20:09:24 <MrsB> #startmeeting 20:09:24 <Inigo_Montoya`> Meeting started Thu Mar 12 20:09:24 2015 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:09:24 <Inigo_Montoya`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:09:36 <MrsB> Welcome everybody to another one 20:09:50 <olivier_cc> Morning sorry I'm late 20:09:55 <MrsB> #chair DavidWHodgins wilcal 20:09:55 <Inigo_Montoya`> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins MrsB wilcal 20:09:59 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Who's new? If you are new, come and introduce yourself 20:10:02 <MrsB> we just started, o/ 20:10:17 <olivier_cc> Good :) 20:10:18 <MrsB> Is there anybody new here tonight? 20:10:47 <MrsB> doesn't look like it 20:10:50 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Mentoring update - poking mentors and "students"! 20:10:57 <MrsB> so mentors :) 20:11:03 <MrsB> how is it going? 20:11:16 <wilcal> Pete Larson is do'n great 20:11:26 <DavidWHodgins> I've been working with vlad on setting up test environments. Still a work in progress. 20:11:45 <MrsB> students, how is it going? 20:11:56 <MrsB> did we come up with a better word than students? 20:12:03 <Kernewes> victims? 20:12:11 <MrsB> maybe :) 20:12:17 <lewyssmith> I thought I had one, but if so he has not been in touch, & I have been away anyway. 20:12:28 <MrsB> still wet in wales? 20:12:28 <hviaene> In what category do I fall by now? 20:12:35 <lewyssmith> Expert. 20:12:45 <wilcal> aspirants? 20:12:48 <MrsB> you're a graduate now herman 20:13:04 <MrsB> in fact we have one or two new mentors ;) 20:13:08 <wilcal> Ya herman is definitely graduated 20:13:12 <hviaene> Tx for the honor 20:13:24 <wilcal> into nfs 20:13:47 <MrsB> so no major issues and things are progressing, that's the important thing 20:13:48 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: See https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_mentoring_page#Why_this_page_is_here - Stephane, for you. 20:13:50 <hviaene> wilcal: wait for my next e-mail!!! 20:13:58 <wilcal> :-> 20:14:12 <wilcal> it's a very complex function and vital 20:14:12 <ennael> (hi there) 20:14:16 <MrsB> hi anne 20:14:49 <MrsB> let's move on then. I don't want to labour this, just helps to keep things moving 20:14:59 <DavidWHodgins> #topic RC - erm, yeah.. 20:15:13 <wilcal> Is it really an RC? 20:15:21 <MrsB> it will be 20:15:22 <olivier_cc> I'm gonna give sad news 20:15:27 <wilcal> How much time we got? 20:15:32 <DavidWHodgins> We should have updated the development schedule during last monday's council meeting. 20:15:36 <MrsB> sad news? 20:15:45 <olivier_cc> I triggered the wrong disk partitioning bug 20:15:50 <olivier_cc> just now 20:15:54 <DavidWHodgins> Ouch! 20:15:59 <Kernewes> oooooh 20:16:02 <MrsB> hmmm 20:16:05 <tjandrews> Using an i586 RC install right now. So far, so good. 20:16:09 <lewyssmith> After getting the Classic DVD installed for the first time, there are still 3 bugs for me. 20:16:13 <DavidWHodgins> olivier_cc: Any raid involved? 20:16:19 <olivier_cc> sadly no 20:16:22 <olivier_cc> 2 hdd 20:16:35 <Kernewes> Using RC now, OK so far but haven't checked the printing again yet 20:16:43 <MrsB> Can you grab logs olivier_cc 20:16:49 <olivier_cc> just asked to use free space on the 2nd disk but it used the first 20:16:52 <wilcal> Would someone please explain the partitioning thingy 20:17:08 <olivier_cc> Mrs B: I should be able to do it 20:17:08 <lewyssmith> Which thingy? 20:17:23 <MrsB> you know how olivier_cc? 20:17:27 <wilcal> The problems encountered in install partitioning 20:17:36 <wilcal> I'm not see'n it here 20:18:07 <wilcal> maybe I'm look'n in the wrong place 20:18:13 <olivier_cc> Mrs B : I think if you try to install on second disk appearing in partioning tool that triggers it 20:18:31 <DavidWHodgins> The use free space is supposed to use free space from all disks, as I understand it. As long as it doesn't damage existing partitions, it's ok. 20:18:36 <MrsB> plug in a usb stick and switch to tty2 then type bug. It should copy report.bug onto the usb stick 20:18:45 <wilcal> So if you start with a clean disk ( killdisk.com ) you'll never see it 20:19:13 <MrsB> does it touch any existing partitions olivier_cc, or just use the free space? 20:19:16 <olivier_cc> david : it does not do it if you use free space on 1st disk 20:19:17 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: If you have multiple disks, and only erase one of them, you may see it. 20:19:34 <olivier_cc> Mrs B : it does not, just reformatted previous swap 20:19:44 <wilcal> I always start with a blank drive 20:19:54 <MrsB> so it's using free space only, just using it on both hdd's? 20:20:06 <lewyssmith> wilcal: too safe, Bill. 20:20:09 <olivier_cc> if you choose the 2nd disk yes 20:20:26 <olivier_cc> but I haven't tried erase whole disk yet 20:20:46 <lewyssmith> That would not be typical. 20:20:48 <MrsB> Create a bug for it please, if we don't have one and add logs. It sounds like that it how it's designed to work, but it seems counter intuitive to me 20:21:03 <olivier_cc> thats vlads'bug, I'll add on it 20:21:05 <wilcal> what if i create using gparted a fat32 partition then run the install 20:21:23 <DavidWHodgins> olivier_cc: It depends on how much free space is on the first drive. 20:21:35 <olivier_cc> that's possible david 20:21:36 <wilcal> gimme a percentage 20:21:55 <wilcal> on say a 200gb drive I create a 100gb fat32 partition 20:22:04 <wilcal> then run the install 20:22:13 <lewyssmith> Bill, 300Mb for the ESP; that should not be a problem. 20:22:29 <wilcal> is this also a UEFI thing 20:22:40 <olivier_cc> Thierry made me try next stage2 yesterday 20:22:47 <olivier_cc> same problem with it 20:22:56 <lewyssmith> wilcal: You only need the ESP for EFI. 20:23:01 <olivier_cc> Thierry Vignaud* 20:23:29 <MrsB> It may be designed to work that way, but it's not how anybody would expect it to work imho. 20:23:42 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: It isn't just fat32. The filesystem id has to be ef, not the normal vfat 1c. 20:23:58 <lewyssmith> Good point Dave. 20:24:01 <MrsB> As long as it's not causing corruption, or touching other partitions then it's just counterintuitive and not damaging 20:24:14 <DavidWHodgins> Agreed 20:24:29 <wilcal> ok how do i create, using gparted, a partition with an ef id? 20:24:41 <olivier_cc> Partitioning tool asking you to choose disk and using another one is really conterintuitive 20:24:43 <wilcal> or can i 20:25:08 <MrsB> yes I agree, and it's right that we have a bug report for it. 20:25:47 <MrsB> I don't expect it'll be fixed for mga5 unless it's causing corruption or touching existing partitions, instead of just using free space though 20:26:04 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: I don't think gparted can do that (yet). 20:26:15 <olivier_cc> But I'm afraid option "use the whole disk" triggers the same response 20:26:22 <wilcal> hmmmm how can i simulate this 20:26:27 <MrsB> that will need to be confirmed 20:26:32 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: What about gdisk? 20:26:44 <olivier_cc> that will be soon confirmed Claire :) 20:26:51 <MrsB> cool :) 20:26:54 <olivier_cc> or infirmed I hope 20:27:01 <MrsB> if that is the case then that is a nasty one 20:27:28 <wilcal> this is also something new that did not exist in M4.1? 20:27:45 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: Looks like gdisk can do it. 20:27:45 <MrsB> maybe just never discovered until now 20:28:12 <wilcal> imo if this exists in M4.1 then it should not be a release blocker 20:28:12 <lewyssmith> wilcal: You are welcome to e-mail me privately about EFI/GPT stuff. 20:28:28 <wilcal> ok 20:28:37 <olivier_cc> do we have the same thing on non-EFI ? 20:28:55 <lewyssmith> More strictly, non-GPT. 20:28:55 <MrsB> no idea, but we can confirm that in vbox if necessary 20:29:14 <MrsB> could you look into that olivier_cc please, make it your bug 20:29:15 <olivier_cc> you are right Lewis 20:29:27 <lewyssmith> [Bow] 20:29:29 <MrsB> investigate it i mean 20:29:40 <wilcal> by this time next week i'd like to know if this existed in previous releases 20:29:41 <olivier_cc> Claire : I'll share this bug with Vlad who really discovered it 20:30:01 <MrsB> The 'use whole disk' one? 20:30:04 <olivier_cc> OK, i'll take it on me (Mageia4 +Mageia5) 20:30:17 <olivier_cc> no the use free space 20:30:22 <MrsB> One is counterintuitive, the other destructive, so they are separate issues 20:30:28 <olivier_cc> OK 20:30:37 <olivier_cc> so I'm going destructive then 20:30:43 <Kernewes> brave 20:31:02 <MrsB> I mean the 'use whole disk'. If that is real then it's a bug we need to fix. 20:31:22 <olivier_cc> understood Mrs B, you can count on me 20:31:28 <MrsB> thanks very much 20:31:40 <MrsB> CC me on any bugs you create for it please 20:31:50 <olivier_cc> will do 20:31:52 <DavidWHodgins> I suspect the use whole disk problem that vlad reported only affects systems with firmware raid, but can't confirm that yet. 20:32:18 <wilcal> we need to decide by next week if this is a release blocker or not 20:32:27 <MrsB> if what wilcal? 20:32:47 <wilcal> if it existed in the past live with it and fix it on M6 20:32:56 <DavidWHodgins> MrsB: The possible partitioning bugs. 20:33:07 <Luigi12_work> olivier_cc: the partitioning tool does *not* ask you to select a disk 20:33:14 <MrsB> we need to establish if it exists first 20:33:49 <olivier_cc> Luigi, it does, doesn't it ? 20:33:55 <Luigi12_work> olivier_cc: no it does not 20:34:02 <MrsB> #info olivier_cc will work to establish if selecting 'use whole disk' with 2nd hdd selected formats both drives 20:34:16 <olivier_cc> Luigi, can you explain ? 20:34:32 <Luigi12_work> olivier_cc: it does not ask you to select. Look at it again (or look at the documetnation with the screenshots) 20:34:45 <MrsB> I disagree with your stand on this Luigi12_work 20:34:56 <Luigi12_work> then you're imagining things that aren't there 20:35:02 <olivier_cc> at least it makes you think you choose 20:35:06 <lewyssmith> It is easy enough to test without doing any damage. 20:35:10 <MrsB> in your opinion 20:35:19 <Luigi12_work> it's not opinion, it's fact 20:35:24 <MrsB> whatever 20:35:32 <Luigi12_work> and furthermore the whole discussion about it on the mailing list is moot, because it was based on an incorrect assumption 20:35:39 <Luigi12_work> Vlad wasn't even choosing the erase disk option 20:35:45 <MrsB> We're not talking about that 20:35:49 <Luigi12_work> I know 20:35:53 <Luigi12_work> but you're bring it back to that discussion 20:36:05 <MrsB> We've established two different things 20:36:19 <Luigi12_work> that the UI is confusing people 20:36:37 <MrsB> one, the 'use free space' using free space on two disks is counter intuitive 20:36:46 <Luigi12_work> no it's not 20:37:05 <MrsB> two, the 'use whole disk' *if* it wipes both disks then it's destrucive 20:37:08 <MrsB> yes it is 20:37:15 <Luigi12_work> it doesn't wipe multiple disks as it turns out 20:37:26 <Luigi12_work> barjac and pterjan have verified that 20:37:26 <MrsB> that's what we're testing 20:37:33 <Luigi12_work> feel free 20:37:41 <MrsB> I don't understand why you're so anti about this 20:37:46 <MrsB> you're not helping 20:37:53 <Luigi12_work> as far as using available free space, it makes no sense to limit it to one disk 20:37:59 <Luigi12_work> I'm not anti anything 20:38:03 <lewyssmith> Change subject: I have re-opened a bug on the disc partitioning UI about off-screen buttons. 20:38:03 <MrsB> no sense to you maybe 20:38:26 <Luigi12_work> if you want it to use available free space, why wouldn't you want it to use any available free space? how does that make sense? 20:38:29 <olivier_cc> I think that the fact you choose a disk on top of the screen makes it confusing then Luigi 20:38:34 <MrsB> enough Luigi12_work please 20:38:36 <Luigi12_work> and I'm not anti anything 20:38:45 <MrsB> yes olivier_cc 20:38:59 <MrsB> What other issues do we have? 20:39:06 <Luigi12_work> I wish people would stop imagining things that aren't there, but anyway, obviously the UI needs some work 20:39:09 <wilcal> uefi 20:39:13 <MrsB> lewis what were your bugs? 20:39:13 <wilcal> where are we at 20:39:17 <Kernewes> doc team is discussing efi installing as well 20:39:18 <Luigi12_work> lewyssmith: that hasn't been fixed yet? 20:39:24 <Luigi12_work> I thought tv fiinally fixed it 20:39:41 <lewyssmith> There were 2bits, the main one *was* fixed. 20:39:56 <Luigi12_work> olivier_cc: yes that is confusing people 20:40:08 <wilcal> how's it look'n lewys? 20:40:15 <lewyssmith> My other bugs were: QWERTY keyboard when you do not have one... 20:40:30 <lewyssmith> and no vitual consoles in the installed system. 20:40:31 <marja> docteam is only discussing what to document 20:40:39 <marja> about efi-installs 20:40:56 <MrsB> Is the qwerty bug the old mixed locales one? 20:41:09 <lewyssmith> Probably. 20:41:17 <marja> but I'm starting to wonder whether it is end-user ready :-/ 20:41:35 <MrsB> Is there a bug report for the missing tty's? 20:41:59 <lewyssmith> Anyway, I added to 3 bugs after installing at last M5 Classic. 20:42:03 <lewyssmith> Yes. 20:42:07 <MrsB> ok thanks 20:42:36 <lewyssmith> It makes it unuseable... 20:43:02 <MrsB> is it noted on the pad too? 20:43:06 <MrsB> havent looked today 20:43:07 <lewyssmith> All. 20:44:05 <MrsB> Anne any updates for RC before we move on? 20:44:10 <MrsB> ennael^^ 20:44:27 <ennael> I'm about to build new isos with last updates 20:44:38 <ennael> but seeing list of bugs growing again :) 20:44:51 <Luigi12_work> flash-player-plugin needs pushed in Cauldron 20:44:59 <Luigi12_work> I think it's on the Live ISOs at least? 20:45:02 <MrsB> #info new classical isos are coming soon 20:45:11 <wilcal> good ole flash again 20:45:15 <Luigi12_work> yeah geez 20:45:22 <MrsB> no flash on isos afaik 20:45:31 <Luigi12_work> that's good 20:45:37 <wilcal> always in crisis mode 20:46:17 <MrsB> Any news from tmb ennael? 20:46:22 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_work: in the partitioning step, if a blank drive is selected, is does not show the erase and use entire disk. If a non blank drive is selected, it is shown, and in my test it does then show a message stating that the selected drive is about to be erased. In my test, only that drive was erased. 20:46:43 <Luigi12_work> DavidWHodgins: that confirms what barjac and pterjan said 20:47:14 <DavidWHodgins> I think vlad's problem was likey from selecting use free space, in combination with having firmware raid. 20:47:32 <Luigi12_work> I thought it was software raid 20:47:43 <DavidWHodgins> No. He's using intel firmware raid. 20:47:53 <Luigi12_work> ahh 20:47:57 <MrsB> can we move on from that 20:47:58 <DavidWHodgins> At least that's what he posted before. 20:48:10 <Luigi12_work> shouldn't hardware raid not have any problems? 20:48:17 <Luigi12_work> shouldn't the system only see what the RAID controller shows to it? 20:48:48 <DavidWHodgins> That's the problem. Apparently it's showing the raw disks too,. 20:48:57 <MrsB> #topic Testing updates 20:48:58 <Luigi12_work> sounds like a hardware bug 20:49:03 <wilcal> hardware raid what drives are behind it should be invisible 20:49:09 <Luigi12_work> exactly 20:49:14 <olivier_cc> proposition : can we investigate it further and maybe have a special meeting about that ? 20:49:21 <MrsB> Guys please 20:49:23 <Luigi12_work> don't think that's needed 20:49:26 <Luigi12_work> it's a corner case issue 20:49:33 <MrsB> http://mageia.madb.org/tools/updates 20:49:35 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ] 20:50:15 <MrsB> We've done quite well keeping on top of updates 20:50:36 <wilcal> Lucky unless Luigi is hold'n back 20:50:43 <MrsB> Are there any there to cause concern for anybody? 20:50:43 <Luigi12_work> nope 20:51:01 <hviaene> Yes 20:51:34 <hviaene> I disagree with the way the virtualbox update is handled 20:51:47 <MrsB> ok, in what way? 20:52:20 <wilcal> how comfortable are we with the vbox update 20:52:37 <hviaene> VBox should be OK'd if it iruns any client system on an M4 host 20:52:57 <MrsB> partly 20:53:16 <MrsB> we also package the vbox additions as part of the update 20:53:18 <wilcal> yes but it should also be able to run an M5 client 20:53:19 <hviaene> If M4 is having problems as a client system, then is is an M4 issue 20:53:26 <Luigi12_work> there's two sets of subpackages, one set is for the host, the other set is for the guest, we have to test both 20:53:33 <Luigi12_work> this is the second time we've run into problems on the guest side 20:53:53 <MrsB> the vbox additions are used in the client for mouse integration and a couple of other things 20:53:58 <Luigi12_work> hviaene: yes it is an M4 issue and it's an M4 update we're testing, and the issue is in the virtualbox code itself 20:54:03 <hviaene> If i can run on that box Mint or PClinux OS, then it is OK! 20:54:17 <MrsB> that shows the host is OK but not the additions 20:54:20 <Luigi12_work> that means the host part is OK, not the guest part 20:54:29 <Luigi12_work> as MrsB said 20:54:36 <hviaene> That's your guess 20:54:45 <Luigi12_work> the virtualbox SRPM contains not just the hypervisor, but the guest additions stuff too 20:54:49 <MrsB> we need to boot an mga4 client and install the updated additions packages in the client too 20:54:58 <hviaene> But that's no proof 20:55:05 <Luigi12_work> proof of what? 20:55:17 <hviaene> That VBox is at fault 20:55:20 <Luigi12_work> yes it is 20:55:35 <hviaene> You simply don't know 20:55:39 <Luigi12_work> if it works with 4.3.20 guest additions and not 4.3.24 guest additions, clearly that's where the regression lies 20:55:40 <Luigi12_work> we do know 20:55:49 <Luigi12_work> tmb even verified the changes that caused it 20:55:56 <Luigi12_work> unfortunately it still hasn't been fixed 20:56:08 <Luigi12_work> but there's a workaround for it (explicitly setting the resolution in xorg.conf) 20:56:24 <Luigi12_work> so he'll have to decide whether to push the packages and document the workaround or to try to get a proper fix 20:56:24 <hviaene> Do as you like, but I'm not convinced 20:56:50 <Luigi12_work> it's a pretty simple deal, the vboxvideo driver broke its resolution handling 20:57:05 <wilcal> I'll run a complete Vbox M4 install on M5 hardware this weekend 20:57:08 <Luigi12_work> it's not quite as serioius as the issue we ran into with 4.2.16 on mga3 where it broke vboxvideo completely and X wouldn't run 20:57:17 <Luigi12_work> it is annoying though 20:57:22 <MrsB> vbox has two halfs, half is the bit on the host, that's a kernel module and the virtualbox UI. The vbox additions add functionality to the client, such as being able to use the mouse in and out of the VM without having to free it with the host key, the vrdp (remote desktop) 20:57:32 <Luigi12_work> anyway it seems everything else is fine but that, so tmb will have to decide what to do about it 20:58:08 <lewyssmith> I think Bill will clarify it. 20:58:09 <MrsB> If both those two are fine then we can validate it. It's the current version in cauldron. 20:58:21 <Luigi12_work> the vboxadditions also add the ability for the guest to detect the VM window and screen size being used in the host and set the resolution based on that, that's the part that has the regression right now 20:58:38 <hviaene> Do you need new bugs on M4 flash plugin???shy 20:58:39 <wilcal> only on x86-64 though 20:58:55 <Luigi12_work> hviaene: Anssi filed a bug (already assigned to QA) for the Flash update 20:59:06 <Luigi12_work> wilcal: what's only on x86_64? 20:59:25 <DavidWHodgins> hviaene: bug 15480 20:59:26 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15480 normal, Normal, qa-bugs, ASSIGNED , Security update request for flash-player-plugin, to, flash-player-plugin 20:59:30 <wilcal> my vbox test platform 20:59:39 <Luigi12_work> oh, yeah mine's only i586 20:59:48 <Luigi12_work> that's why we have all of us :o) 20:59:49 <wilcal> my 32-bit platform is very Vbox impared 21:00:02 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: See bug 44 21:00:03 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44 critical, High, erwanaliasr1, NEW , slow OS under VirtualBox, due to HZ=1000 (was mkinitrd fails in VB), syslinux, mageia-gfxboot-theme, drakx-installer-images 21:00:09 <hviaene> Mine is not a security issue, it's a functioan issue 21:00:21 <hviaene> functional 21:00:24 <MrsB> which issue hviaene? 21:00:26 <DavidWHodgins> Add divider=10 to the kernel options, in the guest, unless it's using the server kernel. 21:01:24 <lewyssmith> Please excuse that I must go: it is late & I have several things to do. So goodbye everyone. 21:01:29 <hviaene> movie play OK on the "original" site that published them, but not on onter sites that refer to the fisrst one 21:01:30 <MrsB> nite lewis 21:01:35 <wilcal> later lewys 21:01:36 <olivier_cc> bye lewis 21:01:53 <MrsB> I've seen that too hviaene, black window with only parts showing? 21:02:02 <hviaene> Yes 21:02:12 <MrsB> i've seen it reported elsewhere too, it's an upstream flash issue though 21:02:28 <hviaene> I guessed so 21:02:35 <MrsB> i guess it's to do with it being an older version 21:03:04 <DavidWHodgins> Adobe doesn't care about linux. 21:03:08 <MrsB> there's nothing really we can do with flash other than make sure it works 21:03:33 <MrsB> Are there any other problems in the list? 21:03:51 <DavidWHodgins> By works, that means the package installs cleanly, then downloads and installs the latest update from Adobe. 21:03:56 <MrsB> yes 21:04:13 <MrsB> you can check on abode site it is the latest version being used 21:04:20 <DavidWHodgins> Problems within flash itself have to be reported to Adobe, though they are unlikely to do anything. 21:04:54 <MrsB> Let's move on then and do the roundup 21:05:09 <wilcal> It's luigi time 21:05:12 <hviaene> I gave up on the python-rope affair, way too cpomplicated for me 21:05:15 <MrsB> #topic Luigi's Roundup 21:05:29 <MrsB> i'll have a look at that then hviaene 21:06:08 <MrsB> Luigi12_work: ping 21:06:09 <Luigi12_work> oh hello 21:06:19 <Luigi12_work> sorry, doing too many things at once :o) 21:06:22 <MrsB> hello :) 21:06:40 <Luigi12_work> so here's what I have since last time 21:07:18 <Luigi12_work> hiawatha bundled its own copy of the polarssl library, which has had security issues, so that will need to be built against the system polarssl in mga4 (already fixed in Cauldron) 21:07:35 <Luigi12_work> it requires some different compile time options in polarssl itself, so we'll have to rebuild both for the mga4 update 21:07:42 <MrsB> don't recall seeing that before 21:07:52 <Luigi12_work> yeah I don't remember hiawatha either 21:08:13 <MrsB> #info hiawatha bundled its own copy of the polarssl library, which has had security issues, so that will need to be built against the system polarssl in mga4 (already fixed in Cauldron) 21:08:27 <Luigi12_work> I probably mentioned nodejs last time, not sure when joequant will update that 21:08:55 <MrsB> #info nodejs still waiting on joequant 21:08:57 <Luigi12_work> chromium-browser-stable had some regression that the maintainer (cjw/spturtle) found, so last I heard he was checking the newer upstream bugfix release to see if they fixed it 21:09:11 <MrsB> cool, well done them 21:09:36 <wilcal> wow many thanks luigi 21:09:37 <Luigi12_work> mono should be coming soon, it was assigned to QA but I assigned it back to the maintainer, the update required three patches and he only had added one, so he said he's working on fixing it 21:09:44 <MrsB> #info chromium-browser-stable had some regression that the maintainer (cjw/spturtle) found so they're looking into it 21:10:11 <MrsB> saw that yes 21:10:37 <MrsB> #info mono is coming, can be tested with banshee media player 21:10:45 <Luigi12_work> autofs has a security issue related to executable automounter maps written in Python. The patches failed to apply on autofs 5.0.7 in Mageia 4, so that'll take some time 21:10:52 <Luigi12_work> indeed, banshee is a really good test case for Mono 21:11:13 <Luigi12_work> hopefully it has some music service that it can connect to via SSL/TLS that you can use for testing this update, since it affects the TLS implementation 21:11:53 <Luigi12_work> also a new security issue in glusterfs, spuhler said he'll update it after the Mageia 5 release, so we'll get to test it on two releases 21:12:13 <Luigi12_work> think he's leaving for a trip, so he's busy currently 21:12:28 <Luigi12_work> that's all I have that's new 21:12:48 <DavidWHodgins> Thanks Luigi12_work. We'd have a lot of problems without you. 21:13:10 <MrsB> #info autofs coming but some difficulty patching, glusterfs after mga5 release 21:14:21 <MrsB> so it looks like nothing major is imminent, which probably means there will be 4 or 5 new ones by morning ;) 21:14:32 <DavidWHodgins> lol 21:14:37 <Luigi12_work> LOL 21:14:39 <Luigi12_work> I sure hope not 21:14:52 <Luigi12_work> I'm hoping to not have many more that I'm dying to get into mga5 21:14:58 <Luigi12_work> of course who knows how soon mga5 will finally be ready 21:15:00 <wilcal> we need time to look at the new isos 21:15:11 <MrsB> thanks Luigi12_work 21:15:17 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Anything else? 21:15:23 <wilcal> not from me 21:15:24 <MrsB> Is there anything else? 21:15:29 <Kernewes> not here 21:15:30 <hviaene> Yes 21:15:32 <DavidWHodgins> Nothing else here. 21:15:35 <olivier_cc> i'm good 21:15:41 <DavidWHodgins> herman, go ahead. 21:15:59 <hviaene> While looking around for info how to test things 21:16:24 <hviaene> I stumbled upon soma Mageia "Test C&ase Wiki" 21:16:44 <MrsB> there are some there, not many but some 21:16:59 <hviaene> Which is not referenced in the QA-process document 21:17:15 <DavidWHodgins> The wiki entries are usually only created for packages that are very difficult to test. 21:17:16 <hviaene> Is that wiki still being maintained? 21:17:24 <MrsB> yes it is, if you click the 'Wiki' link on the madb list page it searches the testcases on the wiki 21:17:43 <MrsB> we're better at testing than creating wiki pages :( 21:17:52 <hviaene> I'v never found itt that way 21:18:01 <hviaene> I found them via Google 21:18:06 <Kernewes> hviaene: a lot of packages don't have entries yet 21:18:08 <MrsB> Try it with libtiff 21:18:20 <hviaene> Pardon? 21:18:28 <MrsB> on the madb list page 21:18:33 <DavidWHodgins> Click on the wiki link in http://mageia.madb.org/tools/updates and, if there is a wiki entry for that package (rare), it'll be shown. 21:18:36 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ] 21:18:39 <MrsB> click the Wiki link on the right hand side against libtiff 21:18:41 <hviaene> Oh 21:18:49 <hviaene> Tomorrow 21:19:10 <Luigi12_work> olivier_cc did a great job testing the PoC's 21:19:22 <Luigi12_work> I added all the patches OpenSuSE did from upstream, but I don't know how they got those patches 21:19:32 <Luigi12_work> seems upstream just has a CVS server, but no web interface or anything 21:19:41 <Luigi12_work> if anyone could help figuring that out, I'd appreciate it 21:19:56 <olivier_cc> thanks but I've seen I forgot 2 CVEs on libtiff 21:20:20 <Luigi12_work> yeah those were in the follow-up message on oss-security 21:20:28 <olivier_cc> those ones yes 21:21:05 <olivier_cc> I'll downgrade libtiff and look at that 21:21:13 <tjandrews> FWIW, I'm liking what I see so far in the i586 Mageia 5. Eager for the official release so I can put it on my brother's desktop. 21:21:31 <DavidWHodgins> hviaene: Also, see qa testing procedures on https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_Team_portal 21:21:55 <MrsB> yeah me too tjandrews, I'm planning to set up a new server 21:22:10 <MrsB> Is there anything else else? 21:22:11 <wilcal> Looks pretty good except for the two biggies 21:22:20 <wilcal> not from me 21:22:23 <Luigi12_work> yeah Mageia 5 seems to work great 21:22:26 <Kernewes> not from me 21:22:26 <olivier_cc> nothing else else 21:22:32 <MrsB> T - 5 then 21:22:39 <MrsB> Thanks for comign everybody 21:22:42 <wilcal> bye all 21:22:46 <MrsB> keep testing! 21:22:47 <hviaene> bye all 21:22:50 <MrsB> 4 21:22:52 <MrsB> 3 21:22:53 <MrsB> 2 21:22:55 <MrsB> 1 21:22:56 <MrsB> #endmeeting