19:06:17 <ennael> #startmeeting 19:06:17 <Inigo_Montoya`> Meeting started Mon May 14 19:06:17 2012 UTC. The chair is ennael. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:06:17 <Inigo_Montoya`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:06:55 <ennael> ok 19:07:09 <ennael> first quick topic as we need to solve this quickly 19:07:32 <ennael> Jeremy from http://www.linuxquestions.org/ is asking us if we are interested in Mageia forum on that web site 19:07:55 <ennael> one good thing is there are a lot of people visiting this forum 19:08:04 <ennael> it could be a nice way to promote Mageia 19:08:29 <ennael> but still we need to give some names among us to have a look around 19:08:53 <ennael> so question about this is... volunteers ? :) 19:10:05 <tmb> (and there was silence...) 19:10:12 <marja> can we ask on mageia-discuss for volunteers to look around and report back? 19:10:28 <ennael> yep sure 19:10:38 <ennael> ok will mail discuss 19:10:42 <marja> ennael: thx 19:11:13 <tmb> It's interesting, and I see all the distrowatch top ones on there: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-distributions-5/ 19:11:27 <tmb> So we do belong there too :) 19:11:32 <ennael> yep 19:11:47 <ennael> the thing is we need to create it before Mageia 2 is launched 19:11:54 <ennael> so we could give some names for now 19:11:58 <sebsebseb_> hi 19:12:04 <marja> hi sebsebseb_ 19:12:15 <ennael> and it will give us some time to find other volunteers 19:13:08 <sebsebseb_> marja: hi 19:13:19 <ennael> so if 2 or 3 others are ok I could give it to jeremy so that he can create forum 19:14:08 <ennael> ok.. 19:14:16 <ennael> #topic Mageia 2 review 19:14:40 <ennael> so about marcom, I spoke with trish today 19:14:49 <sebsebseb_> so have I :) 19:14:51 <ennael> marcom is working on release texts 19:14:58 <ennael> sebsebseb_: want to sum up it ? 19:15:01 <sebsebseb_> yep a piratepad has been started 19:15:29 <sebsebseb_> there's a email to the marketing mailing list with the link, but a piratepad for the blog post and release text :) we started that earlier 19:16:14 <sebsebseb_> which means we have started work on the texts :) 19:16:36 <leuhmanu> and the link ? 19:16:46 <sebsebseb_> was about to get it 19:17:25 <leuhmanu> http://bn.parinux.org/p/5VmTPqQ5BQ 19:17:26 <[mbot> [ Etherpad Lite ] 19:17:49 <sebsebseb_> https://www.mageia.org/pipermail/mageia-marketing/2012-May/000871.html 19:17:53 <[mbot> [ [Mageia-marketing] Mageia 2 release texts ] 19:18:30 <ennael> the goal for marcom is to finalize this for wednesday 19:18:43 <sebsebseb_> oh by Wednesday 19:18:50 <sebsebseb_> not that much time, but I expect it can be done :) 19:19:15 <ennael> well we need then to give it to i18n team for translation 19:19:23 <sebsebseb_> yep indeed 19:19:33 <sebsebseb_> anyway it will be done by Wednesday 19:19:50 <ennael> #action marcom is working on release texts to be done by wednesday 19:21:53 <ennael> ok isos build has started also 19:22:03 <ennael> tmb: quick review about lives ? 19:23:27 <tmb> not much to say.... the most painful thing is the nVidia/Intel & Amd/Intel graphics issue 19:23:49 <ennael> yep 19:24:05 <tmb> no real idea yet how to fix in a good way... 19:24:27 <ennael> so we are waiting for first results 19:24:39 <tmb> yep 19:24:57 <ennael> ok 19:25:15 <ennael> I will upload DVDs tonight for tests 19:25:38 <ennael> QA: anything to add on tests ? 19:26:40 <Stormi> I don't think so, I guess they're just going on as usual :) 19:26:55 <Stormi> oh yes there's one point 19:26:56 <ennael> ok 19:27:23 <Stormi> I guess coincoin would like us to fill in the wiki with more application as this is the final set 19:27:51 <coincoin> yes, indeed 19:28:13 <ennael> if you want to do it just explain it to people... 19:28:23 <Stormi> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Working_on_pre-release_ISOs 19:28:30 <leuhmanu> we have a big bug with the gnome https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5875 but not sure if it's a blocker 19:28:32 <[mbot> [ Bug 5875 Visual keyborad / clavier visuel crash Mageia 2 RC gnome (live) ] 19:28:40 <ennael> well not here but on QA ML :) 19:28:47 <Stormi> yep :) 19:29:02 <Stormi> coincoin: I guess you'll be the best person to explain how to fill it 19:29:15 <Stormi> and what to do when something is not "green" :) 19:29:22 <coincoin> yes but remember when we tried during QA metting.. :� it will be fun ;) 19:29:35 <coincoin> I will send a mail tomorrow 19:30:02 <ennael> well you cannot expect people using tool without any explanations 19:30:09 <ennael> we need all QA team this week 19:30:19 <ennael> or it will be hard to manage 19:31:02 <ennael> and please also ask people to shout if any blocker bugs is doiscovered during tests 19:31:02 <coincoin> I will send a mail for a meeting this week 19:31:06 <coincoin> ok 19:31:16 <ennael> there is not much time to loose 19:31:47 <Stormi> yes meeting should be tomorrow or noever 19:32:03 <Stormi> most things can be said in the ML 19:32:21 <Stormi> in fact the whole week should be a QA meeting :) 19:32:26 <coincoin> :) 19:32:28 <ennael> ok docteam ? 19:32:31 <ennael> anything to add ? 19:32:42 <marja> yes, the Germans worked very hard 19:32:48 <ennael> :) 19:32:50 <marja> the help is translated 19:32:57 <ennael> woot nice indeed 19:33:05 <marja> but proofreading isn't finished 19:33:10 <ennael> ok 19:33:34 <ennael> is it planned to publish documentation ? 19:33:36 <marja> we'll have translations in 8 languages :) 19:33:46 <marja> http://docteam.mageia.nl/ 19:33:47 <[mbot> [ Index of / ] 19:33:54 <marja> click on the link for the language 19:33:59 <ennael> ok nice 19:34:12 <marja> but lots of screenshots are still missing 19:34:25 <ennael> would be nice to give it a better "look" 19:34:47 <marja> sorry, the idea was to link from our wiki to the seperate languages 19:34:48 <leuhmanu> (and a better url) 19:34:57 <leuhmanu> (any sysadmn ? :p ) 19:35:08 <ennael> marja: well maybe have a temporary solution 19:35:10 <ennael> rda__: ? 19:35:19 <ennael> have a look here 19:35:21 <ennael> http://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=major 19:35:22 <[mbot> [ DistroWatch.com: Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. ] 19:35:25 <marja> leuhmanu: art team and marcom are much more in need of space 19:35:58 <marja> nice :) 19:36:07 <ennael> "The project's documentation could also do with some improvement" 19:36:17 <marja> oops 19:36:21 <ennael> :) 19:36:22 <marja> didn't see that 19:36:26 <ennael> well it's not that bas 19:36:27 <ennael> bad 19:36:47 <ennael> but we need to underline all the work done 19:37:34 <marja> OK, so we need to have very visible links to the documentation 19:37:40 <ennael> yep 19:38:30 <marja> maybe in "support" to for the available languages 19:38:52 <marja> ennael: we got rid of the DocBook duck btw ;) 19:38:54 <ennael> well just make some proposas :) 19:39:48 <marja> I will.... but maybe better for the new website.... or did I misunderstand that rda wants to have it up and going before 2 release? 19:40:09 <ennael> rda__: ping ? 19:41:47 <marja> ennael: he asked for feedback " 19:41:49 <marja> Quick feedback welcome, so I can know what can be shipped for 2 19:41:50 <marja> official release or not. 19:41:52 <marja> " 19:41:58 <sebsebseb_> that's better on my proper name now :) 19:42:02 <ennael> ok 19:42:06 <marja> but at least on the web ml he didn't get any feed back 19:42:21 <sebsebseb> with this one 19:42:21 <ennael> can you fwd it to council ? 19:42:26 <marja> ennael: OK 19:42:45 <marja> done 19:43:12 <ennael> thanks 19:45:15 <ennael> boklm: around ? 19:45:21 <ennael> want to have something on planning ? 19:45:56 <ennael> s/have/add/ 19:47:24 <boklm> hmm no 19:47:36 <ennael> ah still alive phew :) 19:47:52 <marja> lol 19:47:54 <ennael> ok anything else to add ? 19:48:19 <coincoin> not for me 19:48:25 <marja> nor for me 19:48:40 <sebsebseb_> nope not as such, got a 5 minutes Mageia Lightning Talk this weekend at a local event though :) and going on a podcast about it next Monday as well :) 19:48:54 <ennael> great 19:49:00 <marja> :) 19:49:03 <ennael> oh and btw Linuxtag is planned next week 19:49:23 <sebsebseb_> yep I know 19:49:32 <ennael> this is not for you :) 19:49:33 <sebsebseb_> that's in Germany though, so not planning on going 19:49:58 <ennael> so we will have a booth and oliver will be there with other german community members 19:50:09 <ennael> I will go there with boklm also 19:50:41 <ennael> can we close meeting ? 19:50:44 <marja> yep 19:50:46 <sebsebseb_> yep 19:50:54 <boklm> yep 19:50:54 <ennael> #endmeeting