <ennael> using -3 also here 19:10:43 <tmb> Luigi12_work, missing initrd ? 19:10:56 * rindolf is using -2 19:11:07 <rindolf> is -3 in updates_testing? 19:11:07 <Luigi12_work> tmb: no there's an initrd there 19:11:08 <Akien> Ah I'm on -2 too actually 19:11:15 <ennael> -3 is in isos btw 19:11:28 <Akien> We don't get new packages from Core Release? 19:11:34 <lewyssmith> ennael: And they have all been run. 19:11:49 <tmb> Akien, only with urpmi, not mageiaupdate 19:11:52 <marja> Luigi12_work: do you have more than one Mageia 5 on that machine? 19:11:58 <Akien> tmb: Ah ok, that explains it 19:12:05 <Luigi12_work> marja: no, just Windows 7 and Mageia 5 19:12:46 <marja> Luigi12_work: ok.... and you use grub, never grub2 19:13:18 <Luigi12_work> GRUB2 doens't see Windows, so no go 19:13:38 <tmb> Luigi12_work, thats a feature :) 19:13:51 <ennael> :) 19:13:53 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 19:14:00 <brian__> sound like another round 19:14:12 <marja> Luigi12_work: weird, grub2 never has a problem with seeing windows here (unless maybe on first boot, but then running update-grub2 fixes it) 19:14:34 <neoser10> thats sounds a os probeer problem 19:14:47 <DavidWHodgins> If there is a workaround, it will not be a release blocker. 19:14:52 <tjandrews> ello, everybody. 19:14:54 <marja> and "maybe" is a real maybe (I have some fake windows partitions) 19:15:25 <DavidWHodgins> Hi tjandrews 19:15:28 <lewyssmith> tjandrews: Welcome. Rain? 19:15:29 <tjandrews> Decided it was a good time to take a break 19:15:54 <DavidWHodgins> Been raining here most of the week too. 19:16:05 <tjandrews> Needed to hydrate, and other bodily functions. 19:16:14 <DavidWHodgins> lol 19:16:43 <DavidWHodgins> Ok, so again, is anyone against releasing with the current iso images? 19:16:44 <tmb> yeah, the trouble of "fixing small remaining bug" in installer has shown to break something else in the process every time, so I think we dont want to fix anything installer related anymore at this point... 19:17:10 <ennael> I agree with this 19:17:14 * marja agrees with tmb ...... perfect doesn't exist 19:17:18 <neoser10> +1 19:17:32 <ennael> we may release 5.1 iso later if needed as an updtae in some months 19:17:43 <Akien> Yep, let's fix those bugs after the release so that we don't have to do it as the last minute for mga6 :) 19:17:44 <DavidWHodgins> So let's go with release! 19:17:53 <Luigi12_work> yeah for the most part mga5 is great, had a student using it for the last week and a half, I've ironed out the issues I've found 19:17:55 <tmb> And comparing to the rushed mga4, mg5 will be a quality release 19:18:04 <marja> :-) 19:18:07 <Luigi12_work> just ran into this non-booting problem, not sure WTF is causing it 19:18:07 <hviaene> Applaus 19:18:11 <ennael> ok so please answer OK / NOOK all please 19:18:13 <ennael> OK 19:18:16 <marja> OK 19:18:16 <Akien> OK 19:18:18 <tmb> OK 19:18:19 <lewyssmith> We are of one mind: topic agreed GO. 19:18:19 <neoser10> OK 19:18:20 <Luigi12_work> OK 19:18:20 <hviaene> OK 19:18:21 <tjandrews> OK 19:18:22 <brian__> ok 19:18:23 <DavidWHodgins> OK 19:18:30 <david_david> OK 19:18:40 <marja> lebarhon: ? 19:18:51 <lebarhon> OK 19:19:01 <marja> leuhmanu: ? 19:19:06 <DavidWHodgins> It's been a long delay in release, and the qa team really needs a break. :-) 19:19:08 <marja> Stormi_: ? 19:19:12 <Luigi12_work> indeed 19:19:14 <ennael> all people from council ML including MrsB|away and Schultz 19:19:29 <rindolf> OK 19:19:44 <DavidWHodgins> MrsB|away: is away, so don't expect an answer from her. 19:19:45 <tmb> so ... when do we release... is web-team ready... ? and note we need to start mirroring several hours before we publish websites, preferably 1 day before... 19:19:50 <Akien> I guess it's a unanimous OK then 19:20:06 <bunk_home> sup 19:20:07 <tmb> MrsB|away, noted OK for release on qa ml 19:20:13 <tjandrews> Mrs B did say OK in an email. 19:20:17 <ennael> DavidWHodgins: she said yes on ML 19:20:21 <ennael> :) 19:20:27 <lewyssmith> Akien: You seemm subdued. 19:20:33 <ennael> ok guys so we can cnclude mg5 is out! 19:20:36 <david_david> papoteur: ? 19:20:38 <Akien> Yeah I'll be working full time on the blog announcement now, should be ready and ironed out in 24h 19:21:11 <Akien> And the web team will go in berserk mode too I guess, knowing that the release depends on them :) 19:21:16 <DavidWHodgins> Good tmb ennael go for it. Just make sure the api file is updated so people don't start getting cauldron updates when it reopens. 19:21:23 <tmb> ok , so I push mirrors and torrents tonight and we go public tomorrows ? 19:21:38 <DavidWHodgins> tmb: Sounds good 19:21:46 <rindolf> tmb: thanks! 19:21:46 <tjandrews> Oh, good! I can now attend and crew at our hot air balloon festival next week with a clear conscience... 19:21:55 <Akien> filip_, leuhmanu: Do you think you'll be ready for the website tomorrow evening? (at least ready for the release, we can still polish things up afterwards) 19:21:59 <DavidWHodgins> lol 19:22:08 <tmb> DavidWHodgins, api has been pointing on mga5 since RC as I have a symlink from 5 to cauldron on mirrors ... 19:22:21 <DavidWHodgins> Ok. Good 19:22:25 <Akien> Time to cp cauldron to 5 then :) 19:22:53 <Akien> Ah no sorry, it's the other way around :) 19:23:03 <Akien> 5 is already good IIUC. 19:23:30 <DavidWHodgins> Shall we move on to the next topic, as it seems we have all agreed to go ahead and push the Mageia 5 release? 19:23:34 <tmb> yep, I'll mail mirror-announce and start the mirror branching tonight 19:23:50 <marja> tmb: thx :-) 19:23:53 <rindolf> DavidWHodgins: go ahead. 19:24:07 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Luigi's Roundup - Weekly security news from our David Walser 19:24:21 <Luigi12_work> hmm, I think GRUB has a 1TB limit and that's what's causing my problem 19:24:47 <Luigi12_work> ok roundup in a minute, BRB 19:25:09 <DavidWHodgins> Ah. That makes sense. I always create a small /boot partition near the beginning of the drive. 19:25:25 <DavidWHodgins> Old habits die hard. 19:25:49 <Luigi12_work> yeah I do too in manual, I used automatic partitioning...it should have caught that 19:25:51 <Luigi12_work> oh well 19:26:15 <Luigi12_work> ok we have a flash-player update as you probably saw, will have to get that built for mga5 once SVN is branched 19:26:31 <Luigi12_work> still waiting on upstream to release owncloud-client 1.8.3, it's in RC2 status now 19:26:40 <Luigi12_work> so hopefully we'll have that update next week 19:26:49 <tjandrews> None of my partitions are anywhere near that. My biggest internal drive is 500MB. 19:27:04 <Luigi12_work> I got a possible fix for the libvpx security issue, so I'll push that to QA once mga5 is open 19:27:06 <brian__> on 1.5 TB here 19:27:26 <bunk_home> 40 GB lol 19:27:41 <DavidWHodgins> I have a 1TB hard drive, and 2 256GB ssd drives in my main system 19:28:00 <Luigi12_work> still waiting on some more fixes for qemu..it'd be nice if we had a real maintainer so I didn't have to do everything 19:28:17 <Luigi12_work> need some upstream patches backported since Fedora seems to be ignoring some of the security issues 19:28:39 <Luigi12_work> david_david will have a filezilla update for us once mga5 opens 19:29:00 <Luigi12_work> I have fixes for p7zip, libwmf, curl, and wireshark checked in, also waiting to be able to commit in mga5 19:29:01 <david_david> yeah :) 19:29:05 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_work: ennael Please post messages to the devel mailing list reminding them that packages will be dropped if not maintaned. 19:29:19 <Luigi12_work> I dunno if we can drop qemu though 19:29:30 <Luigi12_work> but yeah I'll probably keep finding more things to drop for mga6 19:29:39 <Luigi12_work> there's a security issue in polkit, patch pending upstream 19:29:41 <ennael> we will relaunch packagers meeting and restart all this 19:29:51 <DavidWHodgins> If no developer is willing to maintane it we should, in my opinion. 19:30:06 <ennael> you can hardly drop qemu 19:30:15 <ennael> I can try to ask pterjan to look at it 19:30:21 <ennael> he was maintaining it in mdv 19:30:41 <DavidWHodgins> I hate testing that package, as it's so slow compared to virtualbox. 19:31:05 <Luigi12_work> I'm still waiting for upstream to fix an issue in libtiff that I found (using a PoC for a differnet issue) 19:31:30 <tjandrews> Gotta go, guys, before my brother threatens to fire me. 19:31:33 <Luigi12_work> also a reminder that once mga5 opens, the KDE team will be updating Qt5, KF5, Plasma 5, and virtuoso-opensource 19:31:44 <DavidWHodgins> tjandrews: Have a good night 19:31:57 <lewyssmith> tjandrews: Goodbyre. 19:31:59 <tjandrews> But it would be OK if he did. I'd just hire myself back again. 19:32:04 <Luigi12_work> probably have a stunnel update shortly after mga5 opens too 19:32:24 <DavidWHodgins> So we'll get hit with a large number of updates shortly after release. 19:32:41 <Stormi> Go 19:32:44 <Stormi> (yeah I'm late) 19:32:52 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 19:32:56 <marja> :-) 19:32:58 <Luigi12_work> yep, I'm done 19:33:01 <DavidWHodgins> Not a problem 19:33:08 <DavidWHodgins> Thanks David 19:33:14 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Anything else? 19:33:23 <neoser10> I have to ask: madb have QA assigned packages without testing and or with OK 19:33:27 <brian__> @Luigi - question. The keychain issue in MAc/IOS. 19:33:33 <brian__> think that'll come to Linux? 19:33:57 <Luigi12_work> what issue? 19:34:06 <Stormi> neoser10: what's the question? 19:34:20 <brian__> http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/06/serious-os-x-and-ios-flaws-let-hackers-steal-keychain-1password-contents/ 19:34:22 <[mbot> [ Serious OS X and iOS flaws let hackers steal keychain, 1Password contents | Ars Technica ] 19:34:34 <neoser10> the madb have QA assigned packs without OK or without testing 19:34:46 <Luigi12_work> that's because they need to be tested 19:35:26 <DavidWHodgins> neoser10: Packages newly assigned to qa will not have any ok in them. Once the update is validated, the advisory still has to be added to svn before the package can be pushed. 19:35:27 <Luigi12_work> brian__: that's specific to OS X and its sandboxing feature 19:35:32 <neoser10> or tested but without OK 19:35:54 <Luigi12_work> sometimes people forget to add the OK, sometimes they aren't confident it's been fully tested yet 19:36:08 <neoser10> example the draknet 19:36:14 <brian__> ok - keychain had me concerne 19:36:35 <neoser10> is old.... and we have not a user with cyrilic to review a patch 19:36:35 <DavidWHodgins> Some packages, like the kernel, we want tested on as many systems as possible, before adding the ok. 19:37:11 <Stormi> neoser10: some updates might be old because everybody was busy testing ISOs 19:37:20 <Stormi> now QA team will have to focus on them indeed 19:37:22 <DavidWHodgins> That's true. 19:38:02 <neoser10> That is good then i will install MGA updates testing again 19:38:07 <DavidWHodgins> While my testing has been very limited, due to health problems, I've only been testing iso images, not updates. 19:38:34 <hviaene> neoser10 : didn't yoou see the notr (from Thierry??) that this fontd problem hzs nothing to do with draknet 19:38:46 <hviaene> As far as I understand 19:39:23 <neoser10> hviaene: yes, but as MrsB said, is all about networking 19:39:38 <neoser10> and about drakNFS and draksambashares 19:39:42 <Luigi12_work> don't install everything from updates_testing 19:39:47 <Luigi12_work> there's a bunch of stuff in there not assigned to QA 19:39:52 <Luigi12_work> some of it needs to be deleted 19:39:59 <neoser10> Only the QA assigned 19:40:00 <lewyssmith> neoser10: See https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13354 19:40:02 <[mbot> Bug 13354: normal, Normal, thierry.vignaud, RESOLVED FIXED, draknfs doesn't like utf-8 (gtk3 regression ?), drakx-net 19:40:33 <Akien> rebooting to test -3 kernel 19:41:01 <lewyssmith> neoser10: Vladimir's comments. 19:41:20 <DavidWHodgins> If you do unstall everything, be prepared to run urpmi with the downgrade option. 19:41:49 <neoser10> lewyssmith: that is new for me... thanks 19:41:59 <DavidWHodgins> Argh! Typo time again. s /unstall/install/ 19:42:34 <lewyssmith> neoser10: Also https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16081 19:42:35 <[mbot> Bug 16081: normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , [Update Candidate] drakx-net-2.22-1.mga4, drakx-net-2.22-1.mga4.src.rpm 19:42:54 <DavidWHodgins> Ok. Anyone have anything else, or should I start the countdown to end the meeting? 19:43:04 <brian__> 5 19:43:08 <Luigi12_work> peace out 19:43:10 <marja> Akien: so it boots fine for you, too :-) 19:43:10 <DavidWHodgins> lol 19:43:12 <DavidWHodgins> 5 19:43:16 <DavidWHodgins> 4 19:43:18 <Luigi12_work> yeah it's not a kernel issue 19:43:18 <Akien> marja: yep :) 19:43:20 <DavidWHodgins> 3 19:43:22 <Luigi12_work> think it's a 1 TB limit issue 19:43:25 <lewyssmith> Goodbye everyone. 19:43:25 <DavidWHodgins> 2 19:43:29 <DavidWHodgins> 1 19:43:34 <marja> lewyssmith: good night 19:43:34 <DavidWHodgins> #endmeeting