19:07:24 <papoteur_> #startmeeting 19:07:24 <Inigo_Montoya`> Meeting started Mon Apr 9 19:07:24 2018 UTC. The chair is papoteur_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:07:24 <Inigo_Montoya`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:07:52 <papoteur_> #chair lebarhon apb Kernewes yurchor Jybz 19:07:52 <Inigo_Montoya`> Current chairs: Jybz Kernewes apb lebarhon papoteur_ yurchor 19:08:26 <papoteur_> I'm happy to meet you today. 19:09:00 <papoteur_> #topic CJK fonts 19:09:50 <lebarhon> What does CJK stand for ? 19:10:17 <papoteur_> yurchor dealt with the help of camil publications in Japanese and Chinese of PDF 19:10:18 <yurchor> lebarhon: Chinese, Japanese, Korean 19:10:22 <Kernewes> lebarhon: I'm glad you asked that :) 19:10:41 <apb> Kernewes: me too :) 19:11:31 <Kernewes> yurchor: thank you 19:11:32 <papoteur_> this needs to choice a specific stylesheet for the publication. 19:13:34 <papoteur_> we have to note that in the wiki 19:13:45 <yurchor> Ok. 19:14:01 * papoteur_ doesn't find anymore the page 19:14:24 <yurchor> I will write down the procedure by the next weekend. 19:14:38 <papoteur_> yurchor: you're welcome 19:15:14 <papoteur_> #topic calenco documentation revision (antony work) 19:15:16 <lebarhon> this one ? https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Calenco_publications 19:15:35 <yurchor> lebarhon: Thanks. 19:15:40 <papoteur_> lebarhon: yes, thanks 19:16:21 <papoteur_> apb: I think it's your turn ;) 19:16:35 <lebarhon> action ? 19:17:31 <papoteur_> #action ? yurchor report procedure for CJK publication in https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Calenco_publications 19:17:56 <lebarhon> thanks yurchor 19:20:00 <apb> Oh, sorry. I don't really have anything specific. I just await feedback/instructions etc. 19:20:01 <papoteur_> apb worked on Netinstall manual 19:20:21 <lebarhon> apb did a great job 19:20:54 <papoteur_> some info are reported here: https://annuel2.framapad.org/p/GsDj9uR2Br 19:20:55 <[mbot> [ Framapad annuel ] 19:21:41 <apb> lebarhon: Thanks - I have been quite worried in case I was going the wrong way. 19:22:20 <yurchor> Great job. 19:22:27 <lebarhon> the wrong way about what ? bootIso/NetInstall ? 19:23:01 <apb> Just generally .... 19:23:20 <lebarhon> No it's great 19:23:52 <apb> Phew! A relief for sure. 19:24:14 <papoteur_> I wonder why the bootiso.xml needs to come in Netinstall.xml? 19:24:36 <lebarhon> Just one thing about Installer/Live, could you add the uninstall section 19:24:48 <lebarhon> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Docteam_meeting_agenda_submissions 19:24:48 <papoteur_> I didn't look for now to understand 19:24:49 <apb> papoteur_: In the first place? 19:24:51 <lebarhon> line 13 19:25:21 <apb> papoteur_: ok. 19:27:15 <apb> lebarhon: Me? If so, I will have a look at it later. 19:27:37 <lebarhon> I was asked last time to do a poll 19:27:53 <lebarhon> Only Lewis answered 19:27:57 <papoteur_> All or manual xml file are only container. Netinstall is shorter, of course 19:28:35 <lebarhon> apb: yes later, when you can, it is for Mageia 7 19:28:49 <apb> lebarhon: Ok. 19:28:54 <lebarhon> Thanks 19:29:30 <papoteur_> apb: lebarhon: isn't just adding an include? 19:30:09 <lebarhon> it is to add in the section "Uninstalling" what Lewis said in the UEFI mode 19:30:09 <apb> papoteur_: for? 19:30:38 <papoteur_> apb: for uninstall section 19:30:50 <lebarhon> not an include, it is text 19:31:07 <apb> Ah. As per lebarhon 19:31:13 <papoteur_> lebarhon: sorry, OK 19:31:59 <lebarhon> is it clear for all ? 19:32:12 <lebarhon> sorry if I am confusing 19:32:56 <papoteur_> lebarhon: no, it's clear. 19:33:53 <papoteur_> #action uninstall section is to rewrite with UEFI in mind 19:34:53 <lebarhon> and Lewis proposal 19:35:11 <papoteur_> #undo 19:35:11 <Inigo_Montoya`> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x7f3ed1b818d0> 19:35:30 <papoteur_> #action uninstall section is to rewrite with UEFI in mind and Lewis proposal 19:35:55 <lebarhon> it was not worth a redo :) 19:36:08 <papoteur_> ;) 19:37:41 <papoteur_> something else on this topic? 19:38:16 <yurchor> papoteur_: Can I sync the stable docs translations with Calenco? 19:39:04 <papoteur_> yurchor: what do you mean with stable docs? 19:39:56 <yurchor> papoteur_: Docs in /workspaces/Documentation/content/en/ 19:40:13 <yurchor> papoteur_: And docs in git 19:41:45 <papoteur_> yurchor: I think that this can be do in Documentation space 19:42:16 <papoteur_> knowing that Antony is working in Mga7 space 19:43:32 <yurchor> Ok. Thanks. 19:43:43 <lebarhon> Which space(s) are in Tx ? 19:44:14 <papoteur_> yurchor: do you mean then that we have to publish them on website? 19:44:27 <yurchor> I will split the doc translations into stable and trunk branches as soon as you give me a sign. ;) 19:45:06 <yurchor> lebarhon: No spaces on Tx. They will be split by categories. 19:45:28 <yurchor> papoteur_: Not yet. But we should for 6.1. 19:46:33 <lebarhon> yurchor: if I do translations in TX, are they for Mag 6 or 7 ? 19:48:16 <yurchor> lebarhon: If you will translate "Stable Documentation" (not yet created) category, then it will be stable docs. For "Unstable Documentation" it will be unstable. 19:48:55 <lebarhon> Ok yurchor, thanks 19:49:56 <papoteur_> do we need the unstable branch in transifex ? 19:50:57 <yurchor> papoteur_: It would be convenient to have it. KDE has it, GNOME has it, Ubuntu has it... 19:50:59 <papoteur_> I don't think so for the moment. 19:51:38 <yurchor> papoteur_: Maybe not now. But in future. 19:51:53 <lebarhon> what is the use of a non translated branch ? 19:52:15 <papoteur_> yurchor: yes for the future 19:53:11 <papoteur_> other thing on this topic? 19:53:55 <apb> Seeing as the changes to the Installer manuals seem to be generally acceptable so far, I would like to go back through and tidy up a few loose ends. Does anyone have any particular suggestions/criticism for me to bear in mind? 19:54:52 <lebarhon> may be we should decide which styles to use 19:55:18 <lebarhon> Italic, bold, .. 19:55:46 <lebarhon> I started a suggestion in the pad 19:56:52 <apb> lebarhon: People could look/think about in meantime, and revisit this in the pad? 19:57:35 <lebarhon> of course 19:57:48 <apb> Oki. 19:58:11 <apb> Any thoughts on MCC? 19:59:01 <lebarhon> it swas also line 10 in the agenda_submissions 19:59:40 <apb> I can have a look at the wording in MCC. I wont bash it about :) 19:59:41 <lebarhon> rewording "Enter a user" was refused 20:00:24 <lebarhon> and also disable the graphic test tool, it is working most of the time 20:02:21 <papoteur_> lebarhon: I recognyze that I didn't use it for a while. 20:03:57 <lebarhon> next topic ? 20:04:05 <apb> Sorry to break in - I will have to go in a minute. Any plans for regular meetings? 20:04:46 <lebarhon> I think once a month is convenient 20:04:50 <apb> Yes 20:04:52 <papoteur_> yes 20:05:16 <papoteur_> first monday of the month? 20:05:23 <lebarhon> once a month or more according to the topics 20:05:31 <papoteur_> easier to remember? 20:05:41 <lebarhon> alzheimer ? 20:05:51 <apb> lebarhon: yes 20:05:51 <papoteur_> :D 20:05:55 <apb> papoteur_: yes 20:06:34 <lebarhon> today isn't a frst monday 20:06:43 <papoteur_> #info meetings will occur on first monday each month 20:06:50 <papoteur_> #topic elections 20:07:09 <papoteur_> we have one week for elections 20:07:36 <lebarhon> who is candidate ? 20:07:45 <papoteur_> who are candidate? Who have two places, for what I know. 20:08:11 <papoteur_> I'm candidate for my actual place. 20:08:39 <apb> Ruling myself out, of course. 20:09:02 <lebarhon> apb: what do tou mean ? 20:09:09 <lebarhon> *you 20:09:29 <papoteur_> apb: you can candidate... 20:09:36 <apb> lebarhon: Not suitable. 20:10:09 <lebarhon> I don't yhink so, you are fluent in English and you are good at computing 20:11:12 <apb> But not communicating. Thanks anyway. 20:12:07 <apb> I have to go now - sorry. Thanks all. See you next meeting. 20:12:07 <lebarhon> like most of us 20:12:32 <papoteur_> lebarhon: and you? You was also at the place? 20:13:16 <apb> Night all. I'll read the rest of this later. 20:13:19 <papoteur_> apb: thanks. Good night 20:13:27 <Kernewes> apb: Good night 20:13:30 <Jybz> Good night apb 20:13:53 <apb> Night. 20:14:19 <lebarhon> I have 3 problems. Not fluent in English and i don't know much at computing. I often believe that Yurchor is speaking Ukrainian 20:14:37 <Kernewes> lebarhon: well, I disagree with that 20:14:45 <yurchor> :) 20:15:02 <papoteur_> lebarhon: me too ;) 20:15:12 <lebarhon> And now a third problem, I can't bear the news screens with led backlighting 20:15:37 <Kernewes> lebarhon: news screens? 20:15:40 <lebarhon> papoteur_: you are a lot better in computing 20:17:08 <yurchor> Journal editors keep telling me that my English is awful... So you are right. 20:17:26 <Kernewes> yurchor: what's wrong with your English? 20:17:31 <lebarhon> Yes led backlighting give me lot of tears and then migraines. 20:18:14 <Kernewes> lebarhon: what have news screen got to do with Mga docs? 20:18:19 <yurchor> Kernewes: Common mistakes. I'm writing Ukrainian phrases in English. :'( 20:18:49 <Kernewes> yurchor: but your English is fine for communicating in Mageia 20:19:24 <lebarhon> Kernewes: I can't work on a screen more than 30 mn 20:19:36 <Kernewes> lebarhon: :( 20:19:55 <lebarhon> For this meeting I use an old screen 20:20:11 <lebarhon> a small one 17 " 20:20:27 <Kernewes> lebarhon: does that mean you don't want to be a candidate this time? 20:21:14 <lebarhon> I can be a deputy, but if somebody else agree for the job, I prefer. 20:21:42 <Kernewes> lebarhon: I think things are fine with papoteur as leader and you as deputy 20:22:00 <papoteur_> lebarhon: I will be happy if you still be candidate. And you can see there is no other candidate. 20:22:26 <lebarhon> I though I could rely on apb 20:22:44 <Kernewes> Simon isn't here, I wonder if he'd be willing 20:22:45 <lebarhon> I hope Oled screens will arrive soon 20:24:12 <papoteur_> we see that apb will not be candidate. Perhaps next year ;) 20:24:33 <lebarhon> Wait and see 20:25:50 <papoteur_> lebarhon: thus, I understood that you are candidate, because there is nobody else. 20:27:17 <lebarhon> Yes 20:27:17 <Kernewes> You are both the only candidates 20:28:21 <lebarhon> Congrulations papoteur_ 20:28:30 <Kernewes> congratulations to both of you 20:28:53 <lebarhon> Thanks, champagne 20:28:59 <Kernewes> :) 20:29:09 <papoteur_> Champagne o/ 20:29:28 <yurchor> :) 20:31:07 <papoteur_> I think it is not necessary to have formal votes, isn't it? 20:31:21 <Kernewes> I agree 20:31:49 <lebarhon> no, it is a soviet election ! 20:31:59 <Kernewes> I think you two have the support of the team members 20:32:18 <yurchor> +1 20:32:43 <lebarhon> We will do our best 20:32:53 <Kernewes> You both do very well 20:33:03 <papoteur_> lebarhon is right, trolls are not away, thus we have to keep the rules. 20:33:33 <papoteur_> Thanks for your support 20:33:41 <Kernewes> well, probably, but I'm sure there won't be a problem 20:34:25 <papoteur_> Kernewes: surely. 20:35:19 <papoteur_> We will take some days for the election on ML. What is the due day? 20:35:52 <Jybz> Congratulations you both, I can't stay, have a good night all, bye 20:36:06 <Kernewes> Sorry, but I have to go now. If I don't manage to post on the ML, take this conversation as my vote. 20:36:19 <papoteur_> Jybz: good night. See you soon 20:36:22 <Kernewes> Goodnight, everyone 20:36:45 <yurchor> Goodnight. 20:36:47 <lebarhon> goodnight all, I thing the meeting is over 20:37:05 <papoteur_> Good night all 20:37:10 <papoteur_> #endmeeting