20:07:42 <MrsB> #startmeeting 20:07:42 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Feb 19 20:07:42 2015 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:07:42 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:07:54 <MrsB> Morning everybody, welcome to another one 20:08:21 <MrsB> #chair DavidWHodgins wilcal 20:08:21 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins MrsB wilcal 20:08:23 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Who's new? If you are new, come and introduce yourself 20:08:31 <MrsB> thanks 20:08:37 <MrsB> Is anybody new here tonight? 20:09:28 <MrsB> no? 20:09:55 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Mentoring 20:10:20 <MrsB> Is there anybody who is in need of a mentor? 20:10:35 <MrsB> we are moving between testing ISOs and testing updates for stable releases 20:11:00 <admel> ih MrsB 20:11:05 <MrsB> hi admel 20:11:11 <hviaene> I get sufficient support from the "anciens" here 20:11:14 <MrsB> mornign who just joined 20:11:32 <vladz> Good Morning 20:11:37 <admel> I'm not sure Akien has accepted to be my mentor, so... 20:12:04 <wilcal> Has the mentor page been created yet 20:12:06 <MrsB> To get people started with testing updates we assign new people a mentor until they grow in confidence and can work alone 20:12:08 <MrsB> hi vladz 20:12:20 <MrsB> ummm no :\ 20:12:33 <vladz> Hi MrsB 20:12:38 <wilcal> I have two I've helped and they're doing quite well 20:12:39 <MrsB> we haven't had anybody to mentor for a few weeks 20:12:46 <stephane> I also need a mentor to start testing updates 20:13:09 <lewyssmith> That makes 2. 20:13:25 <MrsB> so we need mentors for admel and stephane, anybody else? 20:13:37 <admel> i'll see with him (he's french like me) 20:13:59 <MrsB> yes, if you don't mind admel. Or perhaps lewis could ? 20:14:10 <lewyssmith> I can do you if necessary; j'habite la France. 20:14:17 <MrsB> or olivier_cc too now 20:14:41 <olivier_cc> lol, need more confidence for that :) 20:15:29 <MrsB> lewis, care to look after admel then please 20:15:53 <MrsB> you'll need to swap emails probably 20:16:03 <lewyssmith> Fine by me; want his e-mail address please. 20:16:49 <MrsB> admel, can you let lewis know your email please 20:17:06 <admel> yes of course 20:17:20 <olivier_cc> you'll be in good hands admel, I can assure you 20:17:28 <admel> lol 20:17:44 <MrsB> So any volunteers to take stephane ? 20:18:01 <lewyssmith> What language? 20:18:08 <MrsB> what is your natural language stephane? 20:18:26 <MrsB> guessing fr too 20:18:27 <stephane> FR 20:18:47 <stephane> english :-)but I don't mind i will work my 20:18:49 <lewyssmith> It is easy to do two at once, the same messages go twice. 20:18:57 <admel> But, before to be the lewis's slave, i just wanna see with Akien (he had begun to teach some things to me). 20:19:03 <MrsB> if you don't mind that lewis, that's great 20:19:15 <lewyssmith> So if I take stephane also, it will not be much extra. 20:19:23 <admel> and has you can see, my english isn't very good, i need more pratice. :-) 20:19:32 <MrsB> stephane, could you let lewis know your email too please 20:19:41 <stephane> i already send it 20:19:47 <MrsB> great \o/ 20:20:11 <MrsB> you're doing well with mentoring lewis :) 20:20:13 <lewyssmith> Thanks to both of you; more proficient with IRC than me! 20:20:34 <MrsB> Is there anybody else? 20:21:28 <admel> lewyssmith: did you get my email by mp ? :-) 20:22:22 <stephane> same question ? 20:22:25 <MrsB> Things are going well then 20:22:36 <MrsB> #info Anybody in need of a mentor, please let me know 20:23:03 <MrsB> #action MrsB to create the long promised wiki page to keep track of mentoring 20:23:40 <MrsB> let's move on then, thanks guys 20:23:44 <olivier_cc> that will be a page mostly dedicated to lewis then :) 20:23:49 <MrsB> yeah :D 20:24:00 <MrsB> he's our go-to tutor 20:24:10 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Team leadership elections 20:24:20 <MrsB> thanks Dave 20:24:42 <MrsB> So as you hopefully saw, it's time for the team leaders to be elected again 20:24:59 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Are you running for the second deputy leader position 20:25:01 <MrsB> we have positions for one leadr and two deputy leaders 20:25:19 <MrsB> so far we have one candidate for leader and one for a deputy position 20:25:35 <wilcal> Not officially. If someone would like to take that position I encourage them to do so. It will not change the amount of work I do here 20:25:49 <wilcal> If I am re-elected that's fine too 20:25:57 <MrsB> #info Please remember to put yourself forward on the ML if you intend to candidate for one of the team leadership positions 20:26:15 <MrsB> #info voting will start next week 20:26:29 <MrsB> I'd encourage anybody to have a go 20:26:31 <wilcal> I'm kinda see'n if someone else would like to do it. I don't want to stand in the way of that 20:26:37 <DavidWHodgins> Note that being a leader, or deputy leader, automatically gets a position on the council too. 20:26:41 <wilcal> Yep 20:27:07 <wilcal> But you can still hang out at the council meets too 20:27:41 <MrsB> It's a personal decision to do so so there is no pressure on anybody, but if you're thinking of doing so please don't hesitate to step forward 20:28:23 <olivier_cc> I'm pretty happy with the present team 20:28:40 <lewyssmith> Me too. 20:28:53 <MrsB> elections happen every year though 20:28:53 <lewyssmith> Hello TJ! 20:29:00 <wilcal> I think I got drafted last year :-)) 20:29:05 <MrsB> lol 20:29:13 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 20:29:18 <MrsB> morning stef74 tjandrews 20:29:26 <stef74> All, 20:29:35 <tjandrews> Sorry I'm late. Life intrudes, as usual. 20:30:04 <MrsB> as new people just joined, is there anybody who is in need of a mentor to get started testing updates? 20:30:18 <tjandrews> First time on IRC. Forgive me if I mess up. 20:30:33 <MrsB> ahhh in that case then welcome to the team. 20:30:57 <MrsB> lets do some introductions 20:31:27 <DavidWHodgins> I'm Dave Hodgins, from London, Ontario, Canada. 20:31:42 <MrsB> introduce yourself in a sentence or two and the others will all do the same 20:32:07 <olivier_cc> hi tjandrews, olivier charles, French (Haute Savoie), I've been in QA team for 5 months or so 20:32:42 <lewyssmith> We know TJ well from the maiList. 20:32:45 <admel> :-) 20:32:54 <tjandrews> Tom Andrews, from Pompey, near Syracuse, NY,USA. I'm a farmer, third generation of my family to own and operate this farm. 20:33:08 <wilcal> primary crop? 20:33:18 <MrsB> This is your official welcome then Tom. Eveybody gets one :) 20:33:43 <tjandrews> By land use, horse hay. By profit-making, vegetables. 20:34:02 <tarazed> Len from Edinburgh Scotland, ruby coder, one time astronomer. 20:34:15 <wilcal> "wilcal" for (Wil)liam in (Cal)ifornia, live near San Diego ( Surf City USA ) 20:34:17 <wilcal> First official College computer class in Sept 1964, Computer Engineer 1968 20:34:21 <MrsB> I'm Claire, current team leader. Been with QA since it started. Live in the Black Country, UK where it's grey and dreary. 20:34:54 <remyservices> David Remy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA - Windows IT Admin for 800+ computers with a heart for Mageia 20:34:57 <tjandrews> I also have a very old, little used, anything-but-current electrical engineering degree. 20:35:26 <lewyssmith> Lewis, a prickly Celtic ex-pat in France. Long IT experience, Linux user >15y. 20:35:29 <remyservices> *8,000+ 20:35:32 <vladz> I'm Vlad Zawalinski, Melbourne Australia 20:35:54 <admel> Glad too meet you all. 20:36:03 <DavidWHodgins> Like Claire, I've been with the qa team since it was formed, and she convinced me to run for deputy leader. :-) 20:36:35 <tjandrews> Started my Linux journey with Mandrake 8.2 in 2002. Except for a brief foray with Fedora Core 4, nave been with Mandrake/Mandriva/Mageia ever since. 20:36:47 <lewyssmith> remyservices: 8000! 20:36:52 <olivier_cc> So you are Andrews Farm on the mailing list ? 20:37:18 <lewyssmith> He is. 20:37:44 * MrsB likes the introductions 20:37:50 <olivier_cc> Not unknown then ;-) 20:38:09 <tjandrews> Andrews Farm is our business name. Clever selection of email address, don't you think? 20:38:18 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 20:38:26 <Akien> I'm a bit late to the meeting, but I can mentor admel if Lewis already takes care of stephane 20:39:13 <MrsB> It's your choice then admel 20:39:17 <lewyssmith> Akien: Up to you, it is no trouble doing both in parallel. 20:39:43 <Akien> As for the presentation, I'm Rémi Verschelde, early Mageian who started with translation, then QA, and now does a bit of everything apart from sysadmin work :p 20:40:19 <MrsB> #info lewis will mentor stephane 20:40:22 <tjandrews> Except for testing the 4.1 isos, I've been mostly lurking in qa. 20:40:23 <stephane> Stephane from Toulouse France Linux IT admin 20:40:36 <lewyssmith> MrsB: Noted. 20:40:40 <MrsB> ohh we'll soon change that 20:40:56 <tjandrews> Uh-oh... 20:41:04 <MrsB> So who's taking admel? 20:41:06 <DavidWHodgins> ☺ 20:41:29 <lewyssmith> Akien I think. 20:41:42 <MrsB> #info Akien will mentor admel 20:41:55 <DavidWHodgins> Akien: Do you have admel's email address? 20:42:07 <MrsB> anybody else in need of a mentor while we're talking about it? 20:42:26 <MrsB> mewntors will help you to get started testing updates, which is the bulk of our work 20:42:32 <MrsB> mentors* 20:42:50 <Akien> DavidWHodgins: Yep, we're also in touch on the MLO forum and #MLO channel 20:43:01 <MrsB> tjandrews, mentor? 20:43:08 <MrsB> vladz: mentr? 20:43:15 <MrsB> o 20:43:46 <tjandrews> Not now. Still not sure I have enough time to really get into this. 20:43:59 <MrsB> we'll ask again next week then :) 20:44:09 <vladz> Still getting to know the 'scene' - thinking about needed skills ....../ 20:44:22 <MrsB> entheusiasm is the most important vladz 20:44:48 <MrsB> nobody expects to know all packages and everything about everything 20:44:49 <vladz> Next week maybe 20:44:51 <wilcal> testing anything at any level is hugely helpful 20:44:52 <DavidWHodgins> And willingness to learn how to test packages you've never heard of before. :-) 20:45:04 <wilcal> Ya that's an adventure 20:45:09 <MrsB> next week then 20:45:12 <wilcal> giant puzzle 20:45:17 <MrsB> Is everybody clear about the election? 20:45:20 <tjandrews> MrsB reminding me of my mother - persistent. 20:45:44 <MrsB> that's a good thing though :) 20:45:57 <MrsB> let's move on then 20:45:58 <vladz> Who can vote? 20:46:03 <DavidWHodgins> As more people have joined, and wilcal is reluctant to continue as a deputy leader, is there anyone else willing to try it? 20:46:19 <DavidWHodgins> vladz: Pretty well anyone on the mailing list. 20:46:22 <MrsB> anybody who considers themselves part of the team can stand as a candidate or vote 20:46:41 <wilcal> not so much reluctant as not wanting to stand in the way of someone else being deputy 20:46:44 <MrsB> we still could do with one more candidate for a deupty leader 20:46:50 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: Bill was *not* reluctant, I think. 20:47:04 * Luigi12_work votes for lewyssmith as deputy leader 20:47:07 <MrsB> it's a personal choice 20:47:12 <lewyssmith> Be quiet! 20:47:18 <DavidWHodgins> lol 20:47:18 <Luigi12_work> I'm serious actually 20:47:28 <lewyssmith> To Luigi, not you Claire. 20:47:35 <Luigi12_work> great job leading with the mentoring stuff 20:47:52 <MrsB> Well everybody think about it please, there are only two days before we start to vote and if we have more positions than candidates it will be a short vote! 20:48:25 <MrsB> let's move on 20:48:35 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Testing updates 20:48:39 <MrsB> tah 20:49:03 <MrsB> http://mageia.madb.org/tools/updates where to find the updates 20:49:06 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ] 20:49:12 <wilcal> I'll get to Vbox this weekend 20:49:22 <MrsB> we usually go through and see if there are any scary ones 20:49:23 <wilcal> probably Sunday 20:49:43 <Luigi12_work> same here 20:49:47 <wilcal> we need more then me to test libreoffice 20:49:47 <MrsB> is there anything there that looks particularly scary 20:49:49 <tarazed> Yeah, I'm just doing the 64bit desktop and installing mga4 32bit. 20:50:01 <MrsB> nice len 20:50:20 <Luigi12_work> I tested LO and found the UTF-16 issue with the spreadsheets, not sure if something will be done about it 20:50:33 <DavidWHodgins> I've been having a lot of problems with my internet connection, so haven't got the latest updates for testing yet. 20:50:38 <MrsB> I've not looked at that one yet 20:50:51 <wilcal> Ya that thing's got wrinkles in it. Little we can do to fix it all 20:51:01 <wilcal> It's really big 20:51:13 <MrsB> #info please all test the libreoffice update 20:51:17 <Luigi12_work> true. It's also hard to install because libreoffice-core is huge and curl can't seem to handle downloading it reliably 20:51:21 <wilcal> For what I do with it it seemed fine 20:51:49 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi12_work: Change the downloader in urpmi to wget. A little slower, but much more reliable. 20:51:57 <wilcal> Ya best installed with the CI and DVD's 20:51:58 <Luigi12_work> DavidWHodgins: yeah I had to do that on one computer 20:51:59 <MrsB> there were a few early packaging issues too so we need to make sure everything can be updated cleanly now 20:52:08 <Luigi12_work> DavidWHodgins: I think urpmi should default to wget for http and curl only for ftp 20:52:29 <Luigi12_work> yeah it updates cleanly now on the three I installed it on 20:52:40 <Luigi12_work> not sure if I have all of the subpackages, should have most of them at least 20:52:56 <MrsB> did you install all of it David? 20:53:03 <MrsB> ok 20:53:14 <MrsB> seemed to be an awful lot of it this time around 20:53:34 <DavidWHodgins> With large updates, there are often problems with the mirrors syncing while the update is in progress on the main mirror, so some of the packages will be missing, till the mirror syncs again. 20:53:51 <Luigi12_work> yeah shouldn't be any problems with that, it's been up for a while 20:53:56 <MrsB> So anything else there scary? 20:54:13 * Luigi12_work would like to see timezone get validated soon, it's really easy 20:54:34 <Luigi12_work> it includes php-timezonedb and I've got a php update coming once it gets freeze pushed in Cauldron 20:54:46 <Luigi12_work> timezone/php-timezonedb has a really easy test procedure 20:54:47 <MrsB> yeah, i think theres a procedure for testing it too 20:54:58 <MrsB> there is 20:55:14 <Luigi12_work> ahh, I see the Qt4 update just landed for QA 20:55:20 <MrsB> just saw that too 20:55:29 <MrsB> That links in with Libreoffice 20:55:53 <lewyssmith> The jython thing is nebulous. 20:56:04 <Luigi12_work> lewyssmith: please see the Novell bug for the jython thing 20:56:08 <MrsB> there's nothing there at the moment really that anybody couldn't test, apart from jython of course 20:56:17 <lewyssmith> I noted your comment. Will do. 20:56:21 <MrsB> sympa needs another quick test 20:56:58 <MrsB> let's go on and do the roundup then 20:56:58 <admel> i say it again : i'm glad to meet you all, and say have a good night every one ! And thank you MrsB to find me a mentor. :-) 20:57:06 <admel> See you soon ! 20:57:12 <MrsB> yw, welcome to the QA team admel 20:57:14 <DavidWHodgins> admel: Have a good night. 20:57:20 <olivier_cc> see you very soon 20:57:40 <admel> yes, "very soon". 20:57:42 <admel> Bye 20:57:48 <MrsB> #topic Luigi's Roundup 20:58:01 <Luigi12_work> boo 20:58:16 <MrsB> For those who dont already know, Luigi12 is David Walser, you'll see alot of him. He builds most of our security updates 20:58:34 <Luigi12_work> ahh nice, the Qt update does indeed fix the file open dialog in LO 20:58:35 <MrsB> we work closely and always get on famously ;) 20:58:45 <Luigi12_work> MrsB: :D 20:58:47 <MrsB> :D 20:59:00 <olivier_cc> he's also the cause of most of my headaches ! 20:59:07 <Luigi12_work> score 20:59:18 <MrsB> don't say that, it encourages him! 20:59:48 <wilcal> Many thanks for the help understanding sudo Luigi 21:00:09 <Luigi12_work> you're welcome 21:00:31 <MrsB> We have only twice ever completely cleared our list of updates waiting to be tested, David fills it up as quick as we reduce it 21:00:59 <wilcal> Yup, he's got'em all waiting in his closet if the list gets too short 21:01:15 <MrsB> It'd be nice to clear it before we get into testing the next ISOs for RC 21:01:34 <MrsB> apart from the backport ones anyway 21:01:47 <Luigi12_work> luckily not too much (known) coming at the moment 21:01:59 <Luigi12_work> PHP update is ready once it's freeze pushed in Cauldron as I mentioned earlier 21:02:14 <Luigi12_work> we just updated cabextract and another issue was found, so I plan to update that this weekend 21:02:27 <Luigi12_work> I read a news article today that said the next round of Mozilla updates are scheduled for next week 21:02:31 <Luigi12_work> that's all I know of right now 21:02:46 <MrsB> #info php update is ready once it's freeze pushed in cauldron. cabextract is coming again for a new vulnerability 21:02:57 <MrsB> #info mozilla updates coming next week 21:03:33 <MrsB> sounds promising. It's always quiet just before the storm though 21:03:58 <Luigi12_work> looks like tmb is doing pushes now, so php should be coming soon 21:03:59 <wilcal> Ya Adobe Flash never lets us down for lack of critical updates 21:04:20 <Luigi12_work> yeah Flash needs to die (I think we discussed this last time :o) 21:04:39 <MrsB> yep, did that one 21:04:40 <Luigi12_work> hopefully things will be quiet on the security front...PHP and Mozilla is plenty to have back to back just by itself 21:05:01 <MrsB> that'll give us a chance to clear Libreoffice etc then 21:05:22 <Luigi12_work> yep, should be in good shape soon 21:05:27 <DavidWHodgins> Looks like libreoffice and qt4 should get pushed together. 21:05:29 <MrsB> fingers x'd 21:05:36 <MrsB> yes probably so Dave 21:05:38 <Luigi12_work> DavidWHodgins: yes, I'll mark it as such 21:05:47 <Luigi12_work> librsvg looks like it should be easy to test 21:06:01 <MrsB> we've had that one before so should be a procedure somewhere 21:06:06 <tmb> iirc there is a new glibc sec fix and some new kernel stuff too coming... 21:06:13 <MrsB> :( 21:06:25 <MrsB> just seen the back of the last ones 21:06:31 <Luigi12_work> yes Olav posted a procedure for librsvg 21:06:35 <wilcal> I'll run qt4 on my libreoffice clients 21:06:45 <MrsB> #info new glibc and kernels coming /o\ 21:06:55 <Luigi12_work> yeah there were two more security issues in glibc brought to light right after we fixed the last ones 21:07:14 <Luigi12_work> they're fixed upstream in 2.21 and were just exposed as security issues 21:07:32 <Luigi12_work> not sure how serious though 21:07:50 <tmb> yep, I need to check them out 21:08:35 <Luigi12_work> maybe next RH and SuSE can work on a live patching technology for glibc :D 21:08:38 <tmb> for kernels I can delay all other kernels and only push core one for starters depending on severity 21:08:47 <MrsB> if so could we have them asap please thomas so we can do them before isos land 21:08:48 <olivier_cc> speaking of kernels, is there a wiki page about setting virtual guest on kernel-vserver ? That one got me interested. 21:09:02 <Luigi12_work> yeah plus kernels are good to test with vbox updates 21:09:17 <MrsB> not that we've done olivier_cc 21:09:26 <DavidWHodgins> Though they also need to be tested on real hardware too. 21:09:44 <Luigi12_work> well that's part of it, you have to update the kernel on the host too 21:09:49 <tmb> olivier_cc, http://linux-vserver.org/Welcome_to_Linux-VServer.org 21:10:12 <olivier_cc> Saw that one tmb but always ended up with errors 21:10:35 <tmb> but we will drop it for mga5... containers are the way forward 21:10:42 <MrsB> \o/ 21:10:47 <MrsB> how many others? 21:10:54 <Luigi12_work> yeah the systemd-nspawn stuff seems to be advancing quickly 21:12:06 <olivier_cc> Promising for us testers :) 21:12:15 <tmb> the -tmb kernel will scale down to a single -desktop flavour, and I will probably nuke -rt too as only one wanted to keep it 21:12:53 <DavidWHodgins> That will make kernel building and testing easier. 21:12:56 <tmb> so thats 5 kernels less on i586 and 4 on x86_64 21:13:05 <MrsB> It's not so bad having just one version of them all, just multiple versions makes testing a single update a nightmare 21:13:10 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: Much. 21:13:21 <wilcal> and testing in Vbox and real hardware 21:13:27 <olivier_cc> what about raspi-tm-bian kernel ? 21:13:30 <wilcal> gotta work in both 21:14:32 <Luigi12_work> Fedora actually added a new kernel flavor, that's really stripped down and only supports virtual environments 21:14:43 <MrsB> Are there any questions for Luigi12_work? 21:14:56 <DavidWHodgins> Not here 21:14:56 <wilcal> not from here 21:15:04 * Luigi12_work hugs MrsB 21:15:07 <tmb> wilcal, well, technically kernel-tmb, -rt and -vserser dont need to work in vbox as the 2 first ones focuses on speed, and the last one is supposed to be used instead of vbox :) 21:15:31 <tmb> and vbox is not really known for speed :) 21:15:56 <Luigi12_work> seems faster than vmware and qemu to me though 21:16:15 <wilcal> I think that may depend on the platform 21:16:21 <Luigi12_work> I haven't tried xen 21:16:32 <MrsB> lets wrap things up then 21:16:37 <wilcal> on mine a Vbox client is somewhat quicker then real hardware 21:16:38 <MrsB> One last topic.. 21:16:49 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Anything else? 21:16:54 <MrsB> dude :) 21:16:54 <DavidWHodgins> Credits 21:16:59 <lewyssmith> Yes please. 21:17:00 <wilcal> I've a couple for tmb 21:17:00 <MrsB> Is there anythign else? 21:17:08 <DavidWHodgins> http://svnweb.mageia.org/packages/cauldron/mageia-release/current/SOURCES/CREDITS?view=markup only has 23 people listed 21:17:19 <DavidWHodgins> There are a lot more than 23 here. 21:17:21 <MrsB> Ohh yes, good job you mentioned. I'd forgotten that! 21:17:25 <wilcal> Many thanks to tmb & ennael and team for the tremendous amount of work on UEFI 21:17:42 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: Presumably everyone who wants to be mentioned. 21:17:58 <MrsB> #action MrsB to sort out the credits 21:18:00 <DavidWHodgins> Everyone who isn't listed, and wants to be, please reply to Claire's email from Feb 9th. 21:18:27 <DavidWHodgins> s /email/mailing list message/ 21:18:33 <MrsB> #info anybody not already listed in the link above, who wants to be listed please let me know as soon as possible 21:18:52 <MrsB> it's a good job you remembered 21:18:57 <olivier_cc> I've answered it already 21:19:12 * MrsB needs a reminder pad 21:19:31 <lewyssmith> Knotes? 21:19:49 <MrsB> hmm maybe. I need something obviously 21:20:11 <MrsB> Is there anything else else? 21:20:15 <wilcal> I have a question on the status of M5 UEFI. In one of the comments tmb made he 21:20:17 <wilcal> indicated, or I think he did, that maybe M5 will release but the UEFI function 21:20:18 <lewyssmith> Yes! 21:20:18 <wilcal> will not work in Vbox at release. True or not true? 21:20:56 <MrsB> not sure wilcal, tmb? 21:21:03 <MrsB> lewis comign to you next 21:21:14 <tmb> wilcal, it will work 21:21:21 <DavidWHodgins> Looks like Herman, Sebastian, oliver, and David Remy have replied. Likely they just need to be added to svn 21:21:39 <MrsB> I'll sort it Dave, thanks for the reminder 21:21:49 <DavidWHodgins> You're welcome. 21:21:54 <MrsB> Lewis, your go 21:22:00 <lewyssmith> 1) Can that umbrella bug of release-stopper bugs be given on the MailList? I found a couple of duplicates I could close. That should please the developers. 21:22:02 <wilcal> just kinda messy right now. Thanks tmb 21:22:57 <MrsB> Well, the intention of the meeting on tuesday which didn't work out, was to go through each release blcoker individually and assess progress 21:23:19 <MrsB> If there are any that need to be closed please do so 21:23:19 <lewyssmith> My question remains. 21:23:31 <lewyssmith> I need the list! 21:23:32 <Luigi12_work> it is kind of messy though, some are marked as release_blockers, and some are just marked as blockers of the "release critical" tracker 21:23:34 <MrsB> well yeah i guess so, the dev ML you mean? 21:23:44 <lewyssmith> No, ours. 21:23:52 <tmb> Btw,I will probably build first rc isos this weekend to see how various bugs are fixed and try and sort out some of the remaining ones 21:24:10 <wilcal> Looking forward to the freeze on Monday 21:24:21 <lewyssmith> MrsB: Or to me privately if it is not public. 21:24:37 <MrsB> not sure I understand what you're wanting lewis, just the bug number? 21:24:48 <MrsB> bug 14069 21:24:49 <lewyssmith> Yes, the special URL. 21:24:50 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14069 normal, release_blocker, bugsquad, NEW , [Tracker] Mageia 5 release critical 21:24:52 <MrsB> ohh that 21:25:05 <lewyssmith> Thanks. 21:25:14 <lewyssmith> 2) So... If you close a bug as duplicating another, do the relevant cross-reference comments in both bugs get generated automatically, or do you have to cite them manually? 21:25:18 <Luigi12_work> not all of them are attacked to that tracker though 21:25:26 <Luigi12_work> you can also search bugzilla for the "release_blocker" priority 21:25:58 <Luigi12_work> ennael posted a link for that in the meeting Tuesday 21:26:01 <MrsB> http://lstu.fr/Mga5ReleaseBlockers 21:26:04 <[mbot> [ Log in to Mageia Bugzilla ] 21:26:12 <Luigi12_work> that was fast :D 21:26:18 <MrsB> meetbot 21:26:23 <Luigi12_work> nice 21:26:27 <lewyssmith> *That* is what I was hoping for. Thanks. 21:26:32 <MrsB> np :) 21:26:49 <MrsB> #info first builds for RC may come this weekend 21:27:02 <lewyssmith> And my second question above? 21:27:08 <DavidWHodgins> Release freeze isn't until Monday. 21:27:21 <wilcal> Com'on Monday 21:27:29 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: Automatically 21:27:38 <lewyssmith> Thanks Dave. 21:27:46 <MrsB> You close the duplicate as a duplicate with a comment and it will automatically add a comment to the other bug 21:28:00 <lewyssmith> Never done it before. 21:28:16 <MrsB> create some test bugs if you want to experiment 21:28:17 <tjandrews> One thing I learned about release blockers... Check your DVD for fingerprints first. Sigh. 21:28:46 <MrsB> lol tjandrews 21:28:56 <DavidWHodgins> :-) That's why I've given up on optical drives, and only use usb sticks now. 21:29:04 <lewyssmith> tjandrews: The ISO testing Wiki page tells you how to verify a DVD. 21:29:06 <olivier_cc> I wanted to know if it is expected that automatic partionning leaves unallocated space between partitions (1 or 2 Mo, not more) 21:29:38 <MrsB> i think that's to avoid overlap isn't it? more Daves area 21:29:38 <Luigi12_work> that's probably for alignment reasons 21:29:46 <DavidWHodgins> olivier_cc: It's expected. It's not optimal, but it's always been that way. 21:30:05 <tjandrews> I usually tell k3b to verfy when I burn it, but neglected to do so this time. 21:30:10 <olivier_cc> ok, I usually do custom partionning so I had not noticed 21:30:13 <DavidWHodgins> It's due to the way extended partition chaining works. 21:30:17 <wilcal> Removable media can never be expected to be 100% perfect 21:30:34 <lewyssmith> olivier_cc: It is usually recommended. 21:31:00 <stephane> And a second advice check mount partitions within /etc/fstab if it doesn't boot 21:31:00 <lewyssmith> wilcal: Not even USB sticks... 21:31:23 <MrsB> Is there anything else else else else? 21:31:30 <lewyssmith> Not here. 21:31:36 <stephane> USB device and Windows partition can stop boot process :-( 21:31:37 <wilcal> USB sticks are a different animal. 21:31:38 <tjandrews> If only the afflicted machine hadn't been the same one that didn't like the Mageia 4 DVD... 21:31:41 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: I've found when one of my usb sticks stopped working, sticking it in the freezer for 10 minutes fixed it. 21:31:51 <wilcal> given enough time the data will not be there anymore' 21:32:00 <MrsB> must have a picky dvd drive in it tjandrews 21:32:10 <wilcal> If one critical bit goes away it's all gone 21:32:27 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: I tried that once on your advice, it did not work :-( 21:32:31 <MrsB> Guy's if there is nothing else else else else it must be time for the countdown 21:32:49 <DavidWHodgins> stephane: That's an old, well known problem. There is a bug report about it, regarding adding nofail to the non-needed /etc/fstab entries. 21:32:55 <MrsB> T - 5 21:32:58 <MrsB> 4 21:33:00 <MrsB> 3 21:33:01 <MrsB> 2 21:33:06 <MrsB> thanks for coming! 21:33:08 <MrsB> 1 21:33:10 <lewyssmith> Goodbye all. 21:33:11 <MrsB> #endmeeting