19:02:11 <MrsB> #startmeeting 19:02:11 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu May 28 19:02:11 2015 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:11 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:02:17 <lewyssmith> MrsB: Dave said he would not be here. 19:02:23 <MrsB> Hi everybody, welcome to another one :) 19:02:26 <MrsB> ahh thanks Lewis 19:02:47 <MrsB> I'll start by apologising for not being here much this week. 19:03:41 <MrsB> I started working for a local company so need to knuckle down a bit until the main project is finished 19:03:42 <lewyssmith> Main topic? 19:04:06 <MrsB> yep 19:04:13 <MrsB> #chair wilcal lewyssmith 19:04:13 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: MrsB lewyssmith wilcal 19:04:25 <lewyssmith> Topic Mageia 5 19:04:31 <lewyssmith> #Topic Mageia 5 19:04:38 <MrsB> thanks 19:04:45 <wilcal> Are the present iso's the final final 19:05:18 <MrsB> well there was a gnome fix that should probably be included, so we'll have to ask ennael & tmb 19:05:27 <Akien> I don't think so, at least the GNOME ISOs should have another spin. 19:05:36 <lewyssmith> Not at all for me, bug 16010 19:05:37 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16010 major, release_blocker, tmb, NEW , Mageia5 Final Lives & Classic on real EFI HW fail to install bootloader (ERROR: killing runaway process (process=update-grub2...), grub2, os-prober 19:05:57 <wilcal> so boot.iso, CI & KDE isos are all final final 19:06:14 <MrsB> There are one or two finding that aren't there lewis 19:06:26 <lewyssmith> ? 19:06:26 <tmb> well, all isos will be redone when we switch mageia-release from Devel to Official status 19:06:33 <ennael> hi there 19:06:48 <lewyssmith> Hello you two. 19:06:48 <Akien> wilcal: Not sure either, as there was a theming issue in the Live that will also need to be fixed 19:07:01 <MrsB> morning 19:07:02 <Akien> But yeah we're getting close :) 19:07:56 <lewyssmith> How did the top-left Live dialogues happen? 19:08:09 <MrsB> 16016 looks nasty 19:08:15 <MrsB> 16010 rather 19:08:35 <lewyssmith> It seems to be me only. 19:09:11 <MrsB> thierry is on it anyway, you ok to keep on debugging it with him? 19:10:02 <lewyssmith> I'm willing, of course. 19:10:25 <MrsB> cool so let's see how that goes, let's hope it goes fast! 19:10:29 <Akien> lewyssmith: The top left live dialogues were due to some debugging tmb did and forgot to revert before making the lives 19:10:31 <wilcal> Is that starting with a clean drive or trying to do a dual boot 19:11:06 <Akien> wilcal: It seems to be one problematic install of Korora - but we need to be able to handle that properly, at least by skipping the partition 19:11:12 <lewyssmith> wilcal: Bill: all my install are custom to pre-feined partitions withs loads of systems installed. 19:11:54 <wilcal> Multiple OS's on the same drive 19:12:00 <lewyssmith> Yes. 19:12:14 <wilcal> Your brave 19:12:41 <lewyssmith> I have always done this, for many years. 19:12:55 <wilcal> What do you use as a boot manager 19:13:15 <lewyssmith> rEFInd 19:13:26 <lewyssmith> or the firmware boot menu 19:14:08 <lewyssmith> Are there any other real problems? 19:14:25 <MrsB> I think we're on a short-short list now 19:14:39 <lewyssmith> Oh no, of course. 19:14:48 <wilcal> We're pretty close. For me M5 works, and installs, just fine 19:15:01 <lewyssmith> And for many people. 19:15:33 <MrsB> tmb ennael what are your thoughts on bug 16010 ? 19:15:34 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16010 major, release_blocker, tmb, NEW , Mageia5 Final Lives & Classic on real EFI HW fail to install bootloader (ERROR: killing runaway process (process=update-grub2...), grub2, os-prober 19:15:36 <IngeSv> 67 19:17:21 <Brian___> Was anything revised on the installer for Dual-DVD classic? 19:17:40 <ennael> back sorry 19:17:44 <ennael> Brian___: ? 19:18:11 <Brian___> I was running wifi only and when it got to the Connect to the network option, the options were missing. 19:18:21 <Brian___> last part of the install 19:18:31 <MrsB> which options? 19:18:43 <Brian___> To enable network or not I think 19:18:59 <Brian___> Enable network to get updates 19:19:11 <ennael> it's exactly same installer as in DVD 19:19:16 <MrsB> does wifi usually connect ok for you in the installer with dual 19:19:40 <Brian___> never tried it in dual before - thus my suspicion it is just my situation. 19:19:49 <MrsB> maybe missing firmware on dual, it's very minimal 19:20:34 <Brian___> no issues at all after reboot. I was able to get past that screen and all was fine. 19:20:45 <MrsB> trying to remember what we added to dual recently, soem missing stuff 19:20:46 <papoteur-> wifi with wpa keys is not possible fwik 19:20:47 <Brian___> wifi worked fine there after 19:20:49 <tmb> we dont use nonfree firmware during install, the iso boots in free mode only 19:20:58 <Brian___> ahh 19:21:03 <tmb> that's why it only works after boot 19:21:05 <Brian___> my situation then 19:21:17 <MrsB> but normal classic dvd works ok? 19:21:43 <Brian___> no issues on that, can see the options. 19:22:00 <Brian___> I could dump journal if that would help 19:22:31 <Brian___> should show all kinds of other software installs also, so maybe long 19:22:46 <MrsB> when you reach that stage switch to tty2, plug in a fat formatted usb stick and type bug. It will dump report.bug.xz onto the usb stick 19:23:40 <Brian___> tty2 - someone coach me on that - I'm guessing ctrl-alt-f2 19:23:46 <MrsB> yes that's it 19:23:53 <Brian___> k 19:24:19 <MrsB> Any other last minute issues anybody? 19:24:36 <MrsB> bearing in mind they need to be big ones :) 19:24:41 <lewyssmith> Ben has just posted a list of annoyances 19:24:42 <wilcal> nothing that can't be worked after the release 19:24:58 <Brian___> that's my thought on this issue - hardware is unusual anyhow 19:25:08 <MrsB> where to lewis? 19:25:27 <lewyssmith> ML; for the dual. 19:25:30 <wilcal> Will we have an M5.1? 19:25:35 <MrsB> hmm not seeing it here 19:25:43 <lewyssmith> THAT is a good suggestion. 19:26:07 <lewyssmith> MrsB: Dual (64) install from dvd 19:26:31 <Akien> wilcal: I hope not 19:26:33 <MrsB> I'll check the archive. Don't have his email here atm 19:26:51 <MrsB> oh, telling lies. It is 19:27:23 <MrsB> is chrony missing from dual? 19:27:41 <lewyssmith> Akien: I think it will be necessary. Let M5 out quickly with the promise of 5.1 for those for whom it does not work. 19:28:16 <MrsB> ennael: chrony is missing from dual accoring to idx 19:28:19 <Akien> I don't think we can make such a promise. 19:28:27 <wilcal> how long did it take us to release M4.1? 19:28:38 <ennael> MrsB: adding it 19:28:42 <MrsB> kthx 19:28:48 <Akien> Mageia 5 has been developed for 15 months already... 19:28:50 <Luigi12_work> chrony missing from the ISO would explain the bug reports about ntp config not working in the installer 19:28:53 <lewyssmith> wilcal: Many months. 19:29:03 <MrsB> it's there on the dvd's 19:29:17 <Luigi12_work> oh :o( 19:29:23 <Akien> If we couldn't make it work in 15 months, we won't do better with a 5.1 in two months more. 19:29:34 <Akien> GNOME 3.14 is broken for some AMD hardware, we can't do much against that. 19:29:41 <wilcal> Better to fix things in M6 19:29:47 <Akien> Maybe GNOME 3.16 is better, but it's such a mess that we won't try to do an update IMO. 19:29:53 <Akien> wilcal: Agreed. 19:30:14 <Luigi12_work> not without more packagers to work on it and test it locally 19:30:18 <lewyssmith> Why does it work from the Classic? 19:30:19 <Akien> Worst case scenario, Lives do not work for some users, they have to use the classical installer to get a working system. That's not too bad. 19:30:19 <MrsB> Let's wait and see the bug reports after release before thikning of a 5.1 19:30:42 <Luigi12_work> and also see what actually gets fixed in Cauldron 19:30:53 <MrsB> yeah 19:30:56 <wilcal> I have never seen a problem with boot.iso 19:30:57 <lewyssmith> Akien: Quite agree; we need to say that. 19:31:01 <MrsB> one at a time anyway :) 19:31:37 <MrsB> So is there anything else about ISOs before we go on? 19:31:39 <Brian___> personally - I've very happy with my testing results. A LOT of progress since January 19:31:49 <Akien> Live media are tricky. We can probably add to their download description that they are not 100% reliable for everyone, and if they do not work, people should try classical installer before calling it quits. 19:32:07 <Luigi12_work> sounds like we can go on :o) 19:32:12 <Brian___> and note the iffy AMD/ATI stuff? 19:32:32 <lewyssmith> We should recognise that many testers report good results. 19:32:37 <MrsB> yes 19:32:48 <MrsB> there will always be corner cases 19:33:08 <Luigi12_work> we're already cutting a lot less corners for mga5 than previous releases 19:33:49 <MrsB> Let's move on then, thanks everybody 19:34:08 <MrsB> #topic Luigi's Roundup 19:34:09 <Luigi12_work> w00t 19:34:12 <MrsB> hit it 19:34:24 <wilcal> It's Luigi time :-) 19:34:55 <Luigi12_work> this has been the quietest week I can remember in a long time. I guess people are starting to hit the beach and find seashells instead of shellshocks. 19:35:02 <Akien> \o/ 19:35:12 <Akien> This one has been worked on for hours, I'm sure :p 19:35:28 <Luigi12_work> with the last chromium update, I noted it fixed an issue in bundled libvpx that we might have to fix in the system one, still need more details on that 19:35:52 <Luigi12_work> there are new postgresql security releases, so that should be one of the first updates once mga5 is out. Fortunately we only will have two versions to test in mga5 (9.3, 9.4) 19:36:01 <Luigi12_work> that's all I have (!) 19:36:06 <Luigi12_work> wilcal did have a question 19:36:10 <MrsB> is postgres coming for mga4 too? 19:36:13 <wilcal> A brief comment on "logjam". How it effects us or not. 19:36:26 <Luigi12_work> MrsB: yes the postgresql update will also be for mga4, still 4 versions there I guess 19:36:58 <Luigi12_work> ok so this logjam thing is yet-another-man-in-the-middle issue due to weak encryption protocols/ciphers 19:37:25 <wilcal> http://www.securityweek.com/logjam-tls-vulnerability-exposes-websites-mail-servers-researchers 19:37:26 <[mbot> [ Logjam TLS Vulnerability Exposes Websites, Mail Servers: Researchers | SecurityWeek.Com ] 19:37:32 <MrsB> #info libvpx is waiting for further information. It was updated in chromium-browser but may need the lib updating also. Postgresql updates are coming soon for mga4 and 5. 19:37:56 <Luigi12_work> being a man-in-the-middle, you can basically only be made vulnerable if someone gets on your network (or that of someone on the other end of the connection) or if they can direct you to a phishing site, as usual 19:37:59 <MrsB> It's another one which has it's own website *sigh* 19:38:25 <Luigi12_work> for realistic exploitation of this, in most cases it takes a lot of computing power, something only nation-states and large criminal groups would have access to 19:38:47 <Luigi12_work> so unless you're a suspected terrorist or someone who'd normally be a target of espionage, you probably don't have anything to worry about 19:39:04 <wilcal> The media as always blows this thing way out of proportion 19:39:13 <Brian___> true - I'm suspecting though we'll be getting Email client updates coming....??? 19:39:26 <Luigi12_work> on the client side, browser vendors will soon have updates that lock out Diffie-Helman things with less than 1024 bits, which will suffice to protect most browser users 19:40:02 <Luigi12_work> Email client updates would be sensible too...I'm sure Thunderbird will have the same changes that Firefox will, I don't know about other e-mail clients (it's less likely) 19:40:17 <Luigi12_work> on the server side, there are some changes you can make to mitigate the various issues 19:40:27 <MrsB> there's going to be a laundry list of updates for it I suspect 19:40:39 <Luigi12_work> I found a good (Debian/Ubuntu-biased) article that gives an idea of some of the changes you can make 19:41:09 <Luigi12_work> https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/how-to-protect-your-debian-and-ubuntu-server-against-the-logjam-attack/ so you'd have to translate some of that stuff to the paths we use 19:41:09 <[mbot> [ How to protect your Debian or Ubuntu Server against the Logjam attack ] 19:41:19 <Luigi12_work> I don't actually expect a laundry list of updates really 19:41:25 <MrsB> \o/ 19:41:35 <MrsB> https://weakdh.org/ for reference 19:41:36 <[mbot> [ Logjam: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice ] 19:41:37 <Luigi12_work> probably FF/TB, Chromium, maybe OpenSSL will do something with it...I wouldn't expect much else 19:41:56 <Luigi12_work> also, if you're really concerned about this and you're running a server, you should update it to mga5, period. 19:42:23 <Luigi12_work> so that exhausts my understanding of it, I hope that answers your question 19:42:30 <Brian___> I'm not Hillary C --- no need ;-) 19:42:35 <MrsB> good info, thanks Luigi12_work 19:42:43 <wilcal> Thanks 19:43:02 <wilcal> something to say on the Support Forums 19:43:10 <Brian___> Thanks 19:43:36 <MrsB> So thta only leaves.. 19:43:39 <MrsB> that 19:43:46 <Luigi12_work> note to self that I should update mga5 proftpd to 1.3.5a to mitigate POODLE and fix a few other bugs (all minor issues). If I remember, there should be an update for that at some point. 19:44:17 <MrsB> #topic Anything else? 19:44:17 <Brian___> thanks - one tool I do use 19:44:37 <MrsB> Is there anything else? 19:44:42 <wilcal> Not from me 19:44:49 <Brian___> nor I 19:45:04 <lewyssmith> Nor me. 19:45:11 <tmb> not for me 19:45:12 <MrsB> Thankyou all for the great work you're doing testing the ISOs and helping each other in the process 19:45:29 <Brian___> nice people - I appreciate you all 19:45:37 <lewyssmith> Goodbye all. 19:45:40 <Brian___> bye 19:45:43 <MrsB> T - 5 19:45:44 <wilcal> nite all 19:45:48 <MrsB> 4 19:45:49 <MrsB> 3 19:45:51 <MrsB> 2 19:45:52 <MrsB> 1 19:45:55 <MrsB> #endmeeting