19:07:11 <MrsB> #startmeeting
19:07:11 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Jul  7 19:07:11 2016 UTC.  The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:07:11 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
19:07:14 <MrsB> away we go then
19:07:21 <MrsB> #chair DavidWHodgins wilcal
19:07:21 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins MrsB wilcal
19:07:23 <DavidWHodgins> #topic * Who's new? If you are then come and say hello.
19:07:30 <MrsB> Lewis is away this week
19:07:42 <MrsB> Is there anybody new here?
19:07:51 * rindolf isn't new.
19:08:05 * MrsB feels quite old
19:08:17 <DavidWHodgins> #topic * Mageia 6 - New ISOs are coming..
19:08:28 <MrsB> From the council meeting..
19:08:44 <MrsB> #info The plan is to build new isos probably for this weekend
19:08:51 <tarazed> kernel 4.7.0?
19:09:03 <wilcal> Yes, M6 is getting better at least partially useful
19:09:07 <rindolf> Are these still the -sta1?
19:09:08 <MrsB> #info we'll aim to release it as the first RC so it needs to be good quality
19:09:26 <DavidWHodgins> rindolf: No
19:09:33 <MrsB> #info We also need to begin upgrade tests
19:09:54 <wilcal> I have a general question about M6
19:10:09 <MrsB> not sure kernle version Len.. tmb?
19:10:13 <rindolf> Was -sta1 released?
19:10:18 <MrsB> yep
19:10:22 <rindolf> Ah.
19:10:46 <tmb> kernel is currently at 4.7.0-rc6+
19:11:01 <tarazed> Sigh of relief
19:11:02 <MrsB> http://blog.mageia.org/en/2016/07/01/the-next-step-towards-mageia-6-is-here-sta1-has-been-released/
19:11:03 <[mbot> [ The next step towards Mageia 6 is here, sta1 has been released | Mageia Blog (English) ]
19:11:11 <rindolf> So I guess now is a good time to upgrade my laptop from mgav5 to mga6.
19:11:47 <MrsB> I would wait for the RC, but we do need to test upgrades with various different sets of packages
19:11:59 <wilcal> Plasma is still very unstable
19:12:08 <MrsB> it's useful to begin in a VM and roll it back to try with different random packages at first
19:12:21 <wilcal> lots of bugs and upstream bugs
19:12:38 <MrsB> we're lucky as Charles has been doing some upgrades already
19:13:13 <DavidWHodgins> There will likely be quite a few plasma bugs when we release, but we have to decide if they are serious enough to block the release or not.
19:13:32 <wilcal> And that revolves around my question
19:13:34 <MrsB> well, all distros will be in the same boat
19:14:02 <MrsB> we have to find the right balance of good and timely
19:14:04 <wilcal> Will KDE4 be an optional DE for M6?
19:14:22 <MrsB> kde4 is no more
19:14:27 <DavidWHodgins> No. It's being replaced by plasma, aka kde5
19:14:55 <tmb> And the big question is... should we go for 4.7 branch directly to hopefully avoid some quick need for a big DE update in a couple of months...
19:15:18 <MrsB> neoclust was ready to build the new one
19:15:24 <DavidWHodgins> I'm inclined to say yes.
19:15:39 <MrsB> one thing is for sure, we can't release with it as it is
19:16:41 <wilcal> I was hopeing that KDE4 would be an optional fallback
19:17:00 <DavidWHodgins> kde4 does not exist in cauldron
19:17:01 <MrsB> i'd prefer to make it as stable as possible now rather than face DE update shortly after release
19:17:18 <DavidWHodgins> Delay release, if needed, in my opinion.
19:17:36 <tmb> wilcal, _way_ too much work for us to support... it was painfule enough when Mdv had paid people to do it full-time
19:17:44 <MrsB> yes, but for how long. We can't judge just by a version number
19:17:49 <wilcal> Plasma is not really acceptable right now at least for me
19:18:08 <Luigi12_work> well the overall state of the distro is a good barometer too
19:18:10 <tmb> wilcal, well, mga5 is still supported until xmas :)
19:18:15 <Luigi12_work> apparently file triggers in rpm are broken right now too
19:18:29 <DavidWHodgins> Ouch
19:18:32 <Luigi12_work> so if we can get the release blockers fixed and there's still some niggles in Plasma that can be fixed later, we can release
19:18:42 <wilcal> Some of the Plasma bugs for me are really terrible
19:18:49 <tmb> Luigi12_work, wait,what ? again ?
19:19:07 <Luigi12_work> tmb: yeah I just saw it in Bugzilla when looking through the last couple weeks of bugs yesterday
19:19:14 <Luigi12_work> tmb: last comment was tv saying we should report it upstream
19:19:19 <MrsB> yes, I agree with David. There are plenty of bigger fish to fry. Let's keep updating it and fix release blockers and see where we're at when everything else is done
19:19:57 <wilcal> Who gets to write the release notes about Plasma?
19:20:01 <Luigi12_work> chksession still hasn't been ported to use the new xsessions files
19:20:13 <Luigi12_work> there's plenty of serious non-Plasma bugs to fix so it's not like a release is imminient
19:20:20 <MrsB> yep
19:20:35 <wilcal> for sure
19:20:49 <Luigi12_work> we still have some packages with dependency or build issues to be fixed or dropped too
19:20:57 <wilcal> I can get good installs but a day or two later updates half the time break the install
19:21:07 <MrsB> if plasma development is slow to fix the bugs then we need to shift priority onto other things.
19:21:23 <MrsB> just keep updating it
19:21:44 <wilcal> yup wait a day and it's ok
19:22:07 <MrsB> when all the rest is closer to done then we can decide about plasma
19:22:15 <Luigi12_work> yeah
19:22:47 <wilcal> remember when we released with Gnome was broken a lot
19:22:51 <MrsB> we'll have to give it a version freeze exclusion
19:23:07 <tmb> Ok, so should we give neoclust go-ahead for plasma 5.7 then ?
19:23:12 <Luigi12_work> yep
19:23:13 <DavidWHodgins> Yes
19:23:15 <wilcal> yes please
19:23:21 <MrsB> yes and 5.8 etc if there is time too
19:23:28 <wilcal> absolutely
19:23:31 <DavidWHodgins> Can't be worse than what is there right now.
19:23:39 <wilcal> i agree david
19:23:48 <DavidWHodgins> Or at least, is very unlikely to be worse.
19:23:53 <MrsB> what do You think tmb?
19:24:16 <Luigi12_work> I hope we'll have a new packager to backport fixes for mga6 stable or maybe Luc will come back
19:26:12 <DavidWHodgins> Shall we move on?
19:26:21 <wilcal> yes please
19:26:27 <MrsB> if tmb is ok with everything
19:26:40 <MrsB> it'll be him building isos after all
19:27:19 <tmb> Yeah, I just posted to ml about pushing 5.7, and I'll delay isos until its done...
19:27:21 <Luigi12_work> he gave the OK on the qa-discuss list just now
19:27:32 <DavidWHodgins> #topic * Testing updates - Any difficulties, problems, issues?
19:27:36 <MrsB> thanks :)
19:27:56 <wilcal> i think the libreoffice thingy can be pushed
19:27:57 <tarazed> Yes, I came to grief with enigmail.
19:28:01 <MrsB> http://madb.mageia.org/tools/updates
19:28:03 <[mbot> [ Mageia App Db - Current Update candidates ]
19:28:39 <MrsB> So libreoffice, the missing library. Was it decided to do that separately?
19:28:41 <wilcal> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18826
19:28:42 <[mbot> Bug 18826: normal, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , libreoffice new security issue CVE-2016-4324, libreoffice-
19:28:58 <Luigi12_work> MrsB: yeah the libwps update will be included with the *next* LO update (5.x)
19:29:09 <MrsB> kay, let's push it then
19:29:23 <DavidWHodgins> Ah. Ok. I'll do the advisory after the meeting.
19:29:24 <MrsB> Enigmail Len, saw that
19:29:42 <tarazed> Some sort of conflict with gnome-keyring
19:30:32 <Luigi12_work> tarazed: does 38.x work for you with enigmail?
19:30:53 <MrsB> good point
19:30:57 <tarazed> Is 38 mthe current one?
19:31:07 <Luigi12_work> yeah
19:31:19 <Luigi12_work> it works for me, but I am in IceWM so probably don't have any keyring stuff running
19:31:20 <tarazed> It did the last time I tried it.
19:31:49 <MrsB> #info Please test thunderbird with enigmail
19:32:01 <tarazed> I'll have to downgrade to confirm.
19:32:16 <MrsB> please len. it could be a gnome issue rather than TB issue
19:32:41 <tarazed> I think that was the implication upstream.
19:33:16 <MrsB> Let's validate tortoisehg too Dave
19:33:33 <Luigi12_work> even the tortoise has to cross the finish line eventually
19:34:13 <MrsB> drakx-net confirmed fixed so possibly that one too
19:34:38 <DavidWHodgins> Which bug is tortoishg?
19:34:51 <MrsB> askpass
19:35:00 <DavidWHodgins> Ah. Ok
19:35:03 <MrsB> bug 18433
19:35:04 <[mbot> Bug https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18433 major, Normal, qa-bugs, NEW , Missing AskPass prevents SSH cloning, tortoisehg-3.2.1-1.mga5
19:35:24 <MrsB> #info libvirt and spice can be tested at the same time
19:35:39 <Luigi12_work> with tv would do the qemu update so you could knock out all 3
19:35:50 <Luigi12_work> s/with/wish/
19:36:09 <Luigi12_work> guess he's busy
19:36:17 <MrsB> yeah
19:36:31 <MrsB> well that's a few off the list :)
19:36:43 <tmb> yeah, he's been busy polishing installer for mga6 :)
19:36:43 <MrsB> drupal is a 5 minute test
19:36:54 <MrsB> he's been on fire lately
19:36:59 <Luigi12_work> nice
19:37:29 <MrsB> mbedtls is what used to be polarssl isn't it?
19:37:36 <Luigi12_work> who's our mediawiki expert?  Could use a test in Cauldron for an update there.
19:37:37 <Luigi12_work> MrsB: yes
19:37:45 <MrsB> diogenese is mediawiki king
19:37:59 <Luigi12_work> diogenese: could use your help testing a mediawiki update in Cauldron
19:38:06 <MrsB> polarssl /  mbedtls has a self test
19:38:28 <Luigi12_work> yep and it's used by hiawatha, pdns, and linphone
19:38:36 <MrsB> pretty sure it's as simple as mbedtls --self-test
19:39:29 <Luigi12_work> libmad update can probably be pushed since the reporter already confirmed the fix
19:39:29 <MrsB> tomcat we have a procedure for but apache-commons-* is just ensure it updates cleanly
19:39:47 <MrsB> ok cool, let's move it on then Dave dude
19:39:49 <Benmc> QA- good morning
19:39:51 <DavidWHodgins> #topic * Luigi's roundup - Coming security updates & news
19:39:53 <MrsB> morning ben
19:39:57 <Luigi12_work> w00t
19:40:03 <MrsB> ahaa
19:40:06 <Luigi12_work> nothing new in the past week that I haven't already built
19:40:12 <Luigi12_work> Shlomi is preparing another imagemagick update
19:40:14 <MrsB> really?
19:40:22 <wilcal> again
19:40:24 <DavidWHodgins> Wow
19:40:29 <Luigi12_work> once that's built (needs to be pushed in Cauldron too) then a quick test in mga5 and it can be validated again
19:40:35 <MrsB> the calm before the storm maybe
19:40:42 <Luigi12_work> graphicsmagick needs to be pushed with it though, so that still needs tested
19:40:44 <wilcal> no flash ???????????
19:40:47 <tarazed> I'll take that
19:40:48 <tmb> iirc a dns update is on the way..
19:40:50 <DavidWHodgins> lol
19:41:04 <Luigi12_work> yeah tmb is right, minor issue affecting bind and pdns is upcoming
19:41:32 <MrsB> #info still fairly quiet but updates coming for imagemagick again, bind & pdns
19:41:35 <Luigi12_work> sounds like a silly security issue though, you have to control a primary DNS server and then it can do bad things to the secondary DNS server(s)
19:41:55 <tmb> yeah, if you have control over primary dns, secondarys are not your worst problem :)
19:42:00 <Luigi12_work> exactly
19:42:35 <DavidWHodgins> Thanks Luigi12_work
19:42:39 <MrsB> not simple to test for us. We could do with some web control panels packaging, eg. ispconfig
19:43:30 <DavidWHodgins> Probably enough to just test that the dns servers are working. I don't think we need to test the actual security bug, as it's so unlikely to be a problem.
19:43:34 <MrsB> yeah
19:43:57 <DavidWHodgins> #topic * Anything else?
19:44:06 <MrsB> morning tj
19:44:12 <MrsB> Is there anything else?
19:44:13 <wilcal> not from me awaiting those new iso's
19:44:13 * Luigi12_work needs a job
19:44:21 <tjandrews> Timely as always, I see.
19:44:25 <MrsB> i have some jobs you can do
19:44:29 <Luigi12_work> I bet
19:44:34 <DavidWHodgins> :-)
19:44:38 <Benmc> return to Mageia 6 if I can
19:44:50 <DavidWHodgins> Nothing else for the qa meeting, from me.
19:44:52 <wilcal> Move to the UK ;-)
19:45:01 <MrsB> there was discussion about mga6 so please check the logs
19:45:14 <Benmc> ok
19:45:25 <MrsB> T - 5 then
19:45:32 <MrsB> thanks for coming everybody!
19:45:32 <wilcal> thanks all
19:45:35 <MrsB> 4
19:45:36 <MrsB> 3
19:45:38 <MrsB> 2
19:45:40 <MrsB> 1
19:45:42 <MrsB> #endmeeting