19:07:02 <MrsB> #startmeeting 19:07:02 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Thu Aug 30 19:07:02 2012 UTC. The chair is MrsB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:07:02 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:07:25 <MrsB> Here we are again :) Hi everyone 19:07:35 <Stormi> hi 19:07:46 <DavidWHodgins> Hi 19:07:48 <Kernewes> hi 19:07:53 <alfred_> hi 19:07:56 <Latte> hi 19:08:08 <MrsB> lets jump straight into our first topic.. 19:08:08 <harms_> hi 19:08:16 <MrsB> #topic Who's new? 19:08:30 <MrsB> soooo who's new? 19:08:40 <Latte> I'm new ;) 19:08:47 <MrsB> Latte this is your first isn't it 19:08:49 <Latte> my name is Marc - hi 19:08:49 <Kernewes> hi Latte 19:08:54 <MrsB> welcome to the team :) 19:09:04 <Latte> thanks 19:09:14 <MrsB> How are you finding it so far? 19:09:19 <alfred_> Latte: nice to see you in QA team; btw /me is known as alf in forums 19:09:47 <Latte> Its a warm welcome 19:09:51 <MrsB> yeah, please introduce yourself briefly guys. I'm claire, from the Uk 19:10:33 <DavidWHodgins> I'm Dave from London, Ontario, Canada. 19:10:41 <Kernewes> I'm Carolyn from Cornwall, UK 19:10:55 <Latte> I'm from Cologne/germany 19:11:00 <alfred_> Alfred(alf) from Germany 19:11:01 <harms_> Juergen from Geneva and middle-Autria 19:12:09 <MrsB> Who else do we have? Stormi was here a minute ago 19:12:27 <MrsB> #chair Stormi 19:12:27 <Inigo_Montoya> Current chairs: MrsB Stormi 19:12:33 <Stormi> Samuel, Lyon, France 19:12:53 <MrsB> have you been to a meeting like this before Latte? 19:13:03 <Latte> no 19:13:21 <MrsB> well, it's alot the same as a normal meeting you'd have in an office. 19:13:37 <MrsB> it is logged and has minutes (notes) 19:13:37 <Kernewes> it's more civilised than our office meetings 19:13:46 <MrsB> the logs will be available online afterwards 19:14:12 <Latte> ok 19:14:28 <MrsB> there are some commands we use like the #chair one but there is one that anybody can use called #info which adds a minute (note) in the logs 19:14:41 <MrsB> you use it like this.. 19:14:48 <MrsB> #info this is how info works 19:14:48 <EzKurdistanIm> Hi I am Tolhildan from Sweden 19:14:59 <EzKurdistanIm> glad to see you Latte among us. 19:15:32 <MrsB> so let's move on and see if Luigi12_work is around 19:15:52 <MrsB> i don't think he is yet 19:15:59 <Luigi12_work> boo 19:16:05 * Kernewes jumps 19:16:09 <MrsB> ahh ok, ready for the roundup? 19:16:12 * Luigi12_work is grading final exams 19:16:13 <Luigi12_work> yes 19:16:22 <MrsB> #topic Luigi's Roundup 19:16:26 <MrsB> over to you :) 19:16:52 <Luigi12_work> basically we just have ioquake (mga1) and torque (mga2) which are old CVEs, so the sooner we can have those pushed, the better 19:17:07 <Luigi12_work> the QA team has cleared out the rest of the security updates 19:17:10 <Luigi12_work> :o) 19:17:15 <Luigi12_work> any questions for me? 19:17:42 <MrsB> #info we only really have ioquake on mga1 and torque on mga2. We've cleared out all the rest \o/ 19:17:43 <DavidWHodgins> Not here. I'll be taking a look at torque as soon as the meeting is over. 19:17:56 <Kernewes> well done, all of you. 19:18:03 <Luigi12_work> indeed 19:18:23 <MrsB> For Latte's benefit, Luigi12_work is David Walser, you'll see alot of him on bugzilla, he builds most of our security updates 19:18:45 <Latte> thx 19:19:04 <MrsB> so an easy roundup this week, thanks Luigi12_work 19:19:16 <Luigi12_work> yep, thanks everyone. Back to grading :o( 19:19:32 <MrsB> enjoy! 19:19:51 <MrsB> #topic ISO Testing 19:19:51 <DavidWHodgins> MrsB: kde 4.8.5 has 2317 listed in the depends on, but I couldn't find anything needing linking with depcheck. 19:20:50 <MrsB> As you are all probably aware, we now have the pre-release ISOs for mageia 3 alpha 1 19:21:10 <MrsB> There are a few immediate problems 19:21:23 <MrsB> #info livecd's are not ready yet 19:22:00 * tmb is currently building new set of livecds 19:22:04 <MrsB> there was also a nasty bug which means usb peripherals are not recognised, which makes it impossible to install if you have usb keyboard etc 19:22:29 <MrsB> #info also usb bug which means you can't use usb keyboard 19:22:46 <MrsB> #info tmb is currently rebuilding the livecd's 19:23:09 <tmb> the usb bug should now be fixed with all the drakx-* rpms tv pushed 19:23:29 <MrsB> ennael was going to rebuild the dvd's too today, she usually sends an email to qa-discuss when they are ready. 19:23:37 <MrsB> yes i believe it was tmb 19:24:25 <MrsB> #info dvd's will be rebuilt too today (probably) so you will need to sync again. Anne will email qa-discuss to let us know when they are ready. 19:24:30 <MrsB> hi Maikelon 19:24:43 <Maikelon> Hi! 19:24:56 <MrsB> Maikelon have you met Latte? 19:25:12 <Maikelon> Not yet 19:25:22 <Latte> hi Maikelon 19:25:36 <Maikelon> Hello Latte 19:26:08 * EzKurdistanIm feels a shame, I have not registered myself to mailing groups. :( 19:26:09 <MrsB> so Maikelon started with us last week. Latte started with us this week. introduce yourselves briefly so we all know who we're talking to.. 19:26:50 <Latte> my Name is Marc and I'm from Cologne/Germany 19:26:57 <EzKurdistanIm> stupid question how much of mga2 errate is present in mga3? 19:27:07 <Maikelon> My name is Mikel, I'm 26 and am from Spain. 19:27:18 <EzKurdistanIm> welcome both of you. 19:27:34 <MrsB> actually Stormi had the idea after mga2 was released to use the errata as a basis for testing mga3 19:27:35 <DavidWHodgins> Yes, Welcome to the qa team! 19:27:48 <Maikelon> Thank you EzKurdistanIm DavidWHodgins 19:28:12 <Kernewes> hello Maikelon 19:28:19 <EzKurdistanIm> MrsB: how did it went? 19:28:34 <MrsB> it hasn't yet, we mostly started testing today 19:28:48 <Maikelon> Hello Kernewes 19:28:49 <MrsB> or yesterday 19:28:55 <harms_> Mga2 errata: great to check - but I think alpha1 is too early 19:29:10 <MrsB> so far it seems very stable. Incredible for the first alpha. 19:29:32 <MrsB> yes, some of it will be harms_ 19:29:43 <Maikelon> So we should sync again the ISOs when they told us via ML 19:29:48 <MrsB> it's still a good idea to refer to it as we go along 19:29:55 <Maikelon> Have I missed something else important? 19:29:56 <MrsB> thats right yes 19:30:25 <ennael> tmb: ping ? 19:30:29 <Kernewes> MrsB: can you remind me, any anyone else who might need to know 19:30:33 <MrsB> livecd's are being rebuilt now and dvd's will be rebuilt today too most likely so look out for emails on qa-discuss 19:30:43 <Kernewes> MrsB: how to use rsync to get a list so you can just download some ISOs 19:30:58 <MrsB> yes, use --list-only instead of -avHP 19:31:03 <Kernewes> thank you 19:31:44 <MrsB> so how are we getting on? anybody having problems so far? how is ethercalc working? 19:32:33 <harms_> Ethercalc is somewhat painful for modifying existing text (eg ad a bugzilla number) 19:32:33 <DavidWHodgins> I've been concentrating on security bugs most of yesterday and so far today. 19:32:41 <Kernewes> harms_: I agree with that 19:32:50 <harms_> the problem is that you do not knkow where the cursor is 19:33:02 <Kernewes> it looks like an underscore 19:33:09 <MrsB> personally I think ethercalc may be a bit too formal at this stage of testing 19:33:25 <Kernewes> MrsB: you have a point 19:34:29 <MrsB> it's up to us to decide the best way forward. Shall we stay with it for now and persevere or should we move to the pad (etherpad) again for now? 19:34:45 <DavidWHodgins> When is version freeze? That's when things usually get really hectic. 19:34:47 <Kernewes> I suppose we could use this phase to get used to ethercalc 19:34:53 <Kernewes> but have the pad as well 19:35:06 <harms_> stay - just dare to say good evening 19:35:32 <MrsB> how do you feel about it dave? 19:36:09 <DavidWHodgins> I find ethercalc to be a bit of a pain. Changes can be slow to reload, etc. 19:36:36 <MrsB> shall we have a quick vote then.. 19:36:50 <DavidWHodgins> I prefer to just use bugzilla, and a note to the discuss list. 19:37:08 <alfred_> it' a little bit formalistic if i wold only post acomment 19:37:27 <Kernewes> it's only designed for short comments really 19:37:51 <harms_> bugzilla + ml is OK with me - but we need some kind of overview 19:38:01 <leuhmanu> at this stage, I think minor bugs is to painfull, or you really keep and updates your own bugs 19:38:05 <DavidWHodgins> It's useful when we get near to release, to ensure all iso images have been tested. 19:38:17 <Kernewes> perhaps ethercalc will be better for the later stages to confirm OK or not 19:38:22 <Kernewes> rather than lengthy explanations of bugs 19:38:40 <MrsB> so lets vote for either calc or pad then please.. 19:38:53 <Kernewes> permanently or temporarily? 19:39:12 <MrsB> either, I personally think the calc will be better used later in the process. 19:39:13 <DavidWHodgins> For now, I think the pad is better. 19:39:23 <Kernewes> so do I 19:39:25 <MrsB> my vote is pad 19:39:31 <alfred_> aggreed 19:39:41 <harms_> agree: pad now, calc when betas start 19:40:08 <ennael> hi back 19:40:18 <ennael> tv submitted another fix for stage2 19:40:28 <ennael> so we are starting build just now 19:40:31 <MrsB> #info we had a quick vote and all seem to agree that it would be better to use the pad again in these early stage, maybe go back to the calc in beta's or RC. 19:40:39 <MrsB> hi ennael 19:40:41 <ennael> oups meeting , sorry 19:41:05 <MrsB> Latte: ennael is our project leader and a packaging team leader 19:41:33 <MrsB> #info dvd's are building now 19:41:40 <ennael> and sorry again :) 19:41:42 <Latte> yes I already heard her name ;) 19:41:46 <DavidWHodgins> Any eta on the build time? 19:41:50 <MrsB> would you email qa-d when they're ready please ennael 19:42:11 <ennael> DavidWHodgins: DVDs should be ready in 1h30 the latest 19:42:17 <ennael> yep will do 19:42:21 <MrsB> thanks :) 19:43:20 <MrsB> ennael: we've also agreed to go back to the pad for now so could you do that again when they're done too please 19:44:16 <ennael> yep will do it tonight 19:44:31 <MrsB> Latte: if you would like to help with pre-release testing of the ISOs too please add your details here https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_ISO_testers 19:45:09 <Latte> OK 19:45:22 <MrsB> i'll transfer any current bug reports to the pad tomorrow 19:45:50 <MrsB> sooo anybody have any questions on this topic? 19:46:16 <DavidWHodgins> What's the link to the pad again? 19:46:33 <MrsB> Anne will probably put it in the email. 19:46:45 <DavidWHodgins> Ok. 19:46:47 <MrsB> etherpad wasn't it? 19:46:51 <Kernewes> doesn't it appear at the top of this channel? 19:47:03 <MrsB> no, we can add it though 19:47:34 <MrsB> is everybody ok with all this so far? 19:47:49 <DavidWHodgins> Yep. 19:47:50 <alfred_> yes 19:47:54 <Maikelon> Ok for now :) 19:47:59 <harms_> fine 19:48:10 <Latte> yes 19:48:21 <MrsB> as always, if there is anything whatsoever you are not sure about or need some guidance with then please don't hesitate to ask.. 19:48:36 <Latte> I will for sure ;) 19:48:45 <MrsB> #topic Anything else? 19:48:54 <MrsB> quick meeting tonight \o/ 19:49:02 <MrsB> is there anythign else? 19:49:16 <alfred_> not here 19:49:22 <DavidWHodgins> Nothing here. 19:49:30 <Kernewes> not here either 19:49:49 <Kernewes> you can't finish now, I've just made another cup of tea 19:50:16 <MrsB> great, so thankyou all for coming. Welcome again to our new members and same time next week! 19:50:24 <MrsB> #endmeeting