20:11:58 <MageiaTJ> #startmeeting 20:11:58 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Nov 22 20:11:58 2018 UTC. The chair is MageiaTJ. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:11:58 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:12:25 <MageiaTJ> #Who's New? 20:12:34 <Benmc> meetbot is working today 20:12:39 <MageiaTJ> #topic Who's new 20:13:15 <Benmc> stroibe974? 20:13:16 <stroibe974> I'm new! I've been part of the docteam for a few month and I just joined QA as an ISO tester 20:13:20 <MageiaTJ> Anybody here who hasn't attended a QA meeting before? 20:13:52 <MageiaTJ> Ah. Tell us a bit about yourself, and we'll do the same. 20:14:20 <stroibe974> I pointed out that mga7-beta-1 doesn't use azerty layout when selecting the French keyboard 20:15:05 <stroibe974> well, I'm French... I've been a user of Mageia since Mageia 1, and a Mandriva... hmmm a Mandrake user before that ;) 20:15:51 <Bequimao> The French keyboard is borked anyway ... does not contain all necessary keystrokes. 20:16:11 <stroibe974> if you are on the doc-discuss ML, you've already seen a message from me, inviting everyone to give their opinion about a new version of Mageia Welcome 20:16:23 <MageiaTJ> I'm a farmer in Central New York State, USA. I've been using Mandrake/Mandriva/Mandriva since 2002, and have been on the QA team since Mageia 4. 20:17:12 <MageiaTJ> Mandrake/Mandriva/Mageia. Sigh. Brain is too fast for fingers. 20:17:15 <tarazed> I'm a retired astronomer/computer programmer in Edinburgh Scotland, been in IT for over 50 years. 20:17:54 <tarazed> Yeah, RedHat -> Mandrake 7.2 20:18:09 <Benmc> Im a electronics technician from waikato, NZ, like many others a Mandrake => Mandriva => Mageia user. been with QA since Mga4 too 20:18:50 <hviaene> I am a retired programmer/system analyst from Belgium - Antwerp 20:19:16 <MageiaTJ> I was one of those hit with the bug that caused us to issue Mageia 4.1. I volunteered as a tester for that iso. 20:19:30 <hviaene> In computers since 1971 20:20:29 <Bequimao> I am also a retired programmer from Germany. My nick refers to Brazil. 20:20:55 <MageiaTJ> Is that everyone? 20:20:56 <Benmc> im just tired :) 20:21:21 <MageiaTJ> Being a farmer, I can't retire until forced to. 20:21:42 <MageiaTJ> :) 20:21:44 <Benmc> I dont think my customers will let me 20:22:16 <Benmc> moving right along: 20:22:32 <MageiaTJ> #topic Mageia 7 isos 20:23:20 <MageiaTJ> From what I see, this set has been the most troble-free first effort in a long time. 20:23:32 <hviaene> Am I the only one trying to run on a real i586 platform?? 20:23:38 <MageiaTJ> troble=trouble 20:23:56 <tarazed> Yes they run like clockwork. The only problem here is proprietary nvidia drivers. 20:24:04 <MageiaTJ> I haven't tried my old Inspiron yet. 20:24:29 <MageiaTJ> No problem here with the nvidia340 driver. 20:24:31 <Benmc> mostly good so far 20:24:43 <hviaene> My IBM Thinkpad installs, but then does not boot at all 20:24:47 <tarazed> Mine are next generation on. 20:25:04 <Benmc> just had an upgrade fail :( but this is expected. 20:25:44 <stroibe974> I've tested the classical iso and the Live-KDE only, so far... in virtualbox 20:26:02 <tarazed> hviane: you don't get to the grub2 menu? 20:26:09 <Benmc> k3b doesnt like the x86-64 .iso. errors at 98% 20:26:20 <MageiaTJ> hviaene: Have you tried the VESA video driver? My Inspiron needs that to use Plasma. 20:26:31 <stroibe974> I haven't tested them on my 64bits laptop yet 20:26:45 <hviaene> yes, that one, but then selecting M7 nothing happens anymore 20:27:27 <Benmc> starting the install from windows 10( shudder) does the shutdown and reboot to disk - ok 20:27:53 <Benmc> i had to dig out a discarded drive 20:27:55 <tarazed> hviane: can you get to a console at all (Ctrl-Alt-F2) 20:28:22 <tarazed> Or try runlevel 3? 20:28:34 <hviaene> TJ: then I have to do the installation all over again to force the video driver to VESA?? 20:29:01 <hviaene> tarazed: nothing moves, nada, niente 20:29:19 <tarazed> If you can egt to a console you might be able to use XFdrake/drakx11 20:29:32 <hviaene> no disk acitivity whatsoever 20:30:14 <tarazed> Not even the editor at the menu selsection? 20:30:44 <hviaene> I didn't try that one. 20:31:24 <tarazed> That way you can try to reach runlevel 3. 20:31:25 <Benmc> dd you try advanced options=> recovery? 20:31:27 <hviaene> But my exissting M6 from the same grub2 menu works OK 20:32:39 <MageiaTJ> I was going to try my Inspiron, but then decided to hold off for the next round of isos. 20:33:27 <tarazed> Wifi trouble with an old workstation so I shall try a laptop next. 20:33:35 <MageiaTJ> Have you tried editing the M7 kernel options to remove "splash quiet?" 20:34:07 <hviaene> No, will do next time 20:34:17 <MageiaTJ> Might give an idea where it's hanging up. 20:34:29 <tarazed> Good idea. 20:34:38 <Bequimao> I cannot install networkmanager using dnf. I get multiple checksum errors. It should work, as the same version is installed and working in another instance. 20:36:13 <Benmc> Bequimao: have you tried another mirror? 20:36:51 <Bequimao> dnf tries all mirrors. Message is all mirrors tried. 20:38:02 <Bequimao> I assume that urpmi works. dnf metadata are corrupted. 20:38:49 <hviaene> Removed splash quiet, floods screen with messages, last screen full of "BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL dereference pointer at 0000046 20:39:23 <Benmc> tmb: welcome 20:40:54 <MageiaTJ> hviaene: That one's above my pay grade. 20:41:48 <hviaene> TJ: what do you think I feel like??? 20:42:51 <MageiaTJ> Yeah. I know. Just trying to inject a bit of humor. Sorry if I touched a nerve. 20:44:23 <hviaene> Not at all. I got the point 20:45:25 <MageiaTJ> OK, I will try the Inspiron later. What DE did you install? 20:45:54 <stroibe974> I tried KDE and Gnome 20:46:13 <hviaene> Tried Xfce and MATE each on a separate installation try. 20:46:23 <MageiaTJ> I meant hviaene. 20:46:35 <stroibe974> ooops sorry :) 20:46:46 <MageiaTJ> No problem. 20:47:21 <MageiaTJ> Just trying to duplicate his situation, if I can. 20:47:47 <hviaene> I wouldn't dream of trying to install Plasma on this little thingy 20:48:01 <stroibe974> by the way, I noticed that a few icons don't look very nice on Gnome: you can see the screenshots in the message that I sent to the French MLO forums : https://www.mageialinux-online.org/forum/topic-25644+donner-un-coup-de-jeune-aux-icones.php 20:48:04 <[mbot> [ Donner un coup de jeune aux icĂ´nes - Forum - MLO ] 20:48:52 <tmb> hviaene, that is a kernel crash 20:50:10 <tmb> hviaene, I hope the next kernel will work better... 20:50:15 <hviaene> tmb: That doesn't look good 20:50:54 <hviaene> tmb: so your advice is: give up on this one??? 20:51:37 <tmb> hviaene, yep, if it cant boot on your hw, no point in fighting it 20:51:50 <MageiaTJ> That could very well be hardware dependent, right? Meaning, it might work on my machine when it doesn't on his. 20:52:05 <tmb> MageiaTJ, yes 20:52:07 <hviaene> Damn, I like a good fight 20:53:35 <MageiaTJ> Anything more on M7? 20:53:45 <Benmc> just met a new (minor issue). grub2 not updating when install trigered from windows. default boot is last boot ie, windows 20:54:58 <Benmc> sould have included when replaceing existing mageia install 20:55:09 <Bequimao> Benmc: UEFI? 20:55:18 <Benmc> no, MBR 20:56:50 <Benmc> my upgrade (continue) just completed 20:57:49 <MageiaTJ> Shall we move on? 20:57:53 <Benmc> yep 20:58:19 <stroibe974> ok 20:58:22 <MageiaTJ> #topic Testing Updates: Any problems or questions? 20:58:53 <MageiaTJ> List is much shorter this week. 20:58:56 <hviaene> None, apart that I seem to attract all od cases these days 20:59:16 <hviaene> od=odd 20:59:57 <tarazed> There are always problems - yaml-cpp could be ready to go. Herman may have a hardware bug. 21:01:19 <MageiaTJ> Only problem I have is I often don't have the skills to do a proper test. 21:01:51 <Bequimao> What to do with yum-utils? I have dismissed everything that looks like yum as obsolete. 21:02:40 <hviaene> tarazed: a hardware bug that only manifests on this package. I'm sceptical, but i don't have another explanation as is now. 21:07:52 <hviaene> Everybody dropped out?? I see no action for 5 min. now 21:07:58 <MageiaTJ> I can check some, like libpng, for function, but I usually can't check to see if the security hole is plugged. 21:08:13 <hviaene> Oh, OK 21:09:01 <MageiaTJ> It seems we have little to say. 21:09:37 <MageiaTJ> Moving on... 21:09:50 <MageiaTJ> #topic Anything Else? 21:10:03 <hviaene> OK, I have to go anyway, g'night all 21:11:08 <tarazed> Goodbye, and have a good Thanksgiving in the USA. 21:12:02 <MageiaTJ> New Plasma packages, bugfixes here and there, I think it best to wait for the new M& isos before doing much more with that. 21:12:21 <MageiaTJ> M7. Sigh. 21:12:56 <Benmc> age and infirmity and all that? 21:12:59 <stroibe974> when are the beta-2 ISOs to be released? 21:13:06 <MageiaTJ> I suppose. 21:13:35 <MageiaTJ> No idea. That's a question for Martin. 21:13:51 <MageiaTJ> When they're ready? (Ducking) 21:13:55 <Benmc> Martin is looking at some installer reports, so probably when he has fixed them 21:14:21 <Bequimao> Looks like Martin has a fulltime job ... 21:14:25 <stroibe974> We've got a new Mageia Welcome coming soon, it would be nice if it could be shipped with M7 :) 21:14:38 <Benmc> also QT5 update is coming soon, so tat may also have a bearing on when we see some new .isos 21:16:08 <Benmc> theer is also a re-vamp of isodumper too, to include an option to have persistence now that is available for the live .isos 21:17:08 <stroibe974> yes, papoteur is very busy with that, too! 21:18:16 <Benmc> hopefully to be released in tandem with M7 21:18:38 <MageiaTJ> Anything else? 21:18:57 <stroibe974> nothing else here 21:19:19 <Benmc> not from me 21:19:53 <MageiaTJ> Countdown time, then. 21:20:02 <MageiaTJ> T-5 21:20:13 <MageiaTJ> T-4 21:20:21 <MageiaTJ> T-3 21:20:28 <MageiaTJ> T-2 21:20:37 <MageiaTJ> T-1 21:20:49 <MageiaTJ> #endmeeting