20:14:56 <ennael> #startmeeting 20:14:56 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Tue Feb 17 20:14:56 2015 UTC. The chair is ennael. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:14:56 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:15:14 <ennael> so as last meeting this one is dedicated to review of release critical bugs 20:15:20 <ennael> http://lstu.fr/Mga5ReleaseBlockers 20:15:22 <[mbot> [ Log in to Mageia Bugzilla ] 20:17:36 <MrsB> sent a mail to dev ML, it might catch a few who have forgotten 20:17:56 <marja11> doktor5000: sorry to hear that.....sleep well! 20:18:35 <neoser10> Sorry by disrupt you, asking in #freenode about how to ping every one joined in a channel they give me a answer: The system may be ban out to you 20:20:18 <ennael> it looks like we have very few packagers around 20:20:52 <MrsB> :\ 20:21:03 <lewyssmith> They are probably overworked & tired. 20:21:15 <MrsB> the mail got a bit lost in all the ML traffic 20:21:25 <Oro_Valley> or fixing bugs 20:22:05 <lewyssmith> Fingers crossed... 20:22:06 <ennael> this meeting has no real meaning if none of them around 20:22:20 <Luigi12> :o( 20:22:29 <lewyssmith> Hello David. 20:22:35 <Luigi12> hi 20:22:44 <MrsB> We'll have to make more noise and maybe have it at QA meeting time instead? 20:23:09 <wilcal> QA meeting is a good place to discuss this all 20:23:26 <MrsB> for us yeah, maybe not for packagers 20:23:54 <ennael> I don't think this is the question in fact :) 20:23:59 <lewyssmith> wilcal: There are an awful lot of bugs to discuss. 20:24:16 <ennael> lewyssmith: try to be a bit positive :) 20:24:27 <ennael> ok so let stop tonight with this 20:24:27 <Luigi12> yeah it's a long list, many look fairly complicated too 20:24:39 <ennael> #endmeeting