19:09:39 <MrsB> #startmeeting 19:09:39 <Inigo_Montoya`> Meeting started Thu Apr 9 19:09:39 2015 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:09:39 <Inigo_Montoya`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:09:55 <MrsB> Welcome everybody to another one :) 19:10:14 <MrsB> #chair DavidWHodgins wilcal 19:10:14 <Inigo_Montoya`> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins MrsB wilcal 19:10:22 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Who's new? - Come along and say Hi if you are new! 19:10:25 <MrsB> tah 19:10:35 <MrsB> Is there anybody new with us today? 19:10:40 <DavidWHodgins> Is Jorge here? 19:10:58 <MrsB> doesn't look like it. 19:11:14 <MrsB> Although wb [mbot who has been on a bit of a holiday 19:11:36 <MrsB> nobody new today 19:11:44 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Mentoring update - I know, still ISO testing :\ 19:12:03 <wilcal> Naoki Kasahara and I have been communicating quite a lot in the last days 19:12:12 <MrsB> Ahh that's good Bill 19:12:17 <wilcal> He's a student in Mexico City 19:12:22 <MrsB> how is it going so far? 19:12:28 <DavidWHodgins> vlad is doing ok with iso testing. I'll wait till m5 rc is out to try and bring him up to speed on testing updates. 19:12:29 <wilcal> Already has a handfull of Mageia boxes 19:12:39 <wilcal> Looks very promising 19:13:07 <wilcal> He's familiar with Vbox 19:13:20 <MrsB> It's still difficult to concentrate much on anything but isos but I think having this bit in here helps to stop things stagnating 19:13:29 <wilcal> should be a good contributor 19:13:42 <wilcal> Ya the iso's are taken all the air out of the system 19:14:03 <MrsB> right, so let's move on and keep coming back to this 19:14:17 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Mageia 5 RC - What's the latest news? 19:14:34 <MrsB> tmb ennael ping :) 19:14:45 <wilcal> I have to share there's some frustration showing up with at least one tester 19:14:48 <tmb> pong 19:14:57 <MrsB> morning 19:14:58 <wilcal> We are on round 5 of RC 19:15:04 <wilcal> round 6 19:15:45 <DavidWHodgins> With more updates today, for things like system-config-printer, grub2, drakx-installer-rescue, so I expect at least one more set of iso images. 19:16:12 <MrsB> Well currently livedvd gnome 64 ends in fail whale so we're not ready yet! 19:16:23 <wilcal> My M5 test system stopped printing. The printer works and my print server ( M4.1 ) still works just fine 19:16:30 <NyB_> Cauldron is still the branch used for the ISOs, right? 19:16:40 <DavidWHodgins> NyB_: Yes 19:16:40 <MrsB> we're going to miss out on detailed testing if this continues 19:17:17 * NyB_ has been a bit out (ok, ok, a lot) of touch preparing for his move abroad, sorry! 19:17:42 <tjandrews> wilcal, will have to test my printer after the meeting. It's on this machine, right now booted into Mageia 4. 19:17:46 <wilcal> I did just get two good installs ( i586 & x86_64 ) and reboot from the latest boot.iso's 19:17:52 <NyB_> Well, I did an online upgrade for two physical systems to Cauldron last weekend. It was...weird... 19:18:19 <wilcal> ya it sees the printer runs clean print heads process but does not print 19:18:46 <NyB_> I had a lot of issues with urpmi & dependency resolution and I am not 100% certain that it was a mirror problem 19:18:51 <MrsB> well updates system-config-printer was built a short time ago so things should improve there 19:18:56 <tjandrews> HP printer or another brand? 19:19:06 <wilcal> Classic HP USB printer 19:19:10 <wilcal> 5510 19:19:14 <tjandrews> Mine are both older HP inkjets. 19:19:31 <wilcal> so something happened there 19:19:49 <tjandrews> Deskjet 5650 and Officejet 6110 here. 19:20:47 <NyB_> I have an HP MFP here, but it's on the network... 19:20:55 <MrsB> #info updated system-config-printer was built a short time ago so things should improve there 19:21:15 <MrsB> What major issues do we still have? 19:21:18 <wilcal> Short time being in the last 24-hours 19:21:25 <MrsB> like last hour 19:21:35 <wilcal> ok I'll try again tomorrow 19:21:39 <MrsB> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15549 19:21:40 <[mbot> Bug 15549: major, Normal, bugsquad, NEW , HP printer installed by system-config-printer not recognised by HP Printer Manager (HPLIP), system-config-printer-1.5.5-2.mga5.src.rpm 19:22:15 <MrsB> If you have bugs, please look for a bug report and if one doesn't already exist, create one. 19:22:33 <DavidWHodgins> system-config-printer was built about an hour ago, according to https://pkgsubmit.mageia.org/ 19:22:34 <[mbot> [ Build system status ] 19:22:42 <MrsB> You can add yourself to CC on an existing bug report and help the debugging process too 19:22:58 <tjandrews> Anybody else seeing the boot display as text after an install from Classical isos? 19:23:03 <DavidWHodgins> Once local mirror has updated, ensure updates are installed during install, before testing. 19:23:21 <wilcal> Yes I saw that on my two boot.iso installs this morning 19:23:37 <MrsB> I was talking to Akien about that today tjandrews and it's likely a problem with plymouth that he's been trying to fix. 19:23:43 <wilcal> boot.iso's as of the 7th 19:24:40 <MrsB> Any major issues remaining in your tests so far? 19:24:46 <tjandrews> Always glad when it's not just me...;) 19:25:05 <wilcal> Well I think we need to define where we are at with UEFI 19:25:06 <DavidWHodgins> I'm concerned about bug 15350 19:25:07 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15350 normal, release_blocker, thierry.vignaud, NEW , Upgrade failed mga4 to mga5 when adding online media to DVD - 195 transactions failed 19:25:43 <MrsB> yes. It won't prevent RC release though 19:26:01 <DavidWHodgins> Ok, but I think it should block final 19:26:50 <MrsB> My main ones are Gnome fail whale from livedvd 64 https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15653 and nvidia systems screen corruption in classic installer https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15253 19:26:53 <[mbot> Bug 15653: critical, Normal, tmb, NEW , Gnome LiveDVD 64 fails in live mode "Oh No. Something has gone wrong" 19:26:54 <[mbot> Bug 15253: major, release_blocker, ennael1, NEW , 5b3: Display corruption once the cursor moves (64bit is KO, 32bit is OK) with 16bpp & 24bpp (OK with 15bpp), kernel 19:27:00 <MrsB> yes it should block final Dave I agree 19:27:50 <MrsB> What about UEFI now? 19:28:04 <tjandrews> Before I could test something like that, I'd have to install 4.1 over one of my RC installs so I could upgrade it. Head spinning... 19:28:32 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 19:28:44 <lewyssmith> I confess to being out of action lately due to overwhelming other tasks. 19:28:56 <wilcal> For me UEFI installed in Vbox works just fine. Has for quite some time now. 19:28:56 <DavidWHodgins> tjandrews: I have 4.1 installs, with full backups I can restore after each upgrade test 19:29:03 <MrsB> it's best to test upgrades in vbox for now tjandrews. Take a snapshot of the mga4 system, install a load of random packages and then attampt the upgrade. WHen done, roll it back and start again with different packages 19:29:41 <lewyssmith> You can do similarly (but lengthily) on real h/w. 19:29:49 <wilcal> I have a Vbox clone base system then copy that repeatedly for testing various things 19:29:59 <DavidWHodgins> With a large install, snapshot is too slow, so I create a second virtual drive, and use one of the live iso images to backup/restore the 4.1 install 19:30:15 <MrsB> yeah, whichever you're happy with. We'll need to ensure upgrades work on HW too, fr drivers etc 19:30:29 <wilcal> So M4 i586 KDE CI installed I maintain but never do any testing with 19:31:02 <wilcal> But I clone that system to lets say: M4 i586 KDE kernel when I'm testing kernels 19:31:10 <MrsB> How is UEFI going lewis? 19:33:31 <MrsB> or anybody 19:33:42 <lewyssmith> I have not tries lately, too pressed. But will do very soon. 19:34:05 <wilcal> I'm have no problems with UEFI as a Vbox client 19:34:30 <tjandrews> No UEFI hardware here, for which I'm becoming increasingly grateful. 19:34:40 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 19:35:02 <tmb> UEFI should be in pretty good shape, but I think we need one final respin for RC to pick up drakxtools / stage2 16.80 19:35:12 <lewyssmith> tjandrews: This is unfair. It works fine. 19:35:44 <MrsB> tmb: did you see bug 15653 (gnome livedvd 64) 19:35:45 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15653 critical, Normal, tmb, NEW , Gnome LiveDVD 64 fails in live mode "Oh No. Something has gone wrong" 19:35:49 <wilcal> So we're good enough on UEFI for first release 19:36:11 <tjandrews> lewyssmith: Uh-huh. 19:37:17 <MrsB> There is perhaps a UEFI issue here https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15589 19:37:18 <[mbot> Bug 15589: normal, Normal, bugsquad, NEW , Install unusable because installer used too little of the available space (after selecting Use the free space on a Microsoft Windows partition), drakx-installer-stage2 19:37:20 <tmb> MrsB, yeah, and I dont see why we hit it now as nothing in that part has really changed :( the "big hammer" fix is after install, but that seems to be live mode, so some timing issue... 19:37:59 <tmb> I'll see if I can reproduce it again on this laptop 19:38:06 <MrsB> which one? 19:38:16 <tmb> the "Oh No"... 19:38:38 <MrsB> that fails predictably in vbox too so should be easy. Rindolf found it originally 19:40:25 <lewyssmith> I am syncing some ISOs now, they say 7th. Is that right? 19:40:25 <tmb> the "too little space" is not a RC blocker IMHO as it can be worked around with "manual partitioning", but we'll see if we can figure it out for final 19:40:40 <MrsB> ok, thanks. Just cc'd you on the bug :) 19:40:51 <MrsB> sounds right lewis yes 19:41:00 <lewyssmith> Thanks. 19:41:17 <MrsB> We're so nearly there now 19:41:27 <tmb> Well, I'm going to push out new isos tonight so please wait for them... 19:41:52 <MrsB> #info New ISOs are coming tonight 19:41:54 <lewyssmith> OK, will re-sync tomorrow before trying. 19:42:10 <wilcal> Live media & CI both? 19:43:11 <tmb> I think ennael need to push CI too for the drakx code and vbetool, s-c-p and grub2 fixes 19:43:23 <MrsB> After all this effort it *should* put us in a good place to do detailed testing for the final and pick up the smaller bugs 19:43:59 <MrsB> #info should be both Live and Classic ISOs 19:44:02 <wilcal> Rounding the last turn and into the stretch right? 19:44:11 <MrsB> fingers x'd 19:44:20 <lewyssmith> ennael: Did you see that -6? 19:45:01 <tmb> yes, I think whatever issues found now can be post RC ... as we really need broad tests from the community too now 19:45:37 <MrsB> #info Well done everybody so far. It really has been a marathon and it's been tough on everyone. Keep going and this should be a release we can truly be proud of! 19:45:58 <MrsB> yes I agree with that tmb 19:46:16 <wilcal> We do need to get RC out there 19:46:26 <MrsB> yep, when it works :) 19:46:36 <wilcal> What is final release date estimated at 19:46:41 <lewyssmith> Can we agree the *major* issues? Like printing? 19:46:51 <wilcal> Print is a serious issue 19:46:58 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: No, as that can be fixed after final release is out. 19:47:19 <MrsB> well as said a couple of times already, printing should be improved with the update about an hour ago for system-config-printer 19:48:03 <MrsB> we'll need to know if it's still broken though so pleas etest it when it lands 19:48:12 <lewyssmith> Which should be in tomorrow's ISOs. 19:48:19 <DavidWHodgins> Worst case, it becomes an errata item, until an update is available to fix it. 19:48:21 <Akien> I just configured my printer in cauldron, no problem 19:48:31 <Akien> (and printed a PDF) 19:48:31 <wilcal> I've time tomorrow ( Friday ) 19:49:01 <DavidWHodgins> Especially as it only seems to affect some printers. 19:49:03 <tjandrews> Akien: HP printers seem to be giving the most trouble. 19:49:04 <MrsB> #info everybody please remember to test configuring a printer when the new isos arrive 19:49:08 <wilcal> so latest updates in cauldron repo fixes the problem 19:49:27 <wilcal> printing problem 19:49:40 <MrsB> these will be round 8 IINM which is a new record 19:49:52 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: That's using boot.iso, or boot-nonfree.iso? 19:49:54 <Akien> tjandrews: Mine was a canon, so some more testing might be needed 19:50:18 <wilcal> When I do boot.iso testing I usually do both starting with i586 19:50:37 <wilcal> did both this morning. Both were in Vbox 19:51:06 <wilcal> I was tinkerling with USB pass through in Vbox and has some success 19:51:09 <MrsB> Anybody want to add anything before we move on? 19:51:19 <tjandrews> As long as new isos are forthcoming so soon, I will wait to test printing until I try those. 19:51:27 <wilcal> good idea 19:52:13 <MrsB> let's move on then, thanks all 19:52:15 * tmb just started live builds... should be online in a few hours 19:52:17 <wilcal> If i can test printing with a Vbox client that would be a god send 19:52:56 <MrsB> you can wilcal, just "connect" the printer to your VM 19:53:09 <DavidWHodgins> Using the device menu. 19:53:29 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Testing updates - These.. http://mageia.madb.org/tools/updates 19:53:31 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ] 19:53:36 <MrsB> thanks Dave 19:54:07 <MrsB> The current list is there at that link 19:54:14 <MrsB> is there anything scary there? 19:54:22 <wilcal> I am happy with the kernels 19:54:27 <tjandrews> Configuring the printers wasn't a problem after installing with the LiveDVD for me. Just with Classical. 19:54:34 <DavidWHodgins> I think ntp and tor should be the highest priority, as they both have network access. 19:54:35 <MrsB> apart from the number of updates waiting for us 19:54:52 <MrsB> yes, ntp is making headlines in the press too 19:55:12 <wilcal> If we can publish the RC next week we should be able to get at the updates 19:55:29 <MrsB> tmb: how do you want to handle the advisory for the second setup update? 19:56:51 <MrsB> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14516 19:56:52 <[mbot> Bug 14516: critical, Normal, qa-bugs, REOPENED , /etc/shadow and /etc/gshadow are world-readable on Mageia 4, setup-2.7.20-9.mga4 19:57:04 <Luigi12_work> last time Colin said the advisory just needed to be updated in SVN and it needed to be assigned a new MGA*A id 19:57:38 <MrsB> would be so much simpler with a new bug, which Akien actually had opened 19:57:49 <Luigi12_work> right but it would also be illogical to have a new bug 19:57:58 <MrsB> not to QA workflow 19:58:01 <Luigi12_work> so hopefully we can address the "simplicity" issue 19:58:45 <MrsB> meanwhile QA requests are ignored, which is not on 19:59:05 <lewyssmith> Please, not again... 19:59:58 <Luigi12_work> anyway back the topic, any updates that people are having trouble figuring out how to test? 20:00:20 <Luigi12_work> only like half of them have has_procedure at the moment 20:00:57 <MrsB> I'll ask tmb afterwards then i guess 20:00:59 <Luigi12_work> but some like librsync, ntp, and quassel should be easy to test 20:01:39 <Luigi12_work> not sure about shibboleth-sp, python-dulwich, perl-DBD-Firebird, perl-Module-Signature, or potrace 20:02:09 <DavidWHodgins> Worst case, we just test that the updates install cleanly. 20:02:17 <Luigi12_work> ooh potrace has a PoC, just found it 20:02:25 <MrsB> We'll continue with the one OK to validate for now I think 20:02:29 <Luigi12_work> DavidWHodgins: yeah, especially for some of these ones that have been sitting a while 20:03:57 <Luigi12_work> mono and the perl ones are probably good candidates to just check that they install cleanly 20:03:57 <MrsB> Let's move on then.. 20:04:03 <DavidWHodgins> MrsB: Yes 20:04:23 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Luigi's Roundup - Weekly security update from our very own Luigi 20:04:42 <Luigi12_work> coming straight from the haunted mansion 20:04:49 <MrsB> Your bit now 20:04:49 <DavidWHodgins> lol 20:04:58 <Luigi12_work> so we've added another ruby package to the list this week, this time ruby-redcarpet 20:05:17 <MrsB> Maybe one for Len 20:05:24 <Luigi12_work> not sure what pterjan's been up to, but we really need to get some movement on these ruby packages. One of them could potentially just be dropped but obviously it'd need to happen soon. 20:06:00 <Luigi12_work> chrony has an issue related to one of the ntp ones plus a couple of its own. Waiting for RHEL or Ubuntu to backport some patches. 20:06:11 <Luigi12_work> don't want to update mga4 to 1.31.1 as there might be some regressions 20:06:25 <Luigi12_work> seeing some weird behavior with it at work, but not 100% sure what's causing it 20:06:46 <Luigi12_work> I'm waiting for a freeze push for mailman in Cauldron and then I'll push a mga4 update 20:06:57 <Luigi12_work> that's all that's new 20:07:49 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_work: For mailman, note that there is bug 8759 still open. 20:07:50 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8759 normal, Normal, remco, REOPENED , mailman %post script fails to create new list on machines without a proper FQDN, mailman 20:07:58 <MrsB> #info ruby-redcarpet coming soon, pterjan input please on ruby packages. Chrony coming soon and mailman. 20:08:09 <Luigi12_work> well the package is unmaintained (mailman) so not much is gonna happen there 20:08:13 <DavidWHodgins> If it still fails, it won't be a regression, so won't block the update, but would be nice to have fixed. 20:08:17 <Luigi12_work> maybe we should drop it in Cauldron 20:08:28 <Luigi12_work> used to be maintained by remmy but he seems to have gone inactive 20:08:45 <Luigi12_work> guillomovitch has helped with it at times 20:08:54 <MrsB> if there's no maintainer and old unresolved bugs it makes sense 20:09:02 <Luigi12_work> yeah 20:09:10 <DavidWHodgins> Should be done soon though. 20:09:15 <MrsB> especially for a web service 20:09:28 <Luigi12_work> yep, we still need to drop python-django14 in Cauldron too 20:10:11 <MrsB> #info mailman has old bugs and no maintainer. possibly drop in cauldron for mga5. also python-django14 awaiting being dropped 20:10:51 <MrsB> ok, thanks then Luigi12_work 20:10:59 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Anything else? 20:10:59 <MrsB> that only leaves... 20:11:05 <MrsB> Is there anything else? 20:11:08 <wilcal> not from me 20:11:12 <lewyssmith> Not here. 20:11:14 <DavidWHodgins> Nothing else here. 20:11:43 <MrsB> T - 5 then 20:11:45 <tjandrews> OK here. 20:11:50 <MrsB> Thanks for coming peeps 20:11:54 <MrsB> 4 20:11:55 <wilcal> bye all 20:11:55 <MrsB> 3 20:11:56 <lewyssmith> Goodbye all. 20:11:57 <MrsB> 2 20:11:58 <MrsB> 1 20:12:00 <MrsB> #endmeeting