20:02:25 <wilcal> #startmeeting
20:02:25 <Inigo_Montoya`> Meeting started Thu Jan  2 20:02:25 2020 UTC.  The chair is wilcal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:02:25 <Inigo_Montoya`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
20:02:55 <wilcal> So things are historically pretty quite around Christmas and New Years
20:03:18 <wilcal> Next week things should pick up a bit
20:03:26 <wilcal> the repo for M8 is very active
20:05:04 <wilcal> Lots of very odd bugs in the to be worked list and when people get back in the next weeks that should narrow down
20:05:40 <wilcal> Updates that have come through have done so without problems
20:06:38 <wilcal> In fact we haven't had a majorwrinkle for quite some time
20:07:30 <wilcal> I still see no schedule for the release of M8 so that'll probably drag on till mid year
20:08:27 <wilcal> There's a netinstall iso in the M8 repo
20:08:47 <wilcal> so there's some entertainment there
20:09:12 <wilcal> All we can ask is to work the open bugs as best you can
20:10:28 <wilcal> lemme see if this works ben
20:10:30 <wilcal> #topic Testing Updates
20:11:23 <wilcal> A lot of those can be just to see if they install cleanly
20:12:32 <wilcal> Does anyone understand the Update Thunderbird/Firefox issus that's on the QA mailing list?
20:12:57 <Benmc> is it a mga7 or cauldron issue?
20:14:05 <wilcal> I think it has something to do with migrating from M7 to Cauldron
20:14:28 <wilcal> I don't remember seeing a bug referenced in the messages
20:16:06 <wilcal> An issue I have run into in my deep dive into AWS and Mageia is that we have reached EOL of Python 2
20:16:09 <wilcal> https://pythonclock.org/
20:16:39 <wilcal> So only Pythin 3, which is easily installed, is valid for use
20:17:11 <wilcal> M7 started with a mixture of both
20:18:33 <wilcal> So lets make this brief and move on to
20:18:35 <wilcal> #topic Anything else?
20:19:16 <wilcal> It's winter time here in Sin City USA so we're in the 50's and 40's
20:19:57 <Benmc> when you do the # thing, you change the header / info bar in my Konversation
20:20:48 <wilcal> Ya but you have to be admin of the thread. Which I can do for you next meeting if you want.
20:21:29 <wilcal> Here's the command for the time change discussion: #topic Time change
20:21:51 <Benmc> no thanks. I have updated it to give correct # room and time
20:22:05 <wilcal> Super
20:22:19 <wilcal> Anything else otherwise it's countdown time
20:22:33 <wilcal> T-5
20:22:44 <wilcal> See you all next Thursday
20:22:50 <wilcal> T-4
20:23:07 <wilcal> Thanks for being here for QA Meeting Lite :-)
20:23:15 <wilcal> T-3
20:23:25 <wilcal> T-2
20:23:38 <wilcal> T-1
20:23:41 <wilcal> Bye all
20:23:45 <wilcal> #endmeeting