19:04:03 <wilcal> #startmeeting
19:04:03 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu May 25 19:04:03 2017 UTC.  The chair is wilcal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:04:03 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
19:04:12 <wilcal> welcome all to another QA meeting
19:04:30 <wilcal> I think everyone is pretty spent after the RC6 release
19:04:48 <wilcal> #topic Who's new?
19:04:56 <wilcal> Anyone new here today
19:05:21 <lewyssmith> If so, please do speak up & introduce yourself.
19:05:33 <wilcal> See anyone new lewys?
19:06:09 <wilcal> I don't
19:06:23 <wilcal> so lets move on
19:06:25 <wilcal> #topic M6 Mageia 6 - RC2 released
19:06:43 <wilcal> Trumpets blare the band strikes up
19:06:48 <lewyssmith> And looking pretty good.
19:06:55 <wilcal> Even got announced on Distrowatch
19:07:12 <lewyssmith> What happened about the previous RC ?
19:07:31 <wilcal> Don't know
19:07:35 <Akien> wilcal: It's RC, not RC2
19:07:58 <wilcal> I checked the files on mirrors.kernel.org and they are the same as the isos we were working with
19:08:14 <lewyssmith> -2 Which explain it.
19:08:20 <wilcal> so no changes got sneeked in
19:08:47 <wilcal> Yes officially the release candidate
19:09:09 <wilcal> So I discovered something in the last couple days that may help everyone working with Plasma
19:09:37 <tmb> switch to gnome ?
19:09:38 <wilcal> change Dolphin so you can see all the hidden files and directories
19:09:40 * tmb hides
19:09:45 <wilcal> LOL!!!
19:09:53 <wilcal> hides yes
19:10:02 <wilcal> go into the .config directory
19:10:12 <lewyssmith> tmb: A good one!
19:10:26 <wilcal> a bunch of directories and kde/plasma config files
19:10:41 <wilcal> I take an image of my disktop
19:11:06 <wilcal> delete all the files, not the directories in .config
19:11:10 <wilcal> log out
19:11:14 <wilcal> log back in
19:11:30 <wilcal> go through the reconfig of your desktop all over again
19:11:42 <wilcal> it cleans up a whole host of problems
19:12:04 <lewyssmith> Well, Bill, that looks really simple...
19:12:06 <krisNL> does it
19:12:15 <wilcal> it does kris
19:12:19 <lewyssmith> tarazed: Good evening, Len.
19:12:30 <tarazed> Hi Lewis, and all
19:12:42 <krisNL> heya tarazed
19:12:43 <wilcal> i tried all kinds of things on how to reset the plasma desktop back to default and this seems to work
19:13:20 <wilcal> there's been changes to Plasma that created problems and didn't seem to get fixed as revisions came along
19:13:38 <wilcal> but this one zeros everything out and you start from scratch
19:13:50 <wilcal> and all your apps retain their configs
19:14:08 <Bequimao> wilcal: Though I would never remove the files, simply rename .config to .config.old.
19:14:46 <wilcal> yes you could copy .config to ,config.old
19:15:05 <wilcal> but I've a lot of confidence this will not effect anything else
19:15:08 <Bequimao> Or create a fresh new user. Nothing new at all.
19:15:28 <wilcal> New user would have the same effect
19:15:29 <Akien> You can safely remove stuff in ~/.config. You just lose custom config :)
19:15:41 <wilcal> only takes about 10-minutes for me to do this
19:15:54 <wilcal> and I've got a pretty complex desktop
19:16:15 <wilcal> We have a major M6 issue to wrestle with
19:16:24 <wilcal> M5 -> M6 upgrade
19:16:55 <wilcal> That seems to have overcome all the other issues about M6
19:17:23 <lewyssmith> Some people win, some lose. But the main thing is that even if the upgrade does not complete, you at least have a working nominally M6 system.
19:18:16 <lewyssmith> It reall is painful when it breaks down, and trying to find out why.
19:18:21 <wilcal> I've not seen a situation where ultimately you system is DOA
19:18:25 * krisNL lost track of the upgrade issues
19:18:32 <lewyssmith> Wise!
19:18:34 <Bequimao> wilcal: you'll loose kmail, kontact, konvesation,, kactivity configs and much more.
19:19:03 <lewyssmith> If you have anything definite - is it bugged?
19:19:31 <wilcal> I've not gone through each and every app in that directory but at least all the little irritating wrinkles in Plasma went away
19:19:54 <wilcal> Even the network applet is working nicely now
19:20:43 <krisNL> not in gnome
19:20:46 <wilcal> I have encountered on significant issue on almost all my M6 platforms
19:20:52 <wilcal> one significant
19:20:54 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20874
19:20:55 <[mbot> Bug 20874: normal, Normal, kde, NEW , Random ksmserver errors being reported, plasma-workspace
19:21:06 <wilcal> I think this one is lurking everywhere
19:21:16 <lewyssmith> What is kmserver?
19:21:29 <wilcal> I don't even no what kmserver is anyone know
19:21:52 <lewyssmith> Let's forget it here.
19:22:07 <wilcal> I expect others to see the same thing
19:22:24 <krisNL> kde session manager
19:22:25 <wilcal> best is we've got this thing out on the street and we're close to final release
19:22:36 <wilcal> So it's a major component
19:22:59 <lewyssmith> We still have 'final' phase ahead.
19:23:40 <krisNL> and some more kernels, hurray
19:23:44 <wilcal> Are we in agreement or not that there will be no final release until the forums are back on line
19:23:56 <lewyssmith> Ask Akien.
19:24:23 <Bequimao> It is the autostart at login. i don't use it, but I get those messages sometimes, too.
19:24:26 <wilcal> There was no Council meeting this week I suspect there will be one next week
19:25:01 <wilcal> so autostart and ksmserver are related
19:25:17 <lewyssmith> Bequimao: Are you talking about the kmserver erros? If so, i what you say noted in the bug?
19:25:26 <wilcal> I also see that once you get the error a couple times after booting it goes away
19:25:32 <Akien> For me the final release is unrelated to the forum. I wouldn't block Cauldron, the ISOs and the whole community and put all that pressure on the already overloaded sysadmins.
19:25:33 <wilcal> yes I do autologing
19:25:39 <Akien> If we need to release without forums, so be it.
19:25:46 <Bequimao> yes. I did not not the bug report before.
19:25:50 <Akien> We have many other means of communication.
19:26:07 <Bequimao> autostart, not  auto login
19:26:15 <Akien> Of course restoring the forum has a high priority (I believe tmb is looking into it), but it's unrelated to releasing Mageia 6.
19:26:24 <wilcal> ok where would I see "autostart"
19:26:40 <lewyssmith> Akien: So that is clear cut; fine.
19:26:55 <tmb> actually if nothing breaks down, I'll push forums online tomorrow (they already work for me, but I'm cleaning some stuff up)
19:26:56 <krisNL> start with hidden files :-)
19:27:46 <krisNL> tmb: :)
19:27:47 <wilcal> Yippeeeee!!!!
19:28:04 <Akien> tmb: awesome, thanks!
19:28:44 <wilcal> Note: this little old Dell laptop is running wonderfully well with M6 Plasma x86_64
19:29:14 <lewyssmith> wilcal: Move on to updates now, Bill?
19:29:24 <wilcal> #topic Testing Updates
19:30:17 <wilcal> The kernels need more testing
19:30:17 <lewyssmith> The list is long, with some unknowns. openvpn will be difficult. Kernesl are flagging.
19:30:44 <lewyssmith> I will review the list & put out a qa-discuss 'reminder'.
19:30:46 <wilcal> I'm happy with 20845 x86_64 looks good
19:31:07 <wilcal> will put some time into the other two this weekend
19:31:28 <lewyssmith> We may have to let things go with just one OK at present. what do you think?
19:31:36 <wilcal> i can also takle the mariadb thingy
19:31:42 <lewyssmith> Not the kernels.
19:32:08 <wilcal> yes if the one not tested is the i586 version
19:32:23 <lewyssmith> Good policy.
19:32:24 <wilcal> agree with both kernels need to be test
19:33:19 <wilcal> with rc out we should be able to get back testing updates more
19:33:21 <tarazed> I'll run the i586 kernels through vbox
19:33:53 <wilcal> i think both my i586 platforms died of old age
19:34:03 <tarazed> But we need real hardware as well for those
19:34:41 <wilcal> tmb has mentioned that running i586 on x86_64 gains some performance for people
19:34:49 <wilcal> and specific applications
19:35:06 <lewyssmith> tarazed: That is getting harder to come by, though.
19:35:25 <tarazed> Ah.  That is a legitimate platform then
19:35:33 <wilcal> i don't think you can purchase i586 platforms in the stores or on line anymore
19:35:33 <krisNL> i586 as guest on a 64b host is niiiice
19:35:52 <wilcal> ya that's quick
19:36:04 <tarazed> Yes I ran it like that some time ago and it worked well
19:36:23 <wilcal> Xfce i586 in a Vbox client is quicker then greesed lighting :-))
19:36:38 <lewyssmith> Welcome, Ben.
19:36:45 <wilcal> Hello Ben
19:36:48 <tarazed> Evening Ben
19:36:51 <Benmc> hello all
19:36:56 <wilcal> subject is Updates
19:37:09 <wilcal> back to those after M6 RC got released yesterday
19:37:12 <lewyssmith> != upgrades
19:37:26 <wilcal> yes upgrades
19:37:36 <wilcal> updates
19:37:52 <lewyssmith> *Not the same thing!
19:39:13 <wilcal> is there anything in the updates bug list that's a problem
19:39:32 <tarazed> We find out when we try them
19:39:53 <lewyssmith> openvpn I could not touch.
19:40:50 <lewyssmith> I will pick at some others I do understand.
19:40:50 <wilcal> OOOOooo Openvpn just got put in there. I've been wanting to tinker with that
19:41:08 <lewyssmith> Over to you, then.
19:41:12 <wilcal> So i'll take a look at that
19:41:39 <wilcal> Would LUV to be able to run a Vbox client connected to the WAN via a Openvpn connection
19:42:12 <wilcal> Create it, do things on the Internet using OpenVPN, the delete the client
19:42:44 <lewyssmith> Should we ask for 2 OKs for the highest priority security thingies? Accepting 1 for the others. Or leave it at 1 good OK even for the main things?
19:43:09 <lewyssmith> 64-bit.
19:43:16 <wilcal> Anyting bold needs to have both tested
19:43:25 <tarazed> We should certainly try for 2 even if one is vbox.
19:43:29 <lewyssmith> Happy with this policy.
19:44:01 <wilcal> Anything else here
19:44:27 <lewyssmith> Not here. Every update has its mysteries.
19:45:06 <wilcal> Consider them an adventure and a potential career builder ( i.e. wireshark )
19:45:13 <wilcal> :-)
19:45:32 <wilcal> Lets move on
19:45:34 <lewyssmith> Recap for validation: Bold updates need 2 OKs; Others can go with 1 if that is 64-bit.
19:45:34 <wilcal> #topic Anything Else?
19:45:52 <lewyssmith> Not here.
19:46:05 <krisNL> do we have a hard freeze now?
19:46:17 <lewyssmith> Winter is over!
19:46:19 <wilcal> That's a good question
19:46:22 <krisNL> and what does it mean exactky
19:46:27 <Benmc> not here
19:46:37 <lewyssmith> Thanks for asking; I thought you knew.
19:46:43 <krisNL> lol lewyssmith
19:46:56 <wilcal> no updates unless critical
19:47:06 <Bequimao> Anyone tests qemu/kvm with mageia 6 rc?
19:47:20 <wilcal> I think we may be close to that. Maybe a couple weeks out
19:47:24 <krisNL> still i see updates being built
19:47:28 <tmb> no hard freeze yet, probably done at beginning of next week
19:47:36 <lewyssmith> Bequimao: Sounds like you are the expert...
19:47:36 <wilcal> Also think real hard about what can be fixed after release
19:47:37 <krisNL> ok, thx
19:48:16 <Benmc> torrenting.
19:48:20 <wilcal> is the issue really that important that it can't be fixed after release
19:48:41 <lewyssmith> Should we not wait for some RC public feedback, say 15 days?
19:48:46 <wilcal> sorry I'm out of the loop on the torrenting issue share with us what that is
19:48:49 <Benmc> plasma live loks most popular overnight
19:49:04 <tarazed> Yes, torrenting.  I have problems with it but will thrash them out elsewhere.
19:49:22 <Benmc> followed by Xfce 64, then classical x86-64
19:49:29 <wilcal> yes, and if the forums get up by this weekend we should make some noise on there asking people to kick the m6 tires
19:49:32 <Bequimao> Still beginning with qemu/kvm. Some issues, but it runs here as a guest system. So probably no release blockers.
19:49:38 <Benmc> i596 classical comes in last
19:49:43 <krisNL> i seeded xfce 64b, no probs
19:49:46 <lewyssmith> Is Plasma our best advert?
19:50:06 <Benmc> seems most popular, thats all I can say
19:50:32 <wilcal> I think the biggest "advert" for m6 is the mix of isos with Xfce in there
19:50:33 <lewyssmith> Somebody in N America sais that the last time we gave away USBs at a 'fair', Gnome was most asked for.
19:51:15 <wilcal> Gnome on M6 has been golden from the get go
19:51:18 <krisNL> thats in the US, different in europe
19:51:32 <krisNL> gnome is far from golden
19:51:42 <lewyssmith> I guessed that; but they have the same download access.
19:51:52 <tarazed> Not liked by developers - for use that is
19:52:14 <wilcal> so back to the torrent issue can someone share with us what that is or is not
19:52:32 <lewyssmith> Ben has circulated a comprehensive post.
19:52:51 <Benmc> no issue, just giving an overview of downloads
19:53:00 <tarazed> But I still came to grief.
19:53:09 <lewyssmith> How?
19:53:26 <wilcal> so lots of interest in the rc isos
19:53:28 <krisNL> if there is one rotten potatoe in the swarm, then you get this what ben described
19:53:37 <tarazed> Rather not talk about it here.  Could not get a second torrent started.
19:53:57 <wilcal> ok anything else else
19:54:14 <lewyssmith> No, no, honest.
19:54:36 <krisNL> no
19:54:38 <wilcal> gosh i love my new old m6 laptop :-)) better then new
19:54:49 <wilcal> i've nothing else
19:55:31 <wilcal> So we're headed to the count down
19:55:46 <wilcal> t-5
19:55:55 <wilcal> t-4
19:55:57 <lewyssmith> Thanks to those who came, and goodbye everyone.
19:56:08 <wilcal> thanks all for coming and super job on M6 RC
19:56:11 <wilcal> t-3
19:56:13 <Benmc> bye
19:56:18 <wilcal> t-2
19:56:18 <tarazed> Good night and good day everybody
19:56:25 <wilcal> t-1
19:56:28 <krisNL> bye len
19:56:30 <wilcal> #endmeeting