19:07:49 <MrsB> #startmeeting 19:07:49 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu May 7 19:07:49 2015 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:07:49 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:08:17 <MrsB> Morning everybody, welcome to a slightly unusual QA team meeting 19:08:30 <MrsB> Who's going to be Dave? 19:08:41 <lewyssmith> I will be if guessing suffices. 19:08:57 <MrsB> #chair wilcal lewyssmith 19:08:57 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: MrsB lewyssmith wilcal 19:09:00 <MrsB> done :) 19:09:20 <lewyssmith> #topic Anyone new? 19:09:31 <MrsB> thanks Dave \o/ 19:09:49 <MrsB> Is there anybody new here today? 19:09:59 <neoser10> I am the newbie..... 19:10:13 <MrsB> neoser10: welcome to the QA team :) 19:10:14 <lewyssmith> Welcome. 19:10:21 <neoser10> I tested kernel updates for mga4 19:10:46 <neoser10> and i searching the fifo underrun in intel graphics drivers 19:10:56 <neoser10> thanks to all 19:11:01 <MrsB> Say a few words to introduce yourself neoser10 then and everybody else will do the same.. 19:11:15 <rindolf> neoser10: welcome aboard. 19:11:56 <MrsB> I'm Claire, team leader. Been with the team since it started. 35-ish and based in the Black Country, UK 19:11:59 <neoser10> My name is Mauricio Andres Bustamante Viveros, I am from Colomia, i was that human that said i will be there and get stuck with the internet last meeting 19:12:19 <brian__> welcome! 19:12:20 <Kernewes> Carolyn in Cornwall, UK, older than MrsB, occasional helper 19:12:47 <brian__> Brian in Illinois, USA 19:12:59 <brian__> I'm new too 19:13:05 <wilcal> Super elegant name nice 19:13:08 <hviaene> Herman Viaene in Belgium, rather irregular tester 19:13:22 <MrsB> you're not new any more brian__ 19:13:26 <lewyssmith> neoser10: Do you have a 'mentor'? Someone to steer you at the beginning. 19:13:45 <brian__> yes Wilcal - but I largely ignore him ;-) 19:14:03 <wilcal> "wilcal" for (Wil)liam in (Cal)ifornia, live near San Diego ( Surf City USA ) 19:14:06 <neoser10> no, i do not have mentor, 19:14:14 <wilcal> brian's do'n great 19:14:16 <lewyssmith> BTW I am Lewis, a Celt living in France. Noted for being prickly. 19:14:22 <MrsB> lol 19:14:36 <MrsB> Our top mentor though 19:14:53 <MrsB> What is your timezone roughly neoser10? 19:15:21 <lewyssmith> (It does not matter for mentoring]. 19:16:01 <MrsB> I guess, what time is it now where you are is easier to ask 19:17:01 <MrsB> I have Len (tarazed) on and off so can be mentor if you like? 19:18:13 <MrsB> Ok, decided. I'll be your mentor neoser10_ 19:18:13 <neoser10_> i am sorry but the wifi go out 19:18:28 <rindolf> I am Shlomi Fish, from Tel Aviv, Israel. 19:18:57 <MrsB> I'll email you with soem information neoser10_ 19:19:10 <neoser10_> thanks to all 19:19:26 <MrsB> let's move on then 19:19:38 <neoser10_> let´s move 19:19:42 <lewyssmith> #topic Final 19:19:50 <MrsB> thanks Dave 19:20:03 <MrsB> Sooo this is the main event 19:20:19 <MrsB> They seem to be pretty good 19:20:23 <wilcal> I've installed all three CI's without any major hitch 19:20:33 <MrsB> https://pad.riseup.net/p/mageia5final Pad link 19:20:35 <[mbot> [ Riseup Pad ] 19:20:46 <wilcal> I have yet to install Vbox on the x86_64 install but I'll do that after this meeting 19:20:50 <Kernewes> I haven't had a chance to look at them yet, shall I just wait for round 2 now? 19:21:09 <wilcal> All the Live media came up and ran for me in Vbox. I did no installs there 19:21:14 <MrsB> No, they're only a day old Kernewes 19:21:23 <Kernewes> OK 19:21:35 <lewyssmith> But the Classic is scarcely changed from RC. 19:21:47 <MrsB> TJ had an issue with a Live iso 19:21:49 <MrsB> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15875 19:21:50 <[mbot> Bug 15875: critical, release_blocker, bugsquad, NEW , Installation fails if "unused" packages are removed, draklive-install 19:21:59 <MrsB> removing needed packages by the sound of it 19:22:11 <brian__> I did run into an issue with latest gnome on vbox and physical hardware 19:22:16 <brian__> sorry in another meeting also 19:22:32 <lewyssmith> I always take that option. No time to try yet fro Final. 19:22:33 <brian__> livecd iso 19:22:51 <brian__> livedvd iso for gnome too 19:23:05 <lewyssmith> What issue? 19:23:21 <MrsB> Brian_: install on vbox is resetting after it partitioning and get question. I wonder if my images are corrupt. Tried both LiveCD and LiveDVD getting same message. 19:23:40 <brian__> the Ops when trying to start live session 19:23:51 <Akien> I'm not 100% sure about TJ's issue, it does sound like the install _broke_ after he chose to uninstall unneeded packages 19:23:51 <lewyssmith> Ops? 19:24:01 <brian__> getting restart of install once it gets past partitioning 19:24:09 <brian__> never finishes 19:24:10 <Akien> That's a bit strange because it should break the installed system, but not the installation process 19:24:51 <brian__> I checked MD5's that match 19:25:41 <MrsB> Can you create a bug report for it brian__ please and add journal.txt from "journalctl -a > /home/live/journal.txt && chown live /home/live/journal.txt" run as root when the problem occurs in the live system 19:26:11 <lewyssmith> I hope to try the Gnome Live DVD tomorrow on real hardware; have it already 'burned'. 19:26:20 <brian__> ok - I'll try. It gets the something went wrong and then a black screen 19:26:25 <tmb> Akien, well, if it for some reason unloads the in-use gpu driver it will kill the install 19:27:11 <brian__> no OS on the VM at that point. how do I hack the journal file out of that? 19:27:28 <MrsB> brian__: if you need help debugging or getting the logs you can always come here or email qa-discuss or wilcal, or me 19:27:28 <Akien> tmb: True 19:27:46 <brian__> sure - will do 19:28:36 <MrsB> Anything else we need to mention at this point? 19:29:29 <wilcal> I'm pretty happy with M5 at this point 19:29:49 <neoser10_> The public RC is good 19:29:50 <hviaene> Do we need to test upgfrading fr om M4 to M5? 19:29:57 <Akien> Yep 19:30:04 <hviaene> Shit 19:30:10 <wilcal> I'll run upgrade testing this weekend 19:30:13 <neoser10_> i am doing that with updates and without updates 19:30:25 <Akien> neoser10_: Good idea 19:30:44 <wilcal> I run the upgrades against the CI's 19:30:53 <neoser10_> in this moment I do not have problems 19:30:57 <Akien> Theoretically we only "support" upgrading from an up-to-date Mageia 4, but if we can make sure that it upgrades fine from a pristine Mageia 4, that's even better 19:31:01 <brian__> overall my experience with upgrade from m4 to m5 is good 19:31:14 <brian__> ;-) with patches 19:31:18 <MrsB> #info We need to test all kinds of upgrades from mga4 to mga5 too. Using DVD, DVD with online medias added, using the applet (mgaapplet), with all sorts of mga4 installs and desktops https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_process_for_testing_upgrades 19:31:32 <neoser10_> Now remember that the only update in MGA4 was kernel desktop lastest 19:32:44 <MrsB> tmb: anything to add? 19:32:48 <MrsB> ennael: ? 19:33:28 <tmb> nope, nothing comes to mind right now 19:33:52 <MrsB> Anybody want to say anything before we move on? 19:34:04 <neoser10_> about the text install from the grub graphics.... 19:34:09 <wilcal> not from me just need a few days with it 19:34:27 <brian__> ditto - classic installs seem peaceful 19:34:52 <MrsB> neoser10_: yes.. 19:35:05 <neoser10_> i think not passing boot parameters because i have twin automatic methods cdrom in command line 19:35:18 <Akien> Looks like we have mostly hardware issues left, which is relatively good (even though it's harder to debug) 19:35:27 <Akien> The installer in itself is in pretty good shape :) 19:36:07 <MrsB> Could you create a bug report please neoser10_ and make a note on the pad about it 19:36:08 <lewyssmith> OK to advance? 19:36:49 <neoser10_> bug report already.... is not mine... and OK to advance 19:37:06 <lewyssmith> #topic Updates 19:37:07 <MrsB> can you make a ntoe on the pad please though 19:37:27 <lewyssmith> [Sorry Claire] 19:37:38 <MrsB> Thanks Dave, we were skipping this one this week 19:37:44 <MrsB> let's go to... 19:37:51 <MrsB> #topic Luigi's Roundup 19:38:02 <hviaene> Did Brian answer, I got disconnected 19:38:23 <MrsB> #info David is at a track meet this week, and the next two weeks, so has emailed the roundup to the list instead. 19:38:41 <brian__> @hviaene - answer which? 19:38:53 <lewyssmith> MrsB: I have yet to see that. 19:39:26 <MrsB> check your spam folder lewis, yahoo mail is causing problems for some people 19:39:27 <hviaene> If you would trust upgrading your production machine 19:39:39 <brian__> yes 19:39:48 <brian__> already did 19:39:58 <lewyssmith> MrsB: Yet to *look*; I only got in just before the meeting. 19:40:04 <MrsB> ohh right :D 19:40:12 <hviaene> angel 19:40:30 <MrsB> sooo that only leave.. 19:40:40 <lewyssmith> # anything else 19:40:47 <MrsB> no cigar 19:40:58 <wilcal> not from me 19:41:09 <MrsB> #topic Anything else? 19:41:20 <MrsB> Is there anything else? 19:41:23 <Kernewes> not here 19:41:29 <lewyssmith> Quickie re Final... 19:42:10 <brian__> I'll update risepad as progressing. 19:42:28 <lewyssmith> The Classic was almost unchanged, but the first Lives had many changes. Should the Classic 'catch up'? 19:42:33 <brian__> any trick to forcing a resync without downloading whole object? 19:42:56 <MrsB> The classic had all the same changes but Thomas was able to give a better list 19:43:02 <Akien> lewyssmith: Both have the same changes, it's just that tmb is better at making a changelog :p 19:43:05 <tmb> lewyssmith, as I noted in my list. those also affecte classic ones 19:43:38 <MrsB> brian__: rsync does that, it's why we use it. Which tool are you using? 19:44:00 <brian__> that one and it did. I'll just rename the gnome livecd and see if a full download fixes my issue 19:44:27 <MrsB> you shouldn't need to download again 19:44:34 <Akien> brian__: If the md5sum is good, you don't have to redownload 19:44:41 <brian__> ok - they matched 19:45:16 <brian__> I'll wait for a gift from tmb then 19:45:29 <brian__> <smile> I have nothing else 19:45:35 <MrsB> check the contents of DATE.txt to know it's current 19:46:00 <brian__> Wed May 6 12:00:00 CEST 2015 19:46:08 <MrsB> yeah that's latest lives 19:46:47 <MrsB> Is there anything else else? 19:47:02 <lewyssmith> Not here. 19:47:19 <wilcal> not from me 19:47:47 <hviaene> no 19:47:50 <MrsB> Thanks for coming then everybody. Please concentrate on the ISOs now, we're doing OK with updates for the time being :) 19:47:56 <lewyssmith> Goodbye everyone. 19:48:00 <MrsB> T - 5 19:48:03 <MrsB> 4 19:48:05 <MrsB> 3 19:48:06 <MrsB> 2 19:48:08 <MrsB> 1 19:48:13 <MrsB> #endmeeting