20:05:32 <ennael> #startmeeting 20:05:32 <Inigo_Montoya`> Meeting started Mon Jul 22 20:05:32 2013 UTC. The chair is ennael. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:05:32 <Inigo_Montoya`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:05:43 <ennael> hi all 20:05:53 <sebsebseb> hi 20:05:54 <MrsB> morning 20:05:54 <marja> hi ennael :) 20:05:59 <sebsebseb> evening 20:06:19 <ennael> trishf42: enough tea? 20:06:27 <trishf42> for now... 20:06:40 <trishf42> there will have to be more in due course 20:06:50 <ennael> :) 20:07:20 <ennael> ok so as you may have seen, planning and features post has been published 20:07:54 <trishf42> yes! nice 20:08:03 <ennael> thanks tmb and MrsB for proofreading 20:08:17 <ennael> #topic blog posts 20:08:20 <MrsB> we should try to do this earlier next time I think 20:08:20 <ennael> better :) 20:08:32 <ennael> so next post is from boklm about treasurer 20:08:58 <trishf42> It's all drafted and ready, soon as the subscribe button is a go 20:08:59 <ennael> then we can have leuhmanu interview 20:09:26 <ennael> trishf42: boklm answered and said he will finalize monthly payment before 20:09:38 <ennael> so by the end of this week it's all done 20:09:42 <trishf42> leuhmanu: do you have the questions to answer? 20:09:52 <MrsB> yes he does now 20:09:53 <trishf42> ennael: ok 20:10:15 <trishf42> MrsB: +1 20:10:20 <leuhmanu> trishf42: yes MrsB send me them for ~10 days (yes I'm slow) 20:10:33 <ennael> #info next blog posts: treasurer web site, leuhmanu interview 20:10:37 <trishf42> 8-) 20:10:58 <ennael> also the guy from alcasar project is ok to fill an interview for the blog 20:11:05 <ennael> so I will send him the questions 20:11:09 <trishf42> Was hoping to see schultz here, maybe we need an artwork one soon 20:11:21 <MrsB> leuhmanu: feel free to make your own questions if you want to 20:12:11 <leuhmanu> ok will re-read older one 20:12:41 <ennael> anything else on blog ? 20:13:24 <MrsB> we'll do an interview for all teams shall we? 20:13:54 <leuhmanu> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Blog_articles_planning 20:14:23 <marja> there's already been one about docteam 20:14:45 <marja> but for the rest that sounds like a good idea :) 20:15:41 <MrsB> interview with marja? 20:16:21 <marja> MrsB: no 20:16:43 <marja> MrsB: sorry 20:16:49 <ennael> url just updated 20:17:56 <marja> MrsB: I do already go to a lot of events, it should be about people that aren't seen 20:18:17 <trishf42> Can I put one for artwork between leuhmanu and Alpha 1? 20:18:29 <ennael> yep just add it 20:18:34 <trishf42> thx 20:18:46 <malo> marja: there are far more people reading the blog than people going to events 20:18:46 <MrsB> they're to help publicise the work of the team and encourage new members marja 20:19:09 <malo> btw how many views for blog posts in general? 20:20:08 <sebsebseb> how many tweets and Facebook likes etc, more like it, with the blog post there are some stats on the page, some get not many at all according to that, and others quite a bit depends 20:20:12 <trishf42> ok, done 20:20:32 <marja> MrsB: malo: I'll reconsider..... but I think there are many others who'd be a lot more interesting 20:20:35 <ennael> really depends on the post 20:20:54 <sebsebseb> same with comments, really depends on the post, if they get comments, or not, and how many if so etc 20:21:14 <ennael> for example today's post has already 888 views 20:21:23 <marja> nice!! 20:21:28 <sebsebseb> oh ok :) 20:21:28 <ennael> usually it's rather around 400 or 500 20:21:47 <marja> ennael: how many did the one about docteam get? 20:21:52 <sebsebseb> and only some put it out on social medai after or comment, ,but over 100 hour people normally ok nice :) 20:22:14 <ennael> don't know if we have such figures 20:22:21 <marja> np :) 20:22:41 <sebsebseb> typed or whatever no hour in the above 20:22:47 * sebsebseb goes back to mainly idleing the meeting since isn't on the council 20:23:16 <trishf42> We can see the number of views on FB, by article, not sure about G+ 20:23:26 <ennael> oh yes we have it 20:23:40 <ennael> marja: 750 20:23:50 <marja> ah, thx 20:24:13 <sebsebseb> Yes Trish that's what I meant, the social media bit on the blog posts 20:25:11 <ennael> ok next topic ? 20:25:18 <marja> OK 20:25:31 <MrsB> can we slide one in about backports too 20:25:44 <MrsB> a topic i mean, not blog 20:26:02 <ennael> well we can but boklm told me he is not around tonight 20:26:19 <MrsB> tmb may know 20:26:23 <ennael> tmb: ? 20:26:35 <MrsB> coincoin too maybe 20:27:10 <ennael> ok let ask on council ML then 20:27:21 <tmb> well, BS is not configured for backports yet as all time has been focused on the git conversion of soft/ 20:29:12 <MrsB> we still need to find more sysadmins don't we 20:30:15 <ennael> http://hupstream.com/~ennael/blog_views.pdf for the figures (since the beginning) 20:32:25 <ennael> MrsB: can you mail council about backports ? 20:32:47 <MrsB> ys, i'll do it early in the morning :) 20:32:53 <ennael> ok :) 20:32:55 <MrsB> bedtime soon 20:33:08 <marja> ennael: thx for the overview 20:33:22 <ennael> #topic coming alpha 1 20:33:44 <ennael> so alpha1 is planned for 2013/08/08 20:34:01 <ennael> this should be only a dev snapshot 20:34:31 <MrsB> last alpha1 was really stable 20:34:50 <ennael> I plan to start building isos 5 or 6 days before 20:34:57 <MrsB> yes please 20:35:05 <tmb> yep, and we should try to have all isos available even for alpha1 20:35:36 * trishf42 is sneaking off for more tea 20:36:02 <leuhmanu> website is kind of done 20:36:09 <MrsB> yeah, i think people are more likely to try the live isos at this stage so if we can do we should have them 20:37:23 <ennael> ok anything else on that topic? 20:37:35 <marja> not here 20:37:39 <MrsB> I'm hoping to find time to work on creating some docs for new iso testers 20:37:47 <malo> packagers need to start on the features ... 20:38:31 <ennael> we can work on a mail for -dev about this 20:38:31 <leuhmanu> what any mail send to -dev ? 20:38:39 <leuhmanu> oh 20:38:46 <ennael> :) 20:39:31 <leuhmanu> or groups.m.o as some of them don't have subscribe on the ml O:) 20:42:45 <malo> sure I will do that 20:42:50 <malo> ennael: next? 20:43:00 <ennael> #action send an email on -dev to prepare alpha1 release 20:43:11 <ennael> #topic trademark policy 20:43:18 <ennael> MrsB, trishf42 ? 20:43:27 <trishf42> heya 20:43:30 <MrsB> ah yes 20:43:45 <trishf42> We did a bit of talking offlist... 20:44:07 <MrsB> Our current trademark policy was taken from arch who took it from ubuntu. 20:44:23 <trishf42> question: do we just want a policy, or do we want usage guidelines as well; and if so, do they 20:44:29 <trishf42> should they be merged? 20:44:38 <sebsebseb> probably both 20:44:52 <trishf42> MrsB: did you see that set of suggestions I sent? 20:45:05 <trishf42> (should maybe put it up on a pad) 20:45:36 <trishf42> Schultz and I will be working on the artwork one in the next few days 20:45:51 <trishf42> he's a bit hard to get hold of atm, on holidays 20:46:06 <MrsB> the short story is, it's come to light recently that the trademark policy has a bit of commercial bias. Some sections don't really apply or fit us well, so we need to rethink it and maybe adjust the one we have or start again completely basing it on a more suitable one or even get outside legal help. 20:46:52 <MrsB> trishf42: yes, and some from boklm from fedora 20:47:52 <trishf42> Pad is here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/Mageia_Trademark_Guidelines 20:47:54 <[mbot> [ Riseup Pad ] 20:48:41 <trishf42> I just put my suggestions up, paste anything else that's relevant 20:48:56 <MrsB> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Logo_and_trademark_policy is our current trademark policy: 20:49:46 <philippem> allways hard to write, for Firebird it took us a lot of time to write this version, feel free to re use some part : http://www.firebirdsql.org/en/firebird-brand-faq/ 20:49:47 <[mbot> [ Firebird: Firebird Brand FAQ ] 20:50:27 <MrsB> thanks for the link philippem 20:50:55 <MrsB> any comments from anybody on the existing policy are welcome and suggestions 20:51:18 <ennael> let's make it simple and concrete :) 20:51:28 <marja> is it true that it is not possible to register a trademark worldwide? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trademark#International_law 20:51:30 <ennael> if we can reuse existing one it's ok 20:51:45 <ennael> marja: you have to egister it in all countries 20:52:01 <marja> ennael: where is ours registered? 20:52:05 <trishf42> each country separately - the laws vary 20:52:07 <ennael> in france 20:52:25 <marja> OK, let's not tell that :-D 20:53:52 <trishf42> The firebird one is very legal in tone, but it says much the same as the others 20:54:15 <ennael> what about making some proposals? 20:54:23 <marja> even if it might be useful to have it registered in the USA, too, because that is the first country people will check if they want to know whether it is registered 20:55:13 <sebsebseb> hmm so really the Brazilans and Russians, can do whatever they want with the Mageia logo and name at the moment? 20:55:15 <MrsB> we can look into extending it to other countries perhaps 20:55:47 <ennael> check the price also 20:55:50 <sebsebseb> what does Fedora do for example, when it comes to this one? 20:55:53 <trishf42> I like the wording of the Debian policy better - it's much clearer (link on the pad) 20:55:54 <ennael> it can be very expensive 20:55:55 <sebsebseb> or Debain even etc 20:55:56 <marja> ennael: that is a good one! 20:56:03 <MrsB> No sebsebseb, anything available in the country of registration would be covered by the trademark registration 20:56:15 <MrsB> internet is a big place 20:56:51 <sebsebseb> I thought the whole reason this topic was coming up is since MageiaOS etc? however is there a proper Mageia trademark in their counteries? 20:57:05 <MrsB> see above 20:57:35 <MrsB> this is about the commercial bias of our current trademark policy 20:57:38 <trishf42> The USPTO doesn't seem to have Mageia registered as a trademark 20:57:42 <marja> Debian is impressively open about where they had it registered 20:58:32 <marja> (so also about where not) 20:58:40 <MrsB> the policy, as it stands, is a bit restrictive in places 20:58:58 <MrsB> it also talks of the TM symbol, which we don't use 21:00:15 <MrsB> and also has separate rules for commercial use as from non commercial use, which doesn't seem to fit our interests in being open. 21:01:28 <MrsB> have a read of it at your leisure and see what you think, we can continue this on the ML if we need to 21:02:31 <MrsB> is there a good reason/legal reason to have separate rules for commercial use? 21:02:41 <trishf42> costs for us filing are here: http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/tm_fee_info.jsp 21:02:42 <[mbot> [ View Fee Schedule: Trademark Fee Information ] 21:03:00 <sebsebseb> MrsB: for commerical use probably good to have something a bit differnet, but I don't really know about this stuff 21:03:20 <MrsB> you have to say why if you say something like that though 21:03:25 <trishf42> MrsB: maybe we have a separate section for commercial use 21:03:42 <MrsB> we already do, but does it/should it matter? 21:03:49 <sebsebseb> MrsB: why, since commericalz means money, making money, in this case using the Mageia trademark? will these companies at least donate money back to Mageia for example? 21:03:53 <trishf42> the only reason I can think of is for identification - that it's part of the community or not 21:04:13 <MrsB> that covers non-commercial use too 21:04:38 <MrsB> is there a reason to make a distinction? 21:05:43 <trishf42> and here's the WIPO (international) info: http://www.wipo.int/madrid/en 21:05:44 <[mbot> [ Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks ] 21:05:55 <trishf42> (ref the Debian Madrid Protocol mention) 21:06:07 * trishf42 sneaking off for more tea, brb 21:06:10 <marja> trishf42: thx for the links 21:06:14 <MrsB> if we say that all commercial use needs explicit approval then we do have an opportinuity to suggest making a donation. 21:06:33 <MrsB> IS ti right to do so though, and what do we count as commercial 21:07:12 <MrsB> It'll help us to see what other community projects do to get some ideas 21:07:23 <marja> MrsB: so any little computer store putting Mageia on systems, would need to ask for permission? 21:07:38 <sebsebseb> marja has a point there 21:07:40 <MrsB> no, it's nothing to do with that marja. 21:07:49 <sebsebseb> I was going to say anything making money is commerical, but marja makes a good point there 21:08:10 <sebsebseb> commerical would be like big companies I gues in general? 21:08:25 <sebsebseb> in this context/case? 21:08:27 <marja> MrsB: how is that /not/ commercial? 21:08:27 <DavidWHodgins> We should encourage them to do that, provided they don't charge for the software. 21:08:40 <MrsB> it's nothing to do with trademark is all 21:09:11 <MrsB> please take some time to read through the existing policy, it'll help to understand. 21:09:25 <MrsB> current;y that is what we have 21:09:38 * trishf42 has a house in turmoil, the cats have caught a rabbit 21:09:45 <DavidWHodgins> lol 21:10:04 <trishf42> they have it bailed up behind the fireguard, so it's safe for the moment 21:10:10 <marja> MrsB: well, in my opinion, if they advertise with Mageia computers, it is correct use of our trademark, but still commercial 21:10:38 <marja> trishf42: poor rabbit 21:10:48 <trishf42> that's why we need a set of guidelines for the council/board to decide per application 21:11:05 <sebsebseb> trishf42: you going to save that rabbit ? 21:11:15 <trishf42> the main thing is, for us to decide: do we want people to make money out of our trademark? 21:11:38 <trishf42> sebsebseb: it's safe for now, in a minute (there will be cataclysms, I'm in no hurry) 21:12:28 <MrsB> if they advertise that they sell 'Mageia computers' it could be read as if mageia were approving them or supporting them 21:12:40 <marja> it is more complicated than that...... how do you measure, if someone puts an ad in a newspaper offering Mageia computers, that he earns more than if he had just said "linux computers" 21:12:54 <sebsebseb> hmm that's a point 21:12:57 <DavidWHodgins> I don't see a problem with a computer shop selling computers with mageia on them, provided they make it clear the software is free, with no guarentee of support from Magiea 21:12:59 <sebsebseb> I think with the trademark 21:13:05 <sebsebseb> for small shops, let them sell Mageia on computers :) 21:13:10 <marja> DavidWHodgins: I agree with you 21:13:22 <sebsebseb> for magazines let them mention Mageia, but ideally we would want to know about magazine mentions :) 21:13:23 <MrsB> sebsebseb: you're confused, it's nothing to do with that 21:13:36 <MrsB> magazines yes 21:13:41 <sebsebseb> MrsB: ok I am staying out of the topic, I think I wasn't the only one confussed though 21:14:17 <sebsebseb> unless you mean like magazines, websites etc, and a bit like copyright sort of, but it's not that. 21:14:22 <MrsB> youre right. I'd suggest everybody read through our existing policy and see what fits our ethos and what doesn't 21:14:38 <trishf42> sebsebseb: read some of the other trademark policies linked, you'll get the idea 21:15:02 <MrsB> I started this discussion on the board ML but I can forward it to council ml too 21:15:23 <MrsB> it'll help to have a staring point maybe 21:15:26 <MrsB> starting 21:15:41 <marja> MrsB: wasn't it already on council ml? 21:15:53 <MrsB> not afaik 21:16:14 <trishf42> rabbit is out; if I disappear, you'll know wny 21:16:52 <marja> MrsB: beginning July there were some mails about our trademark 21:17:14 <MrsB> yes, this was 19th July 21:17:43 <marja> MrsB: ah, we indeed did not get that one :) 21:18:05 <MrsB> i'll forward it tomorrow so we're all on the same page 21:18:12 <marja> MrsB: thx 21:18:56 <MrsB> shall we move on for now (now that everybody is completely confused :D ) 21:19:04 <marja> yep :) 21:19:22 <MrsB> ennael: 21:20:16 <MrsB> she's gone :\ 21:21:36 <MrsB> just to be clear, the trademark policy is nothing to do with who can use mageia or sell mageia 21:21:59 <ennael> sorry phone call :(( 21:22:06 <MrsB> it's to do with use of the mageia 'branding' and name 21:22:18 <sebsebseb> yeah so magazines, websites, t-shirts for examlpe ? 21:22:28 <MrsB> sebsebseb: please read the policy 21:22:43 <MrsB> this won't be solved by guesswork 21:24:00 <MrsB> there are places in the existing policy where is may be too restrictive 21:24:02 <ennael> ok so basically how should we proceed ? 21:24:25 <MrsB> i'll fforward the email from board ML to council so peole are starting from the same page 21:25:31 <ennael> ok 21:27:24 <MrsB> shall we move on? 21:28:02 <ennael> yep 21:28:12 <ennael> time for teams review ? 21:28:39 <ennael> #action MrsB will forward her mail from board to council to work on 21:31:15 <MrsB> gtg soon 21:31:46 <ennael> ok let's mail it on council then 21:32:00 <marja> OK 21:32:14 <ennael> if each team can write an email about what is going on and what is planned for the coming month 21:32:22 <ennael> so that everybody can know what is happening 21:32:29 <marja> team holiday ;-) 21:32:34 <ennael> :) 21:32:46 <ennael> ok so let's end meeting then 21:32:56 <ennael> thanks for coming and sorry for the delay 21:33:00 <marja> np 21:33:05 <ennael> #endmeeting