20:24:48 <ennael> #startmeeting 20:24:48 <Inigo_Montoya`> Meeting started Tue Jan 5 20:24:48 2016 UTC. The chair is ennael. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:24:48 <Inigo_Montoya`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:24:57 <ennael> hi all thanks for attending 20:27:17 <Akien> Hi everyone 20:27:37 <DavidWHodgins> Has the mass rebuild been started yet? 20:27:51 <ennael> woot what crazy atmosphere tonight :) 20:27:59 <DavidWHodgins> lol 20:28:12 <Akien> Hehe, everyone still recovering from the holidays :p 20:28:14 <ennael> ok let start with fun 20:28:18 <wilcal> Ya it's raining in Southern California 20:28:22 <ennael> #topic fOSDEM 20:28:32 <ennael> #undo 20:28:32 <Inigo_Montoya`> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0xb6a1a7cc> 20:28:35 <ennael> #topic FOSDEM 20:28:45 <ennael> so we have a booth there 20:29:09 <ennael> there is a wiki page: https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Fosdem_2016 20:29:20 <ennael> I will mail about it all ML to register 20:29:27 <ennael> for attendees, booth, diner 20:29:37 <ennael> are some of you going there? 20:29:38 <Akien> wilcal: 10cm snow here ;) 20:29:48 <Akien> ennael: I intend to be there yes 20:30:04 <Akien> Still need to plan my travel and accommodation, but it's on my agenda :) 20:30:16 <papoteur> I can't be there, sorry. 20:30:23 <ennael> as last year I'd like to propose to help contributers to go there 20:30:27 <ennael> financially I mean 20:30:47 <DavidWHodgins> I agree with that 20:31:48 <ennael> I had in mind marja, tmb, MrsB and maybe others if they ask for 20:31:53 <ennael> wdyt? 20:32:56 <papoteur> ennael: yes OK for me. 20:33:22 <Akien> Yes, I think we could help any major contributor if they want to come but the expense is a bit too tough 20:33:29 <Akien> marja, tmb and MrsB are a good example of "major" :) 20:33:35 <papoteur> how are our accounts? 20:33:46 <Akien> Pretty good I think: http://treasurer.mageia.org/ 20:34:03 <ennael> yep and some is missing still I need to update 20:35:27 <ennael> ok so let's vote for helping contributers 20:35:28 <ennael> OK 20:35:42 <tmb> ok for me 20:35:52 <papoteur> Ok for me too. 20:35:54 <DavidWHodgins> Ok 20:35:58 <wilcal> ok 20:35:59 * tmb voting for me weird ? 20:36:02 <ennael> :) 20:36:06 * tmb voting for tmb weird ? 20:36:07 <Latte> ok 20:36:27 <Akien> Ok for me 20:36:38 <papoteur> tmb: you should go out of the room during the vote ;) 20:36:50 <DavidWHodgins> Anyone against? 20:37:10 <tmb> papoteur, :) 20:37:38 <ennael> ok done then :) 20:37:42 <DavidWHodgins> Looks like we can call that vote unaminous 20:38:12 <ennael> on my side I've ordered pens and table clothe 20:39:51 <ennael> we will have also flyers, usb keys, CDs 20:39:58 <ennael> and tee-shirts 20:40:07 <Akien> Awesome :) 20:40:25 <Akien> I think we should prepare a blog post asap in atelier so that people still have time to make arrangement if they want to join us 20:40:30 <ennael> also we should have an ARM demo thanks to blino and pterjan 20:40:36 <ennael> yep 20:40:57 <wilcal> on a Raspberry Pi? 20:41:01 <ennael> yep 20:41:12 <wilcal> wow 20:41:35 <ennael> Akien: would be nice to do it asap as we need to book for the diner 20:41:54 <Akien> yep 20:42:05 <Akien> You can #action me as Schultz is not around :) 20:42:23 <ennael> oups 20:42:28 <ennael> #chair Akien 20:42:28 <Inigo_Montoya`> Current chairs: Akien ennael 20:42:32 <ennael> hop 20:42:33 <ennael> :) 20:42:57 <Akien> #action akien gets atelier to prepare a blog post about FOSDEM + inscription for booth and dinner asap 20:43:26 <Akien> "inscription" is frenglish but whatever :p 20:43:50 <ennael> :) 20:43:52 <DavidWHodgins> s /inscription/register/ 20:43:59 <Akien> DavidWHodgins: yep thanks :) 20:44:42 <Latte> you will stay at Hotel Villa Royale? 20:45:16 <Latte> still unsure if I should come - it's so far 20:47:34 <Akien> Latte: It's just one quarter of France away :) 20:47:47 <Akien> OK one half ;) 20:48:01 <tmb> :) 20:48:10 <Latte> ah ok - then... 20:48:12 <DavidWHodgins> France is so small though. :-) 20:48:24 <ennael> anything else? 20:48:24 <Akien> We should also ping on dev, discuss, discuss-fr, etc. about it 20:48:36 <ennael> will send an mail 20:48:50 <Akien> OK, I'll open a topic on the forums 20:49:23 <ennael> thanks 20:49:28 <ennael> ok next topic then 20:49:39 <ennael> #topic Mageia 6 20:49:53 <wilcal> before that a few words about scale 20:50:01 <ennael> :) 20:50:08 <ennael> it's only a title 20:50:13 <ennael> ok so 20:50:25 <ennael> father christmas was not that nice 20:50:32 <wilcal> we have a very good position on the show floor 20:50:43 <ennael> we still have annoying bugs in installer 20:50:54 <ennael> some have been fixed this last é weeks 20:50:56 <ennael> é 20:50:58 <ennael> 2 20:51:30 <ennael> still we have 2 of them 20:51:58 <ennael> one is about X on vbox at least so it hangs and finally switch driver 20:52:06 <ennael> tmb: are you aware of that one? 20:52:17 <tmb> nope, wich one ? 20:53:25 <Akien> I've noticed this one a few weeks ago when making a vbox install indeed 20:53:37 <ennael> "X server is 20:53:38 <ennael> slow to start" repeated a lot of time when starting install. 20:54:01 <Akien> Is there a bug report? 20:54:08 <ennael> wonering 20:54:12 <ennael> let me check 20:54:41 <ennael> shame on me 20:54:43 <ennael> I'll do it 20:55:32 <ennael> also we have a bug with scriplet not executed during install while it's done outside installer 20:55:40 <tmb> ah, we had stuff like that with efi setup for mga5... I will poke at it 20:56:02 <ennael> well it happens also with i586 20:56:54 <tmb> ennael, yeah, but the efi bug was also about mis-detecting driver to use... 20:57:28 <ennael> ah 20:57:36 <tmb> I guess the xorg driver autoloader is screwing up... 20:57:52 <ennael> damned 20:58:39 <tmb> but I think it's fixable by overriding / forcing driver for installer 20:58:52 <ennael> that would be great indeed 21:00:31 <ennael> second one is about scriplets failing 21:00:59 <ennael> work in progress thanks to tv and neoclust but quite slowly 21:01:02 <ennael> help welcome 21:01:55 <Akien> Has the cause of this bug been identified? 21:02:14 <ennael> not yet 21:02:50 <tmb> do we have bugreport for the scripts issue ? (or is it the same as those I saw when building live medias) ? 21:03:51 <Akien> I guess this one: https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17217 21:05:04 <tmb> ah 21:05:19 <ennael> yep I guess it's that one 21:05:27 <ennael> quite easy to reproduce just install in vbox 21:05:31 <ennael> or kvm 21:05:47 <Akien> Here are the 6dev1 bugs: https://bugs.mageia.org/buglist.cgi?f1=status_whiteboard&o1=substring&query_format=advanced&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&v1=6dev1&list_id=56599 21:06:36 <ennael> otherwise desktop env install is quite ok on my side 21:06:41 <ennael> so in much better shape 21:07:58 <wilcal> has anyone figured out what the mcc won't launch 21:08:13 <wilcal> that would be very helpful 21:08:23 <tmb> I wonder if the new rpm filetriggers have some issues we have uncovered with our installer 21:08:25 <ennael> is there a bug report ? 21:08:33 <ennael> tmb: could be.. 21:10:12 <Akien> So, how can devs help tv and neoclust? 21:10:45 <ennael> work has restart only yesterday really 21:11:04 <ennael> so maybe a bit early but any fresh ideas welcome 21:13:29 <Akien> Ok, I'll see with neoclust what's the status 21:13:43 <Akien> I guess we need this fix before we start spinning ISOs? 21:13:56 <Akien> *these two bugs fixed 21:13:59 <ennael> yep 21:16:05 <Akien> When should we have the mass release? 21:16:36 <Akien> *rebuild 21:16:37 <Akien> :) 21:16:41 <ennael> well if we do it we should do it now I guess 21:17:46 <ennael> wdyt? 21:18:14 <DavidWHodgins> The sooner the better, to find out where problems are. 21:18:23 <Akien> Yes that would probably be wise 21:18:38 <Akien> We should just make sure there are not big known issues that would make it worse than it should 21:18:39 <papoteur> No advice on that. Can a mass rebuild break more things? 21:18:54 <Akien> e.g. the java stack seems to be a bit difficult right now IIRC 21:19:14 <ennael> well releaseing with broken java stack is doable I guess 21:19:34 <tmb> atleast for dev1 isos :) 21:19:57 <ennael> yep 21:20:58 <ennael> ok pterjan is checking some points before launching it 21:21:34 <Akien> The latest autobuild is quite bad though: http://pkgsubmit.mageia.org/autobuild/results.php?run=2016-01-04 21:21:57 <Luigi12_work> yeah we need to get the build error count down before doing a mass rebuild 21:22:07 <ennael> 10% about 21:22:21 <ennael> better to do it now in early stage 21:22:52 <Luigi12_work> it has less value if it's done too early, if there will still be a lot of package churn before the release 21:23:53 <Luigi12_work> that being said, it's probably close to the right time 21:24:03 <ennael> we still have to solve php mess 21:24:13 <Luigi12_work> yeah I'm not sure what to do about that 21:24:28 <Luigi12_work> hopefully upstream can be convinced to extend 5.6's support, since 7 was released while not truly being "ready" 21:24:59 <blino> about the filetriggers issue, IIRC I experienced it a few months ago in my early ARM chroots that I prepared for pterjan, so probably not an installer-only issue 21:26:57 <ennael> damned 21:27:01 <DavidWHodgins> What's the difference between autobuild and mass rebuild? 21:27:03 <tmb> blino, well it does seem to be a "chroot" issue as installer runs chrooted... I wonder if rpm is not detecting the chroot properly... 21:27:23 <ennael> that was one of tv ideas if I remember well 21:27:38 <blino> I'll mail him about this 21:27:55 <Luigi12_work> DavidWHodgins: the autobuild doesn't put the built packages into the repository, it's just a test to see which packages are not currently buildable 21:28:01 <ennael> blino: thanks 21:28:10 <DavidWHodgins> Ok. Thanks 21:28:17 <tmb> I wonder if it would be wise to compare our earlier filetrigger code/logic to upstream implemented one to see if one can spot the failure 21:30:41 <Akien> That might be a good hint for tv 21:33:14 <Akien> I guess everybody is starting to sleep already :p 21:33:23 <ennael> anything else on that point ? 21:33:26 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 21:33:57 <wilcal> I've a couple questions words about Scale 21:35:43 <ennael> ? 21:36:23 <wilcal> http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/14x 21:36:46 <wilcal> does anyone have a good link to a Mageia logo pdf? 21:37:05 <ennael> #topic scale 21:37:22 <Akien> You can use the SVG: http://www.mageia.org/en/about/media/ 21:37:28 <Akien> http://www.mageia.org/g/media/logo/mageia-2013.svg 21:37:45 <Akien> (might need to crop off some of the white space depending on what you need to do) 21:37:59 <wilcal> i do have 8 passes to the show if anyone wants to make the trek 21:38:19 <wilcal> 4hrs on Friday, 10 on Sat and 4 on Sun 21:38:49 <wilcal> My girlfriend has accepted the role of "booth babe" 21:39:05 <ennael> :) 21:39:05 <wilcal> she's likely to be there pending on work 21:39:12 <tmb> :) 21:39:38 <wilcal> fwiw best booth babes I've seen in the world were in Paris 21:39:57 <wilcal> we have an excellent position in the center of the show floor 21:40:03 <tmb> wilcal, thanks a lot for your work regarding Scale :) 21:40:11 <ennael> indeed 21:40:19 <wilcal> no prob it's gonna be fun to show the flag 21:40:41 <wilcal> Note this is a massive show maybe 5000+ attendees 21:40:52 <DavidWHodgins> Almost as far for me, as fosdem. :-) 21:41:04 <wilcal> Probably the biggest linux show in the Americas 21:41:16 <wilcal> Oh question 21:41:38 <wilcal> if someone what is the principle languages Mageia is written in what would be the answer 21:41:56 <wilcal> perl?? or whatever 21:43:00 <ennael> klingon 21:43:01 <ennael> oups 21:43:06 <wilcal> lol 21:43:06 <DavidWHodgins> lol 21:43:12 <tmb> most of installer and drakx tools are perl yes.... some tools are python, and the rest is according to upsream codebase 21:43:30 <wilcal> perl/python 21:44:03 <wilcal> I suspect most of the questions will be about the evolution of Mageia from Mandrake 21:44:48 <wilcal> I have that one sheet page I will have on the table. This laptop has most of the GUI's to demonstrate 21:44:51 <tmb> wilcal, we took the best from Mandr* and run :) 21:45:22 <ennael> nice sum up 21:45:30 <wilcal> I'll see if I can webcast from my Ustream account if that works 21:45:37 <wilcal> that's it for now 21:45:41 <ennael> thanks :) 21:46:11 <ennael> I propose to stop the meeting for tonight as it's already quite late unless somebody has something to add 21:46:26 <wilcal> good idea 21:46:40 <DavidWHodgins> Fine with me 21:46:47 <tmb> just one reminder... 21:47:25 <tmb> for those that can... please help QA team with tests and Security team for security fixes ... :) 21:47:34 <ennael> :) 21:47:48 <Luigi12_work> please, yes, we're drowning :o) 21:47:49 <ennael> MrsB, get out this body! 21:47:50 <ennael> :) 21:48:08 * DavidWHodgins needs a new body too. :-) 21:48:46 <ennael> ok then we can close the meeting and finish holidays :) 21:48:52 <ennael> thanks for attending 21:49:01 <ennael> #endmeeting