19:13:57 <ennael> #startmeeting 19:13:57 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Tue Sep 1 19:13:57 2015 UTC. The chair is ennael. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:13:57 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:14:07 <ennael> hi all 19:14:25 <DavidWHodgins> HiYa 19:14:32 <ennael> hope you are all ok :) 19:15:02 <marja> ennael: hope you are, too :-) 19:15:03 <ennael> I'd like to propose each team to speak about the current activities, maybe a sum up of post mortem, current actions... 19:16:22 <ennael> is it ok. 19:16:23 <ennael> ? 19:16:23 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Can you speak for qa? I've been too sick to keep up with what's going on. 19:16:35 <wilcal> I can 19:16:40 <Akien> ennael: sounds good to me 19:16:49 <ennael> ok :) 19:16:58 <ennael> wilcal is a volunteer :p 19:17:03 <ennael> #topic QA team 19:17:10 <ennael> wilcal: your turn then :) 19:17:36 <wilcal> OK. The extremely long list of bugs to be validated has been worked down to just a long list 19:18:16 <wilcal> Since Summer is kinda behind us I anticipate more people resources to keep the list manageab;e 19:18:47 <wilcal> We are also really counting on M4 going EOL as anticipated I think on 17 or 19 Sept 19:18:59 <wilcal> That will take some of the pressure off 19:19:02 <DavidWHodgins> 19th 19:19:12 <ennael> yep ok 19:19:47 <wilcal> I would ask the developers to watch whatever bugs they have for validation to make sure QA is not waiting for something 19:19:50 <ennael> #info updates list decreased a lot, waiting for EOL of mga4 planned for September 19th 19:20:19 <wilcal> That's pretty much it in a nut shell 19:21:11 <marja> a bit related... now that Luigi12_work is pretty much alone, do security updates still get packaged fast enough? 19:21:14 <wilcal> Kudos to the QA team for once again a super job 19:21:40 <ennael> indeed 19:21:52 <wilcal> I'll have to ask David to answer that one 19:22:26 <marja> Luigi12_work: or are you around? 19:22:27 <Akien> From what I can see David still does his job pretty well, but he seems indeed to have much on his hands 19:22:30 <wilcal> QA has responded to critical updates very fast 19:22:44 <wilcal> One a Firefox update just a day ago got pushed in hours 19:22:53 <marja> nice :-) 19:23:21 <wilcal> And we're get'n really good at the bi-weekly Flash disaster :-) 19:23:28 <marja> lol 19:23:36 <ennael> :) 19:23:41 <Luigi12_work> hello 19:23:48 <ennael> Firefox was indeed nicely managed 19:23:48 <marja> Luigi12_work: hi 19:24:14 <Luigi12_work> the intent of my job was never to package all of the security updates myself to begin with 19:24:24 <Luigi12_work> it was to track which security updates are *needed* in Mageia 19:24:31 <Luigi12_work> I just packaged a lot of them too to speed the process along 19:24:40 <Luigi12_work> somewhere along the way, this turned into everyone expecting me to do everything myself 19:24:54 <ennael> this can be a reminder on packagers team 19:24:55 <Luigi12_work> which I cannot do, and I've been much busier the last few months than I've been before that 19:25:04 <ennael> Akien: a note for us :) 19:25:08 <Luigi12_work> so I can't package all of the updates or even try to anymore, I just don't have the time 19:25:13 <wilcal> So this should be the task of the packaging team 19:25:20 <Luigi12_work> and I'll have even less time going forward 19:25:27 <Luigi12_work> so I need more support from the packager team 19:25:50 <wilcal> Can we have some feedback from the packager team on this issue for the next meeting here 19:26:02 <ennael> see my note to Akien above 19:26:05 <Akien> Yes, that's already the case but it should be made clearer that packagers are _expected_ to work on security updates 19:26:19 <marja> maybe we could add it to what apprentices need to do to become a full packager: correctly commit at least one security update (+ bug report + advisory etc) 19:26:44 <Luigi12_work> I think the apprentice list is long enough now 19:26:53 <Luigi12_work> and most of them do usually end up helping with one security update 19:26:55 <Akien> Most of the time maintainers do the packaging work after they've been asked a couple of times, but the big issue is that most packages are nobody's 19:27:09 <Luigi12_work> nobody or inactive packagers 19:27:14 <Akien> And then most packagers tend to assume that the security maintainer for nobody's packages is David... 19:27:28 <wilcal> It should not be that way 19:27:45 <Akien> (me included, when it's a package for which I have absolutely no clue...) 19:28:52 <Akien> So to improve this I think we could work on making it clearer to all packagers that they *have* to due security packaging too 19:29:08 <Akien> Sander's reports and subsequent package drops help with that already 19:29:26 <Luigi12_work> yep, it's much appreciated 19:29:28 <Akien> But I guess ennael and I could try to emphasize the need a bit more 19:29:34 <ennael> regular meetings will help 19:29:38 <Akien> Indeed 19:29:50 <ennael> could be one topic for a meeting 19:29:58 <ennael> "how do I handle sec update" 19:30:25 <Akien> Another thing I'm hoping for would be that "maintainer teams" could help with reducing the number of nobody packages, and hence the number of security issues that only David has a look at 19:30:54 <Akien> Yes we could have a meeting with David as key speaker to explain his workflow 19:31:20 <ennael> yep 19:31:29 <ennael> not sure everybody knows how to do it 19:33:30 <Akien> I guess that's it for QA + security 19:33:31 <ennael> #info more explanation to be given about sec updates workflow and who is doing what 19:33:40 <Akien> Who's next? 19:33:46 <Sebsebsebbb> Hi 19:33:57 <ennael> i18n people around? 19:34:37 <Akien> Latte: ping 19:34:51 <Akien> Though I'm around too for i18n :) 19:35:15 <marja> ah, yes, you're interim deputy 19:35:19 <ennael> ok then ) 19:35:19 <ennael> :) 19:35:24 <ennael> #topic i18n team 19:36:03 <Akien> So basically for i18n it's business as usual. Translators continue working at their pace, most of them via Transifex, and ask Yuri and Filip to push their changes to git 19:36:40 <Akien> There have been a couple of translation bugfixes too lately, nicely handled by Filip not to break existing translations :) 19:36:49 <Latte> oh hi 19:36:54 <Latte> sorry 19:37:05 <marja> Latte: welcome 19:37:18 <Akien> The postmortem section is empty, but we might also have forgotten to tell translators about it... *hides* 19:37:48 <wilcal> If someone were to ask you how many languages is Mageia available in what would be the answer. 19:38:21 <ennael> :) 19:38:21 <Latte> I'm very sorry not be very present the last weeks - I hardly manage to follow any ml 19:38:24 <Akien> That's a very good question, and not so easy to answer. 19:38:58 <Akien> Via its Mandriva heritage, Mageia is available in many languages (at the time of the fork we said "167 languages", though I never checked) 19:39:06 <wilcal> One number I saw was about 170 19:39:30 <Akien> Now, we have way less active translation teams, so I'd say we have maybe 20 to 30 maintained translations 19:39:51 <wilcal> Is there an official listing somewhere? 19:39:52 <Akien> The rest are still usable, but would have English strings for all strings that were changed since the fork 19:39:54 <ennael> shall we plan some cleaning? 19:40:16 <marja> but for some languages, like Frysian and Limburguish, if you select them in installer you get a message our tools don't have the language and installer uses English instead 19:40:26 <marja> Frisian 19:41:17 <Akien> Actually I think the initial "170" is nonsense, like marja said it probably accounts for "symlinks" :) 19:41:27 <Akien> The complete list is here: https://www.transifex.com/MageiaLinux/mageia/ 19:42:36 <Akien> So counting only languages > 50% complete, we have 36 languages 19:42:53 <Akien> Of those, by a quick glance I'd say 2/3 have active translation teams 19:43:01 <ennael> could we plan a blog post on i18n work and tools? 19:43:16 <Akien> Yes, good idea. 19:43:51 <Akien> I don't think we need to clean old translations; it's probably best to have a half translated system as a system not translated at all (at least for people who don't read English) 19:44:08 <marja> Akien: I agree fully with that 19:44:19 <Akien> And half translated stuff should also encourage potential translators to help us ;) 19:44:29 <marja> indeed :-) 19:44:38 <Akien> But we should review this "167 languages" stat that we show on the website and wiki 19:44:45 <Akien> It's completely wrong :) 19:44:53 <marja> it is 19:45:07 <Akien> Apart from that, some teams are really eager to translate the wiki :) 19:45:47 <Akien> Having the wiki upgraded and with the translate extension will likely be the main request of i18n for this release cycle 19:46:05 <Akien> That plus some automatisation between Tx and git to make the workflow more flexible 19:46:54 <Akien> The first point needs a VM upgrade IIRC, so it's fully dependent of the sysadmins. The second point requires mostly a meeting between some i18n gurus and coling :) 19:47:18 <ennael> ok let me try to poke admins 19:47:54 <marja> Akien: when we start using the translate extension, we're getting used to translatewiki..... we might end up moving all translation work there in the end 19:48:33 <marja> Akien: which wouldn't be bad, since translatewiki is completely open source 19:49:30 <Akien> That might be worth looking into, at least to know how it would work 19:49:31 <marja> Akien: only mentioning it before someone invests too much time in Tx synchronisation 19:49:45 <Akien> Though I'm not particularly looking forward to yet another migration :p 19:50:51 <ennael> #action plan a blog post about work and tools for i18n team 19:50:55 <marja> Akien: of course not .... but for translators with time, they could already practice by translating mediawiki strings in translatewiki (since those strings will end up in our wiki, too) 19:52:14 <marja> not true: I meant the strings for the interface, not for the pages 19:52:22 <ennael> #action check with sysadmins about wiki upgrade to support multi languages 19:54:56 <marja> tmb knows, mentioning it in case another sysadmin looks into it: nikerabbit from upstream is willing to help 19:55:21 <ennael> that would be great 19:55:25 <marja> from upstream mediawiki (and he's the author of the translate extension) 19:56:17 <Akien> Yes, though the first step is an infra upgrade, so nikerabbit can't help yet. 19:56:25 <marja> indeed 19:57:17 * marja hopes the infra will be split, too so that partial access can be given when useful 20:00:13 * marja understood or dreamt that people like Luigi12_work and wally would be willing to help with sysadmin tasks 20:00:49 <marja> when it is no longer "no access or access to everything", that would be easier 20:02:33 <Akien> Indeed 20:02:42 <Akien> Should we move to the next team? 20:02:51 * marja hides 20:03:03 <ennael> sorry pb with connection 20:03:06 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 20:03:08 <ennael> packagers team ? 20:03:10 <marja> ennael: np 20:03:58 <Akien> ennael: Yep 20:04:36 <ennael> #topic packagers team 20:05:06 <ennael> here we go :) 20:05:25 <Akien> ennael: your turn :p 20:06:00 <ennael> so basicaly we tried to speak about current team status 20:07:44 <ennael> we need to relaunch regular meetings 20:08:08 <ennael> maybe different way of handling it. For example propose sepcific topic for a meeting 20:09:26 <ennael> also relaunch mentoring 20:10:26 <ennael> we will work also on building a team focused on drakx tools 20:10:37 <marja> \o/ 20:11:01 <ennael> mainly to help on developing, fixing and finding more functionnalities 20:15:17 <ennael> we will work also on sec updates pb and see how we can communicate and hire more people 20:15:53 <Akien> Yes, and we need to find how to recreate some momentum and get a lively dev and packaging team working on this Mageia 6 :) 20:16:07 <ennael> yep 20:16:18 <Akien> Another release cycle like Mageia 5's would be pretty damaging to the project as a whole IMO. 20:17:35 <papoteur> It's a big program ;) 20:18:03 <Akien> Indeed :) 20:18:24 <ennael> yep imply, communicate, motivate 20:18:26 <Akien> So ennael and I will likely need all the help we can get 20:18:41 <marja> yep! 20:18:46 <Akien> We'll try to spark the fire, but we need everybody to blow on it :) 20:19:14 <Akien> (ennael always has her matches nearby :p) 20:19:24 <ennael> indeed gnarc 20:21:00 <ennael> we should plan first meeting next week 20:21:10 <ennael> same hour same day? 20:21:19 <marja> fine with me 20:21:33 <marja> and probably good for maat :-) 20:21:57 <Akien> First dev meeting you mean? 20:21:58 <marja> although he isn't a packager, is he? 20:22:00 <Akien> Good idea 20:22:01 <ennael> Akien: yep 20:22:31 <ennael> Akien: let see after meeting how to write the mail for it 20:23:22 <ennael> Akien: anything else for packagers? 20:24:06 <Akien> I still need to bug them to write feature requests :) 20:24:33 <ennael> ok 20:24:44 <ennael> next, docteam? 20:24:45 <Akien> Apart from that, Cauldron is already pretty broken, so packagers are still doing their job :p 20:24:50 <ennael> :)) 20:25:24 <Akien> Break, repair, stabilise, break, repair, stabilise. That's a silly workflow, but quite funny :p 20:25:36 <marja> lebarhon: papoteur: do you have things to add for docteam, to what was said last meeting (or the one before)? 20:25:53 <wilcal> I try to install Cauldron about 1x/wk from boot.iso No success yet 20:25:55 <marja> apart from longing for the wiki upgrade ;-) 20:26:23 <wilcal> When will KDE Plasma5 be in there 20:26:26 <papoteur> Hello 20:27:19 <marja> wilcal: it is already in cauldron, works pretty well here (some tweaking of xorg conf needed on intel) 20:27:34 <papoteur> I had some rest in summer, and lebarhon does a page for installation Mafgeia alongside Windows 8+ 20:28:14 <marja> thx 20:28:31 <lebarhon> We need somebody to check modifications in the "official doc" about UEFI 20:28:32 <papoteur> We hope also some news aabout updating the wiki. 20:29:25 <lebarhon> There are still some questions about dual boot Mageia/Windows8 20:29:41 <lebarhon> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_in_dual_boot_with_Windows8_and_over 20:31:01 <lebarhon> and we are waiting for the new wiki, we already spoke about it 20:31:37 <ennael> ok we can add some of these topics to packagers meeting 20:31:56 <marja> lebarhon: thx for your work on that page 20:32:03 <papoteur> Juergen added a page on transferring files with an Android device. 20:32:06 <papoteur> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/File_transfer_with_Android_devices 20:32:25 <lebarhon> David started to check it and Papoteur also 20:32:39 <papoteur> Everyone can also check it. 20:33:07 <marja> that's a great job of Juergen (and those who helped him) 20:34:02 <lebarhon> there is a new fr team very active to translate the wiki 20:34:21 <marja> :-) 20:35:37 <papoteur> I think it's all for documentation. 20:35:51 <papoteur> lebarhon: ? 20:35:52 <marja> wilcal: sorry, misunderstood your question.... you could do a minimal install and then install task-plasma5 to get it 20:36:27 <lebarhon> papoteur: Yes, indeed 20:36:31 <ennael> ok 20:36:51 <wilcal> ahh so install xfce first i suspect 20:37:27 <marja> wilcal: for instance, but plasma5 should indeed be added to the desktop selection screen 20:37:52 <marja> or better, replace KDE4 there 20:38:27 <wilcal> last week I could'nt get xfce to install 20:38:36 <wilcal> using boot.iso 20:38:36 <ennael> ok any other representative around? 20:38:47 <wilcal> I have something for marketing 20:38:57 <wilcal> and the rest of us 20:39:09 <marja> ennael: for Bugsquad, I prefer to discuss with Stormi first about what to report :-) 20:39:22 <ennael> ok :) no pb 20:39:30 <marja> wilcal: what's that? 20:39:45 <wilcal> I am in contact with the officials at: 20:39:46 <wilcal> http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/14x 20:39:47 <[mbot> [ SCALE 14x | 14x ] 20:39:48 <wilcal> Jan 21 -> 24 2016 20:39:49 <wilcal> I am anticipating that Mageia will be granted a "non-profit/community generated" 20:39:51 <wilcal> status and will be offered a 10ftx10ft space to exhibit. I've been to a number 20:39:52 <wilcal> of Linux Expos here in the States and SCALE ranks right up there with the largest. 20:39:54 <wilcal> Yes, this is the week before FOSDEM in Brussels. As I move forward I'll work 20:39:55 <wilcal> with Mageia as to what should be exhibited. At this point I don't anticipate 20:39:57 <wilcal> any expenses on Mageias part. 20:41:00 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Perhaps preparing dvds to give away. 20:41:04 <marja> wilcal: nice 20:41:20 <wilcal> Lets see what we have by that time. 20:41:28 <ennael> great 20:41:47 <wilcal> A few to give out every day otherwise we'd need a truck load 20:41:57 <wilcal> It's a big show 20:42:30 <wilcal> Gotta work with marketing on a tri-fold with where to get the iso's 20:44:29 <papoteur> wilcal: will you have some help or are alone? 20:44:31 <ennael> just ping if you need some materials for it 20:44:52 <wilcal> will do as we get closer. Will follow with what's being done for FOSDEM 20:45:01 <marja> wilcal: maybe diogenese would be interested in helping you with the stand? 20:45:12 <wilcal> I'd be nice to have some help and a couple people offered a few months ago 20:45:23 <wilcal> yes dio was one that offered 20:45:27 <marja> nice 20:45:51 <wilcal> Otherwise i'm gonna hire some "booth babes" :-)) 20:46:06 <DavidWHodgins> lol 20:46:09 <wilcal> I've done that before 20:46:21 <wilcal> Did it in Paris once 20:47:12 <ennael> you did like booth babe ? 20:47:32 <papoteur> ennael: ;) 20:47:41 <wilcal> good ones, not dumb ones, cost a lot of Euros/Dollars 20:47:52 <wilcal> Best ones are in Las Vegas 20:48:17 <wilcal> There's booth dudes too 20:49:20 <Akien> The best booth attendants are Mageia contributors and users though :) 20:49:40 <wilcal> Absolutely 20:49:50 <wilcal> best ones are ennael and tmb 20:50:36 * ennael cannot dance or sing 20:50:55 <wilcal> Doing slick card tricks are a good draw 20:51:15 <ennael> anything else? comment? question ? 20:51:17 <wilcal> FWIW I've done 100's of trade shows going back into the early 70's 20:51:21 <marja> card tricks with kpatience? 20:51:22 <wilcal> I'm done 20:52:29 <marja> thx wilcal :-) 20:53:02 <papoteur> ennael: about Solution Linux ? 20:53:57 <ennael> well we have booked a booth 20:54:24 <ennael> we will see how to organize this 20:54:28 <ennael> call for volunteers also 20:54:47 <papoteur> We have to writea post on MLO. 20:54:52 <ennael> yep 20:55:20 <papoteur> And a page on wiki ? 20:55:37 <ennael> I think baud created it already 20:57:11 <marja> not in our wiki... maybe in the MLO one? 20:57:28 <papoteur> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Paris_Open_Source_Summit_2015 ? 20:57:29 <marja> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Special:Contributions/Baud 20:57:55 <ennael> yep 20:57:57 <papoteur> epilip done it 20:57:58 <marja> ah, written by epilip 20:58:03 <marja> :-) 20:58:03 <ennael> in fact 2 french events have merged 20:58:15 <ennael> solution linux and open world summit 20:59:11 <papoteur> Epilip suggested a post in blog 20:59:35 <ennael> yep could be 21:02:26 <papoteur> I will write on MLO. 21:02:36 <marja> papoteur: thx 21:02:42 <ennael> thanks 21:02:46 <ennael> anything else? 21:02:52 <wilcal> not from me 21:02:54 <marja> fall asleep? 21:02:59 <ennael> also :) 21:03:13 <marja> :-) 21:03:56 <ennael> so thanks for attending tonight 21:04:06 <marja> ennael: thx for leading the meeting 21:04:20 <DavidWHodgins> I have to go. So bye for now. 21:04:26 <wilcal> bye all 21:04:27 <marja> DavidWHodgins: good night 21:04:31 <ennael> see you all next time 21:04:32 <marja> wilcal: good night 21:04:35 <papoteur> Good night 21:04:36 <ennael> night all 21:04:40 <ennael> #endmeeting