20:04:34 <DavidWHodgins> #startmeeting 20:04:34 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Feb 12 20:04:34 2015 UTC. The chair is DavidWHodgins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:04:34 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:04:34 <MrsB> everybody have cuppa and cake? 20:04:42 <MrsB> oh lol ok then 20:04:44 <DavidWHodgins> #chair MrsB wilcal 20:04:44 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins MrsB wilcal 20:04:54 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Who's New? 20:05:13 <MrsB> thanks, gues we're ready then 20:05:19 <DavidWHodgins> Anyone here who has not been to a qa irc meeting before? 20:05:41 <ike> Me, but i gotta leave soon - whats this lesson about ? 20:06:33 <MrsB> hi ike, this is the QA team meeting (Quality assurance) 20:06:36 <DavidWHodgins> ike: This is a weekly qa team meeting to discuss things like testing updates, and iso images for the next release. 20:06:46 <rindolf> Hi ike 20:07:04 <olivier_cc> welcome ike 20:07:25 <MrsB> Are you joining the QA team ike? 20:07:28 <ike> Ah. All right. I�m not qualified to add to the discussion. But maybe will join next time as a lurker 20:07:38 <MrsB> sure feel free 20:07:40 <DavidWHodgins> ike: Where are you? I'm in London, Ontario, Canada. 20:08:00 <wilcal> Lurkers are welcome here 20:08:00 * rindolf is in Tel Aviv, Israel. 20:08:07 <wilcal> Cool 20:08:09 <ike> Hm, Hamburg Germany 20:08:29 <ike> Thought it was uncommon to display ones location 20:08:46 <lewyssmith> We have many habitual lurkers. 20:08:46 <DavidWHodgins> ike: We need all levels of users to test things, as experienced users will not notice problems that confound new users. 20:09:26 <DavidWHodgins> In the qa team, we all admit where we live. 20:09:35 <MrsB> admit, nice 20:09:49 <DavidWHodgins> ☺ 20:09:50 <wilcal> I also think that is important as things come up to be tested 20:09:59 <olivier_cc> I confess living in France, Alps 20:10:02 <lewyssmith> I don't recall a German so far. 20:10:14 <MrsB> I'm afraid I'm from the UK 20:10:23 <ike> That makes sense for sure and i support that, but i have to go in some minutes - will try to join next time 20:10:24 <wilcal> If tmb releases something late his time I may get a chance to test it before he gets up the next morning 20:10:41 <MrsB> Same time next week then Ike, we'll do this properly then 20:10:50 <DavidWHodgins> MrsB: Why be afraid? :-) 20:10:50 <MrsB> introductions all round 20:11:03 <lewyssmith> I wondered that. 20:11:15 <ike> Allright 20:11:32 <MrsB> Let's move on then :) 20:11:50 <MrsB> #topic Beta 3 20:11:51 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Beta 3 20:12:05 <MrsB> The one we're all waiting for 20:12:11 <MrsB> ennael tmb here? 20:12:15 <DavidWHodgins> Sorry, I was slow. 20:12:25 <lewyssmith> tmb is. 20:12:56 <DavidWHodgins> I'm currently syncing latest iso images. Will try to test later. 20:13:02 <MrsB> There is a fix for the EFI on USB which might be worth including on classic ISOs 20:13:21 <olivier_cc> Yes this fix worked well for me 20:13:30 <MrsB> maybe include mga5 release notes too, so might be more classic isos to come 20:13:37 <lewyssmith> tarazed: Evening Len. 20:13:57 <tarazed> Good morrow gentle friends 20:14:02 <MrsB> morning 20:14:14 <wilcal> Morn'n 20:14:21 <MrsB> ennael: ping? 20:14:36 <rindolf> tarazed: morning. 20:14:45 <DavidWHodgins> tarazed: HiYa 20:15:04 <tarazed> Finally started an EFI install from USB - going well 20:15:20 <lewyssmith> Which one? 20:15:20 <MrsB> we were just talking of that 20:15:34 <tarazed> Classic DVD 64bits 20:16:01 <tarazed> Thanks to Lewis and others for all the helpful comments and scripts 20:16:13 <MrsB> I'll email ennael after the meeting, unless she catches up with us before we finish 20:16:52 <MrsB> Is there anything now which should stop us releasing beta 3 apart from this? 20:16:53 <DavidWHodgins> tarazed: Actual dvd, or a usb drive? 20:17:09 <wilcal> I think M5B3 is ready for the big time 20:17:30 <wilcal> Gotta get that out there to see how the UEFI thingy plays 20:17:34 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: The latter I believe. 20:17:58 <lewyssmith> wilcal: On real h/w please. 20:17:58 <tmb> well, one could also "errata" the uefi fix for classic x86_64 usb install as people will have to copy stuff to usb anyway, so they can copy one extra file... 20:18:26 <wilcal> Well I have a very limited ability to test UEFI on real hardware 20:18:29 <MrsB> yeah, that's an option 20:18:33 <tmb> but I guess that's up to you guys and ennael to decide 20:18:37 <DavidWHodgins> MrsB: I thing we should wait till testers have time to sync the latest iso images, and test them. 20:18:41 <MrsB> i think we're all a bit tired of beta 3 now 20:18:48 <wilcal> Yup 20:18:54 <DavidWHodgins> s /thing/think/ 20:18:59 <wilcal> And Anne & tmb need a break 20:19:08 <MrsB> and MrsB 20:19:13 <wilcal> We all do 20:19:38 <wilcal> How are you testing UEFI MrsB? 20:19:42 <MrsB> I'll email anyway and let her decide 20:19:44 <wilcal> if at all 20:19:56 <MrsB> in vbox occasionally but mainly without 20:20:15 <olivier_cc> Silly question : EFI install is only for 64 bits isos ? 20:20:24 <lewyssmith> Yes. 20:20:45 <wilcal> Note that I am still very sensitive of my Video editing maching. My only UEFI platform. I can't afford to screw that up 20:20:53 <wilcal> editing machine 20:21:02 <brian__> things I'm seeing now are cosmetic 20:21:17 <MrsB> that's good, that's where we need to be at this stage 20:21:17 <DavidWHodgins> olivier_cc: As far as I know, no 32 bit systems use uefi. 20:21:19 <lewyssmith> wilcal: That is unlikely to happen, Bill. 20:21:34 <Stormi> I could test this WE if that helps, but that's probably after beta 3 isn't it? 20:21:37 <Stormi> (hi every1) 20:21:39 <brian__> yeah - is there any 32bit equipment that's modern left? 20:21:40 <olivier_cc> Live DVDs 64 bits on USB/EFI performed very well for me (live mode and install) 20:21:43 <wilcal> I agree but it's a very expensive machine I need to use a lot 20:21:57 <MrsB> morning Stormi, sure go ahead. STill test after release 20:22:08 <tmb> actually there exists some Intel marketing crippled hw that uses 32bit uefi, but we dont care about them... 20:22:19 <brian__> lol 20:22:33 <MrsB> hard line :D 20:22:49 <tarazed> Has anybody experienced random freezes on UEFI h/w? 20:22:59 <olivier_cc> not here 20:23:07 <lewyssmith> I have yet to get that far! 20:23:21 <tarazed> I have had a few, going away after some updates. 20:23:53 <lewyssmith> Things like that should not be EFI related: that is just for booting. 20:24:19 <tarazed> Possibly Mate then - problems there 20:24:29 <lewyssmith> Possibly. 20:24:30 <brian__> nvidia vid car? 20:24:39 <brian__> card? 20:24:54 <tarazed> GeForce 770 GT 20:25:14 <brian__> using proprietary drivers yet? I had freezing until those were enabled 20:25:24 <tarazed> Always 20:25:43 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: If you choose to use your main system as your testing platfom strongly suugest adding anonter harddrive, to use for the testing. 20:25:44 <MrsB> any sign of an issue in the journal tarazed? 20:25:47 <tarazed> What have you tried Lewis? 20:26:05 <lewyssmith> Classic, Gnome Live, KDE Live. 20:26:13 <tarazed> Would it be preserved - have to crash reboot? 20:26:31 <MrsB> journal may show something leading up to the freeze 20:26:38 <tarazed> Will look (next time?) 20:27:01 <DavidWHodgins> Or dmesg 20:27:07 <MrsB> yeah 20:27:17 <MrsB> morning remyservices 20:27:31 <wilcal> I have a removable replaceable hd system on most of my systems here 20:27:31 <remyservices> good morning, sorry about that, znc is giving me some issues today 20:27:53 <MrsB> So no major issues preventing release now then? 20:28:13 <brian__> nothing I've seen 20:28:25 <wilcal> David: But I must change the BIOS to enable the UEFI capability. If anything I've learned in all of this is now to turn it all off 20:28:26 <MrsB> EFI guys all happy? 20:28:29 <brian__> dual-dvd, mga4 to 5.1 - traditional 20:28:35 <DavidWHodgins> For a beta, none that I know of 20:28:40 <olivier_cc> EFI beginner most happy here 20:28:56 <tarazed> So far 20:28:57 <wilcal> Your with me olivier 20:29:12 <MrsB> lewis vladz? 20:29:23 <olivier_cc> we hold hands on beta 3 EFI wilcal ;) 20:29:32 <lewyssmith> I have nothinh useable installed. 20:29:46 <MrsB> due to the partitioning? 20:29:59 <lewyssmith> That's the Classic. 20:30:15 <MrsB> and what about live? 20:30:38 <brian__> live gnome i586 worked fine for me 20:30:51 <lewyssmith> Gnome clags on booting, documented. KDE DVD did not boot, but USB install leaves me with no virtual consoles visible. 20:31:25 <MrsB> are there bugs for these, set release blocker? 20:31:25 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: What video card? 20:31:37 <vladz> I have found an issue with auto-allocate in fairly rare circumstances. A mention in errata would suffice for that now. 20:31:45 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: AMD/ATI/Radeon. 20:31:53 <MrsB> yeah still RC and final to go 20:32:29 <lewyssmith> MrsB: I have bugged the partitioning thing (like your idea of too many partitions). 20:32:33 <brian__> is there a particular version not getting enough love? I could try that. 20:32:45 <MrsB> what about the kde not booting thing? 20:32:50 <lewyssmith> brian__: Look at the PAD. 20:32:54 <MrsB> and no tty thing 20:33:01 <brian__> haven't retried since last sync 20:33:10 <brian__> I could burn that and try it 20:33:32 <lewyssmith> KDE DVD did not boot, but it installs via USB. The consoles are not evident in the *installed* system. 20:34:22 <lewyssmith> I have not bugged these 2 problems as they only effect me, apparently. 20:34:23 <DavidWHodgins> brian__: Likely the dual, though it doesn't have much on it, so things like task-plusadio have to be installed afterwords. 20:34:36 <MrsB> still bug them please lewis, it won't be just you 20:34:45 <lewyssmith> Will do. 20:34:57 <MrsB> tmb any ideas on that? 20:35:15 <brian__> I'll burn livecd dvd now 20:35:31 <brian__> dvd = ke 20:35:32 <brian__> kde 20:36:46 <MrsB> #errata items: classic isos on usb require copying to fat32 usb and the extra file for EFI booting. 20:36:55 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: I have a radeon 5450, and it's working ok. 20:36:57 <tmb> I'd need more info for that...if consoles are missing, but it boots in graphial mode, try to catch logs through terminal windows 20:36:58 <MrsB> #info errata items: classic isos on usb require copying to fat32 usb and the extra file for EFI booting. 20:37:15 <MrsB> says kde livedvd not booting 20:37:31 <MrsB> but ok from usb 20:37:52 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: Mine is HD7310, monitor 1920x1080. 20:38:10 <MrsB> lewis have you tried a frech dvd with that one? It's larger than the rest so possibly a media error 20:38:14 <MrsB> fresh 20:38:35 <brian__> I'll test that one then. 20:38:38 <lewyssmith> I used it to boot Classic. 20:39:13 <lewyssmith> And Gnome, I think. 20:39:17 <MrsB> ok do the bug thing then and put all the info/logs you can get to 20:39:27 <tarazed> Ulp! Reboot seems to have failed. Hanging after loading ram disk??? 20:40:07 <MrsB> #info possible issues with EFI boot kde livedvd burned to a dvd 20:40:10 <lewyssmith> tmb: The console invisible in KDE are in the *installed* system, which works otherwise. 20:40:30 <tmb> well the boot config for KDE live iso is correct, and booted here in vbox, so I need more info there too 20:40:58 <lewyssmith> I shall bug it. 20:41:18 <tmb> lewyssmith, so you mean you open up a "console window" in KDE, and it does not work ? 20:41:49 <lewyssmith> tmb: No, virtual Ctrl/Alt/Fn consoles are not visible. 20:42:13 <DavidWHodgins> tarazed: Try holding down at+crtl and sysrq, and then pressing the keys RSEISUB. Search on "magic keys" for other combinations. 20:42:29 <lewyssmith> tmb:I think they are there, though... 20:42:31 <tmb> lewyssmith, ok, then grab logs with terminal windows and add it to bug report 20:42:46 <lewyssmith> Which logs? 20:43:03 <MrsB> It's essential that bugs are created for all the issues found please guys 20:44:00 <tmb> kernel logs / dmesg/ journal logs, X logs, ... nything that can give a hint why it does not init the consoles properly 20:44:03 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: Another thing to try. Type the command reset in the terminal, and press enter. 20:44:35 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: What is 'command reset'? 20:45:20 <lewyssmith> Ah; $ reset ? 20:45:43 <DavidWHodgins> It resets the terminal. It's part of the ncurses package. 20:46:06 <lewyssmith> Thanks. Will try it. Let's move on? 20:46:18 <MrsB> Dave showing his greybeard credentials :) 20:46:31 <olivier_cc> Yes very nice tip 20:46:50 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 20:46:59 <MrsB> Anything else before we go on? 20:47:12 <olivier_cc> Cheers to tmb, ennael and mageia-dev. I gather there was a lot of work done during last days. 20:47:20 <DavidWHodgins> MrsB: White beard now. ☺ 20:47:25 <MrsB> lol 20:47:41 <tmb> lewyssmith, you use nVidia drivers ? 20:47:50 <lewyssmith> ATI. 20:48:37 <vladz> I use nVidia proprietary 20:49:10 <MrsB> lets move on then 20:49:27 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Luigi's Roundup 20:49:36 <MrsB> #topic Testing updates 20:49:40 <MrsB> missed one 20:50:04 <wilcal> I think 20:50:06 <DavidWHodgins> Oops. Sorry about that. 20:50:06 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15221 20:50:07 <wilcal> Is ready to move on. 20:50:07 <[mbot> Bug 15221: normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , Update request: kernel-3.14.32-1.mga4, kernel-3.14.32-1.mga4.src.rpm 20:50:10 <MrsB> We have quite a few there now but alot of kernels 20:50:27 <wilcal> Now that that one is cleared I can move on to the others 20:50:42 <wilcal> Super job there David and oliver 20:50:47 <MrsB> Has anybody installed kernel, dbus, x11 & glibc at the same time? 20:51:03 <MrsB> they'll liekly be pushed together and there is alot of potential to go wrong 20:51:12 <wilcal> You got that right 20:51:18 <DavidWHodgins> I have, though with Mageia 4, not 5. 20:51:19 <olivier_cc> I have all of them installed MrsB 20:51:31 <olivier_cc> and everything ok 20:51:32 <MrsB> I haven't touched any of those yet so plan to install them all at once 20:51:35 <wilcal> My 64-bit, Nvidia, Vbox is a multiheaded beast 20:51:47 <MrsB> all at once i mean though olivier_cc, rather than one at once 20:51:53 <olivier_cc> Ah ok 20:52:02 <wilcal> so many things are changing anyone of them can tank the whole thing 20:52:02 <Luigi12_work> I installed them in stages, which would have also separated out any issues, but now I have all three up and running on here, no problems 20:52:15 <tmb> they are all running on live x86_64 systems here 20:52:24 <wilcal> I'm back on'em tomorrow and Sat 20:52:36 <wilcal> will look at the new live isos too 20:52:50 <MrsB> So individually ok, we've seen that before though. I'd like to just ensure they're ok when installed in a lump 20:53:10 <Luigi12_work> yeah they're fine together 20:53:16 <MrsB> i mean in one go Luigi12_work 20:53:24 <Luigi12_work> what difference does that make? 20:53:28 <MrsB> it's what caused the previous issues with nvidia 20:53:33 <olivier_cc> I can downgrade all of them to install them back at the same time 20:54:15 <MrsB> you might struggle olivier_cc 20:54:37 <MrsB> I'll be testing them tomorrow anyway, in a lump 20:55:11 * Luigi12_work hopes you don't find a lump 20:55:18 <olivier_cc> lol 20:55:30 <MrsB> already a big enough lump as it is 20:55:46 <wilcal> Vbox is not moving this time so there's less risk 20:56:08 <Luigi12_work> yeah we were relatively close to having things clearable yesterday, but then we had to push more updates today :o( 20:56:14 <MrsB> We still need some sysadmin assistance with the sympa update tmb please 20:56:23 <wilcal> Note to folks testing Running Vbox in a Vbox client is not a valid test 20:56:28 <Luigi12_work> guillomovitch built a new sympa package 20:56:30 <Luigi12_work> did anyone test it? 20:56:46 <MrsB> not yet, didn't realise 20:56:58 <MrsB> we've been a bit busy elsewhere to do much in depth stuff 20:56:59 <tmb> well, vbox is not critical during update, it's the gpu drivers that gets us if any... 20:57:01 <Luigi12_work> ok 20:57:59 <olivier_cc> had a try on sympa but too obscure for me to go anywhere 20:58:07 <MrsB> i see, looks like it may be ok now. Another one for the list tomorrow 20:58:39 <MrsB> Are there any others there that look scary? 20:58:48 <MrsB> http://mageia.madb.org/tools/updates 20:58:52 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ] 20:59:03 <MrsB> drakx-net :\ still not touched it 20:59:05 <olivier_cc> draknet 20:59:48 <MrsB> we have a couple of weeks now to get back on top of the updates list so we'll have more time for things like that 21:00:13 <wilcal> After I get past these kernels and the new isos I'll get back to bugs 21:00:17 <ennael> so how is it going on isos side ? 21:00:28 <DavidWHodgins> I'll try to start testing again. 21:00:34 <MrsB> wilcal: could you do some upgrades please 21:00:41 <wilcal> yup 21:00:41 <MrsB> hi ennael 21:00:49 <ennael> hi back 21:01:00 * Luigi12_work turns around 21:01:03 <olivier_cc> Hi ennael 21:01:07 <DavidWHodgins> lol 21:01:15 <MrsB> We *could* release as-is but there is a fix for EFI on USB for classical so at your descretion if you want to rebuild 21:01:38 <ennael> about menu label 21:01:39 <ennael> ? 21:01:41 <MrsB> yes 21:01:51 <olivier_cc> grub.cfg 21:01:57 <DavidWHodgins> I think a rebuild would be better. 21:02:00 <MrsB> that one 21:02:13 <ennael> as you want if you are ready for tests 21:02:16 <ennael> I can build it now 21:02:36 <MrsB> i think more people with EFI are likely to use USB than a DVD. so might be as well to do so 21:02:46 <MrsB> could also pick up the release notes ennael 21:04:16 <MrsB> #info fresh classical ISOs being built for EFI issues 21:04:30 <DavidWHodgins> Better to put out iso images that work late, rather then put out images sooner, that don't work. 21:04:38 <MrsB> yes 21:04:42 <lewyssmith> Agreed. 21:04:55 <olivier_cc> yes 21:05:01 <MrsB> So we need you EFI guys to test this please 21:05:10 <olivier_cc> yes :) 21:05:32 <olivier_cc> never tire of it 21:05:46 <DavidWHodgins> Shall we move on? 21:05:57 <MrsB> yep, thanks 21:05:58 <wilcal> please 21:06:00 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Luigi's Roundup 21:06:10 <MrsB> Luigi12_work: ping 21:06:28 <DavidWHodgins> ping Luigi12_lappy 21:06:48 <MrsB> if he's on lappy he's skiving 21:06:56 * Luigi12_work is here 21:07:02 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 21:07:09 <wilcal> Hello Luigi 21:07:21 <lewyssmith> Hello David. 21:07:26 <olivier_cc> welcome back Luigi 21:08:04 <Luigi12_work> haven't had time to send an e-mail to the list, but still needing help with various security updates 21:08:14 <wilcal> I wanna to mention that what Adobe/Flash did the last couple weeks is inexcusable. 21:08:15 <wilcal> They plinked 100's of millions of platforms, twice. 21:08:33 <MrsB> want to list them all again Luigi12_work or send an email? 21:08:39 <Luigi12_work> upstream is still working on libtiff CVEs, socat still hasn't fixed their issue in 2.0 21:08:53 <DavidWHodgins> I've documented the test procedure for krb5, so anyone testing it should check the wik link. 21:08:58 <Luigi12_work> Fedora finally started working on java-1.8.0-openjdk (Cauldron) but it doesn't build and I don't understand the error 21:09:19 <MrsB> :o 21:09:19 <Luigi12_work> sudo looks like it needs to be updated to the newest version, but it has a linking error I don't know how to fix 21:09:21 <DavidWHodgins> Ouch! 21:09:32 <Luigi12_work> waiting on Fedora to get to Tomcat 21:09:44 <wilcal> Luigi do we depend more on Fedora or Red Hat or both the same 21:09:47 <Luigi12_work> apparently the Tomcat issue was reported upstream almost a year ago and they just fixed it /o\ 21:10:23 <olivier_cc> security issue ? 21:10:27 <Luigi12_work> so yeah I'll need to compose an e-mail to the dev list, hopefully get some help 21:10:32 <DavidWHodgins> So we can expect a tomcat update? 21:10:46 <Luigi12_work> also with the upstream patch for openldap it fails in the test suite, but Oden said it worked for him on MBS 21:11:05 <MrsB> #info Security updates, help needed please: java-1.8.0-openjdk (Cauldron) - not building, sudo - linking error, openldap - fails test suite 21:11:07 <Luigi12_work> remmy saw the maradns bug, so he'll get to that when he has time 21:11:16 <MrsB> he's been on a bit more lately 21:11:17 <Luigi12_work> so I'm at the mercy of a lot of things I can't do much about right now 21:11:54 <MrsB> send email to dev about it then Luigi12_work as a start, we'll have to monitor it and ask ennael to poke some people :) 21:12:04 <Luigi12_work> yep 21:12:42 <MrsB> you can raise stuff liek this at council meetings too 21:13:16 <Luigi12_work> ok, yeah especially if there's a real problem 21:13:23 <MrsB> yeah 21:13:48 <MrsB> So nothing in the pipeline? 21:14:09 <Luigi12_work> sudo and tomcat are the bugs I filed this week, that's all 21:14:21 <MrsB> #info sudo and tomcat updates coming 21:14:28 <MrsB> \o/ 21:14:43 <Luigi12_work> hopefully sooner rather than later 21:14:59 <MrsB> well we're back on duty now so keep'em coming ;) 21:15:10 <Luigi12_work> :D 21:15:27 <lewyssmith> Masochism? 21:15:35 <Luigi12_work> that's for the security researchers 21:15:35 <MrsB> delegation 21:15:41 <Luigi12_work> seems like every time they go looking for bugs, they find some 21:15:57 <MrsB> incredible isnt it 21:16:00 <Luigi12_work> indeed 21:16:00 <tmb> Luigi12_work, tell them to stop look :) 21:16:06 <Luigi12_work> tmb: ;o) 21:16:21 <MrsB> Thanks then Luigi12_work 21:16:22 <DavidWHodgins> coling: is not a member of th council, according to http://people.mageia.org/g/mga-council.html 21:16:24 <[mbot> [ people.mageia.org: g/mga-council ] 21:16:31 <MrsB> anybody any questions for Luigi? 21:16:53 <olivier_cc> Yes is tomcat a security issue ? 21:17:01 <Luigi12_work> in general, yes 21:17:13 <MrsB> tomcat is easy to test 21:17:14 <Luigi12_work> one of the most highly exploited pieces of software out there (especially server software) 21:17:15 <olivier_cc> too bad then it waited so long 21:17:35 <tmb> well the whole java stuff is a security issue... 21:17:38 * tmb hides 21:17:39 <Luigi12_work> apparently this particular issue is "unique" 21:17:43 <Luigi12_work> tmb: you are correct 21:17:51 <MrsB> oh, unique doesn't sound good 21:17:56 <Luigi12_work> the Java and Flash plugins are the most highly exploited software on the planet 21:18:16 <Luigi12_work> MrsB: yeah, I actually first found about it from a news article 21:18:25 <MrsB> nice 21:18:31 <DavidWHodgins> As well as php 21:18:31 <brian__> well - everybody uses them so it would be attacked 21:18:39 <MrsB> another non-security security update? 21:18:44 <Luigi12_work> brian__: yeah high exposure for the plugins 21:19:24 <DavidWHodgins> Shall we move on? 21:19:26 <MrsB> There's only one topic left.. 21:19:31 <Luigi12_work> sweet 21:19:37 <DavidWHodgins> #topic Anything else? 21:19:45 <MrsB> Is there anything else? 21:19:47 <leuhmanu> yep 21:19:52 <MrsB> ohh 21:19:52 <DavidWHodgins> Nothing else here. 21:19:57 <MrsB> go on leuhmanu 21:20:06 <DavidWHodgins> leuhmanu: Go for it. 21:20:08 <leuhmanu> As I see many mail about uefi in the ml (many :p ) 21:20:54 <leuhmanu> is there a wiki pageor a section that explain what's to do, to have it working for all iso ? 21:21:07 <Luigi12_work> ,wiki efi how-to 21:21:08 <[mbot> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/UEFI_how-to 21:21:12 <leuhmanu> updated to last recent change, and for end user 21:21:17 <leuhmanu> this is not the case 21:21:27 <leuhmanu> I will add it to https://www.mageia.org/5/ 21:21:28 <[mbot> [ Download Mageia 5 beta2 ] 21:21:39 <leuhmanu> as a link or copy paste (so it can be translated) 21:22:02 <MrsB> Lewis/tmb, could you have a look please and update it if necessary 21:22:30 <lewyssmith> I have lost track... 21:22:36 <leuhmanu> as simple as possible, think end users 21:22:47 <MrsB> it's a good point 21:23:10 <lewyssmith> But I will have a look, although tmb is the touchstone. 21:23:10 <leuhmanu> thanks ;) 21:23:12 <MrsB> #info https://wiki.mageia.org/en/UEFI_how-to should be updated with current info please for end users 21:23:24 <MrsB> tmb volunteer? 21:24:02 <wilcal> I've heard there's more Flash stuff on the way. Probably Java too always a panic 21:24:07 <Luigi12_work> remember, tmb hid 6 minutes ago 21:24:12 <MrsB> think he's hiding, yes 21:24:25 <DavidWHodgins> It should also cover how windows users can mount an iso image (If that's possible), to copy the contents of the iso to the usb device. 21:24:42 * tmb unhides 21:24:50 <MrsB> wb :) 21:24:54 <Luigi12_work> yeah there's a Windows program you can use that lets you use an ISO as a drive 21:24:54 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: Over to you... 21:25:00 <Luigi12_work> we have it at work, I forget what it's called 21:25:12 <MrsB> that can be your bit then Luigi12_work 21:25:15 <tmb> so, Windows users can use winrar or 7zip to unpack isos 21:25:16 <Luigi12_work> lol 21:25:35 <olivier_cc> 7zip works well for that I concur 21:26:13 <Luigi12_work> disadvantage of unpacking is you have to use the disk space twice (once for the ISO and once for the unpacked files) 21:26:24 <Luigi12_work> this other thing just lets you use the ISO directly as a drive 21:26:30 <Luigi12_work> I'll ask around to find what it is 21:26:41 <tmb> Luigi12_work, nope, just unpack directly to usb stick 21:26:47 <leuhmanu> you can extract directly 21:26:52 <Luigi12_work> tmb: oic 21:26:56 <leuhmanu> hum slowly network 21:27:01 <MrsB> Somebody volunteer to put all this on the page ? 21:27:06 <remyservices> with win8 and above you can mount iso's directly and copy from there 21:27:16 <Luigi12_work> nobody uses win8 or above 21:27:29 <remyservices> still 7zip is the easiest way 21:27:35 <MrsB> useful feature 21:27:53 <leuhmanu> it doesn't have to be so much complex too :) 21:28:19 <tmb> I will try to update the efi pages tomorrow... I'm too tired now... I already see 2 computers... hmmm maybe I should sell one :) 21:28:23 <Luigi12_work> MagicISO 21:28:27 <Luigi12_work> that's what the thing is called 21:28:29 <MrsB> thanks tmb 21:28:37 <MrsB> #info tmb will update the wiki page 21:28:42 <Luigi12_work> tmb: lol :D have a good night 21:28:52 <lewyssmith> Luigi12_work: If you have EFI with Win, it will be 8 at least. 21:29:11 <tmb> lewyssmith, nope, Win7 does efi too :) 21:29:12 <Luigi12_work> lewyssmith: lol, good point 21:29:13 <MrsB> Is there anything else else? 21:29:22 * MrsB looks at wilcal 21:29:23 <leuhmanu> nop 21:29:32 <lewyssmith> tmb: Yes, but it would be rare. 21:29:34 <DavidWHodgins> Not here 21:29:38 <MrsB> flash sucks 21:29:42 <Luigi12_work> seconded! 21:29:47 <wilcal> not here 21:29:54 <olivier_cc> nothing else else here either 21:29:58 <Luigi12_work> ,gg occupy flash 21:29:59 <lewyssmith> Nor me. 21:30:05 <Luigi12_work> ,google occupy flash 21:30:06 <DavidWHodgins> Claire, time for the countdown, I think 21:30:06 <[mbot> Occupy Flash - The movement to rid the world of the Flash Player ...: <http://occupyflash.org/>; Occupy HTML - The movement to rid the world of HTML purism: <http://occupyhtml.org/>; Occupy Flash seeks to rid world of Adobe Flash - Nov. 17, 2011: <http://money.cnn.com/2011/11/17/technology/occupy_flash/>; Occupy Flash (@OccupyFlash) | Twitter: <https://twitter.com/occupyflash>; DailyTech - Occupy Flash and (2 more messages) 21:30:07 <wilcal> go go HTML5 21:30:20 <Luigi12_work> party time 21:30:21 <MrsB> Thanks for coming then everybody 21:30:24 <MrsB> T - 5 21:30:26 <MrsB> 4 21:30:28 <MrsB> 3 21:30:29 <MrsB> 2 21:30:29 <lewyssmith> Goodbye all. 21:30:31 <MrsB> 1 21:30:33 <MrsB> #endmeeting