19:06:52 <MrsB> #startmeeting 19:06:52 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu May 12 19:06:52 2016 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:06:52 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:07:04 <MrsB> Morning everybody 19:07:16 <marja> hi all 19:07:21 <rindolf> hi all. 19:07:21 <MrsB> welcome to another one 19:07:24 <lewyssmith> DavidWHodgins: Are you going to be yourself today? 19:07:32 <MrsB> #chair DavidWHodgins lewyssmith 19:07:32 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: DavidWHodgins MrsB lewyssmith 19:07:35 <DavidWHodgins> #topic * Who's new? If you are then come and say hello 19:07:39 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: Yep 19:07:44 <lewyssmith> Good. 19:07:57 <MrsB> Is anybody new today? 19:08:30 <DavidWHodgins> Don't see anyone 19:08:33 <DavidWHodgins> #topic * Mageia 6 - Any news yet? 19:08:53 <MrsB> So we are currently waiting for a new set of ISOs 19:09:11 <wilcal> lots of updates today 19:09:13 <MrsB> ennael tmb any ETA ? 19:09:18 <DavidWHodgins> Which I think are waiting for still another kernel update 19:09:37 <lewyssmith> I thought the remark about Council suggesting another round for stx was amusing. We have not had many... 19:10:13 <tmb> DavidWHodgins, nope, kernel is done since earlier today 19:10:22 <DavidWHodgins> Ah. Ok. Thanks 19:10:56 <wilcal> time to wipe my HD clean and start all over with a boot.iso install 19:10:58 <tmb> I'm testing some stuff, but have not had much time finish it up, but I hope to finish builds tomorrow night 19:11:35 <wilcal> so things should settle out tomorrow for testing Sat 19:11:39 <DavidWHodgins> #info New sta1 iso builds expected tomorrow night 19:11:51 <MrsB> beat me to it 19:11:57 <wilcal> sounds like a plan 19:12:20 <DavidWHodgins> #topic * Testing updates - any problems, difficulties, issues. 19:12:25 <MrsB> dude :) 19:12:33 <MrsB> Any problems with the updates? 19:12:42 <wilcal> Ya we gotta problem with the new Firefox 19:12:51 <lewyssmith> The wretched list keeps growing. 19:13:00 <MrsB> well technically we don't have new FF yet 19:13:12 <MrsB> Any problems testing though I mean 19:13:12 <wilcal> seems ok in Cauldron but not so good in M5 updates_testing 19:13:13 <MrsB> http://madb.mageia.org/tools/updates 19:13:50 <wilcal> I'm using FF 46.0.1 here on all my machines 19:14:04 <MrsB> #info there's a new flash update, always critical 19:14:14 <rindolf> MrsB: the new 4.4.x kernel makes my atheros card have poor bitrate and bandwidth - it's OK with kernel 3.12.x. Seem like a known regression 19:14:31 <DavidWHodgins> Flash tested. Just have to load the advisory and validate 19:14:35 <MrsB> have you left a comment on the bug for it rindolf? 19:14:43 <rindolf> MrsB: I did, yes. 19:14:45 <wilcal> I luv that flash player app. A bundle of fun 19:14:51 <lewyssmith> David said he wanted to await the next Firefox release before pushing it. 19:14:52 <MrsB> thanks 19:15:09 <tarazed> Should be able to clear jackson-dataformat-xml by tomorrow 19:15:17 <lewyssmith> Hero! 19:15:26 <MrsB> yes. FF & TB are just to check for any packaging issues right now, as it's a big version jump to this ESR release 19:15:30 <DavidWHodgins> tarazed: Great. I haven't even looked at that one 19:15:37 <tmb> rindolf, 3.12 ? thats mga4 release kernel... 19:16:28 <rindolf> tmb: hmmm... I still have it here for some reason. 19:16:34 <wilcal> is the loss of the scroll bars a packaging issue? 19:16:45 <lewyssmith> Doubt it. 19:17:05 <tarazed> Highlighting is affected also 19:17:15 <tmb> anyway for kernels all will be re-done basing of 4.4.10 and re-enabling vm86 support that got disabled in 4.1 -> 4.4 transition 19:17:27 <MrsB> what does that do? 19:19:03 <DavidWHodgins> Interesting in firefox. Highlighted text does not show, unless I move the mouse to my other system (using synergy). Then it shows. Moving it back, the highlighting disappears again. 19:19:14 <MrsB> anyway, we can test nvidia-current for 4.1.15 kernel in the meantime 19:19:47 <MrsB> also dmidecode and wireless-regdb 19:19:52 <MrsB> these can be pushed separately 19:20:04 <tmb> it allows access to "legacy vm86 system calls on 32bit installs", something that current vbetool relies on 19:20:31 <DavidWHodgins> Highlighting also reappears while resizing the firefox window 19:20:49 <MrsB> Guys, let's not get bogged down with FF yet please 19:20:56 <tmb> I wont enable it in cauldron, we need to fix vbetool, but for a stable release like mga5 I dont want to cause breakage 19:21:04 <MrsB> think of it as a technical preview for the time being 19:21:11 <wilcal> k 19:21:22 <lewyssmith> dmidecode only has 1 ok. Is that OK? 19:21:58 <MrsB> it's one of those that are better with more tests on different HW and is easy to test so anyone not done so yet please have a look 19:22:00 <tmb> I will also temporarily move new virtualbox to backports_testing as it needs more work, and the kernel is more important to get out 19:22:09 <MrsB> yep 19:22:44 <wilcal> i agree 19:22:46 <DavidWHodgins> lewyssmith: Yes. It's just a tool for dumping the DMI 19:23:36 <lewyssmith> OK, you validate it, I can do the advisory. 19:23:39 <MrsB> Everybody OK with all the rest? 19:24:16 <lewyssmith> mercurial is not for many people to try... 19:24:26 <MrsB> it's better with more tests to check regressions but it is working 19:24:45 <MrsB> mercurial has an easy procedure to follow though 19:24:49 <tarazed> That is about ready - i586 in vbox later 19:25:14 <DavidWHodgins> Luigi's roundup - Via email this week, so last topic is ... 19:25:17 <DavidWHodgins> #topic * Anything else? 19:25:20 <MrsB> #info We'll continue to validate with one arch tested (one OK) unless it's hardware related or crucial to the system 19:25:53 <MrsB> Is there anything else? 19:26:02 <tarazed> That's good. Will validate mercurial then. 19:26:10 <DavidWHodgins> Nothing else here 19:26:13 <wilcal> not from me 19:26:33 <lewyssmith> Not for now. 19:26:36 <tmb> not from me 19:26:47 <wilcal> should be exciting next meeting 19:26:59 <DavidWHodgins> Go enjoy the eurovision. :-) 19:27:11 <MrsB> oooh lagging :\ 19:27:19 <lewyssmith> wilcal: We shall know who won (Eurovision)? 19:28:22 <wilcal> I don't do those contest shows. I do american baseball and Euro football 19:28:27 <MrsB> . 19:28:51 <MrsB> T - 5 then if it's still working :) Thanks for comign everybody! 19:28:55 <MrsB> 4 19:28:56 <wilcal> bye all 19:28:58 <MrsB> 3 19:29:00 <MrsB> 2 19:29:01 <lewyssmith> Goodbye all. 19:29:01 <MrsB> 1 19:29:05 <MrsB> #endmeeting