19:01:25 <marja> #startmeeting 19:01:25 <Inigo_Montoya`> Meeting started Mon Aug 12 19:01:25 2013 UTC. The chair is marja. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:25 <Inigo_Montoya`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:41 <marja> #topic the mageiawelcome demo package 19:01:44 <Kernewes> sorry to be stupid, but what do we do with it when we've downloaded it? 19:01:52 <marja> Kernewes: install it 19:02:07 <marja> Kernewes: that is a normal question, btw 19:02:15 <Kernewes> then what happens? 19:02:45 <marja> Kernewes: then, after reboot, the Mageia Welcome screen pops up when your DE starts 19:03:04 <Kernewes> ah, that's what I was thinking, you have to re-boot to see the effect 19:03:09 <marja> Kernewes: after installing, you can also start it from cli 19:03:30 <marja> Kernewes: by just giving the command: mageiawelcome 19:03:34 <Kernewes> ah, thanks 19:03:53 <Kernewes> I'll try it with my alpha 1 install 19:03:57 <Kernewes> which is what I'm using now 19:04:01 <yurchor> Kernewes: H-m-m... Just start mageiawelcome without restarting... 19:04:17 <yurchor> From console. 19:04:29 <Kernewes> yurchor: why do you say that? 19:04:36 <marja> Kernewes: in alpha 1, it should also be in the program starters menu 19:04:49 <yurchor> Oops... 19:05:17 <yurchor> Kernewes: Because I'm typing too slow. 19:05:17 * swecarp sits here like a dum donkey not knowing what ppl talking about probebly missed a mail 19:05:47 <yurchor> swecarp: http://repo.mageia.org.pl/mageiawelcome/ 19:05:48 <[mbot> [ Index of /mageiawelcome ] 19:06:08 <yurchor> swecarp: A first version of the new Mageia welcome package. 19:06:11 <marja> #link http://repo.mageia.org.pl/mageiawelcome/mageiawelcome-0.1-1.mga4.noarch.rpm 19:06:24 <swecarp> ok 19:06:30 <marja> swecarp: you can download it here ^^^^ 19:06:43 <swecarp> will take a look at it later 19:06:53 <swecarp> ave dl it alreddy 19:07:03 <marja> swecarp: it even installs fine in Mageia 2, wo whichever Mageia version you're in now, you can install it 19:07:10 <Kernewes> just done it 19:07:16 <marja> Kernewes: :) 19:07:24 <marja> Kernewes: take your time to have a look 19:07:45 <Kernewes> ooh, nice 19:08:00 <marja> it is :) 19:08:15 <Kernewes> Konsole gives an error message failed to load canberra-gtk-module but it still displays it 19:08:31 <marja> Kernewes: ah, you can ignore that message 19:09:11 <Kernewes> I did :) 19:09:21 <marja> :) 19:10:00 <swecarp> instald it 19:10:09 <marja> swecarp: nice 19:10:21 <marja> swecarp: do you manage to start it? 19:10:53 <swecarp> no 19:11:14 <marja> swecarp: go to a konsole/terminal and type: mageiawelcome 19:11:41 <marja> swecarp: as normal user 19:12:09 <swecarp> it dosent start unknown comand 19:12:36 <marja> swecarp: ah, I'm puzzled 19:13:03 <marja> swecarp: it didn't give any errors when installing? 19:13:57 <marja> swecarp: or maybe a typo in the command? 19:15:03 <yurchor> swecarp: Did you install the package by the link that was pasted by marja? 19:16:22 <swecarp> ops did use wrong link did get the sours file 19:16:48 <marja> swecarp: ah.... good you found out 19:17:13 <marja> swecarp: nothing bad happened to your system, you can just redo it 19:18:04 <swecarp> this looks realy nice 19:18:16 <marja> :) 19:18:53 <swecarp> hmm more translating todo 19:19:06 <marja> swecarp: indeed 19:19:08 <Kernewes> hmm more proofreading to to 19:19:13 <Kernewes> to do 19:19:15 <marja> Kernewes: indeed 19:19:36 <Kernewes> it'll be worth it though 19:19:47 <Kernewes> it does look good 19:19:49 <swecarp> but its a good start page with mutch info on it and usfull things 19:19:54 <marja> and maybe some pages to write... or existing wiki pages to be translated, too 19:20:32 * marja thinks there should be a more prominent link to wiki pages for newcomers/beginners 19:20:41 * Kernewes agrees 19:20:52 <Kernewes> how about a item Newcomers in the Documentation section? 19:20:59 <yurchor> marja: It depends on the text. It should be polished before splitting into Python variables. 19:21:34 <yurchor> Now it's just bulk index.html 19:21:35 <marja> yurchor: what depends on the text? 19:22:17 <yurchor> The text in index.html (should be coherent with icons and the list of default applications). 19:23:52 <yurchor> The text and the links should be translatable before the deadline for translatioms. 19:24:39 <marja> yurchor: OK.... there is room for at least one more item in both "Documentation" and "Support" 19:25:04 <yurchor> marja: Sure 19:25:11 <marja> yurchor: what would make a link untranslatable? 19:25:16 <marja> yurchor: or a text? 19:25:36 <marja> yurchor: only having it too late? 19:26:20 <yurchor> index.html is not the best thong to translate, so I guess it will be inplemented as Pyhton array of the strings which will be inserted at the runtime. 19:26:36 <swecarp> where do i send sugestions about the welcome page 19:26:46 <yurchor> Such strings in the Pythons code is not very friendly for editing. 19:26:59 <marja> yurchor: ah, I'm getting it :-( 19:27:11 <yurchor> swecarp: doc-discuss as usual. 19:27:57 <swecarp> ok even sugestions about what apps i think would be listed 19:30:05 * marja thinks inline tips about how to get wlan to work would be good (unless our many wlan bugs are fixed) 19:31:40 <marja> yurchor: about links to the wiki: it is all but sure that we'll have a multilingual wiki by the time Mageia 4 is released 19:33:48 <Kernewes> if there's room, how about a link to the User Manual in Documentation as well? 19:33:55 <marja> yurchor: otoh, copying the wiki pages to some inline documentation will be an awful lot of work 19:34:47 <marja> Kernewes: yes, there should be a link to the mcc manual... that isn't installed by default, though, so I guess clicking the link should install the manual 19:34:51 <yurchor> marja: Yes. Better lave just one common source. 19:34:58 <yurchor> *leave 19:35:27 <Kernewes> the manual is listed in the apps menu 19:35:28 <marja> Kernewes: like happens the first time you click "help" in MCC 19:35:40 <marja> Kernewes: ah, good :) 19:35:53 <Kernewes> that's in alpha 1 19:36:05 <Kernewes> that's what gave me the idea :) 19:37:32 <marja> yurchor: OK 19:40:27 <marja> Kernewes: Newcomers might overlook "First steps" if there is a big "Newcomers" button on the index page 19:42:07 <marja> Kernewes: maybe those "first steps" could be a primer, and then the "newcomers start here" wiki section be linked to, for further information 19:42:50 <Kernewes> I was thinking the Newcombers link would point to the page with the First Steps link 19:42:57 <swecarp> that souds good marja 19:43:14 <marja> Kernewes: ah :-) 19:43:16 * Kernewes goes to look at the wiki 19:44:06 <Kernewes> it would link to the same page as "Newcomers start here" 19:44:22 <Kernewes> so they would see a list of pages 19:45:28 <Kernewes> including First steps 19:46:50 <marja> Kernewes: did you see the "First steps" in the mageiawelcome 19:47:18 <marja> Kernewes: that is different from the wiki page with the similar name 19:47:27 <marja> Kernewes: the wiki page contains much more information 19:48:10 <marja> Kernewes: when I talked about "primer" I meant the mageiawelcome "First steps" 19:48:22 <Kernewes> ah, I hadn't noticed that tab at the top 19:48:34 <marja> Kernewes: it is a bit hidden, indeed 19:48:55 <Kernewes> I think for newcomers it would be better to have a more prominent link in the bottom sections 19:50:21 <Kernewes> and the wiki does have more information, as you say 19:50:42 <marja> Kernewes: I agree.... it could link to the same as the "First steps" tab, and at the end of those "First steps" a link to the "Newcomers start here " would be good 19:51:01 <swecarp> the top links i think should be placed more in the middel and a bil larger 19:51:17 <swecarp> bit 19:51:32 <Kernewes> swecarp: I agree 19:51:36 <marja> s/First steps/mageiawelcome First steps/ 19:52:02 <marja> s/Newcomers start here/https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Newcomers_start_here/ 19:52:32 <marja> (i should have escaped some slashes) 19:52:34 <Kernewes> I'm not sure about the apps bit, that's very subjective and everyone will have different ideas about what to include 19:52:46 <swecarp> as its placed nowe ppl would have trubbel seeing it and if its larger and mmore centerd on the page they will see it and use it 19:52:55 <marja> Kernewes: yes, I won't comment on that 19:53:18 <Kernewes> but it would be useful for some extras like flash 19:53:30 <marja> swecarp: yes, it is not very visible now 19:53:32 <swecarp> flash is there Kernewes 19:54:05 <Kernewes> swecarp: that's what I mean, things like that 19:54:27 <yurchor> Can we ask the developer to put the code somwhere to improve the text in situ? 19:55:33 <Kernewes> it needs to make it clear that the stuff in "apps" isn't all there is to choose from 19:55:52 <Kernewes> that those are suggestions 19:56:07 <marja> yurchor: shouldn't the code be in the srpm ? repo.mageia.org.pl/mageiawelcome/mageiawelcome-0.1-1.mga3.src.rpm 19:57:02 <yurchor> marja: No, I mean the main Mageia repo where everyone can track the development and send patches. 19:57:35 <marja> yurchor: I think it isn't in there, yet..... checking 19:59:06 <marja> yurchor: no, it isn't 19:59:40 <yurchor> marja: Ok. Thanks. Hope it appears there soon. 19:59:52 <marja> yurchor: me too 20:00:35 * swecarp cant find his list off usefull basic programs that not are instald from the start 20:00:48 <swecarp> even some codecs 20:00:52 <marja> is there anything else on this topic? 20:01:02 <swecarp> no 20:01:05 <yurchor> not from me 20:01:17 <Kernewes> not here 20:01:19 <marja> #topic anything else that needs to be said 20:01:28 <marja> is there anything? 20:01:55 <swecarp> not from me 20:02:07 <Kernewes> not from me 20:02:51 <yurchor> Just want to inform that I plan to put the MCC docs for translation as soon as it will be more clear what will happen with git conversion. 20:02:56 <swecarp> Kernewes: have u manage to get the po svn thing working 20:03:10 <Kernewes> swecarp: I haven't had time to try yet 20:03:15 <marja> yurchor: I think that is wise (no need to double up on work) 20:03:20 <swecarp> Kernewes: same here 20:03:45 <marja> #endmeeting