19:40:44 <ennael> #startmeeting 19:40:44 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Mon Jun 9 19:40:44 2014 UTC. The chair is ennael. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:40:44 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:40:54 <ennael> hi all and thanks for attending this meeting 19:41:06 <MrsB> hi ennael 19:41:13 <DavidWHodgins> Hi ennael 19:41:23 <Akien> Hi there 19:41:31 <DavidWHodgins> Hi Akien 19:41:33 <grenoya> hi 19:41:50 <ennael> ok let start then 19:42:06 <ennael> #topic status and financial review 19:42:35 <ennael> don't know if you checked the last board meeting for Mageia.Org but we took several decisions there 19:42:39 <DavidWHodgins> Other then the cat on my lap, who currently wants his chin scrachted, I'm ready. 19:43:09 <ennael> as a quick review here are the decisions 19:43:24 <ennael> - we move the head office to make things easier after some departures 19:43:33 <DavidWHodgins> Sorry I missed that meeting. 19:43:42 <ennael> - we move the bank agency for the same reasons 19:43:56 <MrsB> bank branch 19:44:18 <ennael> - tmb is now treasurer for the association and we will work together on that topic 19:44:52 <ennael> administrative tasks are in progress to achieve all this and we should be ok before this summer 19:45:19 <ennael> donation list is now up to date on the web site 19:45:25 <MrsB> \o/ 19:45:48 <MrsB> http://meetbot.mageia.org/mageia-meeting/2014/mageia-meeting.2014-05-28-19.39.html meeting logs 19:45:50 <ennael> and finally the new server and all what is needed for has been bought 19:45:52 <[mbot> [ #mageia-meeting Meeting ] 19:46:08 <DavidWHodgins> Good! 19:46:10 <ennael> il will be delivered to maat as he lives near from the datacenter 19:46:32 <ennael> Lost Oasis is waiting for him so that we can have new servers installed 19:46:57 <tmb> ennael, did you get info about the spare 2TB disks ? 19:47:03 <ennael> not yet 19:47:09 <ennael> still have t find the info 19:47:12 <tmb> :/ 19:47:32 <MrsB> will he be installing it or will it still need a trip by a sysadmin? 19:48:07 <ennael> and finally we have about 8k € in bank account and 1 k€ on paypal account 19:48:17 <ennael> even after last expenses 19:48:28 <ennael> MrsB: maat will install it on his own 19:48:46 <ennael> and he should join sysadmins team if it's all ok 19:48:50 <MrsB> cool, thanks maat! 19:49:31 <ennael> any questions on this ? (sorry it was quick :) ) 19:49:41 <DavidWHodgins> No questions here. 19:50:24 <MrsB> it's some good progress 19:50:29 <papoteur> no question 19:51:17 <filip_> yeah. we should deal with such departures as they happen 19:52:02 <ennael> and I'm waiting for a git repository dedicated to all official docuemnts for the association so that we can have all necessary transparency in the way we work 19:52:45 <DavidWHodgins> According to the sysadmin-commits mailing list, thats now been done. 19:53:22 <DavidWHodgins> Don't know if permissions have been setup for it yet. 19:53:31 <ennael> in progress I cannot see it on gitweb 19:53:44 <ennael> ok next topic then 19:54:05 <ennael> #topic teams review 19:54:15 <ennael> #chair MrsB tmb 19:54:15 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: MrsB ennael tmb 19:54:22 <MrsB> uhohh 19:54:38 <ennael> power for women :) 19:54:40 <ennael> hum 19:55:01 <wilcal> Seems I got here at just the right time, after the financial review 19:55:09 <MrsB> hi wilcal 19:55:15 <wilcal> Hi MrsB 19:55:21 <MrsB> Who's going first? 19:55:23 <DavidWHodgins> Hi wilcal 19:55:31 <wilcal> Hi David 19:55:32 <ennael> as announced on ML, it was decided to cancel first alpha release for mageia 5 19:55:40 <ennael> and keep the planning as it 19:55:42 * tmb is not a woman afaik 19:55:54 <ennael> tmb: sorry :) 19:56:26 <DavidWHodgins> lol 19:56:54 <MrsB> grenoya: do you want to go first? 19:56:57 <ennael> ok let's go for teams review 19:57:11 <ennael> #info atelier review 19:57:15 <ennael> grenoya: your turn :) 19:57:25 * MrsB escaped 19:57:33 <grenoya> :) 19:58:00 <grenoya> first point (from this morning) : Flickr login issue 19:58:10 <grenoya> as said on Atelier and sysadm MLs : flickr will soon (30 June) require yahoo account to log in. This will probably make artwork submissions a bit more awkward and might prevent some people from uploading artwork. 19:58:19 <grenoya> Max proposed to move the contest on our wordpress with the following plugin : https://wordpress.org/plugins/nextgen-public-image-uploader/ 19:58:21 <[mbot> [ WordPress NextGen Public Image Uploader (PUP) � WordPress Plugins ] 19:58:34 <grenoya> tmb : did you lot had time to think about it? WDYT of it? 20:00:12 <tmb> well, biggest problem is that the host blog is running on does not have a lot of storage space 20:00:36 <tmb> (it's one of the gandi vm's) 20:00:38 <grenoya> big problem indeed 20:02:01 <MrsB> does that record in some way the person who created the artwork? 20:02:59 <ennael> what about owncloud ? I saw some discussion some weeks ago 20:03:06 <Akien> I guess it would make more sense to install a fresh wordpress instance on something such as gallery.mageia.org, with enough storage space, and dedicated for artwork submissions 20:03:17 <Akien> Or any other tool, such as owncloud yes 20:03:56 <MrsB> i think owncloud might be better, with ldap auth, so it will give ownership 20:04:27 <grenoya> do we have such a storage space? 20:05:13 <tmb> seems evem mediawiki have gallery extensions 20:06:33 <tmb> sadly bad timing, but I will look into what to set up for now 20:06:47 <grenoya> tmb: thanks :) 20:07:07 <grenoya> other point from Atelier : goodies 20:07:19 <grenoya> I've contacted the people in Germany, Belgium and France that have some of our goodies and I'll do a wiki page for that 20:07:56 <grenoya> mainly we are running out of stickers and appropriate size of T-shirt 20:08:08 <grenoya> Atelier now have to work on new stickers and flyers 20:09:12 <grenoya> MrsB: next? 20:09:44 <MrsB> you're revitalising atelier grenoya, it's good to see 20:10:22 * grenoya feels like she killed evberyone here and in Atelier... 20:10:28 <ennael> :) 20:10:33 <MrsB> QA can go next 20:10:42 <ennael> #info QA team review 20:11:00 <MrsB> We had a big push to clear the backlog of bugfix type updates 20:11:23 <filip_> grenoya: not at all 20:11:31 <MrsB> we've set aside this week to concentrate on mga4.1 ISOs 20:11:35 <wilcal> Kinda like pushing agains the tide 20:11:49 <MrsB> tmb also dropped a new kernel on us again 20:12:00 <wilcal> I'm pretty happy with the latest 4.1 isos 20:12:32 <MrsB> the new kernel is included on the ISO so we're able to use those towards the kernel validation 20:13:00 <MrsB> Live ISOs are being tested although not many people are testing at the moment 20:13:17 <MrsB> classic ISOs have not been built yet 20:13:26 <MrsB> ennael any news on that front please? 20:13:27 <ennael> hope to be able to finish it tonight 20:13:45 <MrsB> live isos so far look ok 20:13:54 <ennael> good to hear 20:13:58 <MrsB> we're not expecting any huge surprises 20:14:29 <DavidWHodgins> The small amount of testing I've done here has all gone well. 20:14:33 <MrsB> with mga5 alpha 1 due on July 8th it leaves 3-4 weeks before we'll need to begin testing those too 20:14:51 <MrsB> 3wks isnt it really 20:15:56 <MrsB> if anybody wants to help test the ISOs please email me and i'll send you some details how to get hold of them 20:16:27 <MrsB> or ping me here or something 20:16:56 <MrsB> it's been pretty exhausting recently, non-stop busy 20:17:43 <MrsB> i think that's about it from QA 20:17:55 <ennael> ok who's next ? 20:18:27 <papoteur> Docteam 20:18:36 <ennael> #info docteam review 20:19:09 <papoteur> We are working to add some languages for Official documentation 20:19:32 <papoteur> Turkish is in a good way. 20:19:51 <ennael> great 20:20:19 <papoteur> We can have soon Romanian screenshot, has the text is advanced in translations. 20:20:40 <papoteur> PT_BR is in progress. 20:21:36 <papoteur> We look for help to add the navbar in our html pages. 20:22:40 <papoteur> In this page, you can see there no link to return on the main site http://doc.mageia.org/mcc/4/en/content/index.html 20:22:41 <[mbot> [ Mageia Control Center ] 20:22:57 <grenoya> papoteur: what page? 20:23:23 <papoteur> grenoya: ^^^^ 20:23:53 <grenoya> those page are generated by calenco, adding a navbar may not be easy 20:24:18 <papoteur> I will ask filip_ also 20:25:03 <filip_> papoteur: grenoya is right 20:25:45 <MrsB> there must be a stylesheet somewhere which creates it though 20:26:05 <papoteur> I propose to continue later on IRC 20:26:29 <filip_> papoteur: yeah. but some other day please 20:26:39 <papoteur> Of course ;) 20:27:29 <papoteur> We discuss also about fusion of docteam and i18n/l10n 20:28:01 <papoteur> exchanges are on mailing-lists 20:28:27 <papoteur> It's all for me. 20:28:52 <MrsB> what's the reaction to fusing the teams? positive or negative? 20:29:47 <papoteur> Positive at main, but we should figure more precisely what will be after the fusion. 20:30:02 <ennael> that's good to know 20:31:00 <MrsB> packagers next? 20:31:08 <ennael> ok 20:31:15 <ennael> #info packagers review 20:31:25 <ennael> so we had our last meeting last week 20:31:39 <ennael> we have now all features chosen 20:32:05 <wilcal> For M5? 20:32:14 <ennael> yep it was not completely finalized 20:32:38 <ennael> we will write a blog post to speak about it 20:32:49 <MrsB> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/FeatureMageia5_Review 20:32:55 <wilcal> Are there any major technology changes in M5? 20:32:58 <ennael> and make it sexy enough for future communicaitons :) 20:33:52 <ennael> also we will start again mentoring in coming days 20:34:25 <ennael> we should have also this week a meeting dedicated to drakx* and try to build a dev team for it 20:34:47 <MrsB> oh good, that's important 20:37:33 <ennael> I guess that's all for now 20:37:40 <MrsB> thanks :) 20:37:53 <MrsB> who's left? tmb? 20:38:51 <filip_> and l10 team 20:39:03 <MrsB> you go first filip_ 20:39:06 <ennael> #info l10 team review 20:39:12 <tmb> for sysadmins... 20:39:20 <ennael> oups 20:39:44 <tmb> ok, filip_ first then 20:40:01 <filip_> we had a meeting again where we talk about new wiki which was already released 20:40:39 <filip_> tmb offered us help and tests to setup it up 20:41:12 <filip_> we also discuss about doc/l10n team merge 20:41:36 <filip_> and we were also positive but we also didn't have a clear picture yet 20:42:44 <filip_> we have still some work on our organization 20:43:02 <filip_> and we also need to document that on wiki 20:43:21 <filip_> it needs our attention with content too 20:44:13 <filip_> we also discussed a bit about a policy to accept translators from transifex 20:45:04 <filip_> there are a lot of new translators but they seems to vanish quickly as they come. but some do stay 20:45:15 <filip_> that's a about it 20:45:27 <MrsB> that's a problem in all teams i think 20:46:38 <MrsB> tmb ready? 20:46:52 <MrsB> #topic sysadmin team review 20:48:27 <tmb> well, for sysadmins.... ennaela already told you a new server is on the way, sow that will be installed and set up... 20:49:38 <tmb> then we'll need to fininsh up the infra upgrade to mga4, wich will be easier now when we get a "local" sysadmin close to the DC 20:49:52 <tmb> *finish 20:50:18 <MrsB> that's a real plus, good of maat to do that 20:50:19 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 20:51:25 <tmb> and as I have promised, I will set up a testwiki at first to see how migration goes, and when people are happy with the tests, we do final wiki migration 20:51:54 <tmb> and today I got myself into setting up a flicr alternative :) 20:52:27 <tmb> and coling is looking into git migration for packages repos currenly living in svn 20:52:37 <MrsB> keeping you out of trouble 20:52:43 <tmb> :) 20:53:19 <tmb> so thats about all from me... 20:53:39 * coling is also doing other git migrations for ennael/org and I should really convert puppet repo at some point too... 20:54:23 <tmb> yep 20:55:00 <tmb> next :) 20:55:16 <tmb> (bedtime ?) 20:55:21 <MrsB> I think that's about everybody 20:56:10 <MrsB> should we start earlier ? 20:56:35 <wilcal> Gotta to grocery shopping :-)) 20:56:40 <grenoya> that could be a good idea, but can everyone? 20:57:03 <wilcal> Ahh stores in California are open 24/7/360 20:57:12 <DavidWHodgins> Ok by me. 20:57:39 <MrsB> we moved to 19:30utc so trisk could attend but now there's no real need to do so 20:57:43 <MrsB> trish* 20:57:44 <filip_> MrsB: I prefer earlier but I can't at Mondays 20:57:56 <wilcal> 19:00 works for me 20:58:14 <MrsB> ok well if filip_ can't then that's a good eason to keep it the same 20:58:18 <MrsB> reason* 20:58:24 <tmb> ok, me is heading to bead, but earlier meetings are ok for me 20:58:42 <MrsB> ennael: is there anything else ro shall we close? 20:58:46 <MrsB> or* 20:59:37 <ennael> looks like we did it 20:59:59 <ennael> thanks MrsB for chairing :) 21:00:01 <filip_> MrsB: grenoya is here for atelier and Akien for l10n so there is an overlap 21:00:05 <MrsB> lol np :) 21:00:08 <DavidWHodgins> So same time in 2 weeks? 21:00:13 <ennael> yep 21:00:17 <ennael> any other question ? 21:00:25 <DavidWHodgins> Not here. 21:00:28 <filip_> no 21:00:39 <grenoya> no 21:00:41 <MrsB> well we could do 19:00utc next time, lets do ML for that tho 21:01:06 <ennael> thanks for coming 21:01:09 <ennael> #endmeeting