19:11:28 <ennael> #startmeeting 19:11:28 <Inigo_Montoya`> Meeting started Mon Apr 20 19:11:28 2015 UTC. The chair is ennael. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:11:28 <Inigo_Montoya`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:11:47 <ennael> ok so let's focus again on Mageia 5 19:12:00 <marja> Stormi: I'm here, but struggling with wlan (and wlan adapters) 19:12:00 <ennael> first question is: what's the status of RC isos 19:12:12 <Stormi> not bad 19:12:18 <Stormi> as far as I can tell 19:12:19 <MrsB> Well uefi is OK now 19:12:21 <ennael> #topic the status of RC isos 19:12:35 <MrsB> There are still a number of bugs, some more visible than others 19:13:08 <MrsB> https://pad.riseup.net/p/mageia5rc 19:13:10 <[mbot> [ Riseup Pad ] 19:13:11 <MrsB> pad link 19:13:20 <MrsB> some errata towards the top 19:13:34 <MrsB> Some missing firmware also on dualdvd 19:14:03 * ennael will add them in list 19:14:17 <ennael> actually I was doing it then remember meeting 19:14:20 <MrsB> plymouth not working is down to missing "splash quiet" on classic installs 19:14:50 <ennael> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15666 19:14:53 <[mbot> [ Bug 15666 After install from Classical media, boot process from Grub to Log in is in scrolling text ] 19:15:00 <MrsB> if those are an easy fix then it may be worth new classics 19:15:26 <ennael> firmware is easy 19:16:06 <MrsB> pterjan has commited some fixes for the partitioning of "use free space in windows partition" 19:16:52 <ennael> do you have bug number? 19:17:09 <Sebsebxebb> Hi 19:17:28 <marja> ennael: https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15589 19:17:30 <[mbot> [ Bug 15589 Install unusable because installer used too little of the available space (after selecting Use the free space on a Microsoft Windows partition) ] 19:17:58 <MrsB> that one yes 19:18:05 <MrsB> morning Sebsebxebb 19:18:19 <Sebsebxebb> Evening MrsB 19:18:52 <MrsB> gnome live is the other problem iso 19:19:11 <MrsB> or isos 19:19:14 <Akien> From what I heard lebarhon is not 100% happy with the "use free space on a Windows partition" option yet, but it's way better than previously 19:19:24 <marja> and he is working on a fix to make it visible that the windows partiton can be shrunk further (or less) than installer suggestst https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15728 19:19:27 <[mbot> [ Bug 15728 it is invisible in the doPartitionDisk screen, that the windows partition can be resized there. ] 19:19:30 <MrsB> it's altered since the last isos Akien 19:20:00 <Stormi> the commit I saw was about preferring the first disk even if another disk had a big windows partition 19:20:19 <Stormi> don't know about lebarhon's problem, but it's definitely not a RC-blocker 19:20:50 <lebarhon> the problem is the installer doesn't choose the largest NTFS partition 19:21:16 <MrsB> dude :) 19:21:17 <DavidWHodgins> HiYa everyone. Sorry I'm late. Just switched isps 19:21:34 <DavidWHodgins> Now have a cable connection, instead of adsl 19:21:48 <MrsB> very fitting, the new one Dave, teksavvy 19:21:50 <Luigi12_work> sorry to hear that 19:22:00 <ennael> I don't want to deny this pb but it was there for ages. It's not satisfying but we take some time later to work on it 19:22:09 <Luigi12_work> lebarhon: as I said on the qa-discuss list, the biggest might not be the best if it can't be shrunk the most 19:22:25 <Luigi12_work> but yeah you can choose what you want to do if you do custom, so certainly not a blocker 19:22:25 <marja> lebarhon: It'll choose thhttp://gitweb.mageia.org/software/drakx/commit/?id=71c5f17dd864c7783909f75f6e7d5bd9d56ce425 19:22:27 <[mbot> [ drakx - Mageia Installer and base platform for many utilities ] 19:22:40 <lebarhon> In my test the bigest had the most free space 19:22:59 <Luigi12_work> and it still didn't choose it? weird 19:23:03 <Stormi> lebarhon: free space is not what's taken into account. Freeable space is. 19:23:10 <MrsB> Well he changed it to 20% from 10% and some other changes 19:23:21 <MrsB> since last isos mind you 19:23:25 <lebarhon> the space is freeable manually 19:23:35 <marja> lebarhon: it'll choose the partition with most avaible space on the disk you selected, with final isos 19:23:36 <Stormi> Also, I would have chosen the 15 Gb partition actually :) 19:24:05 <lebarhon> marja: you are wrong 19:24:36 <lebarhon> Stormi: 15 GB is too small for / and /home 19:24:42 <Luigi12_work> no it's not 19:24:47 <Stormi> I think this issue is not really a matter for pre-RC "go or no go" council meeting 19:24:53 <Luigi12_work> true 19:24:53 <marja> lebarhon: did you test his commit of 2015-04-18 23:58:12 (GMT) ? 19:24:53 <Akien> Stormi: +1 19:25:01 <Stormi> let's agree we can make it better and go to next one 19:25:08 <marja> OK 19:25:11 <Luigi12_work> thanks for keeping the meeting on topic :o) 19:25:30 <MrsB> yes visible issues are the ones which concern me most 19:25:48 <MrsB> RC is going to be used by reviewers 19:25:56 <lebarhon> marja: no it was round 8 19:26:55 <Akien> lebarhon: Ah ok, so there might be a different behaviour in the next set or the current boot.iso 19:27:22 <Stormi> MrsB: what are the visible issues? Gnome and splash? 19:27:33 <lebarhon> Akien: I will try the last update 19:27:33 <MrsB> mainly yes 19:28:07 * Stormi thinks ennael should raise a different species of pidgeons 19:28:22 <wilcal> I still see the "Oh No" thingy when booting Gnome 19:28:26 <ennael> sorry was investogating dual drivers 19:28:50 <ennael> what about live isos ? 19:28:58 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Is that in live mode, or after installing? 19:29:30 <Stormi> Lives don't boot on optimus laptops, 3 reports that I know of including Akien and me 19:29:45 <Stormi> except when forcing using vesa 19:29:46 <wilcal> For sure in Live mode. Then after install the first boot then it's gone 19:30:25 <MrsB> also gnome installed show a cmpletely blank screen when booting. Might be worth checking for missing kernel options there too 19:30:26 <tmb> Note that the changes by pterjan in git has not been rolled up to new drakxtools/stage2 ... 19:30:44 <ennael> Stormi: any opened bug about this? 19:31:14 <Akien> lebarhon: As per tmb's comment above, you can wait a bit before testing pterjan's changes for the Windows partition stuff 19:31:31 <lebarhon> OK 19:31:33 <Stormi> ennael: yes https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15734 19:31:35 <[mbot> [ Bug 15734 Booting laptop+nVIDIA Optimus from Live DVD (KDE or GNOME) ends with blank screen (X server fails to start) ] 19:31:49 <Stormi> actually, mga4 was the same 19:31:54 <Akien> I've had that bug since I have my laptop and never opened a bug, shame on me 19:32:20 <Stormi> we had tried looking at it with tmb back then I'm not sure I had a bug report either 19:32:52 <Stormi> so, not a regression, but I think the proportion of computers with optimus might have raised 19:33:14 <Stormi> I'd put it that way : let's try to fix it for final, it's late for RC 19:33:30 <ennael> ok 19:33:42 <ennael> is it the only annoying one for live isos ? 19:33:48 <Akien> Hopefully we have Martin Whitaker to open relevant bug reports :) 19:34:05 <Stormi> ennael: you mean apart from gnome's "oh no" in some situations? 19:34:14 <ennael> I mean optimus 19:34:34 <Stormi> so I haven't understood the question :) 19:34:47 <MrsB> also gnome installed show a cmpletely blank screen when booting. Might be worth checking for missing kernel options there too 19:35:59 <tmb> MrsB, live or classical ? 19:36:15 <MrsB> gnome installed from live, see pad 19:36:38 <MrsB> i didn't create a bug report for thta one somehow 19:38:02 <Stormi> about Optimus, classical installer thinks there are 2 screens, and proposes to configure either one or both GPUs 19:38:11 <Stormi> choosing the intel one allows to proceed without any problem 19:38:18 <Stormi> I haven't tested further 19:39:31 <Stormi> hello? 19:39:53 <DavidWHodgins> Stormi: Still here 19:39:56 <Stormi> :) 19:40:08 <ennael> checking the bug page... 19:40:09 <Akien> Stormi: Choosing something else kills X :) 19:40:18 <Stormi> Akien: good to know :) 19:40:21 <Akien> But that's a known (and somewhat documented) issue 19:40:39 <Stormi> yes, we just have to mention it in errata and try to do better in mga6 19:40:52 <Akien> For Mageia 6 we should either work on integrating/adapting the work ROSA did on this matter on XFdrake, or do our own implementation 19:40:56 <Stormi> would be nice if the Lives would use only intel so that they can boot 19:41:24 <Akien> Do you think they try to boot on nvidia? 19:41:32 <Stormi> I think bot modules are loaded 19:41:33 <Stormi> both 19:41:52 <Stormi> let me check mga5 errata 19:42:38 <Stormi> mga4 I meant 19:42:54 <Akien> #todo Stormi and Akien check optimus issues that need to be fixed/errata'ed 19:42:59 <Akien> Let's move on :) 19:43:31 <Stormi> " Here is a combination that works for some dual-GPU (Nvidia Optimus) configurations: rd.blacklist=nouveau rd.blacklist=nvidia xdriver=intel " 19:43:35 <ennael> so basically I rebuild classical isos including missing drivers in dual and new stage2 19:43:35 <Stormi> agreed 19:44:08 <ennael> (in fact drivers are missing on 64bits side) 19:44:18 <Stormi> oops 19:44:47 <ennael> so I can do it just after meeting 19:44:50 <tmb> ennael, dont you hardlink the nonfree drivers between i586 and x86_64 on dual ? 19:44:59 <ennael> tmb: it should not 19:45:06 <ennael> will check 19:45:11 <Akien> Can we have a fix for missing plymouth before rebuilding? 19:45:12 <MrsB> ennael: also be good to include a fix for the missing kernel options for plymouth 19:45:19 <ennael> tmb: only noarch 19:45:31 <Akien> It's a regression from recent changes, so it should not be too hard to track down 19:45:42 <tmb> ennael, the firmware packages are noarch 19:45:54 <ennael> but it should be there 19:46:16 <ennael> the directory is empty for now but it's not current topic :) 19:47:27 <tmb> ah, the adding of noiswmd flag might be overriding splash ... I will re-check 19:48:42 <ennael> ok 19:49:05 <ennael> so tomorrow we need victi^w^wvolunteers to test classical isos 19:49:14 <ennael> then if ok we can release RC isos 19:49:14 <Akien> I'm in :) 19:49:23 <DavidWHodgins> lol 19:49:45 <wilcal> I can look at the classica isos tomorrow 19:49:49 <ennael> thanks 19:49:50 <tmb> and that is was :( 19:49:55 <ennael> outch 19:50:05 <Akien> s/:(/:)/ 19:50:10 <Akien> It's good to find the culprit :) 19:50:26 <tmb> I misread the drakx code... it's simply the last line with "append" that wins... 19:50:45 <tmb> but that's an easy fix :) 19:50:48 <MrsB> is thta the cause for classic too? 19:50:49 <ennael> I was wondering also 19:50:57 <ennael> there are append everywher :) 19:50:57 <ennael> e 19:51:54 * Luigi12_work wonders if that's the cause of bug 5763 19:52:11 <ennael> ok then we will need people to update web site 19:52:15 <ennael> anybody around? 19:52:49 <Stormi> apparently not 19:52:55 <Akien> ping leuhmanu, grenoya 19:52:55 <DavidWHodgins> :-) 19:53:01 <ennael> ok will mail atelier 19:53:11 <wilcal> I'm still hang'n in here :-)) 19:53:28 <ennael> anything else on RC topic? 19:53:35 <tmb> Luigi12_work, most likely yes 19:54:21 <wilcal> Do we have any kind of a timeline here. Like 2nd week May release? 19:54:57 <MrsB> we could aim for that i guess 19:54:58 * tmb thinks we are doing a Debian release :) 19:55:06 <ennael> too late 19:55:10 <DavidWHodgins> When it's ready. :-) 19:55:12 <Luigi12_work> lol, they'll even beat us 19:55:16 <Luigi12_work> they're releasing on the 25th 19:55:33 <wilcal> 25th of April or 25th of May? 19:55:33 <ennael> if we release RC now we should be able to build final release within 2or 3 weeks 19:55:56 <wilcal> I think that's an excellant plan ennael. 19:56:07 <MrsB> we've made major progress for the RC so final should be fairly simple 19:56:09 <Luigi12_work> so we'll only be one Fedora release cycle behind schedule :o) 19:56:12 <MrsB> *should* 19:56:33 <wilcal> I don't think we should be working to someone elses schedule 19:56:43 <Luigi12_work> I wasn't suggesting we should be :P 19:57:52 <ennael> #topic next target: final release 19:58:05 <MrsB> \o/ 19:58:10 <Luigi12_work> as for bug 5763, figured it would have to be something in the installer, as the code run in the %posttrans by the kernel packages looks correct (installkernel and the stuff it calls) 19:58:10 <ennael> ok do we have bugs we should have a look in priority ? 19:59:24 <Stormi> well, we have 15 release blockers open 19:59:43 <MrsB> force network config on live installs for final, ideally the 64bit nvidia thing on classics 20:00:38 <MrsB> lxde shutdown 20:01:27 <Stormi> the "first login goes into locked screensaver" issue on lxde and another DE, since it's a visible one maybe 20:02:02 <MrsB> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14069 current blockers on the tracker, there were others which didn't get added to the tracker though iinm 20:02:04 <[mbot> [ Bug 14069 [Tracker] Mageia 5 release critical ] 20:03:29 <MrsB> http://lstu.fr/Mga5ReleaseBlockers the other list 20:03:31 <[mbot> [ Log in to Mageia Bugzilla ] 20:05:59 <Luigi12_work> back when I did my long e-mail about blockers I went through the tracker and included in the list (and ennael's spreadsheet) the ones that looked like real blockers 20:06:29 <Akien> Last time I checked there was only one bug in the tracker that was set as "release_blocker" itself 20:06:53 <Akien> Namely https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12182 20:06:55 <[mbot> [ Bug 12182 drakxtools log function not working any more - probably since switch to journald ] 20:06:59 <Akien> And it's true that it's hardly a blocker in itself 20:07:11 <Luigi12_work> right; point being they've all been looked at 20:07:19 <Akien> Yes 20:08:52 <Stormi> I guess a new mail to dev about remaining blockers could be nice 20:08:56 <Stormi> right after RC 20:09:02 <Luigi12_work> yep 20:09:07 <ennael> even now 20:09:10 <Stormi> and RC will probably bring new ones 20:09:27 <Stormi> ok, who could be packager deputy leader here? 20:09:35 * MrsB looks 20:09:50 <Luigi12_work> Akien and I have each done one such e-mail; someone else's turn? ;o) 20:10:14 <ennael> I can do one announcing RC isos very soon and listing remaining bugs 20:12:49 <Stormi> ok, anything else? 20:13:10 <DavidWHodgins> Nothing else here. 20:13:20 <MrsB> drink, then bedtime 20:14:15 <ennael> ok then 20:14:18 <ennael> short meeting 20:14:23 <ennael> thanks for attending 20:14:32 <MrsB> thanks ennael 20:14:32 <ennael> #endmeeting