19:05:24 <MrsB> #startmeeting 19:05:24 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Jun 11 19:05:24 2015 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:05:24 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:05:32 <MrsB> Morning everybody o/ 19:05:33 <brian____> running on livecd here. 19:05:44 <wilcal> very nice brian 19:05:52 <MrsB> Who's going to be Dave? 19:06:01 <brian____> install was fine - noted other issue 19:06:19 <MrsB> #chair wilcal lewyssmith 19:06:19 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: MrsB lewyssmith wilcal 19:06:23 <MrsB> you're it :P 19:06:37 <MrsB> #topic Who's new? 19:06:47 <MrsB> Is anybody new with us today? 19:07:22 <MrsB> doesn't look like it 19:07:41 <MrsB> #topic Mentoring update 19:07:56 <wilcal> waiting for testing to finish 19:07:56 <MrsB> So mentors, how's it going? 19:08:07 <lewyssmith> I suspect void. 19:08:19 <wilcal> so concentrated on ISOs 19:08:31 <MrsB> Len has been doing a bit, we were discussing media handling earlier this week 19:08:54 <MrsB> Does anybody still need a mentor? 19:09:46 <MrsB> That's a no then :) 19:10:10 <MrsB> we'll keep revisiting this 19:10:14 <lewyssmith> #topic Testing updates 19:10:18 <MrsB> thanks Dave 19:10:36 <MrsB> So guys, there are only two remaining, who's going to take them? 19:10:49 <wilcal> I can look at ffmpeg 19:10:49 <MrsB> http://mageia.madb.org/tools/updates 19:11:06 <neoser10> I add my name to ffmpeg 19:11:13 <wilcal> pretty easy 19:11:22 <MrsB> cool, that should be that one done then, what about the other one? 19:11:31 <rindolf> MrsB: I can try. 19:11:37 <MrsB> Does anybody here have a network connection? 19:11:45 <MrsB> well doen rinddolf 19:11:51 <MrsB> eww typos 19:12:13 <MrsB> anybody else for drakx-net? 19:12:16 <brian____> MrsB - network connection? expand? 19:12:24 <rindolf> MrsB: network connection for what? 19:12:34 <MrsB> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16081 19:12:35 <rindolf> MrsB: I only have Mageia 4 on VMs - all my hosts are Mageia 5. 19:12:42 <neoser10> This drak net does not have the testing procedure 19:12:46 <MrsB> vm's are fine 19:12:51 <rindolf> Ah. 19:13:09 <neoser10> and how to reproduce is from drakfont 19:13:13 <MrsB> it's the thing that connects you to the net though. I hope we all know how that works by now 19:13:26 <lewyssmith> No... 19:13:57 <neoser10> LOL...... I can test it with M$ enviroment??? 19:14:07 <neoser10> Can I.... 19:14:36 <MrsB> I guess a MS partition would be just a fat or ntfs one 19:15:04 <lewyssmith> It seems to be all font related. I will have a go. 19:15:13 <MrsB> ok thanks lewis 19:15:32 <MrsB> we'll have a clear list then if we can do those two \o/ 19:15:32 <neoser10> I was thinking about M$ machines in my network 19:16:00 <MrsB> If we can't reproduce the fault then just ensuring it still works is ok 19:16:15 <brian____> sounds like fun 19:16:35 <MrsB> thanks guys, let's move one then :) 19:17:02 <lewyssmith> #topic Mageia 5 19:17:11 <MrsB> thanks! 19:17:16 <MrsB> Sooo 19:17:23 <MrsB> how's it looking? 19:17:42 <MrsB> tmb ennael what plans do you have too please? 19:17:42 <wilcal> I looked at all the new live media today in Vbox and they were fine 19:17:57 <brian____> two weird things for me. 1. Old Sempron wouldn't completely power down on i586 classic - anyone else have an issue? 19:18:05 <wilcal> CI's looked fine both on hardware and Vbox and they were fine 19:18:16 <brian____> 2. the gnome one mentioned my marja 19:18:17 <MrsB> what type of install brian____? 19:18:48 <MrsB> lxde/lxdm has issues shutting down, but does shut down eventually 19:18:48 <tmb> live medias are not affected by the cups issue... they only have one of its libs installed 19:18:51 <rindolf> brian____: I have some problems with pm-suspend here on my Acer Core Duo laptop, but I had similar ones on Mageia 4. 19:18:54 <brian____> i586 - classic 8-Jun - mate. halt --poweroff didn't work 19:18:56 <brian____> shutdown does 19:19:05 <neoser10> apart the issues from Fn keys and the naming of sound cards... I see OK the Classical ISO 19:19:16 <wilcal> I installed i586 Mate from the CI and that was fine 19:19:18 <brian____> everything else is great and works on other machines 19:19:38 <tmb> classical isos carry full cups, so they are affected... 19:19:49 <MrsB> are you satisfied with the current crop of live's tmb? 19:19:58 <lewyssmith> It seems that only Lives have been given another round. 19:19:59 <wilcal> 3 June 15 boot.iso's look fine 19:20:09 <hviaene> What is this cups issue Dave refered to 19:20:25 <hviaene> I just got home now , off whole day 19:20:27 <MrsB> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16098 19:20:52 <neoser10> ahh yeah... update cups before release 19:21:15 <tmb> MrsB, well, since they were posted this morning I haven't checked if anyone have tested them yet 19:21:45 <wilcal> the rpm's are not in the repo yet? 19:21:59 <MrsB> brian____ had an oh no, others not. Has everybody had a go with them now? 19:22:24 <MrsB> not much testing reported on the pad for them :( 19:22:24 <brian____> livecd-gnome - starting live session 19:22:35 <MrsB> https://pad.riseup.net/p/mageia5final 19:22:39 <brian____> today's download (6 hrs ago) 19:23:44 <neoser10> what hardware is brian? 19:23:48 * marja is syncing now 19:24:22 <brian____> nvidia - I'll go get exact model 19:24:40 <MrsB> older one wasn't it 6000 series 19:24:51 <brian____> yes 19:25:04 <MrsB> nvidia304 19:25:10 <brian____> C51 [GeForce 6150 LE] 19:26:31 <neoser10> I have one in the past work 19:26:40 <neoser10> I will test the live CD ROM 19:26:58 <lewyssmith> For the round 6, I got "Oh no" from DVD, but not USB. Will try 6+1. 19:27:05 <MrsB> #info Live isos only carry one cups library so cups update probably shouldn't hold them up 19:27:14 <tmb> as for gnome issues, in one report tv posted links to other reports, and reading them and their additional links showed a painful problem... 19:27:41 <neoser10> From the round 6 Live DVD GNOME i do not have issues, but installed i have the Oh no, work around: vesa driver 19:27:47 <MrsB> modules one tmb? 19:28:21 <brian____> for me - after install system is happy 19:28:23 <wilcal> I installed CUPS on KDE Live-CD this morning. It went well 19:28:33 <wilcal> In Vbox 19:28:36 <MrsB> the update wilcal? 19:28:52 <wilcal> Ya the ISO that came this morning 19:29:03 <MrsB> oh right, yeah thats the old one 19:29:07 <wilcal> I have a VERY generic HP USB printer 19:29:08 <MrsB> old cups 19:29:21 <wilcal> newer then this morning wow 19:30:01 <MrsB> no Anne today but I suspect we'll ahve one more round of Classic's before we're done 19:30:20 <wilcal> I've a pretty open weekend 19:30:28 <tmb> seems mesa 10.4 branch has some issues with llvm 3.5 branch, both of wich we have in cauldron/mga5... 19:30:36 <MrsB> ahh 19:30:53 <MrsB> that would explain oh no's 19:31:06 <tmb> and gnome relies on llvm softpipe when nothing else works ... 19:31:21 <ennael> hi there sorry I'm late 19:31:25 <MrsB> hi ennael 19:31:36 <marja> ennael: hi 19:31:43 <MrsB> what are we likely to do about it tmb? 19:32:12 <MrsB> #info <tmb> seems mesa 10.4 branch has some issues with llvm 3.5 branch, both of wich we have in cauldron/mga5... 19:32:24 * ennael jumps over the window 19:32:24 <rindolf> Good night all - I'm going to sleep. 19:32:27 <rindolf> Bye. 19:32:34 <MrsB> nite then rindolf 19:32:37 <wilcal> bye rin 19:32:39 <rindolf> MrsB: bye. 19:32:41 <marja> rindolf: good night 19:32:41 <rindolf> wilcal: bye 19:32:45 <rindolf> marja: night. 19:32:53 <tmb> well, technically we should upgrade to newer mesa and llvm, as it's confirmed fixed/working... 19:32:54 <MrsB> no jumping, we're here to stay 19:33:26 <ennael> well if new isos needed then we could include it... 19:33:45 <MrsB> is it likely to cause regressions? 19:33:51 <lewyssmith> If it reduced Oh Nos, that would be important. 19:34:00 <MrsB> no worse than broken gnome i suppose even if there are 19:34:40 <MrsB> well done both for trackign it down, that's been plagueing us for a while 19:35:07 <Luigi12_work> hopefully if we do any rebuilding we can at least get task-obsolete in too if nothing else, so we don't have to worry about abrt or apache-mod_jk in mga5 unless someone wants to fix them up 19:36:05 <MrsB> I don't think abrt has ever worked properly 19:36:22 <Luigi12_work> yeah it seems that way from the QA testing we've done on it in the past 19:36:39 <MrsB> yeah, seem to remember an ancient bug report 19:36:57 <tmb> Luigi12_work, have you checked deps on the packages so we dont break anything (probably not) 19:37:02 <Luigi12_work> tmb: I have 19:38:18 <MrsB> If we're updating mesa & llvm then there will be a whole new set of isos. It's probably best to put a hold on testing? 19:38:33 <tmb> as for mesa/llvm... yes there could be regressions, but also some impovements... so who knows the end result... 19:39:03 <Luigi12_work> guess we'll find out :o] hopefully it'll improve video hardware support 19:39:23 <MrsB> it can't make things worse, certainly as far as gnome is concerned 19:39:26 <Luigi12_work> I had to update all that stuff on my mga4 machine when I bought a new computer last year 19:40:59 <MrsB> Let's say go ahead with those then tmb and I'll email qa-d to stop testing for now until the new isos arrive 19:41:00 <tmb> yeah, well the mesa update would be needed for upcoming skylake in H2/2015... 19:42:49 <MrsB> great work finding the problem 19:42:56 <neoser10> Are you speaking about live isos or classical 19:42:59 <neoser10> ?? 19:43:03 <MrsB> it will be both 19:43:10 <neoser10> \o/ 19:43:45 <ennael> let's find some carrotts for rabbit 19:43:52 <marja> :-) 19:43:54 <Luigi12_work> :o) 19:44:06 <MrsB> To prevent confusion later let's also call the new isos round 8 for all of them 19:44:17 <ennael> hope there will be no more pb in datacenter as we will have quite high temperatures 19:44:28 <Luigi12_work> tmb: when you install virtualbox, isn't it supposed to enable the virtualbox service (which loads the kernel modules)? I installed it on mga5 yesterday and it didn't enable the service so the modules didn't get loaded on reboot. 19:44:30 <tmb> "final final final" round... 19:44:31 <MrsB> Ahhh don't say that! 19:44:37 <MrsB> or that 19:44:37 <marja> MrsB: agreed, round 8 for all 19:45:14 <hviaene> Will that also include the cups updates? 19:45:25 <wilcal> By this time next week M5 released 19:45:36 <MrsB> #info We'll go ahead with the mesa & llvm updates which should hopefuly cure gnome oh no's 19:45:45 <brian____> that would be great 19:45:50 <neoser10> Release for the next weekend?? 19:45:53 <Akien> So are we going for the new mesa/llvm? 19:45:59 <marja> yep 19:46:07 <tmb> Luigi12_work, IIRC it used to but... 19:46:19 <MrsB> #info there will be a complete new set of ISOs to pick up the new packages 19:46:24 <Akien> I hope we don't need a mass rebuild for the new mesa... 19:46:55 <Luigi12_work> lol no 19:47:09 <MrsB> #info Please stand down testing current isos for now and wait for the new ones which we'll call Round 8 19:47:36 <tmb> nope, but some llvm deps need to be verified / rebuilt 19:47:37 <wilcal> clear PAD 19:47:47 <MrsB> this is like TheFinalWhosNameWeDareNotMention - TFWNWDNM 19:48:04 <MrsB> the new bug 2317 19:48:20 <Akien> So no API change in mesagl? 19:49:06 <hviaene> Refering again to Dave's worries: what about cups security updates? 19:49:23 <Akien> hviaene: They'll go in at any rate if there's a new build 19:49:27 <neoser10> I think is better add to the iso 19:49:46 <MrsB> Will new mesa/llvm also help with i915 issues? 19:49:48 <Akien> The update was just pushed in core/release actually :) 19:50:29 <neoser10> MrsB: the fifo under runs??? or the oh no.... 19:50:29 <MrsB> #info cups update will be included 19:50:31 <Luigi12_work> thank goodness, hopefully task-obsolete too 19:50:58 <hviaene> OK, je d�pose ma valise (I rest my case) 19:51:01 <Luigi12_work> think the only bugfix ones I had pending if we were rebuilding were sqlite3 and nss, but those will be included with the next mozilla updates if we don't get them in, so no big deal there 19:51:39 <wilcal> fwiw task-codec-audio/video solves the no sound in Firefox on Gnome Live media 19:51:51 <MrsB> tainted ones wilcal? 19:51:57 <wilcal> yes tainted 19:52:28 <neoser10> and the mp4- aac codec that is required for dragon video player too??? 19:52:45 <MrsB> not required no 19:53:21 <MrsB> Is there anything else to add about ISOs at the moment ? 19:53:26 <Luigi12_work> ahh nevermind sqlite3 got pushed, so it's just nss 19:53:27 <tmb> as for mesa api/abi breakages there are none listed in the 10.5.0 release info 19:53:39 <tmb> only added features 19:53:54 <Akien> OK, fingers crossed :) 19:54:01 <MrsB> that's a good sign, yeah 19:54:28 <Akien> What about the new change that tmb added in 6+1, and that is not in the classicals yet 19:54:30 <tmb> of course we might be the ones finding some :) 19:54:39 <Akien> I guess it should be tested ASAP so that we can confirm if we want it everywhere? 19:54:44 <Luigi12_work> ennael, tmb: would it be OK to push task-obsolete to drop abrt/libreport and apache-mod_jk? 19:54:51 <MrsB> #info next ISOs will need testing on a wide variety of video hardware when they arrive 19:55:23 <tmb> Yeah, we will push both task-obsolete and cups now since we have to do new isos anyway 19:55:32 <Luigi12_work> cool, thank you 19:55:38 <Luigi12_work> that'll definitely save us all some work later 19:56:02 <MrsB> #info task-obsolete will also be pushed, to drop abrt/libreport & apache-mod_jk 19:56:14 <Akien> I just checked with pterjan's rd.rb script, and I confirm that removing abrt, libreport and apache-mod_jk is safe 19:56:19 <Akien> (no other package impacted) 19:56:50 <Akien> (at least not as far as RPM is concerned ;)) 19:57:10 <MrsB> Another productive meeting then 19:57:13 <tmb> I might also slip in a new kernel too to close some CVEs, but I need to review them first if they are critial enough 19:57:42 <MrsB> rather now than just after release 19:57:50 <wilcal> Good ideal 19:57:56 <wilcal> idea 19:58:02 <tmb> Yep, that's the thought... 19:58:12 <lewyssmith> All this will make M5 really up-to-date. 19:58:21 <Luigi12_work> confirmed the bug with virtualbox on another machine. Both using msec secure level, if that makes an difference. 19:58:26 <wilcal> That'll be a change 19:58:40 <MrsB> #info new kernels may be included to close some CVE's 19:58:51 <MrsB> shall we move on? 19:58:55 <wilcal> please 19:58:55 <brian____> think it'll be ready for weekend, I'll have some bandwidth or more likely sometime next week? 19:58:58 <tmb> Luigi12_work, iirc secure level does not allow any service to be autoactivated on install 19:59:07 <MrsB> Thanks everybody, that was really productive 19:59:09 <tmb> atleast it used to be 19:59:27 <MrsB> go Dave 19:59:29 <lewyssmith> #Topic Luigi's Roundup 19:59:33 <MrsB> thanks! 19:59:41 <lewyssmith> No sooner said than done. 19:59:45 <MrsB> ping Luigi12_work 19:59:50 <MrsB> ping ping ping 20:00:15 <Luigi12_work> tmb: ahh ok thanks, hopefully that's all it is 20:00:30 <Luigi12_work> ok I'm back 20:00:37 <MrsB> welcome back :) 20:00:38 <Luigi12_work> so this past week hasn't been quite so quiet 20:00:47 <MrsB> last week wasn't either :P 20:01:16 <Luigi12_work> in a relative sense it still was :o) 20:01:48 <wilcal> biggest thing is the CUPS thing? 20:02:00 <Luigi12_work> oh by far, yes 20:02:13 <Luigi12_work> qemu also has a high-severity issue, but that will affect significantly less users 20:02:49 <MrsB> a few updates for that recently 20:02:51 <Luigi12_work> of course there's the apache-mod_jk issue, which I filed a bug for on Friday, which was after our last meeting. It's some tomcat-related thing, unmaintained in Mageia (hence dropping it for mga5) 20:03:18 <Luigi12_work> I also filed bugs for redis, python-tornado, and owncloud-client this week 20:03:19 <MrsB> java stuff, just check it updates cleanly 20:03:49 <Luigi12_work> first CVE I can recall in owncloud-client, but it needs to be updated to the latest release anyway, and it sounds like a minor issue. Our owncloud users will be happy with that one. 20:04:09 <MrsB> #info updates coming for qemu, redis, python-tornado & owncloud-client 20:04:23 <MrsB> yeah, we haven't had updates for owncloud for a while though 20:04:28 <Luigi12_work> upstream calls the redis issue high severity too, havne't yet checked if downstreams agreed 20:04:53 <MrsB> is cups coming to mga4 btw? 20:05:01 <Luigi12_work> it is, I committed it to SVN yesterday 20:05:08 <Luigi12_work> I should push it now actually, thanks for the reminder 20:05:37 <MrsB> #info cups, redis & qemu are high priority updates 20:05:53 <Luigi12_work> the python-tornado is just moderate severity, something to do with XSRF and TLS 20:06:05 <MrsB> that's an easy oen to test 20:06:21 <Luigi12_work> oh, also openssl issued their newest updates today 20:06:29 <Luigi12_work> those fix LOGJAM and a handful of other CVEs 20:06:39 <Luigi12_work> I need to get those packaged 20:06:50 <Luigi12_work> been busy teaching class 20:06:56 <MrsB> #info openssl coming too for "logjam" and other CVE's 20:07:10 <MrsB> we'll let you do that occasionally, don't make a habit of it though 20:07:48 <Luigi12_work> lol 20:07:57 <Luigi12_work> busier I am, less busy you are :D 20:08:04 <Luigi12_work> so if there are no questions, that's the roundup 20:08:13 <MrsB> thanks David 20:08:14 <tmb> I guess we should push the "logjam hype" stuff too for mga5 ? 20:08:19 <Luigi12_work> tmb: up to you 20:08:24 <Luigi12_work> not sure how serious the other CVEs are 20:08:32 <Luigi12_work> just found out about those today 20:08:39 <Luigi12_work> the nss I have waiting to push also fixes LOGJAM 20:08:40 <MrsB> worth a mention, not sure we should encourage bug naming though generally 20:08:49 <Luigi12_work> after mga5 comes out, the first Qt5 update will also fix LOGJAM 20:09:13 <Luigi12_work> and yes, I hate the bug naming hype 20:09:39 <Luigi12_work> I henceforth name the CUPS bug BUNNYEATER 20:09:52 <marja> :-) 20:10:21 <MrsB> You'll need to set up a website, contact the press and allow a few days for the domain to sync before you can tell the world though 20:10:32 <Luigi12_work> honestly I think all the bug naming and fancy websites they set up for those is violating embargoes 20:10:49 <Luigi12_work> MrsB: exactly 20:11:14 <tmb> Luigi12_work, I think we should put them on release media... I mean people always find security stuff to obsess about and hyped stuff are the worst... 20:11:15 <MrsB> never seems to happen for windows or osx issues 20:11:18 <Luigi12_work> once you start getting web and graphics people involved in setting up a website, you're necessarily informing people of the vulnerability that don't have a need-to-know 20:11:27 <Luigi12_work> tmb: ok 20:11:46 <lewyssmith> Are we done with David? [& usual thanks to him]. 20:12:03 <MrsB> yep, he's empty 20:12:07 <lewyssmith> #Topic Anything else? 20:12:11 <MrsB> thanks Dave 20:12:20 <MrsB> Is there anything else? 20:12:27 <wilcal> Not from me 20:12:27 <lewyssmith> Not here. 20:12:30 <brian____> not here 20:12:37 <marja> neither here 20:12:44 <tmb> not for me... 20:13:08 <MrsB> Well done everybody. 20:13:18 <wilcal> awaiting new isos 20:13:24 <MrsB> T -5 then, thanks for coming 20:13:28 <MrsB> 4 20:13:30 <MrsB> 3 20:13:31 <MrsB> 2 20:13:33 <lewyssmith> wilcal, And ffmpeg... 20:13:33 <MrsB> 1 20:13:37 <MrsB> #endmeeting