19:04:22 <MrsB> #startmeeting 19:04:22 <Inigo_Montoya`> Meeting started Thu Apr 23 19:04:22 2015 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:04:22 <Inigo_Montoya`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:04:32 <DavidWHodgins> He's sound asleep. 19:04:35 <MrsB> Morning everybody welcome to another one 19:04:55 <MrsB> #chair DavidWHodgins wilcal 19:04:55 <Inigo_Montoya`> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins MrsB wilcal 19:05:14 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Who's new? If you are, then come and introduce yourself 19:05:25 <MrsB> thanks Dave 19:05:29 <lewyssmith> tjandrews: Hello TJ. 19:05:45 <MrsB> Is there anybody new here today? 19:06:07 <tjandrews> Hello. I'm not as new as I was last week. 19:06:19 <MrsB> yeah you're battle scarred now 19:06:33 <lewyssmith> [Somebody said on the ML that they would be here]. 19:06:36 <tjandrews> You don't know the half of it... 19:07:00 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Mentoring update - stiiill testing isos! 19:07:07 <MrsB> We can keep an eye open and do introductions later if they come 19:07:23 <DavidWHodgins> No changes here, in mentoring status 19:07:26 <MrsB> So guys, how's the mentoring? 19:07:40 <MrsB> it's still a bit difficult isn't it 19:07:52 <wilcal> My guys are contributing here and there 19:07:59 <wilcal> iso overload 19:08:03 <DavidWHodgins> Should get easier once rc is out 19:08:07 <MrsB> everybody seems to have the hang of testing ISOs now though which is one good thing :) 19:08:07 <brian__> I'm a lowsy student but Bill tolerates me 19:08:31 <wilcal> your do'n Great 19:08:38 <MrsB> let's skip past this bit then 19:08:42 <tjandrews> Using the 64-bit RC right now, as installed from the Classical DVD. Seems to be working just fine with my barely-64-bit Sempron. 19:09:02 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Mageia 5 RC - what's left to do? 19:09:18 <MrsB> morning tmb ennael 19:09:33 <lewyssmith> MrsB: Claire, I confirmed the Gnome Live x64 problem. 19:09:46 <MrsB> big hammer has gone? 19:10:14 <lewyssmith> i.e. seizure after user configuration, need to manually re-boot, then OK. 19:10:56 <Akien> lewyssmith: I got this once (yesterday), and today I did not have it anymore... 19:11:01 <Akien> Need to do more testing 19:11:01 <MrsB> that's precisely where the big hammer should be, after use config it should display a little window saying it needs to reboot for the changes to take effect 19:11:19 <tmb> and the code is still there :/ 19:11:24 <lewyssmith> I have seen this, but not with the latest build. 19:11:43 <MrsB> maybe crashing before it get's that far then tmb 19:11:57 <lewyssmith> No, virtual consoles work. 19:12:17 <MrsB> X crash i mean 19:12:22 <lewyssmith> See the PAd and mailList. 19:12:45 <MrsB> ATI GPU 19:13:27 <lewyssmith> Yes. 19:13:33 <lewyssmith> I am just burning the Classic DVD to try the Mate taskbar issue - tomorrow. 19:13:41 <MrsB> thanks 19:13:49 <MrsB> dvd 32 if possible 19:13:53 <Akien> lewyssmith: Testing it right now too 19:14:07 <lewyssmith> MrsB: x64 only. 19:14:09 <Akien> I couldn't reproduce with dvd 64 nor gnome liveDVD 64, so I try dvd 32 19:14:29 <brian__> testing livecd KDE 20/4/2015 - seems very stable 19:14:32 <MrsB> I haven't installed it again to confirm but it survived a few reboots 19:14:52 <wilcal> Are all our problems with Gnome? Seems KDE works very well for me. 19:15:03 <lewyssmith> It was alwys thus, Bill. 19:15:09 <tjandrews> Looks good here. 19:15:12 <MrsB> The LXDE shutdown issue has spread to MATE too 19:15:17 <tmb> MrsB, well, the code is executed as last part of finish-install before we hand over to X server, but I guess we are not blocking... 19:15:34 <lewyssmith> MrsB: What is that? 19:15:35 <Akien> MrsB: Just finished my MATE install, DVD 32bit, no problem 19:15:57 <Akien> Default parameters, no online media, no updates 19:15:59 <MrsB> long delay/permanent hang at shutdown/reboot 19:16:05 <wilcal> Seems to me that KDE is in releaseable format right now. I put a lot of time into it. Noted in PAD 19:16:33 <brian__> any particular you'd like me to try? 19:16:59 <MrsB> live gnome or dvd 32 please brian__ 19:17:06 <brian__> will do 19:17:12 <MrsB> s/or/and/ :) 19:17:14 <wilcal> Anything Gnome I think brian_ 19:17:37 <brian__> ok - sadly agreed with Linus on gnome 19:17:56 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 19:18:12 <MrsB> I've started to think it's not so bad, when it behaves that is 19:18:58 <DavidWHodgins> brb 19:19:22 <lewyssmith> On the bright side, some old issues are sorted, like WiFi, Raid. 19:19:32 <brian__> yes - appreciated it on dualdvd 19:20:05 <MrsB> yes, we've cleared alot of old issues 19:20:26 <MrsB> created some new ones :) 19:21:02 <MrsB> apart from what we've already said, is there anything that you're aware of that would prevent us releasing the RC? 19:21:22 <lewyssmith> Most reports now are good. 19:21:38 <tjandrews> MrsB, are you still seeing distorted video with the Dual DVD? 19:21:44 <wilcal> aside from the Gnome stuff I think the RC is ready for release 19:22:00 <MrsB> yes, 64bit installer 19:22:19 <MrsB> Ben commented something on the pad, I've emailed him about creating a bug report.. 19:22:22 <MrsB> Benmc: bootloader determines that a /swap on a second HDD is a / partition and lists it in grub boot options 19:22:47 <lewyssmith> Original! 19:23:05 <tjandrews> Not seeing it here. Tried several times. 19:23:23 <MrsB> i think it's HW dependent tjandrews 19:23:37 <lewyssmith> Ben has done a lot of good testing, with a load of problems. 19:23:37 <brian__> dualdvd was good with me 19:24:02 <MrsB> yeah he's doing well 19:24:33 <MrsB> The lengthy testing period has been good in some ways 19:24:58 <Akien> Well IMO Mageia 5 will be our least bugged release :) 19:25:07 <DavidWHodgins> back 19:25:11 <lewyssmith> It has drawn in a wide range of people & systems. 19:25:27 <DavidWHodgins> In my opinion, the RC is ok to release 19:25:30 <wilcal> IMO in the KDE mode M5 looks really really solid 19:25:34 <MrsB> So anyway. I was hoping we could make a go/no-go decision today, but it's going to depend mostly on what tmb/ennael want to do next 19:25:47 <brian__> I'm please with it. Running Mate on an ancient sempron downstairs, KDE here, and XFCE when doing dual. 19:26:12 <lewyssmith> Gnome is better than viewed. The re-boot issue can be documented. 19:26:46 <tmb> I'd say errata for known problems for now an get it out in the wild... we need broad tests of all stuff we have done so far 19:26:46 <MrsB> we always find HW issues, and can expect to do so whatever we do. We've had alot of good testing and uncovered perhaps more of those HW issues pre-release than we have done previously 19:27:02 <Akien> I think we are almost ready to release, we just need to better identify the current issues with GNOME live CD/DVDs, and check MrsB's issue with LXDE, MATE, lightdm, etc. 19:27:03 <lewyssmith> tmb: Agree. 19:27:30 <Akien> Once identified, we can put them on the errata and release. 19:28:02 <tmb> as there will be more bugreports with RC out there will be more fixes to test... but the huge amount of work already done needs to get out :) 19:28:04 <DavidWHodgins> Yes. This is the RC, not the final. 19:28:05 <brian__> ok - so I'll try the GNOME LIVECD and then classic mate and see how it goes 19:28:42 <wilcal> Probably be a couple off RC's in the wild 19:28:55 <lewyssmith> brian__: I will try Classic tomorrow, Mate especially. 19:29:19 <MrsB> I think, as long as the known issues are well/obviously documented, so people will see we know about them and intend to fix them for final, we could release. Shall we lalow one more day for the final tests (mate/gnome) ? 19:29:48 <Akien> Sounds good, as I need to write the release blog post /o\ 19:29:57 <wilcal> Sounds good to me 19:30:02 <brian__> agrred 19:30:22 <MrsB> focus on EFI/raid integration for RC Akien 19:30:42 <MrsB> and isodumper 19:30:51 <Akien> Yeah, plus general bug fixes in the installer, Gtk and co 19:30:52 <tjandrews> OK by me. (He says, not knowing if he has a vote) 19:30:59 <Akien> tjandrews: Everyone has :) 19:31:08 <lewyssmith> How will Joe Public get IsoDumper? 19:31:17 <MrsB> it's available in mga4 19:31:24 <wilcal> It's in the Repo 19:31:25 <DavidWHodgins> Just by being here gives you a vote. 19:31:25 <lewyssmith> Elsewhere? 19:31:31 <MrsB> urpmi isodumper 19:31:45 <lewyssmith> If *not* Mageia. 19:31:49 <MrsB> oh 19:31:56 <MrsB> erm 19:32:05 <tjandrews> The one from the Mga4 repos is the one I've been using. 19:32:11 <MrsB> mint has something similar, but not sure of the uefi stuff 19:32:30 <lewyssmith> Can it be made a regular download? 19:32:40 <MrsB> good documentation of how to burn/dump to usb for bios/uefi 19:33:04 <MrsB> Could we make a static binary for iso dumper maybe? 19:33:06 <lewyssmith> Just use IsoDumper. 19:33:14 <MrsB> isodumper* 19:33:23 <MrsB> Akien tmb ^^ 19:34:29 <MrsB> it's only python isn't it 19:34:42 <lewyssmith> And Qt. 19:35:01 <tjandrews> Hoping the whole process moves along soon. It's getting so that I have less and less time for testing. 19:35:16 <lewyssmith> It will, TJ. 19:35:34 <MrsB> #info Can we make isodumper available for people not using Mageia ? 19:35:36 <Akien> MrsB: That might be doable, though people would probably have to install python-qt by hand 19:35:47 <tjandrews> The only reason I can be here today is that it's cold and snowing. Not a good day for farm work. 19:35:47 <Akien> *python-qt5 19:35:53 <wilcal> Sometimes you have to push away from it for a couple days 19:36:02 <wilcal> Never on Sunday for me 19:36:05 <Akien> I'll look into it 19:36:08 <DavidWHodgins> tjandrews: Snowed here today too. 19:36:10 <MrsB> thanks Akien 19:36:45 <wilcal> Rained a little here today. There was a Parade to honor it 19:36:53 <MrsB> I was sat out in the sun today, had to avoid getting burned. Really nice day. Now it's forcasting rain and cold again :D 19:36:59 <tjandrews> :) 19:37:26 <lewyssmith> I see California needs 43Km3 of rain to restore aquifers. 19:37:32 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Testing updates 19:38:06 <MrsB> #info We'll allow one more day for the last tests, mainly mate/gnome and decide tomorrow if we're OK to release the RC 19:38:10 <MrsB> dude! 19:38:33 <lewyssmith> Again I have ben too busy to look at updates; sorry. 19:38:33 <DavidWHodgins> Oops. Jumped the gun again. 19:38:38 <MrsB> mageia.madb.org/tools/updates 19:38:46 <MrsB> didn't even have the link ready 19:38:57 <MrsB> We're not doing bad really, considering 19:39:12 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: You did right, we were drifting. 19:39:16 <MrsB> there are a few lingering updates we need to get cleared now though 19:39:39 <MrsB> and of course the kernels 19:40:09 <MrsB> Is there anything scary there? 19:40:16 <wilcal> Kernels actually look pretty good to me 19:40:41 <DavidWHodgins> I really hate inconsistent bugs. I cannot re-recreate the kernel slow down bug, so can't test fixes. 19:41:16 <MrsB> I haven't looked at the kernels yet. I'd rather we get the ISOs out of the way and then do those 19:41:37 <wilcal> take the kernels and chrome off the updates and we're in good shape there 19:41:50 <MrsB> there are some there though that have been around for a week or two 19:42:02 <MrsB> might have a crack at some tomorrow 19:42:03 <rindolf> Bye everyone. I'm going to sleep. 19:42:08 <MrsB> nite rindolf 19:42:16 <wilcal> lets get the kernels off there by Monday 19:42:40 <MrsB> chromium advisory has been added now so i'll upload that and validate it after the meeting 19:43:00 <MrsB> well, i'd sooner we not rush those 19:43:49 <MrsB> Nothing scary there though really 19:43:53 <MrsB> anybody? 19:44:13 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: I'd rather hold off on the kernel updates, to see if I can recreate the problem I reported before. 19:44:22 <MrsB> mailman Dave that's one for you 19:44:22 <wilcal> is backula ever coming off that list 19:44:25 <brian__> I assume that's for mga4 for Chromium 19:44:46 <brian__> I might be able to try on VM. 19:44:51 <MrsB> these are all the updates for mga4 awaiting testing so they can be pushed as updates brian__ 19:45:09 <lewyssmith> wilcal: Bill, I will look at that as my first post RC job. 19:45:14 <MrsB> it's been tested thta one though and waiting for me to upload the advisory and validate it now 19:45:15 <Akien> subversion, 20 days without action. Anything scary about that one? 19:45:43 <lewyssmith> Its name? 19:45:55 <MrsB> no feel free to test it Akien 19:46:20 <Akien> lewyssmith: lol :) 19:46:23 <DavidWHodgins> Testing complete here on an x86_64 system. Just needs the advisory uploaded to svn, 19:46:26 <MrsB> it is the dav module needs testing really 19:47:08 <MrsB> So let's move on then and see if Luigi is home 19:47:22 <DavidWHodgins> I don't think we use web_dave at all 19:47:37 <MrsB> web_dave is used less and less these days :P 19:47:46 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Luigi's Roundup 19:47:58 <Luigi12_work> wait a minute :o) reading up 19:48:00 <MrsB> Luigi12_work: ping! 19:48:05 <MrsB> oh you're here 19:49:10 <Luigi12_work> ok I'm here 19:49:12 <Luigi12_work> yeah was in class 19:49:23 <MrsB> don't they know you've got a meeting 19:49:28 <Luigi12_work> hehe 19:49:33 <DavidWHodgins> lol 19:49:52 <Luigi12_work> still waiting for a CVE for net-snmp...maybe I should just patch it. Too busy I guess. 19:50:16 <Luigi12_work> MySQL 5.5.43 is out with a few security fixes. MariaDB 5.5.43 isn't out yet, but should follow soon with the same fixes I would guess. 19:50:33 <Luigi12_work> postgis is an unmaintained package (ugh) with a security issue fixed upstream 19:50:46 <MrsB> #info mariadb should be coming soon, also postgis 19:50:52 <MrsB> dont liek the sound of gis 19:51:26 <Luigi12_work> I have freeze push requests pending for wordpress (severely critical XSS issue, remotely exploitable by unauthenticated users), curl, qtwebkit/qtwebkit5, qt4/qtbase5, cherokee, and sqlite3 19:51:43 <Luigi12_work> so hopefully I can get some pushes soon...probably once the RC ISOs are out I guess 19:52:03 <Luigi12_work> also filed a bug for pdns-recursor, although we may not actually be affected by the issue, not sure 19:52:05 <MrsB> #info wordpress, curl, qtwebkit/qtwebkit5, qt4/qtbase5, cherokee, and sqlite3 waiting for freeze push in cauldron 19:52:09 <tmb> I'll push them tonight 19:52:12 <Luigi12_work> sweet 19:52:14 <MrsB> thanks tmb 19:52:28 <MrsB> also some mga4 pushes to do once chromium advisory is uploaded 19:52:36 <tmb> yep 19:52:38 <MrsB> :) 19:52:44 <Luigi12_work> python-pip has a security issue (or two) and is embedded in python-virtualenv, so philippem is looking into that (or those) 19:52:58 <MrsB> they're easy ones at least 19:53:07 <Luigi12_work> that's all I have 19:53:14 <MrsB> #info python-pip & python-virtualenv likely 19:53:23 <MrsB> great, just a dozen or so then 19:53:24 <tmb> there will come a glibc one too 19:53:34 <MrsB> #info and glibc 19:53:36 <Luigi12_work> yeah saw other distros releasing glibc updates, figured we'd have one 19:53:55 <MrsB> thanks Luigi12_work 19:53:55 <tmb> there are 3 CVE pending on oss-sec and one that got assigned 19:54:12 <MrsB> with PoC? 19:54:12 <tmb> cauldron have all but the last one 19:55:01 <tmb> dont know yet, I only noted the CVE + glibc topic :) 19:55:12 <MrsB> Okay, no rush :) 19:55:23 <MrsB> That only leaves... 19:55:25 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Anything else? 19:55:30 <MrsB> tah 19:55:34 <MrsB> Is there anything else? 19:55:57 <wilcal> not from me 19:56:04 <lewyssmith> Not here. 19:56:05 <DavidWHodgins> Not here. (Cat just woke up, and want's to get fed again). 19:56:12 <MrsB> quick meeting today 19:56:20 <tjandrews> I see the Firefox 38 ESR is due out in mid-May. How will we handle that with Mga5? 19:56:20 <MrsB> thanks for coming then everybody 19:56:29 <wilcal> pretty focused i think 19:56:33 <MrsB> ahh wait 19:56:46 <MrsB> Luigi12_work: any plans for FF 38 ESR ? 19:56:50 <Luigi12_work> we'll update to 38 ESR at least when 38.1 comes out 19:56:53 <DavidWHodgins> tjandrews: Unless it includes security fixes, won't make Mageia 5. 19:57:07 <Luigi12_work> 38.0 will probably be coinciding with another 31.x as usual, so we'll stick with that 19:57:10 <tjandrews> OK. Just wondering... 19:57:20 <MrsB> good question 19:57:27 <Luigi12_work> yep 19:57:30 <MrsB> Is there anything else else? 19:57:41 <DavidWHodgins> Countdown time 19:57:43 <lewyssmith> Goodbye everyone. 19:57:44 <MrsB> T - 5 19:57:45 <Luigi12_work> so probably a couple more months before we update to 38, but yeah it's coming 19:57:49 <brian__> have a good weekend 19:57:49 <wilcal> thanks all 19:57:50 <brian__> bye 19:57:50 <MrsB> 4 19:57:52 <MrsB> 3 19:57:54 <MrsB> 2 19:57:56 <MrsB> 1 19:57:58 <MrsB> #endmeeting