20:06:42 <MrsB> #startmeeting 20:06:42 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Mar 19 20:06:42 2015 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:06:42 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:06:52 <MrsB> Morning all, welcome to another one 20:07:03 <MrsB> #chair DavidWHodgins wilcal 20:07:03 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins MrsB wilcal 20:07:04 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Who's new? If you are new then come and say hello! 20:07:17 <MrsB> Is there anybody new here today? 20:07:22 <olivier_cc> Good morning qa 20:07:30 <MrsB> morning olivier_cc 20:07:32 <lewyssmith> Bonsoir Olivier. 20:07:38 <MrsB> doesn't look like it Dave 20:07:45 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Mentoring update 20:07:50 <MrsB> thanks 20:07:58 <DavidWHodgins> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_mentoring_page#Why_this_page_is_here 20:08:09 <wilcal> Update my guys on the mentoring page 20:08:20 <MrsB> morning hviaene 20:08:20 <wilcal> One is out Peter is active 20:08:25 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Should include the irc nick, in brackets. 20:08:43 <MrsB> Ahh cool, well done wilcal. He's confident testing updates? 20:08:55 <hviaene> Hi all 20:09:07 <DavidWHodgins> Hi Herman 20:09:30 <MrsB> Akien things ok with admel? 20:09:40 <DavidWHodgins> vladz: has been busy testing iso images. Haven't gone over updates testing with him yet. 20:09:48 <Akien> We just got started, he tested isodumper in the afternoon and then went on with virtualbox 20:10:00 <MrsB> yes, it's difficult still isn't it with so much time spent on isos 20:10:30 <Akien> He's not afraid of jumping in, so he should progress quickly if I'm available enough ;) 20:10:49 <MrsB> Let's go on then and keep revisiting this. Its more practical when we have more time on updates. 20:10:50 <Akien> Yeah currently I'm really focusing on release blockers triaging/dev motivating :) 20:11:04 <MrsB> keep doing it Akien 20:11:08 <DavidWHodgins> #topic RC - we're making progress 20:11:27 <MrsB> The big one :) 20:11:46 <lewyssmith> I agree with 'progress'. 20:11:48 <Brian_> my experience - much improved from beta 20:11:51 <wilcal> We need to really look at what are release blockers and what can be pushed into M6 20:11:51 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12: posted a message about the release blockers to the dev mailing list. 20:11:58 <MrsB> We're starting to see some bugs being worked on and some fixes finding their way through 20:12:14 <lewyssmith> Even right to the ISOs ! 20:12:30 <MrsB> ennael Akien what plans for the future? 20:12:45 <MrsB> and tmb :) 20:13:21 <Akien> IMO we should have another build for the RC, there are some recent fixes/new kernels that we want in 20:13:53 <wilcal> At least one, mabe two, more RC's 20:13:55 <DavidWHodgins> Also the latest openssl fix. 20:14:15 <Akien> ennael and I have a spreadsheet where we track the progress on the release blockers, and it's looking good 20:14:17 <tmb> there will be another round of isos yes, as soon as some of the efi fixes are tested 20:14:37 <lewyssmith> What remains there? 20:14:40 <Akien> We should soon be down to ~10 blockers 20:14:41 <wilcal> how's the uefi thing look'n lewys 20:14:53 <Akien> + some bad bugs that are not necessarily blockers, but still high priority 20:14:56 <MrsB> #info waiting on some tests for EFI fixes then there will be new ISOs 20:15:19 <lewyssmith> I have no rsidual problems other than missing virtual consoles, which may be due to video hardware. 20:15:33 <MrsB> your other two fixed now lewis? 20:15:44 <lewyssmith> Yes. And for Marja. 20:15:49 <wilcal> is uefi properly installled to a blank drive? 20:15:50 <MrsB> great! 20:16:06 <olivier_cc> and there are still bugs with the partitioning tool in EFI mode with live isos 20:16:07 <Akien> Basically we still have several bugs about GNOME not working on the first boot, etc. 20:16:09 <tmb> I'm currently going through a patchset from tv, and I have some other fixes for live medias I will try to squash 20:16:20 <lewyssmith> wilcal: Cannot say - I always use a pre-formatted drive. 20:16:33 <wilcal> killdisk a drive then try it 20:16:43 <Akien> We have an unknown (? at least to me) dev who proposed some patches for a couple blockers, so that's great 20:16:43 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Worked ok here, though that test was a few iso images ago. 20:16:49 <Akien> (patches to perl stuff... /me shivers) 20:16:57 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 20:17:02 <lewyssmith> wilcal: No thanks, I only have one. 20:17:12 <wilcal> killdisk.com 20:17:12 <MrsB> Akien: yes, looks like he knos his way around perl 20:17:16 <MrsB> knows 20:17:20 <Akien> It looks like UEFI should be great in the next RC build 20:17:39 <wilcal> will it work in a Vbox client 20:17:43 <tmb> Akien, patches for wich bugs ? 20:17:45 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=1M count=2 20:18:02 <Akien> bug 13894 20:18:03 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13894 normal, release_blocker, thierry.vignaud, NEW , When installing, showing package details, scrollbar does not work as expected, drakx-installer-stage2-16.47-1.mga5, gtk+3.0 20:18:07 <Akien> bug 13679 20:18:09 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13679 normal, release_blocker, thierry.vignaud, NEW , Diskdrake shows no partitions for sda (initially) when custom partitioning in 5alpha1 i586 live installer 20:18:09 <lewyssmith> wilcal: I think that is a red herring. 20:18:44 <wilcal> I'm still at least a month away here from real uefi hardware 20:18:54 <Akien> Both are assigned to tv so it would be nice to have his feedback on the proposed patches 20:19:41 <lewyssmith> wilcal: Bill, this time there are plenty of us with it. 20:20:13 <MrsB> #info Some patches from Martin Whitaker for possible inclusion 20:20:25 <Akien> We have a couple bugs about raid support, I don't know about those ones, that's mostly something for tmb :) 20:20:41 <tmb> the first one is somewhat a hack, the second one seems like a valid fix 20:20:43 <MrsB> hardware raid 20:21:21 <tmb> of course a hack can be accepted too if we cant fix it in any better way 20:21:47 <Akien> tmb: Yes, it looks like it's better than the current status, but not perfect either 20:22:07 <MrsB> pretty sure that's how t worked before anyway 20:22:16 <ennael> we have no other proposal for now and it did not move since a long time 20:22:30 <Akien> I also opened a "release blocker" tracker for Mageia 6 (yes, 6!): https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15527 20:22:32 <[mbot> Bug 15527: normal, Normal, bugsquad, NEW , [Tracker] Mageia 6 release critical 20:22:52 <Akien> Basically it's meant to keep track of nasty bugs that we sadly won't get fixed in time for Mageia 5 20:22:55 <tmb> yeah, I wll probably commmit them along with the other fixes from tv as soon as I have tested them 20:23:14 <Akien> So at least we can put them there so that we don't forget about them when we start working on Mageia 6 20:23:28 <MrsB> #info bugs which can't be fixed for this release will be added to a Mageia 6 release_blocker tracking bug so they won't be lost and can be tackled during early development in the next cycle 20:23:30 <Akien> It might prevent a hellish release cycle like this one if we can work on the bad guys from the start :) 20:23:46 <MrsB> \o/ 20:23:50 <lewyssmith> It should always be thus. 20:24:05 <tmb> MrsB what hardware raid issues ? 20:24:10 <ennael> (should is not real life :) ) 20:24:38 <MrsB> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15446 20:24:39 <[mbot> Bug 15446: normal, release_blocker, pterjan, NEW , MGA5 Installer targets wrong disk at partitioning step 20:25:08 <MrsB> see the later comments 20:25:12 <Akien> MrsB: A mention to "raid" should be added in the summary of this bug btw 20:25:31 <Akien> It has been well established that for non-exotic setup the installer works fine 20:25:31 <MrsB> yeah, feel free 20:25:39 <tmb> ah, that's not hardware raid, thats bios fakeraid / software raid 20:25:50 <MrsB> oh ok, that then :) 20:26:06 * MrsB never played with it 20:26:16 <tmb> but yes that's a nasty one, I will try to setup a testrig this WE 20:26:36 <MrsB> the reporter is vladz who is here and on qa-discuss 20:26:51 <vladz> I'm here! 20:26:57 <MrsB> there he is 20:27:10 <vladz> There are two parts to this 20:28:04 <lewyssmith> I think TonyB also has (or had) exotic raid. 20:28:04 <vladz> The first is a problem where erase and use entire disk erases the right disk but partitions a different one 20:28:25 <Akien> For the progress on release_blockers you can check: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12HmbcsHsX5Pb1xokqkde6kmgcW6beD2ClfyJtiMIEoQ/edit?usp=sharing 20:28:26 <[mbot> [ bugs-2015-03-16 - Google Sheets ] 20:28:39 <vladz> and secondly, the one that is (incorrectly partitioned is a fake raid member 20:28:39 <Akien> I don't know if you'll have editing rights, so if you do, please don't wreak havoc :-p 20:30:50 <MrsB> tmb could you comment on board ML please btw 20:31:05 <Akien> The bugs in green are fixed or going to be fixed in the next round, orange is for bugs that are potentially not release_blockers, and blue ones are the ones making good progress 20:31:21 <Akien> The white ones are the ones ennael and I do not follow closely yet 20:31:33 <Akien> Or for which we have no clue :p 20:31:51 <MrsB> no colours for me 20:31:55 <DavidWHodgins> Too many white ones. :-) 20:32:20 <tmb> MrsB, what about board ? 20:32:22 <Akien> MrsB: In column H, maybe it's off-screen 20:32:23 <MrsB> oh, sorry. colours are on the right 20:32:47 <MrsB> board ML tmb, about stickers 20:33:14 * tmb goes reading a huge mail backlog 20:33:51 <MrsB> So we're making progress with ISOs and can expect more before RC is done 20:33:53 <DavidWHodgins> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Commercial_vendors needs to be updated too. 20:34:15 <Akien> Yeah, and I think we'll have a RC which is a real release candidate :) 20:34:19 <MrsB> Is there anything else to add while we're talking about ISOs? 20:35:01 <Brian_> I am concerned about the printer issue I submitted this morning 20:35:27 <wilcal> I'm finished testing Vbox so next will be M5 printing 20:35:34 <wilcal> again 20:35:42 <DavidWHodgins> Brian_: That's something that should be able to be fixed with an update later. 20:35:49 <MrsB> system-config-printer is not on the ISOs themselves 20:36:24 <MrsB> What was the bug number Brian_ Akien might add it to his list 20:37:21 <Brian_> let me look 20:37:31 <DavidWHodgins> bug 15529 20:37:32 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15529 normal, Normal, bugsquad, NEW , Get error message when I run printer setup from Mageia Control Center, mageia-5-rc-i586-dvd (XFCE) 20:37:41 <MrsB> #info Please be sure to respond as quickly as you can to queries from devs on bugs you're a part of 20:37:59 <Brian_> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15529 20:38:00 <[mbot> Bug 15529: normal, Normal, bugsquad, NEW , Get error message when I run printer setup from Mageia Control Center, mageia-5-rc-i586-dvd (XFCE) 20:38:11 <MrsB> Dave beat you to it 20:38:15 <Brian_> lol good 20:38:16 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 20:38:19 <Akien> Brian_: Can you run system-config-printer from a terminal? 20:38:29 <MrsB> not during a meeting 20:38:30 <Brian_> I could 20:38:35 <Akien> This might be a red herring as per comment 5 20:38:53 <Brian_> well - I didn't install anything, so that means the iso is broken. true? 20:39:02 <Akien> Wrong :) 20:39:17 <Akien> It means that we pushed a wrong package to cauldron, and you might have updated to the faulty version 20:39:39 <Brian_> hmm - don't think so. 20:39:41 <Akien> Can you give me the output of "rpm -qa | grep python3-requests" if you are on the affected machine? 20:39:53 <ennael> MrsB: is Dick Gevers around these days ? 20:39:53 <Brian_> sure - did take updates after that 20:39:59 <Luigi12_work> rpm -q python3-requests would be much faster 20:39:59 <MrsB> The next ISOs will contain the fixed python3-requests Brian_ 20:40:12 <Akien> Luigi12_work: True :) 20:40:32 <Luigi12_work> rpm -qa | grep something is almost never what you want to do 20:40:38 <MrsB> dvg has been around but not very active recently ennael, 20:40:44 <Luigi12_work> rpm -qa '*something*' is even faster than that 20:41:00 <ennael> MrsB: because we need some feedback for hdt bug 20:41:03 <Akien> Good to know, I always use the grep version :) 20:41:04 <DavidWHodgins> ennael: His latest bugzilla comment was one week ago. 20:41:05 <MrsB> ennael: I'll email him 20:41:11 <ennael> thanks 20:41:22 <ennael> I cannot reproduce this bug so we need him :) 20:41:30 <MrsB> he's had a bit of a hard time afk and was getting frustrated with testing 20:41:38 <ennael> ok 20:41:55 <ennael> erwan is a bit better and did some work this afternoon 20:41:58 <Brian_> [root@localhost brian]# rpm -qa | grep python3-requests 20:41:58 <Brian_> python3-requests-2.6.0-1.mga5 20:41:59 <Brian_> [root@localhost brian]# 20:42:04 <Brian_> yup 20:42:12 <wilcal> is the printer thing only in xfce? 20:42:14 <MrsB> I saw the comment, I'll drop him a line and see if he can test it 20:42:18 <Akien> Brian_: Ok, so you need to downgrade with "urpmi --downgrade python3-requests" 20:42:19 <ennael> ok 20:42:23 <MrsB> thank erwan 20:42:50 <ennael> also I just tested the patch proposed for scrollbar 20:43:03 <ennael> seems to me to be much more usable as it 20:43:20 <ennael> at least working locally here in vbox 20:43:29 <MrsB> better with the patch? 20:43:32 <ennael> yep 20:43:35 <MrsB> cool \o/ 20:43:56 <ennael> so I can submit stage2 with this patch for next build 20:44:14 <MrsB> tv is waiting for new upgrades with new stage2 also i think 20:44:17 <ennael> at least we have something better 20:44:24 <ennael> yep 20:45:09 <MrsB> IIRC the scrollbar always stuck to the bottom, you could never scroll it up. AT least you could but it scrolled back down when the next package was installed 20:45:46 <ennael> you can but it's not that easy 20:46:28 <MrsB> Does anybody want to add anything before we move on? 20:46:35 <olivier_cc> shall we expect grub being able to boot a MSWindows installation in EFI mode right after installation ? 20:46:40 <DavidWHodgins> Any eta for the efi testing/new iso images? 20:46:56 <DavidWHodgins> olivier_cc: Yes. os-prober has been fixed. 20:46:59 <Brian_> also - anyone test with AMD APU yet 20:46:59 <MrsB> there was a fix for that to os-prober olivier_cc 20:47:00 <Brian_> ? 20:47:03 <olivier_cc> nice ! 20:47:16 <lewyssmith> olivier_cc: It ought to, even if it does not at present. 20:47:35 <Benmc> wilcal: 3 x DE i have tested in X86 classsic are affected by printer issue 20:48:03 <hviaene> I presumed there was a bu logged, for HP network printer not being recognized, but I cann't find it (anylmoer??) 20:48:11 <Benmc> rc dul is ok though 20:48:11 <hviaene> bug logged 20:48:16 <MrsB> have a go with AMD Brian_ 20:48:32 <wilcal> I'll have a look at M5RC print in the next couple days 20:48:33 <tmb> for those testing in vbox on mga4, please use the vbox 4.3.26 from updates_testing (tracked in bug 15323), that way you can help test/validate that one too 20:48:35 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15323 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , Update request: virtualbox-4.3.26-1.mga4, virtualbox-4.3.26-1.mga4.src.rpm 20:48:35 <Brian_> ha - my poor daughter, her machine is going to disappear for a day! 20:48:48 <MrsB> tell her it's my fault 20:49:07 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 20:49:16 <Brian_> :-) will do 20:49:27 <MrsB> #info <tmb> for those testing in vbox on mga4, please use the vbox 4.3.26 from updates_testing (tracked in bug 15323), that way you can help test/validate that one too 20:50:01 <MrsB> Shall we move one then? 20:50:08 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Testing updates - lots of updates :\ 20:50:11 <MrsB> well done everybody :) 20:50:21 <wilcal> I just posted my todays testing of Vbox to bug 15323 20:50:31 <wilcal> looks pretty good 20:50:31 <Luigi12_work> still a confusing report 20:50:34 <MrsB> http://mageia.madb.org/tools/updates 20:50:37 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ] 20:50:39 <Luigi12_work> looks like you're installing host and guest packages on the same machine 20:50:51 <Luigi12_work> not sure if that's the case though, just confusing the way the report is written 20:52:19 <Luigi12_work> I'll test it probably Sunday 20:52:25 <MrsB> python-django is messing the list up a bit but in mageia 4, is there anything scary there? 20:52:46 <Luigi12_work> yeah probably premature to assign to QA since it's not pushed in Cauldron yet and there's no request written 20:52:56 <Luigi12_work> he built it in updates_testing in Cauldron so it actually needs to be moved by a sysadmin 20:52:58 <MrsB> yeah, could you hold it for now please david 20:53:02 <Luigi12_work> sure 20:53:05 <MrsB> tnx 20:53:44 <MrsB> isodumper is also ideal to test while we are dumping isos onto usb sticks 20:54:07 <Luigi12_work> all of the update candidates should have test procedures now, more or less. I worked on that this morning. 20:54:13 <MrsB> thanks for that 20:54:24 <MrsB> Is there anything scary there guys? 20:54:32 <DavidWHodgins> I don't remember seeing python-rope before. 20:54:39 <Akien> Yes please test isodumper, especially the UEFI since we will advertise it for upgrades 20:54:42 <MrsB> i was going to look at that last week :\ 20:54:50 <DavidWHodgins> The rest we've had before. 20:55:35 <MrsB> #info https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15422 EFI guys please test isodumper works as expected 20:55:37 <[mbot> Bug 15422: normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , Update Isodumper to v0.41, isodumper 20:56:19 <DavidWHodgins> #info For isodumper, also ensure it doesn't suggest removing the stick, before the image has finished being written, for non-efi usb sticks. 20:56:29 <MrsB> So I'm guessing from the quiet that everybody can handle the updates there? 20:56:36 <MrsB> no worries? 20:56:52 <olivier_cc> Not yet :) 20:57:00 <MrsB> good :) let's do the roundup! 20:57:06 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Luigi's Roundup - another quiet week please David 20:57:09 <MrsB> thanks dude 20:57:09 <Luigi12_work> boo 20:57:21 <MrsB> Morning Luigi12_work 20:57:27 <Luigi12_work> greetz 20:57:41 <MrsB> so as per topic: another quiet week please 20:57:46 <Luigi12_work> hehe 20:57:53 <Luigi12_work> well we have django updates coming as you just saw 20:58:13 <MrsB> #info django updates coming - easy to test 20:58:25 <Luigi12_work> some php CVEs have started to trickle out, but we'll stick to upstream's release schedule, so that'll be when it'll be 20:58:37 <Luigi12_work> possibly after mga5 at this point 20:58:43 <MrsB> #info php update likely before long 20:59:03 <Luigi12_work> found an imagemagick bug myself while testing libtiff, so I'll have to find time to diagnose that one 20:59:13 <MrsB> nice work :) 20:59:55 <Luigi12_work> very minor gnutls CVE that I won't push out an update for, but the testsuite part of the patch is failing so it'd be nice to get some brains directed at that. The fix will be included in whatever the next future gnutls update is, hopefully not soon :o) 21:00:18 <Luigi12_work> got a security issue for tcl-tcllib, which is an unmaintained package... 21:00:38 <Luigi12_work> more CVEs have been announced for ffmpeg, so I need to ask upstream to spin another 2.0.x release again 21:00:49 <MrsB> #info gnutls brains required by Luigi12 21:01:28 <Luigi12_work> also got patches for minor issues in gnupg/gnupg2 checked into SVN, but won't issue an update just for those. It'll also be included in a future update, so nothing imminient hopefully. 21:01:44 <Luigi12_work> have a CVE for glusterfs, Spuhler was gonna work on that when he got back from skiing 21:01:56 <Luigi12_work> we should be able to borrow patches from OpenSuSE, so it shouldn't take long 21:02:21 <philippem> move asked for python-django 21:02:26 <Luigi12_work> have an issue in autofs, but the upstream patches don't apply to the older version we have in mga4, so that's a bit of a holdup 21:02:32 <Luigi12_work> philippem: thank you kindly! 21:02:35 <MrsB> #info updates coming for ffmpeg, tcl-tclib (unmaintained), gnupg/gnupg2, glusterfs 21:03:16 <Luigi12_work> still waiting on some older ones too. chromium-browser-stable update is planned for after mga5 release. Nodejs will have to get done after too. 21:03:17 <MrsB> #info autofs patches don't apply - packager help appreciated by Luigi12 21:03:34 <Luigi12_work> still waiting on a packager to fix hiawatha in mga4, wrongly bundled polarssl lib 21:03:42 <DavidWHodgins> gusterfs-server looks like it'll be fun to test. 21:03:47 <Luigi12_work> still waiting on upstream for socat 21:03:56 <MrsB> please don't pile things up for after if it can be helped, we'll be buried and will need a rest 21:04:02 <Luigi12_work> of course we'll have an update for setup (insecure permissions on /etc/shadow) hopefully SOON 21:04:24 <Luigi12_work> indeed, I've tried to get as many through before the release, some are up to other packagers though 21:04:36 <Akien> Luigi12_work: I don't understand what's taking so long for the setup update... 21:04:37 <MrsB> #info packager help also needed for hiawatha, wrongly bundles polarssl 21:05:08 <Luigi12_work> Akien: lack of interest mainly I guess, plus figuring out the exact correct fix was a bit more complicated than one might think 21:05:35 <Luigi12_work> there will also be a big update after mga5 for qt5/KF5/Plasma5 21:05:48 <MrsB> :( 21:05:51 <Luigi12_work> I would have liked to get that in before the release, but it didn't happen :o( 21:06:17 <MrsB> #info there will also be a big update after mga5 for qt5/KF5/Plasma5 - be much nicer if we can get this in before 21:06:48 <MrsB> not much for the coming week then at least 21:06:49 <Luigi12_work> whatever happened to RemyServices? 21:06:57 <MrsB> = Ages 21:07:06 <Luigi12_work> well, we'll see for next week. A lot more landed this week than I expected unfortunately. 21:07:18 <MrsB> he gets busy as a windows admin, as you might guess ;) 21:07:33 <Brian_> \\ 21:07:50 <Luigi12_work> anyway there was another upstream usermin release, so I was gonna see if Remy was willing to test it if I updated again. Doubt it'd help, but could be worth a shot. Really needs some love from a packager, but I guess there's a reason it hasn't been touched since it was imported into Mageia 21:07:55 <Luigi12_work> MrsB: indeed! 21:07:58 <Luigi12_work> well that's all I have 21:08:17 <DavidWHodgins> Thanks Luigi12_work 21:08:26 <lewyssmith> Seconded. 21:08:32 <MrsB> I'll get in touch with him when you're ready if he's not seen this David 21:08:39 <Luigi12_work> cool thankws 21:08:43 <Luigi12_work> -w 21:08:55 <MrsB> Thanks then Luigi12_work 21:09:01 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Anything else? 21:09:08 <wilcal> Not from me 21:09:09 <MrsB> Is there anything else? 21:09:12 <olivier_cc> Yes 21:09:17 <MrsB> I have something too 21:09:23 <lewyssmith> And me. 21:09:28 <olivier_cc> I saw we have ownCloud version 6 in mageia 4 21:09:46 <olivier_cc> It has some big security issues 21:10:23 <MrsB> We used to update it regularly, any word on that Luigi12_work? neoclust I think. 21:10:35 <Luigi12_work> we were hoping to get it updated to owncloud 8 before mga5, but no packager help there either 21:10:45 <Luigi12_work> it shouldn't have security issues in mga4, we've kept that up to date AFAIK 21:11:01 <Luigi12_work> yeah that's a blino/neoclust package 21:11:12 <MrsB> #info packager help needed for Owncloud in mga5 21:11:29 <MrsB> #info and possibly mga4 (security) 21:11:38 <DavidWHodgins> olivier_cc: Note that the version number is not what's important. What's important, is whether or not the security fixes have been backported. 21:11:53 <olivier_cc> Owncloud site advises not to use it anymore 21:12:18 <Luigi12_work> ahh I see a 6.0.7 is available upstream since March 11th with some security fixes 21:12:20 <Luigi12_work> I'll update it 21:12:30 <MrsB> now look what you did 21:12:35 <Luigi12_work> well mga4 will stay on Owncloud 6 21:12:41 <olivier_cc> Sorry for extra work :( 21:12:52 <MrsB> #info Owncloud mga4 update coming 21:12:52 <Luigi12_work> but like I said, mga5 currently has 7, but I'd like to get it to 8, but it's up to someone to package it, like...yesterday 21:13:45 <MrsB> Who's next then? 21:13:48 <MrsB> lewis 21:13:53 <lewyssmith> I was not happy to see the stopper bugs spreadsheet chez Google. I am clamming up on them. Is there no reasonable alternative? Like Framasoft? http://www.framasoft.org/ and https://framacalc.org/_start 21:13:54 <[mbot> [ Framasoft - Logiciels Libres ] 21:14:23 <MrsB> it's likely what was handy at the time 21:14:31 <MrsB> not designed to be used by us anyway 21:15:02 <MrsB> Please view it and admire and thank people as bugs get fixed but don't fiddle with it 21:15:12 <Luigi12_work> I've heard ZOHO is good for online office suite stuff 21:15:16 <Akien> lewyssmith: framacalc had been put down last month 21:15:27 <lewyssmith> It is back up. It's just a general thing I want to be no part of i.e. Google. 21:15:28 <Akien> Seems ethercalc is ever more unstable as etherpad 21:15:57 <lewyssmith> I find the PAD fine. 21:16:02 <Akien> lewyssmith: I agree 100%, but in this case ennael set up a spreadsheet and it's exactly what we needed to progress on the bugs 21:16:25 <Luigi12_work> practical considerations were most important here 21:16:28 <Akien> It's not meant as a long term tool, it's a *now or never* solution to get Mageia 5 out 21:16:37 <lewyssmith> OK, once off. 21:16:43 <Akien> Exactly :) 21:17:03 <MrsB> My turn then. My Mum is staying with us this week. Probably until Tuesday, so if I'm slow to respond, that's why. 21:17:04 <wilcal> time to ship M5 and go on to M6 21:17:24 <lewyssmith> One thing at a time, Bill, please! 21:17:28 <Brian_> tell Mum high for me! 21:17:33 <MrsB> lol will do 21:17:51 <MrsB> Is there anything else else else? 21:17:57 <DavidWHodgins> Not here. 21:18:01 <wilcal> not from me 21:18:03 <lewyssmith> No. 21:18:05 <Brian_> done 21:18:12 <olivier_cc> all OK here 21:18:24 <hviaene> OK for now 21:18:27 <MrsB> Keep testing then guys, well done so far. New ISOs coming but please try to keep on top of the updates list too! 21:18:35 <MrsB> T - 5 21:18:42 <MrsB> thanks everybody for being here :) 21:18:46 <wilcal> bye all 21:18:46 <MrsB> 4 21:18:47 <MrsB> 3 21:18:49 <MrsB> 2 21:18:50 <MrsB> 1 21:18:53 <MrsB> #endmeeting