19:02:25 <wilcal> #startmeeting 19:02:25 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Oct 10 19:02:25 2019 UTC. The chair is wilcal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:25 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:02:33 <wilcal> it started :-)) 19:02:37 <hviaene> today 17°C, sunday 22°c 19:02:58 <wilcal> #topic Who's new? 19:03:05 <wilcal> anyone new here today? 19:03:40 <wilcal> No one 19:03:55 <MageiaTJ> We need more new blood. 19:04:07 <wilcal> So really the only issue today is 19:04:08 <wilcal> #topic Updating from M6 -> M7 19:04:20 <wilcal> M6 is EOL for sure 19:04:31 <hviaene> Did you check #mageia-meeting?? 19:04:46 <wilcal> but the upgrade path from M6 -> M& does not really exist or is rough at best 19:05:04 <wilcal> hold a sec 19:05:39 <wilcal> I put a notice there 19:06:10 <wilcal> FWIW since day one back in mandrake i always start with a blank drive 19:06:23 <wilcal> killdisk.com is my friend 19:06:53 <wilcal> but I can understand the need for a clean upgrade path 19:07:08 <hviaene> Not a blank drive, but i always reformatted the partition of the previous version 19:07:11 <wilcal> I've just never been comfortable with it 19:07:34 <wilcal> can someone explain for the record what the issues are 19:08:22 <MageiaTJ> Herman, I do the same. But, I did several successful vbox upgrades before M7 became official with no problems. 19:08:26 <hviaene> Me as well, but I see the need of some peoplefor an (be it off-line) upgrade 19:09:09 <wilcal> I don't think there's a notice on an M6 screen yet 19:09:34 <hviaene> I'll try an upgrade as weel this time, just to make sure I can do it if needed 19:10:07 <hviaene> whel, @@@##" keyboard 19:10:14 <hviaene> well 19:10:48 <MageiaTJ> wilcal: I'm not clear on exactly what the issues are, either, but it seems that there aare several. Some I know are packaging problems, but there are others. 19:11:42 <hviaene> No notice, that makes us cutting support of M6, without users knowing it???? 19:12:10 <wilcal> Correct but no updates the updates repo is still active 19:12:16 <wilcal> no new updates 19:12:16 <MageiaTJ> Most of what they're discussing on the dev ML is WAAAYYY over my head. 19:13:08 <wilcal> hello tar 19:13:15 <hviaene> There is my buddy 19:13:16 <tarazed> Hi Bill 19:13:21 <MageiaTJ> The council has not "officially" ceased support yet. 19:13:29 <tarazed> Hi Herman 19:13:30 <bri_an> hi 19:13:32 <wilcal> we are discussing the M6 -> M7 update issue 19:13:43 <tarazed> Hi evrybody 19:13:45 <MageiaTJ> They are waiting fro the upgrade path fixes. 19:13:49 <wilcal> The fact that there is none and M6 is EOL 19:13:49 <bri_an> mgapplet did a number on one of my tests 19:14:14 <tarazed> Do we have to enable that ourselves? 19:14:26 <bri_an> so methinks we will be support 6 for another quarter? 19:14:50 <bri_an> I did using the --testing option 19:14:54 <wilcal> I've seen no changes in the M6 repo 19:15:14 <hviaene> To put things in perspective: on my right side I have a laptop doing a MSWin10 update 19:15:35 <bri_an> hviaene - good luck 19:15:50 <hviaene> Going in since 1h45 min, two updates failed and still goig on. 19:16:15 <hviaene> Drives me nuts 19:16:56 <MageiaTJ> The only Windows I do are old ones. XP in vbox - maybe four times a year. 19:17:07 <bri_an> hviaene - best to do when one can come back every three hours and check on it. Such as at a bar. 19:17:22 <bri_an> ;-) 19:18:17 <hviaene> It's 21.17 here and I want to goto sleep before midnight 19:18:47 <wilcal> Win XP lives on as Puppy Linux 19:18:51 <bri_an> you might and thenapply patches tomorrow 19:19:39 <MageiaTJ> I don't think there's much QA can do about the upgrade path until the devs have more of a chance to work on it. 19:19:41 <hviaene> To morrow I want to do something usefullfacepalm 19:20:18 <wilcal> I guess maybe the only thing we can do here is take a poll if we care or not 19:20:18 <bri_an> lol - I agree TJ. someone needs to make that priority for them, like no mga8 work until.... 19:20:35 <wilcal> I'm just fine with just leaving it as it was at EOL date 19:21:02 <hviaene> I can go wit that position 19:21:27 <hviaene> But tel people!!!! 19:21:29 <wilcal> Sometimes it's best to not try to fix something if it's not broke 19:21:48 <MageiaTJ> We didn't recommend M5-M6 upgrades because of Plasma, but we don't have that excuse this time. 19:21:59 <hviaene> You sound like my late father-in law 19:22:29 <wilcal> These things are becoming very complex version to version 19:22:32 <bri_an> well mgapplet is broke if that is an upgrade path for someone. 19:22:37 <bri_an> yes they are wilcal 19:23:10 <wilcal> so with mgapplet broke there's no upgrade path for the common user 19:23:12 <bri_an> if we don't fix that, then recommend the classic dvd for upgrades and not enable. 19:23:23 <hviaene> applause 19:23:37 <bri_an> that needs to be in the blog in all languages though. 19:24:04 <tarazed> Do other distributions have these sorts of problems? 19:24:13 <bri_an> yes - from what I've seen yes 19:24:17 <wilcal> Does that work. An M6 install on an HD, boot the Classic M7 CI and allow that to upgrade it? 19:24:30 <bri_an> it did for me 19:24:47 <wilcal> I can try that 19:24:47 <bri_an> except in the complex case of having Vbox, and some other odd configurations. 19:25:16 <tarazed> Yes, I'll try that too. 19:25:23 <wilcal> Ahhhh yep, a basic install may update but a complex one will boot to a black screen 19:26:00 <MageiaTJ> Look at that... My nephew just showed up, and he's brought a drone to play with. 19:26:14 <bri_an> TJ - YES!!! 19:26:15 <wilcal> :-)) 19:26:40 <MageiaTJ> I may just have to leave early... 19:27:04 <bri_an> I'm good with ending early 19:27:07 <wilcal> So bottom line for us on this issue is there is lttle to nothing we can do on this 19:27:10 <hviaene> TJ: don't get into the newspapers tmorrow 19:27:31 <MageiaTJ> ;-) 19:27:36 <wilcal> We'll lets just move on then 19:27:42 <wilcal> #topic Testing Updates 19:28:10 <wilcal> The list is short, thanks to all and we got through a kernel and a Vbox update since last meeting 19:28:22 <wilcal> always a major hurddle 19:28:39 <wilcal> anything on that list that's a problem 19:28:57 <wilcal> except most of them are rarely seen 19:29:25 <wilcal> only one security fix 19:29:29 <MageiaTJ> Yep, time for me to leave. Will try to get here next week. 19:29:38 <hviaene> So, on the hunt for simple tests again 19:29:40 <tarazed> See you TJ 19:29:42 <bri_an> bye tj 19:29:49 <hviaene> bye 19:29:50 <wilcal> later TJ 19:30:20 <wilcal> You try to reproduce the bug, apply the update, and see if the bug is fixed 19:30:32 <tarazed> At least one of the feedback issues could be fixed easily but... manpower. 19:30:39 <wilcal> that requires that you understand the app which in most cases can be impossible 19:31:30 <wilcal> Is there an easy way to test bind? 19:32:18 <hviaene> Yes, putting up a new server. 19:32:54 <hviaene> But that is "easy" with the aid ofMCC and webmin 19:33:25 <hviaene> But not on my testing gear, i fear 19:33:28 <wilcal> Or create a Vbox client 19:33:36 <wilcal> Hi Beq 19:33:57 <wilcal> We're discussing the short bugs to be tested 19:34:36 <hviaene> Or is connecting to my own LAN DNS server sufficient?? 19:35:37 <wilcal> Anyway test as best you can 19:35:41 <wilcal> short list 19:35:54 <wilcal> #topic Anything else? 19:36:02 <wilcal> ANything else we need to talk about? 19:36:13 <bri_an> not here 19:36:19 <wilcal> I'm finished 19:36:21 <hviaene> Not here 19:36:27 <wilcal> thanks all for being here 19:36:35 <wilcal> Time for count down 19:36:37 <wilcal> T-5 19:36:48 <hviaene> Bye all 19:36:53 <wilcal> by hv 19:36:55 <wilcal> T-4 19:37:02 <wilcal> T-3 19:37:07 <wilcal> T-2 19:37:11 <wilcal> T-1 19:37:14 <wilcal> #endmeeting