20:06:30 <ennael> #startmeeting 20:06:30 <Inigo_Montoya> Meeting started Mon Jan 12 20:06:30 2015 UTC. The chair is ennael. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:06:30 <Inigo_Montoya> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:06:31 <DavidWHodgins> Having a beer here. :-) 20:06:46 <ennael> let's try not to spend half of the night here :) 20:07:10 <MrsB> fixed the cake bug 20:07:21 <ennael> #topic mageia 5 beta 2 hell 20:07:27 <ennael> ok 20:07:32 <grenoya> hi! sorry to be late 20:07:48 <MrsB> hi grenoya 20:07:54 <ennael> first on my size I apologize for the mess and lack of reaction these last days 20:08:10 <wilcal> No problem 20:08:24 <ennael> taking this meeting to review where we are and how we can release 20:09:24 <MrsB> I created some tracker bugs this morning 20:09:36 <MrsB> might need one for installer issues too 20:10:00 <MrsB> there are quite a number of small issues and a handful of large issues 20:10:40 <MrsB> if we release in the current state then we will seriously need to consider beta3, or RC will just be another beta 20:11:18 <DavidWHodgins> I think we should plan on having a beta 3, and release beta 2 as is. 20:11:39 <MrsB> AFAICT everything commented on has a bug report now 20:11:48 <wilcal> IMO there are some issues that need to see a wider array of platforms to test on and release of M5B2 will help that 20:12:17 <MrsB> Latest classic isos haven't had much testing yet so would benefit from that 20:13:12 <wilcal> What is it MrsB the "EFI" boot issue that significatnt 20:13:14 <MrsB> they've all been tested previously though and it's mainly EFI stuff which has changed 20:13:54 <wilcal> Are we dedicated to releasing M5 with full EFI support? 20:14:06 <MrsB> I think we have to be 20:14:18 <wilcal> It cannot be patched after release 20:14:21 <ennael> tmb: anyt thoughts on isos ? 20:14:31 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Hopefully, though not guaranteed. 20:14:42 <wilcal> So EFI becomes the gating issue 20:14:59 <wilcal> If it does not do EFI it don't get released 20:15:02 <MrsB> not in particular wilcal 20:15:14 <MrsB> there are a number of issues 20:15:35 <MrsB> gnome has issues, the most major being that it ignores l10n settings 20:15:57 <MrsB> shorewall isn't being started 20:15:58 <ennael> I saw a bug report from GNOME upstream 20:16:29 <MrsB> it's pointless me listing them all here really, they're all on the tracker 20:16:52 <tmb> well, efi will be there... base drakx code now allows efi management, will still need some cleanups, I'm currently reworking the efi boot stub so it should boot on most stuff 20:17:41 <MrsB> grub2 now installs ok (non-efi) 20:18:36 <tmb> as for isos.. if we go for beta3 I think we can release beta2 now, otherwise we need more polishing time... 20:18:47 <MrsB> yes, my thoughts exactly 20:19:26 <MrsB> we'll need a focus on bug fixing after release though either way 20:19:31 <wilcal> I agree 20:19:33 <tmb> of course the longer we delay, the older the stuff gets... 20:19:48 <tmb> so it's always a balance... 20:20:10 <MrsB> we could perhaps delay release freeze until beta 3 20:20:20 <ennael> of course 20:20:32 <ennael> we cannot manage release freeze for several weeks 20:20:33 <DavidWHodgins> Agreed 20:20:37 <ennael> this will be hard 20:20:56 <MrsB> I'm concious too of the pressure all this puts on your tmb 20:21:00 <MrsB> you* 20:21:14 <DavidWHodgins> We are better off delaying release, then releasing a bad product. 20:21:52 <ennael> what about having 3 weeks before beta3 20:22:34 <MrsB> however long it is we'll need to focus attention on bug fixing away from updating things so much 20:22:59 <ennael> we cannot manage it for ages 20:23:03 <MrsB> i think the timing will depend on how quickly we feel bugs can be attended 20:23:17 <ennael> let focus on release critical bugs for 3 weeks 20:23:23 <MrsB> yeah 20:23:30 <ennael> flooding dev with it 20:23:36 <MrsB> \o/ 20:23:59 <MrsB> i can make sure the message goes to QA to respond quickly to any dev queries 20:24:07 <ennael> ok 20:24:23 <ennael> we can plan a review during fosdem with people around 20:24:44 <ennael> at least colin will be there he will have no choice :) 20:24:51 <MrsB> lol poor col 20:25:01 <ennael> with beer of course 20:25:14 <MrsB> stick and carrot, of ocurse 20:25:14 <ennael> coling: if you are around, don't run 20:25:21 <ennael> of course 20:25:44 <MrsB> Olav will be there too and gnome devs 20:25:51 <ennael> great 20:25:59 <ennael> poor guys :) 20:26:12 <MrsB> i know teehee :D 20:26:17 <ennael> ok so we validate current isos 20:26:44 <ennael> then we start workig for beta3 20:26:55 <wilcal> sounds like a plan 20:26:56 <MrsB> I'd prefer to do quick installs from classic isos but its your call. I tend to be too cautious 20:27:26 <tmb> Well we could release them tomorrow night or so... 20:27:42 <ennael> I'm not saying we push it tonight :) 20:27:53 <DavidWHodgins> tmb: Sounds good to me. 20:27:54 <MrsB> yeah, i can do quick vbox installs tmrw,. Just like to ensure no regressions 20:27:59 <ennael> just of the current one do install then we release 20:28:02 <wilcal> this release will be what we have now right 20:28:09 <ennael> what about live isos ? 20:28:21 <MrsB> all tested 20:28:39 <DavidWHodgins> ennael: Same. Release beta 2, and have a beta 3. 20:28:40 <MrsB> vbox some of them 20:29:05 <MrsB> wilcal you need to break out your testing rig 20:29:17 <wilcal> All ready to go 20:29:20 <ennael> DavidWHodgins: I was rather speaking about live isos status :) 20:30:21 <DavidWHodgins> I don't have efi, so can't test that aspect. As far as I know the beta 2 live iso images are ok for wider testing. 20:30:23 <MrsB> we'll need to make it clear gnome l10n is buggy when we release to prevent forums team having a breakdown 20:30:35 <DavidWHodgins> lol 20:31:04 <MrsB> no efi here either 20:31:13 <ennael> :) 20:31:19 <wilcal> Live stuff is ok. Wrinkle on Gnome Live in Vbox 20:31:20 <tmb> DavidWHodgins, virtualbox in mga4 / cauldron have working efi support (not perfect, but it works) 20:32:14 <tmb> and iirc qemu knows it too 20:32:56 <MrsB> lewis has been leading the efi testing so far 20:33:06 <MrsB> there are a few in the team 20:33:13 <DavidWHodgins> I hate qemu. While it works, it takes forever to boot on my system. 20:33:49 <MrsB> did I see that marja had updated the EFI page on the wiki? 20:34:31 <ennael> ok so please MrsB or DavidWHodgins can you post a grlobal status tomorrow? 20:34:50 <ennael> then we release beta 2 and start work for beta3 20:35:10 <DavidWHodgins> Where should it be posted? 20:35:33 <MrsB> yes. I'd just like some quick checks of classic installs. Other than that I feel we're ok for beta 2. 20:35:40 <ennael> on qa-discuss 20:35:43 <ennael> that's ok 20:35:56 <sebsebseb> hi 20:36:04 <MrsB> sebsebseb 20:36:07 <sebsebseb> MrsB: 20:38:46 <MrsB> anything we've missed? 20:38:53 <ennael> don't think so 20:39:29 <ennael> let's work then :) 20:39:40 <ennael> we have also a topic about i18n and doc teams merge 20:40:57 <MrsB> that's interesting. What's your thoughts on atelier with the teams merged grenoya? 20:41:23 <ennael> #topic docteam and i18n merge 20:41:28 <DavidWHodgins> Marga stated that even if the teams merge, she would like the mailing lists to stay as is. 20:41:50 <grenoya> MrsB: I'm not sure Atelier's merge was the same as i18n/doc's one: they are really working together already 20:42:38 <MrsB> yes that's true 20:43:04 <MrsB> they dont' appear to be here though ;\ 20:43:26 <lebarhon> am I the only one ? 20:43:32 <MrsB> ahh hi :) 20:43:41 <DavidWHodgins> lebarhon: Looks like it. :-) 20:43:50 <lebarhon> another reason to merge :) 20:43:57 <MrsB> lol yeah 20:44:24 <ennael> so ? 20:44:36 <ennael> do we have people from these teams around? 20:44:41 <DavidWHodgins> I think the teams should merge, but keep the mailing lists as is, and add a new one for the merged team. 20:44:57 <ennael> more ML... 20:45:06 <MrsB> hmm 20:45:17 <lebarhon> I think everyone agree for merging, let's do it 20:45:26 <grenoya> as a former docteam member, I would say merging ML is extremly important!! 20:45:34 <DavidWHodgins> Yep. Though we need the members to pick a new name for the merged team. 20:45:56 <MrsB> i think this is more a dicussion for the team members 20:46:02 <ennael> grenoya: do you think having one ML would be a trouble for people? 20:46:06 <ennael> just ti have an idea 20:46:15 <grenoya> one problem was that more than 80% of doc emails were also for i18n. creating a new ML will just keep copying emails 20:46:23 <ennael> indeed 20:46:29 <ennael> merge is also sharing resources 20:46:35 <grenoya> yes :) 20:46:40 <ennael> so keeping separate ML will not help people to communicate 20:46:46 <grenoya> indeed! 20:46:47 * MrsB agrees 20:47:05 <MrsB> what was marja's reasoning Dave? 20:47:08 <grenoya> and communication is a very important part of team work :) 20:49:31 <DavidWHodgins> The docteam members likely won't wan't to see all of the messages about translations being uploaded and then committed. 20:50:00 <ennael> ? 20:50:54 <MrsB> it would likely benefit from keeping two team leaders, at least one from each discipline 20:51:34 <grenoya> DavidWHodgins: are commit messages on the standart ML? 20:51:48 <ennael> this should not be done 20:52:01 <grenoya> it's not the case for Atelier nor fot doc IIRC 20:52:50 <DavidWHodgins> If you look at the i18n-discuss mailing list, the bulk of the messages are from translators, folllowed by commit messages, and often followed by thanks messages. While the volume is not high, it's much more than what the doc-discuss list gets. 20:53:26 <MrsB> an active ML encourages contrbution though 20:54:02 <DavidWHodgins> Depends on how many other mailing lists have been subscribed to. 20:54:29 <lebarhon> FWIW, I found the last docteam discussion, a message by filip 2014/10/22 20:55:49 <MrsB> it's really up to the teams themselves how they integrate, but we can advise 20:55:56 <DavidWHodgins> I currently have 34 lists subscribed, though only about 12 of those are Mageia related. 20:56:10 <ennael> ok 20:56:16 <DavidWHodgins> MrsB: Agreed. 20:56:20 <ennael> let's avoid to spend more time on it 20:56:34 <ennael> we can write a mail and ask for a decision from this team 20:56:38 <ennael> is that ok? 20:57:16 <MrsB> guys? 20:57:52 <wilcal> ok by me 20:58:08 <MrsB> lebarhon? 20:58:21 <DavidWHodgins> ennael: Ok here. 20:58:23 <lebarhon> OK 20:58:25 <ennael> grenoya: ? 20:58:29 <ennael> tmb: ? 20:58:44 <ennael> but indeed we need to move on this 20:58:51 <grenoya> ok for me 20:59:55 <MrsB> this will move things forward then 21:00:06 <ennael> ok thanks 21:00:16 <ennael> do we have any other topic ? 21:00:52 <DavidWHodgins> Dates on https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Development 21:01:22 <wilcal> Hugs from everyone to ennael 21:01:44 <DavidWHodgins> Yep. ☺ 21:01:53 <ennael> :) 21:02:00 <ennael> ok we should also work on a blog post 21:02:08 <ennael> grenoya: can you see that point ? 21:02:19 <ennael> short but explaining the delay and the decisions 21:02:26 <grenoya> yeah 21:02:42 <DavidWHodgins> And announce there will be a beta 3. 21:02:45 <grenoya> I'll sent an email to the team just after the meeting 21:02:50 <ennael> ok thanks 21:03:36 <wilcal> Final release of M5 post FOSDEM? 21:03:53 <MrsB> very, yes 21:03:58 <filip_> hi there 21:04:04 <MrsB> hi filip_ 21:04:09 <wilcal> Then everyone can relax 21:04:24 <wilcal> hi hi filip_ 21:04:38 <ennael> ok anything else ? 21:04:38 <tmb> nah, there is always Fosdem 2016... 21:04:44 <ennael> :)) 21:04:53 <ennael> well concluded tmb :) 21:07:04 <MrsB> Do we want to agree dates now or after release? 21:07:28 <DavidWHodgins> So the dates. Beta 2 Jan 13th, Beta 3, Feb. 3rd, RC Feb. 24th, and release on March 17th? 21:07:43 <wilcal> Excellant 21:07:49 <ennael> long :) 21:08:06 <DavidWHodgins> That's 3 weeks between each release. 21:08:23 <MrsB> RC => Final should be short maybe 21:08:29 <ennael> I would say 10 21:08:44 <wilcal> M5B3 should be pretty good 21:09:14 <MrsB> have to fit release freeze in there too 21:09:18 <DavidWHodgins> wilcal: Hopefully. (Knock on wood). :-) 21:09:59 <DavidWHodgins> Release freeze should be just before the beta 3 iso images start getting built, I think. 21:10:16 <wilcal> Yep, and freeze means freeze 21:10:39 <ennael> so 21:10:55 <ennael> Beta 2 Jan 13th, Beta 3, Feb. 3rd, RC Feb. 24th, and release on March 10th 21:11:03 <ennael> looks ok? 21:11:22 <wilcal> ok by me 21:11:48 <MrsB> when for freeze then, Jan 27th? 21:12:02 <DavidWHodgins> Provided it's clear those can be delayed if they don't pass qa testing. 21:12:20 <ennael> I would say after beta3 21:12:26 <ennael> for release freeze 21:12:32 <ennael> this is usually what we do 21:12:37 <MrsB> ok feb 4th-ish 21:12:52 <ennael> yep 21:12:55 <MrsB> as long as it doesn't detract from bug fixing 21:13:11 <ennael> well release freeze is about bug fixing 21:13:14 <ennael> it should be 21:13:42 <MrsB> yeah but we need them fixed before beta3 or there is no point in having a beta 3 21:13:52 <DavidWHodgins> As I understand it, bug fixes are the only updates allowed during release freeze. 21:13:54 <ennael> does not change :) 21:14:00 <ennael> DavidWHodgins: indeed 21:14:15 <ennael> even critical bugs 21:14:37 <MrsB> we'll need to ramp up the bug fixing message 21:14:48 <MrsB> dates are fine 21:16:05 <MrsB> 'll update those after the meeting if you like 21:16:11 <ennael> ok 21:16:22 <ennael> so... ready for 2 hellish months :) 21:16:26 <DavidWHodgins> 2 weeks from RC to release might be a little tight. 21:16:41 <ennael> DavidWHodgins: RC is a pre final release 21:16:51 <MrsB> well RC *should* be a proper RC this time 21:17:08 <DavidWHodgins> MrsB: Hopefully. :-) 21:17:13 <MrsB> needs to be 21:17:23 <ennael> anything else ? 21:17:32 <MrsB> all done ty 21:17:40 <DavidWHodgins> I think that's it. 21:17:44 <tmb> DavidWHodgins, not if RC is a real RC, meaning almost nothing but mageia-release rpm gets bumped to stable, drakx.* rebuilt and out it go 21:17:54 <ennael> yep 21:18:09 <wilcal> not from me 21:18:14 * tmb can always dream.... 21:18:19 <ennael> :) 21:18:21 <DavidWHodgins> lol 21:18:27 <ennael> I had a dream :p 21:18:30 <MrsB> that and the thing that adds stable mirrors instead of cauldron 21:18:42 <ennael> ok then 21:18:46 <ennael> let start now :) 21:18:51 <ennael> thanks for attending 21:18:58 <wilcal> 2-wks next 21:19:07 <MrsB> thanks ennael, everybody 21:19:10 <ennael> see you next week ? 21:19:14 <wilcal> ok 21:19:42 <tmb> yep 21:19:44 <ennael> have a nice week 21:19:48 <ennael> #endmeeting