19:06:10 <MrsB> #startmeeting 19:06:10 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Jun 4 19:06:10 2015 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:06:10 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:06:16 <MrsB> cat fed Dave? 19:06:37 <DavidWHodgins> Just fed him 19:06:43 <MrsB> Welcome everybody to another one :) 19:06:50 <MrsB> #chair DavidWHodgins 19:06:50 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins MrsB 19:06:52 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Who's new? If you're just joining QA come and introduce yourself 19:06:55 <MrsB> #chair wilcal 19:06:55 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins MrsB wilcal 19:07:08 <MrsB> thanks 19:07:13 <rindolf> Hi all. 19:07:15 <MrsB> Is there anybody new here today? 19:07:25 <MrsB> morning rindolf 19:07:43 <rindolf> MrsB: morning. 19:07:58 <MrsB> it doesn't look like anybody new is here 19:08:11 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Mentoring update - remember these? Need to be ready! 19:08:25 <MrsB> thanks Dave 19:08:41 <lewyssmith> Nothing to report from me. 19:08:54 <MrsB> So guys, the mentoring has kind of stagnated, with us being tied up on ISOs 19:09:16 <wilcal> ISO's rule 19:09:26 <MrsB> with 5 soon to be released we need to pick it up again, or at least touch base with the learners 19:09:38 <hviaene> marja put me on the way for thr errata . mentor ad hoc 19:09:39 <brian__> once ISO is done I'll throw my hand into testing fixes. Then I'll need much counseling 19:10:03 <MrsB> you're due to become a mentor soon aren't you hviaene? 19:10:29 <hviaene> Too frequently absent I fear 19:10:46 <DavidWHodgins> hviaene: It can be done via email 19:11:10 <lewyssmith> Is it not always thus? 19:11:13 <MrsB> we'll start and get this going again brian__ and everyone who needs one will have a mentor to get them started 19:11:21 <hviaene> I know, but people often need quick answers 19:11:57 <MrsB> here's always here on IRC to get quick answers, the important part is support and confidence building 19:12:00 <brian__> wilcal is mine from before. 19:12:05 <MrsB> there's* 19:12:05 <wilcal> yup 19:12:06 <brian__> yes 19:12:19 <wilcal> He's do'n good :-) 19:12:35 <MrsB> we'll have loads of mentors before long then \o/ 19:13:06 <MrsB> Let's move on then and pick this up weekly again 19:13:36 <DavidWHodgins> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_mentoring_page#Why_this_page_is_here needs to be updated. I forget who took over mentoring vlad. 19:14:13 <MrsB> oh yes, who was it? 19:14:39 <MrsB> let's ask vlad 19:14:46 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: I have Vlad - not that he needs any help. 19:14:53 <MrsB> ahh cool, thanks lewis 19:15:18 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Testing updates - http://mageia.madb.org/tools/updates 19:15:20 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ] 19:15:33 <MrsB> tah dude 19:15:45 <DavidWHodgins> We currently have 8 updates ready for testing 19:15:49 <MrsB> We don't have many updates really at the moment 19:15:53 <MrsB> yep 19:15:58 <wilcal> I have issue with three of them 19:16:23 <MrsB> We can expect to be inundated shortly after release so it's really important we clear them as much as possible before hand 19:16:58 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Which ones? 19:17:05 <wilcal> One: 19:17:13 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16003 19:17:14 <[mbot> Bug 16003: normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , jackrabbit new security issue CVE-2015-1833, jackrabbit-2.4.2-6.mga4.src.rpm 19:17:15 <wilcal> jackrabbit new security issue CVE-2015-1833 19:17:16 <wilcal> We have no previous experience testing this on Mageia. 19:17:18 <wilcal> Overly complex. Can we just ensure it installs then updates properly? 19:17:35 <wilcal> One reference I found flat out said this is a very complex package 19:17:46 <wilcal> Any thoughts 19:17:51 <MrsB> It's a java package, we usually do that for those yes 19:18:21 <wilcal> Agreed we just install successfully and update successfully 19:18:29 <wilcal> that'll take that one off the list 19:18:29 <DavidWHodgins> Agreed 19:18:35 <wilcal> Two: 19:18:41 <MrsB> yeah, there may be some we can test better but most are too involved 19:18:46 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15120 19:18:47 <[mbot> Bug 15120: normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , rabbitmq-server new security issues fixed upstream in 3.4.1 and 3.4.3, rabbitmq-server-3.1.5-3.mga4.src.rpm 19:18:47 <wilcal> rabbitmq-server new security issues fixed upstream in 3.4.1 and 3.4.3 19:18:48 <wilcal> Used some testing Claire did back on 2013-08-30. 19:18:50 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11054 19:18:51 <[mbot> Bug 11054: minor, Normal, qa-bugs, RESOLVED FIXED, Missing dependencies in rabbitmq-server package, rabbitmq-server-3.0.4-2.mga3.src.rpm 19:18:51 <wilcal> Missing dependencies in rabbitmq-server package 19:18:53 <wilcal> Seems ok, good to go? 19:19:09 <MrsB> that's fairly easy to test IIRC 19:19:18 <wilcal> So I followed what MrsB did and it seemed fine 19:19:24 <MrsB> if you've tested and it's ok then it's good to go 19:19:35 <wilcal> Ok I'll cut it loose 19:19:37 <wilcal> Three 19:19:38 <MrsB> don't forget to add the OK's 19:19:47 <wilcal> Serious issue here? 19:19:48 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15266 19:19:50 <[mbot> Bug 15266: major, High, qa-bugs, ASSIGNED , Please update hplip package to recognize new HP printers, hplip-3.13.9-4.mga4.src.rpm 19:19:50 <wilcal> Please update hplip package to recognize new HP printers 19:19:51 <wilcal> I can try here. 19:20:10 <MrsB> I have a remote HP printer now, use hplip locally 19:20:26 <DavidWHodgins> Is it one of the new ones being identified? 19:20:28 <MrsB> network printer 19:20:38 <MrsB> no it's an old printer 19:20:42 <wilcal> Heads up it may not work after the update and no way back 19:20:51 <MrsB> we've reached out to dev and discuss ML's before though haven't we 19:21:19 <brian__> so build and install on unimportant equipment then 19:21:20 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: urpmi --downgrade 19:21:44 <DavidWHodgins> Always possible to revert an update 19:21:54 <wilcal> I'll make a new HD build here and try that 19:22:02 <MrsB> this is technically a backport anyway isn't it? 19:22:11 <wilcal> take me a day or two 19:22:20 <MrsB> can understand why it's good to keep things like that updated though 19:22:24 <wilcal> this will be the same for M5 too right? 19:23:07 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: I think it's already being pushed for m5. Have to confirm though, as it will be needed for upgrades. 19:23:30 <wilcal> My M5 installs print to my USB printer just fine 19:23:50 <wilcal> So maybe it's not really an issue 19:24:22 <hviaene> Wifi printer installation is kind of flakey 19:24:42 <hviaene> Its also HP 19:25:09 <wilcal> Is this just a WiFi thing? 19:25:37 <hviaene> It's connected to my M4 by USB 19:25:38 <DavidWHodgins> My printer/scanner is a canon, so I can't test hplip 19:25:58 <brian__> I have an old HP I use, but the mapping is from one Linux box to another 19:26:01 <MrsB> I'll test it too tomorrow 19:26:07 <brian__> via network -not sure this applies 19:26:09 <hviaene> but test PC's for M5 all access it via Wifi 19:26:16 <wilcal> My local M5 repo says: hplip-3.14.6-8.mga5.i586.rpm 19:26:23 <MrsB> do you use hplip in mageia though brian__? 19:26:32 <MrsB> mine is networked too 19:26:40 <wilcal> update is: hplip-3.15.4-1 19:26:42 <brian__> yes I do 19:26:51 <MrsB> please test it then yes 19:27:02 <brian__> k 19:27:16 <wilcal> so some risk here testing on an important system 19:27:24 <brian__> Let's see if I can install all dev changes and destroy a system again ;-) 19:27:33 <DavidWHodgins> ☺ 19:27:34 <brian__> instead of just hte ones applicable 19:27:35 <MrsB> if you have issues and need your pritner to work urgently you can use urpmi --downgrade <package> to go backwards again 19:27:48 <wilcal> I distroy systems all the time in Vbox :-) 19:27:50 <brian__> or on the machine I'd do this, reformat and install 19:27:59 <brian__> ditto -in vbox 19:28:27 <MrsB> Don't install everything from Updates Testing though please, just the packages being updated in that update 19:28:53 <DavidWHodgins> In vbox, I always create a snapshot before testing updates. On real hardware, I use rsync to make a backup first. 19:29:12 * MrsB never does any of that 19:29:34 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 19:30:01 <MrsB> so what else is there 19:30:17 <hviaene> I feel comforted by MrsB 19:30:28 <MrsB> roundcubemail, parallel, zarafa, all have procedures in bugzilla 19:31:04 <MrsB> php-zendframework has one Dave made from ages ago, a guestbook isn't it? 19:31:35 <MrsB> ipsec-tools doesn't ring any bells so maybe it's one we haven't had before 19:32:15 <MrsB> everybody ok with those ones? 19:32:50 <DavidWHodgins> Ah, yes. For php-zendframework, see bug 6666 19:32:52 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6666 major, Normal, qa-bugs, RESOLVED FIXED, php-ZendFramework new security issue CVE-2012-3363, php-ZendFramework-1.11.11-1.mga2.src.rpm 19:33:54 <DavidWHodgins> The guestbook is just one application that can be used to test the framework 19:33:56 <MrsB> We really do need to clear these though, so failing all else we'll just ensure things update cleanly. They shouldn't be too taxing though really 19:34:32 <MrsB> Anybody any comments or questions? 19:34:45 <wilcal> I just cleared 15120 19:35:14 <MrsB> rabitmq, good, thanks 19:35:31 <DavidWHodgins> Still needs the advisory added to svn 19:35:33 <MrsB> i'll do the advisory after the meeting 19:35:46 <MrsB> unless you want to dip your toe again Dave? 19:35:53 <DavidWHodgins> Not today 19:35:55 <MrsB> lol 19:36:05 <MrsB> OK let's move on then, thanks guys 19:36:13 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Mageia 5 - So close now! One bug fix away. 19:36:28 <ennael> hi there just in time 19:36:32 <MrsB> It's actually two bugs really 19:36:35 <MrsB> hi ennael 19:36:43 <wilcal> I did a Vbox boot.iso install of both i586 & x86_64 this morning and all went well 19:36:43 <MrsB> bug 16055 is the main one 19:36:44 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16055 critical, release_blocker, bugsquad, NEW , using auto-allocate, installer tries to put partition(s) on the USB-key which contains the iso, drakx-installer-stage2 diskdrake 19:36:51 <MrsB> and bug 16066 the other one 19:36:53 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16066 normal, Normal, tarakbumba, NEW , Mate cannot be installed in a fresh installed M5 RC with just the DVD repos. 19:37:31 <DavidWHodgins> I'm very concerned about that one. A fix will likely stop being able to install to an external usb hard drive, if the iso is on that drive. 19:38:39 <brian__> hmm - only applies on USB doing install correct David? 19:38:43 <tmb> DavidWHodgins, no it wont... it's just auto-allocate that gets protection... you can still do manual partitioning 19:38:46 <MrsB> Good progress is being made on 16055 19:38:56 <DavidWHodgins> I think it might be better to tell people installing from usb to always use custom partitioning. 19:39:14 <MrsB> pterjan and martinw are workign with marja on a good fix 19:39:39 <tmb> nope... people want simple and easy.... that's what this fix is aiming at... 19:39:40 <DavidWHodgins> tmb: Ok, thanks 19:39:45 <brian__> Then need very good step by step to do custom partitioning. 19:39:51 <MrsB> the other one is an obsoletes/provides packaging bug after a package was split so *should* be an easy fix 19:39:52 <brian__> step by step doc 19:40:13 <DavidWHodgins> What's the other one? 19:40:20 <MrsB> 16066 ^^ 19:40:20 <marja> DavidWHodgins: tv already packaged yesterday's fix from pterjan 19:40:51 <marja> DavidWHodgins: now only the selected disk is used for install 19:40:56 <DavidWHodgins> Ah. Mate 19:41:26 <MrsB> yes, should be a simple fix for somebody who knows their way around that stuff 19:42:21 <MrsB> sooo we're in limbo at the moment 19:42:24 <DavidWHodgins> Any eta on when the iso images will be ready? 19:42:28 <tmb> well, mate can be fixed 2 ways... we can also simply block mate-settings-daemon-gstreamer from iso, so urpmi does not get the choice hang... 19:43:08 <MrsB> that's one solution isn't it yeah 19:43:15 <MrsB> whichever you prefer 19:43:25 <tmb> meaning it would upgrade to the default preferred mate-settings-daemon-pulse 19:43:42 <MrsB> which might save some headaches further down the road anyway 19:45:13 <MrsB> We can at least test updates while we wait for new ISOs though guys \o/ 19:46:30 <MrsB> The next set should then be the last ones we will test. After that mageia-release is updated to stable and they are rebuilt to include it and pushed onto the mirrors 19:46:57 <wilcal> It's in freeze anyway. I haven't seen any updates in days 19:47:24 <MrsB> that's right, so should be almost as we left it, but with bug fixes 19:47:39 <DavidWHodgins> Last updates were 15 hours ago 19:47:40 <rindolf> Bye all. I'm going to sleep. 19:47:47 <MrsB> nite rindolf 19:47:53 <DavidWHodgins> rindolf: Have a good night 19:48:10 <MrsB> Is there anything anybody wants to add about ISOs? 19:48:20 <wilcal> ya the drakxtools 19:48:28 <MrsB> ok 19:48:39 <DavidWHodgins> ennael: tmb Any eta for the next iso images 19:49:02 <ennael> unless we have new fixes no need for isos I guess 19:49:43 <DavidWHodgins> Doesn't bug 16055 and bug 16066 affect the isos? 19:49:45 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16055 critical, release_blocker, bugsquad, NEW , using auto-allocate, installer tries to put partition(s) on the USB-key which contains the iso, drakx-installer-stage2 diskdrake 19:49:46 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16066 normal, Normal, tarakbumba, NEW , Mate cannot be installed in a fresh installed M5 RC with just the DVD repos. 19:49:48 <tmb> well, iI guess that depends if the current fix for 16055 is considered good enough 19:50:18 <tmb> as tv has pushed that fix in current stage2 / drakxtools 19:51:50 <wilcal> i586 install this morning included the forced reboot after partition 19:52:18 <MrsB> So you think if we test boot iso partitioning and leave mate-settings-daemon-gstreamer off the isos we won't need a new build? 19:52:34 <DavidWHodgins> Also, what about bug 16010 and bug 15734 19:52:36 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16010 major, release_blocker, tmb, NEW , Mageia5 Final Lives & Classic on real EFI HW fail to install bootloader (ERROR: killing runaway process (process=update-grub2...), grub2, os-prober 19:52:37 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15734 critical, release_blocker, tmb, NEW , Booting laptop+nVIDIA Optimus from Live DVD (KDE or GNOME) ends with blank screen (X server fails to start) 19:53:13 <lewyssmith> I think I am the only sufferer of 16010. 19:53:13 <tmb> 16010 has only one affected afaik.... so no blocker... 19:53:22 <MrsB> nobody has been able to reproduce the issue lewis had with grub. 19:53:25 <wilcal> my testing was with boot.iso's 19:53:51 <DavidWHodgins> The priority of 16010 should be lowered then 19:54:23 <lewyssmith> Well, it stops installation if you hit it. 19:54:31 <tmb> 15734 for optimus has a workaround to boot with "optimus"... its not pretty but it atleast boots.... the other way to install on optimus hw is to use classical isos 19:54:54 <tmb> so no blocker.... optimus integration still needs a lot of work 19:54:55 <DavidWHodgins> Is it in the errata? 19:55:11 <tmb> no idea 19:55:32 <brian__> I just searched errata - nothing saying "optimus" 19:55:58 <brian__> would there be another name? 19:55:58 <lewyssmith> Benmc: Hello Ben. 19:56:22 <MrsB> hi ben 19:56:23 <Benmc> good morning Lewis 19:56:32 <hviaene> Good night all 19:56:37 <MrsB> nite herman 19:56:37 <wilcal> nite 19:56:53 <MrsB> So what is the plan, going forward, then ennael tmb please? 19:57:45 <Benmc> Hello MrsB 19:58:22 <MrsB> everything is pretty well tested and quite widely tested, apart from recent bugfixes 19:59:04 <tmb> well, I'd say some more tests with boot.iso against fixed stage2 to see if something breaks... and if not ... rebuild final isos with the new stage2... 19:59:19 <tmb> I know marja has done several tests on it 19:59:39 <MrsB> yes, and pterjan and martin have tested some too 19:59:42 <tmb> does that sound like a good plan ? 19:59:51 <DavidWHodgins> Yes 20:00:13 <ennael> argh marja not around 20:00:20 <marja> ennael: I'm here 20:00:23 <MrsB> I'm good with that too. We need to get it out of the door 20:00:28 <marja> ennael: but in docteam meeting 20:00:56 <MrsB> please be very careful when building finals :) 20:01:02 <DavidWHodgins> lol 20:01:10 <ennael> oups sorry 20:01:24 <marja> ennael: the tests look good, there might be an issue with, occasionally, no swap being created 20:01:45 <MrsB> that is a feature if it's a small space available marja 20:01:56 <ennael> given the actual amount of RAM it's not that bad 20:02:12 <marja> MrsB: well, it happened with 20GB available..... but I don't care 20:02:14 <marja> ennael: indeed 20:02:23 <DavidWHodgins> On my 16GB ram system, I don't use a swap, except when testing hibernate. 20:03:00 <ennael> I would propose then to go like that 20:03:09 <ennael> not wait for more fixes 20:03:16 <ennael> this can be improved for mga6 20:03:18 <DavidWHodgins> Agreed 20:03:47 <tmb> ennael, I didn't mean more fixes, mostly test "nothing crucial" broke... 20:04:01 <marja> ennael: fine with me, if more test the fix and find it is good as i did 20:04:07 <tmb> otherwise we get 2 more iso builds instead of one 20:04:10 <marja> s/did/do/ 20:04:34 <MrsB> #info Let's please test boot.iso's or boot-nonfree.iso's with fixed stage2 for partitioning issues when using auto partitioning. Especially when there is free space available on other disks 20:04:40 <tmb> anyway I wont build anything tonight... I'm way too tired... 20:04:54 <brian__> I'll give boot.iso a try tonight and see 20:05:06 <brian__> it'll be my first delve - should be fun 20:05:12 <MrsB> #info if these tests are OK then we will go for release 20:05:13 <MrsB> never t hought i'd type those words 20:05:23 <tmb> :) 20:05:29 <ennael> :) 20:05:47 <lewyssmith> Do I understand without new ISOs? 20:05:58 <DavidWHodgins> Only after the new iso images are created and tested 20:06:00 <MrsB> and we'll block mate-settings-daemon-gstreamer for 16066 20:06:06 <MrsB> from isos 20:06:33 <MrsB> lewis yes, the fixes were in installer stage2 20:06:41 <brian__> translation - at least one more set of iso 20:07:04 <MrsB> so we'll test that with boot(-nonfree).iso and if ok the isos will be rebuilt for release 20:07:05 <wilcal> So one more round of boot.iso's 20:07:19 <MrsB> boot.iso's are ready for testing now 20:07:28 <ennael> yep nothing more for it 20:07:43 <DavidWHodgins> The boot.iso images get stage2 from the mirror, as I understand it. 20:07:48 <wilcal> As I said I went through them this morning in Vbox and they were fine. They were dated yesterday 20:07:49 <MrsB> yes 20:08:04 <brian__> yes so they are fresh as server update. But classic/live's will come correct? 20:08:06 <wilcal> Lets see how others do 20:08:17 <MrsB> stage2 is the graphical part of the installer which it downloads over the network, which is configured in stage1 test based part 20:08:23 <DavidWHodgins> brian__: Yes 20:08:33 <MrsB> s/test/text/ 20:08:58 <wilcal> Please describle "stage1" and "stage2" briefly and where it transitions 20:09:14 <MrsB> stage2 is the graphical part of the installer which it downloads over the network, which is configured in stage1 text based part 20:09:26 <lewyssmith> [I like 'describle'] 20:09:37 <MrsB> lol yeah :D 20:10:03 <MrsB> Everybody understand what's happening? 20:10:34 <wilcal> yup 20:10:43 <brian__> try boot.iso. Wait for message on new iso's 20:10:43 <MrsB> anybody not? 20:11:19 <DavidWHodgins> Yep. Test with boot.iso and boot-nonfree.iso. If ok the rest of the iso images will be rebuilt, then we have to download and test them. If ok, release finally happens! 20:11:25 <MrsB> nearly. try boot.iso (or boot-nonfree.iso) and test the auto partition etc of the installer. If OK then no more isos! 20:11:56 <wilcal> let it figure out the partitioning by itself 20:11:59 <brian__> ok 20:12:17 <MrsB> let's get past the first hurdle first, test boot.iso and prtitioning 20:12:50 <MrsB> if ok we'll tell Anne and Thomas and let them say what happens next 20:13:46 <tmb> well, if the boot.iso tests does not show any critical breakage, I will rebuild final live isos tomorrow night. 20:14:26 <MrsB> #info <tmb> well, if the boot.iso tests does not show any critical breakage, I will rebuild final live isos tomorrow night. 20:14:30 <tmb> so final iso validation can be done over weekend and we release early next week imho 20:14:33 <MrsB> thanks 20:14:52 <DavidWHodgins> Ready to move on? 20:15:04 <marja> just a side note, diskdrake in installer ignores boot.iso 20:15:09 <MrsB> yes, thanks Dave 20:15:13 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Luigi's Roundup - Weekly security news from our David Walser 20:15:18 <marja> so the real test will be with the real isos 20:15:56 <MrsB> Luigi12_work: ping 20:15:56 <MrsB> thanks for the details marja 20:16:20 <MrsB> is he running again today? 20:16:29 <marja> yw 20:16:43 <lewyssmith> MrsB: He has not said so. 20:17:02 <MrsB> Luigi12_lappy: ping 20:17:06 <brian__> wilcal - dumb question - is there a link to the boot.iso and boot-nonfree.iso 20:17:07 <DavidWHodgins> He posted a message on #mageia just before this meeting started 20:17:18 <wilcal> hold a sec 20:17:24 <Luigi12_work> pong 20:17:56 <tmb> brian__, <arch>/installer/images on your mirror 20:18:02 <MrsB> hurrah :) 20:18:05 <brian__> thanks 20:18:18 <wilcal> in the repo /distrib/5/i586/install /distrib/5/x86_64/install 20:18:30 <marja> and more info about usage is here https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Boot.iso_install 20:18:31 <MrsB> we plan to clear the updates list Luigi12_work 20:18:45 <Luigi12_work> cool 20:18:54 <wilcal> http://mirrors.kernel.org/mageia/distrib/5/i586/install/images/ 20:18:55 <[mbot> [ Index of /mageia/distrib/5/i586/install/images/ ] 20:19:00 <Luigi12_work> things are still relatively quiet out there 20:19:08 <MrsB> feel free to assist though if you get bored 20:19:14 <wilcal> http://mirrors.kernel.org/mageia/distrib/5/x86_64/install/images/ 20:19:15 <[mbot> [ Index of /mageia/distrib/5/x86_64/install/images/ ] 20:19:18 <DavidWHodgins> Good to hear 20:19:19 <Luigi12_work> postgresql had a regression fix update, so it's fine that we didn't get the last security update out yet 20:19:28 <Luigi12_work> I'll be teaching again next two weeks 20:19:51 <wilcal> I didn't hear any terrible things this week 20:20:03 <Luigi12_work> yeah hopefully not terrible 20:20:13 <Luigi12_work> libwmf has some issues RedHat rated as high severity 20:20:20 <MrsB> woahhaoooaaaooahhh <-- terrible noise 20:20:23 <Luigi12_work> pcre has several issues, not sure the severity 20:20:57 <Luigi12_work> mysql-connector-java has a moderate severity issue 20:21:24 <Luigi12_work> apache-mod_jk (never heard of it before, some Apache module related to Tomcat) has a security issue, and is an unmaintained package :o( 20:21:31 <MrsB> #info libwmf has some high priority issues, pcre update will likely follow and mysql-connector-java 20:21:40 <MrsB> jk = just kidding? 20:22:01 <Luigi12_work> I wish :o) 20:22:07 <Luigi12_work> funny name though 20:22:33 <Luigi12_work> Ubuntu made some changes to their Apache package that may be somewhat related to LOGJAM, so I'll have to look into whether those apply to us 20:22:53 <MrsB> #info apache-mod_jk to follow, unmaintained package related to tomcat that we've not come across before 20:22:56 <Luigi12_work> otherwise as mentioned last week there will be updates for nss and openssl related to that. The Qt5 update to 5.4.2 for mga5 will also have a fix for it. 20:24:08 <MrsB> #info still updates to come for logjam (nss, openssl and qt5 for mga5) as mentioned last week 20:24:25 <MrsB> this isn't particularly quiet you know 20:24:33 <DavidWHodgins> lol 20:25:53 <MrsB> is it just those 7 Luigi12_work? 20:26:14 <lewyssmith> Just - in 1 week? 20:26:20 <Luigi12_work> yeah 20:26:24 <MrsB> innit though! 20:26:33 <Luigi12_work> another slow week thankfully 20:26:45 <MrsB> Thanks then Luigi12_work :) 20:26:53 <MrsB> anybody want to ask anything? 20:27:01 <wilcal> not here 20:27:09 <lewyssmith> Not here, but later. 20:27:14 <brian__> ditto 20:27:19 <MrsB> oh that's ominous :D 20:27:22 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Anything else? 20:27:29 <wilcal> Not from me 20:27:31 <MrsB> Is there anything else? 20:27:39 <lewyssmith> Akien: a quickie. 20:27:46 <DavidWHodgins> Nothing else here 20:28:05 <brian__> wilcal - added link to boot.iso us 20:28:33 <brian__> will that work the same as the menu from Mageia page? https://www.mageia.org/en/5/ 20:28:34 <[mbot> [ Download Mageia 5 RC ] 20:28:36 <MrsB> thanks for coming then everybody, and well done, we're so close now 20:28:44 <lewyssmith> Akien: What to do about images for Blog posts? 20:28:59 <wilcal> last 100m :-) 20:29:09 <lewyssmith> Or does anyone else know? 20:29:22 <MrsB> do you have blog access now lewis? 20:29:46 <MrsB> or you mean what do we do about finding them? 20:29:59 <lewyssmith> Don't know. I don' think I want it. The PAD is fine. 20:30:28 <lewyssmith> I have written another blog post on its PAD, but it needs images. How? 20:30:46 <MrsB> if you find a suitable image on your travels by all means give the link to whoever posts the post 20:31:09 <lewyssmith> Where does one put the images (desktops here)? 20:31:21 <MrsB> they'll either hotlinkit (slightly naughty) or borrow it (slightly naughty too) 20:31:34 <DavidWHodgins> I've never worked on a blog post, so have no idea. 20:31:41 * tmb goes to sleep... night all... 20:31:44 <lewyssmith> I need to ulaod them somewhere. where? 20:31:47 <MrsB> if you have some availabel already they can be uploaded to the server when the post is made 20:31:48 <wilcal> nite tmb 20:31:49 <marja> tmb: good night 20:31:49 <lewyssmith> upload. 20:31:51 <DavidWHodgins> tmb: Have a good night 20:32:07 <MrsB> nite tmb 20:32:29 <MrsB> email them to akien lewis if he's looking after the posting side of it 20:32:42 <lewyssmith> OK. 20:32:45 <MrsB> thanks :) 20:32:54 <MrsB> Is there anything else else? 20:33:12 <DavidWHodgins> Countdown time. :-) 20:33:17 <MrsB> deal 20:33:20 <MrsB> T - 5 20:33:23 <MrsB> 4 20:33:25 <MrsB> 3 20:33:27 <MrsB> 2 20:33:30 <MrsB> 1 20:33:31 <lewyssmith> Goodbye everyone. 20:33:35 <MrsB> #endmeeting